My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 451 Mystery at every step

In the Sahar Desert.

After a series of shocking explosions, a full 5 kilometers of ground collapsed! A large pit dozens of meters deep was formed! Like an upside-down crater! But in this uninhabited desert, no one would know! And at the bottom of this bunker.

A hemisphere with a diameter of about 5 meters appeared, which was extremely inconsistent with the surrounding environment! The fine sand slowly falls from above, revealing the shimmering matte metal inside.

next moment.

The ball dispersed like water and returned to the chest of the stern-faced young man.

He looked around. Except for the area under his feet, the entire experimental base had been turned into fragments and buried in the sea of ​​sand! m Of course, it also includes the cameras that can be seen everywhere.

"Demon boy, someone is monitoring all of this.

"Brother Liu's eyes flashed.

Devil Boy: "Yes, there was indeed signal transmission here just now. This kind of signal is very advanced and is transmitted point-to-point by artificial satellites in space!" "This method is amazing!" "Even developed countries are reluctant to send a satellite to just It's for communication!" Liu Di said in a low voice, "Demon boy, I feel that my opponent this time is the same as you.

""That is impossible! "The devil boy appeared, wearing a half-sleeved shirt with the word 'only' written on it! He pouted and said: "The birth of real artificial intelligence requires the absorption of huge amounts of data. I am now monitoring the entire network, completely There is no decent data flow, not even a drop! Brother Liu nodded and asked curiously: "Demon boy, what is the halo on your head?" ""this? "The devil boy pointed at the small silver halo above his head, "Nan Ruoyi's smart store has been activated, and the 'waiter' is running and collecting human behavior data. I am slowly upgrading.

"Looking at the cute appearance of the devil boy, Liu Di smiled.


According to what the devil boy said, the person behind the scenes should be an internet master.

Use a dedicated network, monitor cameras, and control everything! Something is right! Finally no longer a unified general! Brother Liu narrowed his eyes, then I will fight with you! The demon boy suddenly jumped sideways from Liu Di's perspective.

"Brother Liu, don't worry, I've hidden all your data. Even if he sees your face, he can't find you.

"And..." "His exclusive satellite, as long as it sends another message next to you, I can find it!" "The devil boy put his hands on his hips and puffed out his breath.

Liu Di smiled softly, "Demon boy, your behavior is called 'be strong' in human character.

"However, you don't have to prove yourself. You are the strongest in my heart."

"Demon boy: "Okay.

"Brother Liu took a breath and looked around.

He reacted extremely well and rushed to the current location moments before the explosion.

Here, under the protection of "nothing", two computers, as well as a display cabinet and an operating table are left intact! For the transformation base, these three places are enough to expose all the secrets! The other party is mysterious, and Brother Liu also has a good mind! "Demon boy, simulate 20% arc DNA!" Liu Di stretched out his right hand, condensed a small piece of liquid metal, and then turned it into silk thread! Crackling! Electricity flashed above the silk thread! After connecting to the broken cable, the computer screen flickered slightly.

Brother Liu concentrated his attention.

But unexpectedly...bang! The current is overloaded and the computer explodes.

Brother Liu pursed his lips.

Demon Boy: "Well... you have only completed 82% of the second stage of your gene lock, and your ability to control others is still very rough..." "But don't worry, you are the most handsome in my eyes.

"Brother Liu took a deep breath again.

Condensing the current in his hand, he looked at the only remaining computer.

If it explodes again this time, I won't be able to get off the stage.

Good thing.

After the current was turned on, the computer screen flashed wildly and finally turned on stably.


Deep in the desert, in a huge pit, a figure in white is operating a computer with one hand, as fast as flying.

Very bizarre.

The information on the screen kept flashing.

Ordinary people can't see clearly at all.

But all this was accurately analyzed and recorded in Liu Di’s eyes! Unfortunately, this computer does not contain any information about the Doomsday Association.

All of them are human-transforming technologies! "Tsk tsk!" Demon Tong said with some surprise: "They also use DNA optimization technology to 'sew' DNA for ordinary people through matching!" "This fully proves my vision and greatness.

"But...their transformation technology has surpassed the level 7 Rubik's Cube."

"It's because they have more data!" "They were experimenting on living people!" "And I'm just simulating calculations!" "How shameless!" "This is not the first time Liu Di knows about the cruelty and bloodiness of the Doomsday Association.

With the countless data in front of me, I don’t know how many living people have to be sacrificed to obtain it! The experimental subjects are probably transported through various sects! Liu Di said in a low voice: "Magic boy, is this information useful?" "It is!" "I get these data and fuse them with my simulation, and I can at least open the 9th-level Rubik's Cube!" "The Punishers can lead the world again! "No one can surpass it!" the demon boy said seriously, quickly analyzing the data in front of him! Brother Liu sighed, slowly feeling relieved.

5 minutes later.

Brother Liu moved to the operating table on one side.

The scene here has always been like a stone, suppressing Liu Di's heart.

A voluptuous beauty was lying on the operating table. She had already died because the life-extending equipment was powered off.

Brother Liu gently moved her head.

I saw a small cut half a finger long on the back of her head.

Through the exposed thread, Brother Liu pulled out a black device from her brain.

This is the culprit that released strong acid after the explosion and turned people into blood! Brother Liu frowned.

The Doomsday Association uses this method to control its subordinates! Once they don't obey orders or need to clear clues, just activate this thing! In other words.

The members of the Doomsday Association are all desperate people with no way out! And the Doomsday Association, by controlling humans, is carrying out the plan to destroy mankind! Brother Liu once again became very interested in this opponent he had never met before! Brother Liu came to the surviving display cabinet on one side.

Among them, there were human organs that had been treated with antiseptic treatment! A stitched arm caught Brother Liu's attention.

On the finger, there was a silver ring with the word "star" engraved on it.

The picture in Brother Liu's mind was instantly replayed.

This arm belongs to Bertram, CEO of Xingzhi! Brother Liu pondered slightly.

No wonder every time Bertram disappeared for a period of time, Xingzhi's transformation technology made great progress! It was actually through organ exchange technology! This is indeed in line with the tone of the Doomsday Association! Brother Liu's eyes flickered.


This Doomsday Association had fought with him a long time ago!

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