My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 460: The Selfish Country

Just as Brother Liu was preparing to leave.

Suddenly, the sound of a bustling crowd came from outside the slow pressure warehouse.

Um? Liu Di hesitated slightly, and the surveillance screen of the outside scene suddenly appeared in his view.

But I found that I had been concentrating on absorbing radiation these past few days.

I didn't notice that a small stage was set up in the open-air venue outside! In the center of the stage is a one-man podium.

On the background board, it was written in the island language: ‘Press conference of the Island Environment Agency.

’ Around the stage, reporters and cameramen from various countries were already standing.

The site is ready.

The clutter that Brother Liu heard was because three black cars were slowly approaching! Subsequently.

A thin, middle-aged man from an island country wearing a black suit and somewhat balding stepped out of the car with the support of many bodyguards.

Click, click! The flash suddenly flashed! This middle-aged man's face was dull and heartless, with droopy eyes and droopy mouth corners! A dead fish face.

He walked slowly onto the stage, cleared his throat, and glanced at the reporters around him.

“Your Excellency, Director of the Island Country’s Environment Agency, Harada Yoshi.

“I invite you here today to make a statement.

He paused and pointed to the thousands of huge water storage tanks behind him, "As we all know, we have been using fresh water to cool leaking nuclear reactors in the past seven years."

“Currently, the amount of nuclear wastewater stored at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has reached 1.23 million tons.

"This has cost our country an economic cost of 1 trillion island dollars and wasted a large amount of land area!" “Moreover, our carrying capacity has reached its upper limit.

"When he said this, he paused again and looked at everyone's reaction with an expressionless face.

He continued: "So, the officials of our island country and the Environment Agency have decided to discharge all the nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean!" What? ! The reporters were in an uproar! They thought that by holding a press conference here, the island country had found a way to end nuclear leakage! But I didn’t expect this answer! What is stored in the Fukutori Nuclear Power Plant now is not ordinary wastewater! This is the cold zone fluid of a nuclear reactor, highly toxic and extremely radioactive! "Director Harada Yoshi, you are so irresponsible!" "1.23 million nuclear wastewater can pollute the entire Pacific Ocean and cause radiation in the entire sea area to exceed the standard!" "As far as I know, the decay period of these nuclear wastewater is at least It will take 13-20 years!" "If you do this, the seawater will be filled with radioactivity and deposited in the bodies of marine animals, which will be eaten by people!" "This can increase the rate of human cancer by 5-10 times! The harm caused to the ecological environment is immeasurable!" Journalists protested! But Harada Yoshi said disapprovingly: "Our island country can no longer bear the nuclear wastewater. The only way is to dilute the entire Pacific!" "This is too selfish!" "Have you asked the League of Nations for instructions?" "Have you considered other options? Littoral country!" Harada Yi remained expressionless, "We are helpless, we have to do this!" "You are a gangster!" Someone in the crowd suddenly yelled! Everyone looked back and saw a young reporter from China.

This young man jumped up behind the crowd and cursed: "You are plotting to kill others! When you release this nuclear wastewater, the first people to suffer will be China and Korea!" "Your nuclear leakage, delay, cover-up, and inaction will When you finally have to deal with the situation, you use an immoral and clumsy way to make the whole world pay for you? "Do you know how many people will be harmed by this?" Harada Yi said calmly: "Don't worry, these There is only a trace amount of nuclear material, and we will inject this wastewater into cargo ships, sail to the depths of the Pacific, and then discharge them.

""fart! "A trace amount?" "Why don't you digest it yourself?" "Ocean currents will carry these nuclear materials throughout the Pacific!" "You are doing this just to minimize the harm to yourself and to support the whole world!" "You grandsons!" "The more the Chinese reporter talked, the angrier he became, and he was about to rush forward! However, Harada Yoshi frowned and said to the bodyguard: "Keep the order of the meeting.


Three big men in black walked out and dragged the Chinese reporter away from the crowd! When reporters from various countries saw this scene, they became even more angry.

They all took out their phones and contacted officials in their own countries.

And Harada Yoshi said calmly: "Even if it violates international principles, this plan will not be terminated. I cannot let our island country be exposed to these nuclear wastewater every day!" The reporters were even more angry when they heard this! You are an island country and you are a human being, but other countries are not human beings? For the sake of your own safety, harm all mankind? Is this fucking human language? They had such an idea before, but were blocked by the League of Nations! But this time, the island country was completely shameless and ignored it! The young Chinese reporter was forcibly taken by bodyguards to the back of the buffer chamber where Brother Liu was.

Of course, these bodyguards will not do anything excessive.

After all, this young man is a reporter and comes from China! The young man's face was red with anger, but he couldn't return to the scene! He simply took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

A bodyguard from the island country shouted: "Chinese, you can't smoke!" "I want to smoke, and you care about this?" The young man took out a lighter and was about to light it! "Chinese, these nuclear waste water is flammable! Put down your lighter!" The bodyguard shouted again! Ding! The young man ignored it and lit the cigarette directly, saying faintly: "So what, it's better to explode! I'll take my life and blow you up!" "My feat will definitely be written in the Chinese language textbook!" In the decompression chamber.

Liu Di clearly "saw" all this.

This young reporter is brave enough! As for this island country, it is really shameless and selfish to the extreme! However, this nuclear waste cannot be blown up.

Because this 1.23 million dense waste water is almost radioactive! But, these villains from the island country must be punished! Liu Di narrowed his eyes.

A black light flew out from his sleeves.

Very small, about the size of a fingernail.

But this liquid metal was extremely sharp, silently penetrating the lead pressure relief chamber and flying outward! Then.

This piece of liquid metal accurately hit the huge water tank behind the stage! Under the huge pressure, a stream of nuclear waste water was squeezed out from the small gap in an instant! It hit Harada Yoshi directly!

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