My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 465 Excavation Work

Only He Chu's expression suddenly became solemn.

She knew that Senior Brother Liu's special ability was to summon a black substance from his sleeves.

Could it be that he was using this method to dig out the sand? next moment.

The ground began to shake.

It's as if there is a huge sieve sifting the nearby ground! The tiny grains of sand begin to roll! Van Hall was shocked and stared at the ground, "There is something underground, please be careful!" Then, Van Hall pulled out his submachine gun and loaded it with a click! Brother Liu opened his eyes slightly, only to find that Van Hall's submachine gun had a red light flashing slightly on the barrel! It seems to also incorporate some kind of laser technology! mHe Chu's family is indeed extraordinary, with new technologies hidden everywhere! Brother Liu regained his composure and said calmly: "Don't panic.


He raised his hand gently.

A bizarre scene happened! With a radius of about 2 kilometers, a thin layer of sand on the ground slowly left the ground! Like yellow ripples, slowly floating in the air! Everyone was sluggish.

"This...he has a special ability!" But Liu Di raised his hand again! Another layer of yellow sand broke away from the ground and began to float! Everyone stared at everything in front of them and fell silent! Brother Liu closed his eyes, turned his head slightly, and raised his hands one after another! Layers of yellow sand seem to be freed from the constraints of gravity and are constantly floating in the air! The yellow sand is like floating cotton wool, constantly accumulating in the air! Some tiny crystals in the gravel, when illuminated by sunlight, occasionally reflect a bright star! Like stars! The floating sand is like the Milky Way in the universe! Everyone was stunned, attracted by the scene in front of them! This scene is unbelievable, but magnificent! Brother Liu, on the other hand, kept raising his arms slightly, as if he was a god in control of everything! A strange scene was formed like this! Van Hall looked up at the sky, his mouth wide open and the corners of his mouth twitching! This... what an awesome ability! He hides everything! Brother Liu, on the other hand, slowly mastered this method of controlling sand. He frowned and launched with all his strength! Boom! There was a muffled sound on the ground, and there seemed to be a giant beast rolling under the ground! On the calm yellow sand, waves began to surge! It becomes a visual sense of waves! suddenly.

The sand and soil with a radius of 2 kilometers began to float into the air! In the center, yellow sand more than ten meters thick rose from the ground, while at the edge, loose sand continued to fall! It's like a city is about to fly into the sky! Everyone was shocked! The huge thing rising in front of you is at least thousands of dense yellow sand! It just took off for no reason! then.

A scene that shocked them even more appeared.

Under the yellow sand, a spire slowly emerged! The top of the tower is made of some kind of metal, and after years of baptism, it has become mottled! Van Hall was shocked! The top of the tower should be the metal discovered by the detector just now! There is indeed something underneath it! Boom! As huge amounts of sand continue to rise, the entire underground surface is revealed! An ancient city! Among them, more than a dozen high-rise and low-rise buildings can be seen! All in Medieval American style! The buildings are all made of blue stone bricks. Although some parts have collapsed, the overall preservation is intact! Everyone was breathing rapidly and could no longer describe their feelings! This is so shocking! And Brother Liu has already seen the building below.

The huge sand ball in the sky was split in two from the middle and poured on both sides! even so.

A huge sand pit with a depth of forty or fifty meters was still formed in front of me! Parts of the building have been revealed in full! Liu Di slowly put his hands behind his hands. This operation also cost him a lot of energy! "Congratulations, this must be the ruins of the Golden Kingdom!" And the entire archaeological team was completely stunned! I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time! Everyone, including He Chu, was a little dumbfounded! Even the mind goes blank! They were still immersed in Brother Liu's shocking ability just now! Several people turned their heads dullly and looked at Brother Liu.

Brother Liu was seen with his hands behind his back and a solemn expression.

"Senior Brother Liu!" Fan Holl stammered, and the title was directly unified with He Chu, "Are you a human?" "This is too exaggerated!" "I have seen people with abilities, but I have never seen anyone like you. "It's my blindness, I'm almost blind!" "Why didn't I see it before?" "Don't blame me for being reckless!" Fan Hall said, bowing fiercely to Brother Liu! Brother Liu's ability is absolutely shocking! This archaeological team is quite knowledgeable! They are clear.

Even if Brother Liu is placed among any force in the world, he is still the strongest! Van Hall was completely convinced! The other archaeological team members were also stunned! He should be the forerunner mentioned by the elders! Pick one from a million, one person can support the existence of a family! The doubts in their hearts were instantly solved! No wonder someone can walk in this desert alone! No wonder people dare to come to the ancient city alone! His ability, in this sand, is his world! After a few minutes, a team member who looked like a professor rushed down the sand pit frantically.

He reached out and touched the wall of the building tremblingly.

This wall is covered with carved marks, winding and complicated, like some kind of totem! However, he could clearly see that there were many signs of prying! "This should be the Golden Kingdom!" "Look!" He pointed at the carving marks excitedly, "This should have been the place where gold was inlaid, but someone dug the gold away!" "It turns out that the Golden Kingdom It’s not made of gold, but the walls are inlaid with gold!” And above the sand pit.

Several team members still stood on the spot like clay and wood sculptures.

Compared with the shock brought by this ruins, Liu Di's special ability is even more amazing! He Chu also slowly approached, his eyes flashing, "Senior Brother Liu, I haven't seen you for a few days, your abilities have improved again!" Brother Liu nodded.

But he said nothing.

Fan Hall also ran up quickly, nodded and smiled: "Senior Brother Liu...forget it, Brother Liu!" "This golden ancient city is an unsolved mystery in the world!" "It has great research value!" With thousands of years of history, the value of every thing is immeasurable!” “Our team just wants to analyze the data and ancient civilization technology.

"He said, took out a bottle of water from his pocket, wiped the sand on it, and handed it to Brother Liu, "The discovery of this ancient city is all due to you! "I implore you to let our team study it. As for its value, it is all yours!" "Or, if you want to save trouble and realize it directly, our company can pay for it, and it will be as much as you say!" "at this time.

He Chu frowned and looked at Fan Hall, "What are you talking about?" "Don't move.

"I'm pleading with Brother Liu for the family!" Fan Hall glanced at He Chu arrogantly, then turned to look at Brother Liu with a smile, "Brother Liu, what do you think?" But Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "This is not what I want."

After saying that, Brother Liu turned around and walked away, turning his back and saying, "He Chu, take care of yourself. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, remember that bell."

"Everyone was speechless.

Next, another scene occurred that was unbelievable but barely understandable.

Brother Liu took a step on the yellow sand, and his body moved several meters in an instant! It looks like it has shrunk to an inch! If you look carefully, you will find that the sand under his feet is surging rapidly, dragging his body with it! "What's going on!" "Didn't he say that he came here to look for a city?" "The value of this ancient city of Golden Kingdom is inestimable, so he didn't want it if he said he didn't want it?" Fan Hall looked at Liu Di's back. , the brain is almost short-circuited and cannot be understood at all! He Chu sighed slightly, "You are really stupid. With such ability, how could Senior Brother Liu value this little property?" "He is looking for it.

"I'm afraid it's something we can't even imagine."

"He Chu also looked at Brother Liu's back with a complicated expression, and slowly took out a small copper bell from his pocket.

The crystal element inside is still flickering slightly.

Van Hall kept his eyes open.

Now you understand why the eldest lady always wears this little bell by her side! He suddenly snatched the bell, opened the lining of his sleeve, and wiped the bell with great piety.

Then he handed it to He Chu, "Miss, please put this away, it can call a great god!"

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