My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 472 A strong enemy joins


All countries no longer held back, and artillery, missiles and other long-range weapons continued to hit Ghost Island! As a result.

In addition to the ripples on the protective shield, there was no other effect! And the attitude of Ghost Island.

It was completely ignored, no one showed up, and no action was taken! In their eyes, the warships of various countries were like jumping clowns. No matter how you jump, they will never look at you! As for Lei Pu.

He has fallen into a state of confusion! The missiles on the protective shield exploded in various ways, like fireworks! Reflecting Lei Pu's pupils flickering! In the m communicator.

Other countries continue to come up with countermeasures.

Such as underwater torpedoes, trying to explode and disintegrate Ghost Island from underwater! It turned out that the Punisher's protective shield is a spherical shape with no dead angles! There are also countries trying depleted uranium bombs! Trying to short-circuit the protective shield! As a result, thousands of carbon filaments were burned into ashes before they floated near the island! Lei Pu sweated coldly.

Finally felt a little regretful! Ghost Island is a piece of iron barrel, and it is impossible to attack it! ...30 nautical miles away, in the coastal area of ​​Huaxia Hai City.

An old man in gray cedar stood side by side with Feiguo Guotong, observing the farce in the distance! Huaxia and Feiguo were the only two countries that did not participate in the crusade against Ghost Island! 10 minutes ago, they were still worried about Ghost Island! And now.

The old man in gray shirt shook his head slightly, "I didn't expect the result to be like this."

... But no one noticed.

On the battlefield.

A dark helicopter flew through the hail of bullets and hovered directly above the warship at the front! A strong figure walked out slowly.

He frowned and shouted in a low voice, "Enough!" Everyone had an illusion in an instant! It seemed that there was a huge speaker under their feet and above their heads! The sound was played out, as if it was everywhere, and it made people's eardrums buzz! The watchtowers on more than a hundred warships searched for a long time before finding a black figure on the front warship! This is a muscular man, standing on the deck with his hands behind his back. He looks impressive, but compared to the warship, he is like an ant! "I've said enough!" The strong man raised his eyebrows, and the bones in his throat began to surge! Then.

A strange sound wave came out of his throat! The crew members on the nearby ships instantly hugged their ears, half-knelt on the ground, and looked painful! The sound felt a little low at first, but it has actually reached the state of overclocked sound waves! Bang! Bang! Many glasses on the warship suddenly exploded! The fragments were uniform and small, and these thickened glasses instantly shattered into snowflakes! And the sonar equipment of the submarine forces underwater also had a screen error in an instant! The strong man slowly closed his mouth.

The disaster came to an abrupt end! But many crew members had bleeding ears and damaged eardrums! Everyone stared at the strong man in a daze, with a look of horror! "He..." "He is a cyborg with special abilities! "The crew members were in doubt and looked at several cyborgs from their own forces.

They seemed to be more seriously injured, holding their heads and spitting blood! These people are super masters sent by the military, the so-called B+ cyborgs! But.

Why is the gap so big? "Hehe.

" "You ants.

" "Anyway, you won't live long, so I might as well tell you!" The strong man took a few steps forward with his hands behind his back, "I am the president of the Third Division of the Doomsday Association, Xistema!" "I am not the cyborgs you are talking about!" "I am a congenital gene person!" "Your so-called savior Emperor Wu is also a congenital gene person!" "However, the abilities of congenital genes vary. Compared with me, Emperor Wu is garbage!" "Today, I deliberately killed Emperor Wu before the demise of mankind!" "Don't make trouble! "The strong man said, he exerted force with his legs and jumped up! He flew directly to the Punisher Island! The recoil was so strong that the whole battleship swayed slightly! When Rep saw this scene, his body was a little unstable! Emperor Five hasn't appeared yet, why is there another one? Doomsday Association? I haven't heard of this name! Doomsday... Could this alien warning be related to him? Thinking of this, Rep picked up the communicator and shouted directly: "No matter who he is, the threat level is listed as the same level as Emperor Five!" "Start with him! "One hundred warships received the order instantly and turned their guns to aim at Systema! But they didn't fire for a long time! Systema came to the protective shield of Ghost Island, and his throat surged again! It emitted a sound wave that ordinary people could hardly hear! Seeing this, the weapon scientist on the warship suddenly took a breath of cold air! The higher the frequency of the sound wave, the smaller the sound! The frequency of this kind of sound wave that ordinary people can't hear clearly has reached a terrifying level! This can cause air resonance! It is very likely to interfere with the plasma curtain protective shield of Ghost Island! As expected.

After Systema released the sound wave , the protective shield in front of him was like boiling water, becoming more and more unstable! Commanders from various countries, including Rep, suspended the attack order.

My heart instantly jumped to my throat! This super human can break the protective shield! If Emperor Wu is killed by him... wouldn't it be a pie in the sky? ! ...At this moment.

Inside the Punisher Base! A young girl in a white coat and myopic glasses watched everything outside the island through the monitoring screen, and she was extremely anxious! She was the only transformation technician on Ghost Island, Xiaotang! Her lips were already pale at this time.

He turned his head to look at the row of transformation chambers behind him! The members of the Punisher, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, including Tu Yuan, Jian Xu, etc., are all sleeping in the transformation chambers! Brother Liu asked Xiaotang to prepare for their second transformation a long time ago! And a few days ago, Brother Liu obtained data from the desert base of the Doomsday Association and directly opened the 8th-order Rubik's Cube! So.

Xiaotang arranged the transformation of the Punishers according to the instructions of the Third Boss of the Emperor! Unexpectedly, this transformation was very complicated. They entered the transformation state one by one and did not wake up! It turned out that.

Ghost Island did not fail to respond to the attack.

But except for the workers on the island, only Xiaotang could move! Seeing that the protective shield was about to be damaged.

Xiaotang fell into despair! Crack... The sound of glass breaking suddenly came from a transformation chamber! Is someone going to wake up? Xiaotang hurried over, but saw that it was Xiaoxia's transformation chamber! Xiaoxia was bleeding from the corners of his eyes at this time, and his skin was bleeding all over! But he actually stretched out his mechanical arm and directly smashed the glass market in front of him! "Xiao Xia!" Xiao Tang looked at the data on the side with horror, "Your transformation progress is only 60! How did you wake up? Don't move, you will die!" Xiao Xia kicked open the door of the transformation warehouse and staggered out, "I can feel that there was an attack outside the island. Now everyone is asleep. I woke up early to stop him!" Xiao Tang was completely stunned.

Looking at Xiao Xia's cold and indifferent eyes, she didn't know what to say! She only knew that during the transformation, drugs must be used to make the human body enter a super deep sleep! It can be said that it fell into an unconscious state! And Xiao Xia... can wake up when he says so! How strong is his willpower? !

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