My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 502 Moore's Value



The center of the Ten Thousand People Stadium.

The two light bulbs on the head of the ‘Violent Bear’ are red!

The mouth is buzzing!

Cut your opponent into pieces!

Then he grabbed one of the legs of the 'il Intelligent Life Number', swung it around, and smashed it on the ground!

The referee was also dumbfounded!

It's less than two minutes!

The entire audience has fallen into a kind of madness, as if they were watching a gladiator duel!

No wonder this robot is called Violent Bear, it’s so violent!

I saw the 'Violent Bear', after tearing the opponent into pieces, the light bulb on its head suddenly turned green, and stayed there again, so cute and cute!

The audience was stunned!

I go!

Changing faces is like turning the pages of a book!


A small mechanical voice came, and a finger on the arm of the 'il Intelligent Life' was twitching!

It’s also the one that gives the violent bear the middle finger!

next moment!

The violent bear goes berserk again!

Put your hands together, bang bang bang!

Smash that finger to smithereens!

The little boy was quite proud and glanced at Brother Liu, "A violent bear, does he look like you?"

Brother Liu continued to cover his face.

Then, Little Brother Liu slowly walked into the arena, stood in front of the ‘Violent Bear’, and bowed gentlemanly to all the audience!

The child was smiling. Behind him, the violent robot twice as tall as him clicked and shook its body mightily!

At this time, the little boy looked like a technology boss pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

"Violent Bear"

"Violent Bear"

Nearly 10,000 spectators at the scene spontaneously shouted!

The little boy's highlight moment lasted for 8 minutes!

The excited audience gradually subsided!

People looked at the little boy's calm expression, the slightly raised corners of his mouth, and the evil look in his eyes that was completely inappropriate for his age!

A sudden surprise!

Why do you feel like you can't see through this guy?

This 'Violent Bear' number is obviously trying to beat the 'il Intelligent Life Number'!

What about the ties from the previous two games?


The audience suddenly got goosebumps!

Has this kid been controlling the outcome of the game before?

Deliberately have the same results as your opponent?

Just to tear the opponent apart in a legitimate way? !

How accurate is this?

How strong is this!

The audience belatedly realized and stared!

Where is the sweaty and energetic little inventor just now?

Who is this little devil in front of me? !

VIP seats at this time.

Heidina looked a little unnatural, "Bosses, this is the son of Mr. Di San, and he has received some true inheritance from Mr. Di San, haha."

She really couldn't think of anything to say!

The 16 financial tycoons were really shocked by this kid!

Mr. Di San’s son?


They looked at the robot Violence Bear.

The picture that pops up in my mind at this moment is of a robot waiter grabbing a customer's hair and crazily pushing it into the noodle bowl in the To Lingxi restaurant!


A boss sighed: "Ms. Tina, when we heard you say that Mr. Di San was going to do a project, we were so excited that we couldn't sleep. And to express our respect for Mr. Di San, we specially came from all over the world to see it with our own eyes. Watch this game”

"As a result, he kept abstaining, and the child's robot was so irritable. What a shame!"

The boss looked helpless, "I'll think about the investment when I get back."

"Mr. Tina, our bank must also consider it!"

"Mr. Tina, so are we, sorry!"

Watching a dozen big guys get up and leave one by one.

Heidina stamped her feet anxiously, "Bosses, please wait and give me another chance to explain!"

However, no one responded to her.

Hetina is usually known for her resolute and domineering methods.

But at this moment, tears filled her eyes!

The referee's voice rang out during the entire broadcast: "The champion of this vtn intelligent robot competition has been chosen! Please invite the Little Bear player to come to the stage to receive the award!"

"Keep the trophy for yourselves!"

But the little boy waved his hand and came to Liu Di, "Violent Bear, I had fun, let's go home!"

The audience was also surprised!

He doesn’t want a trophy?

I have to say, this guy is a bit dashing!

"You boy"

Brother Liu was also speechless, so he had to stand up and pace slowly with the little boy.

"Wait a minute!"

But Moore came to the field, holding the remains of his robot, his face collapsed!

He yelled: "This is illogical! This is just an amateur robot competition, I didn't use my full strength!"

"I also have higher-end technology!"

"Don't leave!"

Moore said, picked up his tablet and started operating it like crazy!


Outside the glass dome of the stadium, there was a tremor in the air!

next moment.

A drone that is seven or eight meters in size appears!

This drone is completely black!

The positions of the four propellers were replaced by four particle suspension devices!


The glass dome was shattered!

The drone fell from the sky along with the glass fragments!

Moore controlled the tablet, and there was a mechanical sound inside the drone!

Two huge mechanical arms stretched out!

And the front end of the arm is actually two lightweight Gatlings!

"Don't leave, look!"

"This is my technology!"

Moore shouted frantically at the backs of the two figures, one big and one small!


The barrel of the Gatling gun began to rotate at high speed, and the bullets were automatically loaded!

It was aimed at the father and son from a distance!

There were exclamations from the audience!

What is this!

Master Moore was furious!

How could this happen!

He wanted to kill someone more!

No one noticed that Moore was panicking at this time!

He quickly operated the tablet!

What's going on!

I didn't order you to fire!

But Brother Liu smiled lightly!

In his perspective, he locked onto the financial bosses who were leaving!

Master Moore, please forgive me!

It's time to show your value!

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