My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 515 There really are sloths



The little boy had already come to the gymnasium. Seeing the scene in front of him, he collapsed instantly!

But Xiaoshu stopped and pointed at the small snake running back and forth with his claws!

As if saying, "Today, either it dies or I die!"

Then, Xiaoshu rushed out again!

Fat Bo, who came later, sat on the ground again!

In the gymnasium in front of him, various animal hairs were flying in the air. The facilities of the venue seemed to have been trampled by ten thousand bison. Huge claw marks could be seen everywhere on the walls and the ground!


A lot of pillars fell down, and a floor was about to collapse!

"It's over, it's over!"

Little brother Liu's eyes were blank, "I'm useless this time, even Jesus can't save me!"


Finally, after pulling up a row of seats, Xiaoshu caught the green little snake that had nowhere to hide!

It pinched the little snake with its claws, opened its mouth wide, and was about to swallow it!


A low voice came faintly!

A man in white clothes, with his hands behind his back, who was extremely angry, appeared at the scene without knowing when!

The temperature at the scene suddenly turned cold!

Xiaoshu's body, which was more than 5 meters tall, shook, threw the little snake, and looked at the scene innocently, only then realized how much damage he had caused!

There happened to be a fainted sheep at the scene, which was frightened by Liu Di's momentum. With a thud, it fell to the ground with its four hooves facing the sky!

Xiaoshu seemed to be reminded, and a flash of inspiration came to him!

Suddenly fell to the ground and fell asleep!

This animal is a sloth, and it sleeps at any time!

Liu Xiaodi's face twitched!

All kinds of animals dared not move, and the air was instantly quiet!

Only the starling was still talking, "Hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye!"

Liu Di slowly approached the little boy with his hands behind his back, avoiding a turtle and a pile of shit on the ground!

Even Lei Pu couldn't withstand his momentum back then!

"Boy, you've really grown up?"

"You brought the little tree here while I was away?"

"How can I explain to the teacher that the scene is like this?"

"Should I say that we really have a violent bear at home, and it suddenly went crazy and started beating and smashing things?!"

"Do you still have some manners and courtesy? Do you still care about other people's feelings?"

"If you tell others, people will laugh their heads off!"

Liu Di just walked in front of the little boy.

Crack, crack!

I saw the cracks on one wall of the gymnasium suddenly widen!

With a loud bang!

Half of the wall collapsed!

It just so happened that this wall buried the body of the little tree!

But unfortunately!

On the outside of the wall, faces that were extremely shocked were revealed!

It was the principal who rushed to the gymnasium with a group of students and teachers!


All kinds of animals poured out, making a mess!

The principal saw the scene in the room and covered his chest, "Ah, this"

Liu Di pursed his lips, "Sorry, I did it"

"My nickname is Violent Bear. I was suddenly depressed and beat and smashed. I will pay for the damage caused"


The principal fell down!

The head teacher Ji Anyi collapsed and shouted, "Liu Zhanzhuan, it's your fault again!"

Behind her, there was a figure with a complicated expression, it was her sister Ji Baiwei!

That is Long Wei's Zi Yue!

She heard that it was Cute Pet Day, so she came to her sister to relax, but she didn't expect to see this scene!

At this time, her mind was also confused, and she subconsciously looked at Liu Di and said: "Liu Chai Chai"


"Liu Zhanzhuan's father is Liu Chai Chai!"

"They actually merged!"

"No wonder my gymnasium was demolished!"

"What a sin!"

The head teacher Ji Anyi collapsed!


The weak voice of the principal came, "Quickly catch those pets, they are very valuable, and the school directors may not be able to afford it."

"The little brother is really fierce. If he can't bring the pet, he will ask his father to tear down the gymnasium!"

The group of children behind him also opened their eyes wide, watching the excitement without minding the big deal!


"My Xiaoqing!"

A little girl suddenly found her pet snake!

The green snake was crawling beside the ruins!



Soil and rocks splashed!

The little tree stood up from the ruins!

It really couldn't stand the provocation of this toothpick in front of it!

This scene!

A 5-meter-tall sloth stood in the wind, with brown hair and half-meter-long claws!

Facing a group of little friends!

Little brother Liu knew that things had reached a point where they were out of control, and covered his forehead and said, "Haha, this is the cute pet I am about to show"


The principal, who had just recovered, rolled his eyes and fell again!


The greasy-haired young master Darcy peed!

As he said, he could pee wherever he wanted!

The children hadn't reacted yet, and they all tilted their heads back, their mouths getting bigger and bigger!

Fatty Bo walked forward with his hands behind his back, "I have to mention that I also contributed my own strength in raising the little tree!"



Several little girls and several young female teachers screamed!

The situation was about to get out of control!

"Don't panic!"

"I'll show you a magic trick!"

Liu Di's forehead was covered with blue veins. He waved his hand, and a cloud of dust rose from the rubble wall!

Cough cough

Everyone coughed!

When the dust cleared, the little tree disappeared without a trace!

No one could see it, but a flash of silver light rose into the sky from behind the campus!

The children looked so stupid!

"What a great magic trick, where's the monster?!"

"Dad, little brother, change yourself again!"

Brother Liu forced out a smile, "This kind of magic can only be performed once in a short period of time! Mainly because I'm afraid that Brother Liu's butt won't be able to bear it!"

"Liu Paipai!"

"You psycho!"

"I want the police to arrest you!"

Teacher Ji Anyi ignored her sister's dragging and shouted angrily: "I sue you for destroying public property and intimidating children!"

But at this time.

Various children had already surrounded Brother Liu, looking eagerly at the great magician.

10 minutes later.

The sirens at the entrance of Yingjie Primary School are loud!

In a car, an old man holding a thermos cup to soak wolfberry got out of the car, looking ugly!

"You are all crazy!"

"If a house collapses, do we have to ask our SWAT team to come in person?"

"What about a 5-meter-tall sloth? Can you be more imaginative?"

"I'm telling you, if I don't see the 5-meter-tall sloth in a while, I will label you a sloth!"

The old man, followed by a group of followers, strode into the campus!

But the moment he stepped into the scene.

After seeing the man in white waving slightly at him.

His expression hardened.

Ji Anyi on the side was still explaining, "Sir, there really was a sloth just now, and it jumped out of that pile of rocks."

But the old man with the thermos cup waved his hand and sighed: "Stop talking, it's just a 5-meter sloth, I believe it."

There is a child on the side who is calling his father, "Dad, our cute petting day today is awesome. There is also a 5-meter-tall sloth, which I heard is mutated!"

A hearty laugh came from the phone, "Haha, son, is Ultraman here yet?"


The child was suddenly startled, "Dad, you have reminded me that I seriously doubt that Little Brother Liu's father is Ultraman!"

But I saw the old man with the thermos cup looking extremely bitter.


You kid will be Ultraman, I will be reduced to the clearing section!

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