My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 525 Acquisition of the Army

Brother Liu's plan is full of domineering spirit!

But it’s also concise and to the point!

After throwing away hundreds of canopy watches.

This glorious man just slapped his butt and left!

The rest of the important task is left to the two 'virtuous wives', Heidina and Nan Ruoyi!

at this time.

The 6 large conference rooms in the Witness Building are brightly lit!

In front of a huge screen.

Sitting there were dozens of estimators from the company!

Heidina is very thoughtful, but Brother Liu is very domineering and does not care about anything.

You can’t be confused!

She made a detailed plan, divided the work among various investment managers, and established a calculation center!

The first step for investment managers is to collect target store data.

Then it is handed back to the company. Only if the calculation is qualified and the value does not exceed the quota, the investment managers can make the acquisition!

Make sure every acquisition is a positive asset!

Many investment managers are waiting quietly in the conference room with their own market research!

In various cities in China, there are also many investment managers guarding the computer screen!

Whenever a store's name lights up on the screen.

The investment managers jumped up and set out with their briefcases under their arms!

The preliminary points rankings have also been released.

Ranked first is a young investment manager who is just 26 years old!

This guy topped the list with 25 points in 12 hours!

His name is Tang Feng, nicknamed Tang Sanlang, and he is known to everyone in the company as the desperate Saburo!

at this time.

He waited quietly, his eyes full of fighting spirit!


The latest calculation results light up on the screen!

‘Ling Ning Restaurant, Funing Street, Haidong District, Haishi, has met the acquisition standards and is affiliated to the investment manager: Tang Feng. ’

‘Hai City Haidong District, Funing Street, Anyi Hotel, meets the acquisition standards, and is affiliated to the investment manager: Tang Feng. ’

‘Hai Shi Haidong District’

The investment managers present were stunned!

Tang Sanlang is really a pervert!

I brought back 9 acquisition plans at once, all of them qualified!

The next thing is easy, go out and throw money at it!

I saw Tang Sanlang clenching his fists hard and growling, "yes!"

Then start packing your briefcase!

The investment manager on site looked jealous!

Tang Sanlang was in a hurry!

When I walked to the door of the conference room, I didn't forget to look back and say, "Brothers, I will take the first step. You continue to work hard. I hope some of you can surpass my ranking!"

Depend on!

The investment managers are all holding back their energy. This guy is specifically targeting Haidong District. He wants to surround the main store of Fuyuan Catering!

Once his points exceed 300 points and this guy wins Fuyuan Catering, the gap on the list will become wider and wider!

However, all the investment managers present are elites!

No one obeys anyone!

If Tang Sanlang takes over Fuyuan Catering, I will take over other chain groups!

For a time, the Witness head office was filled with a fighting atmosphere!

Heidina looked at Tang Sanlang's retreating figure and nodded repeatedly.

I don’t know how he fell into Liu Di’s eyes. Liu Di personally said that he should pay close attention to this kid and he can be used as a cadre reserve!

within the next period of time.

Such scenes have occurred in many major cities in China.

Some young men in black suits who claimed to be the investment managers of Witness, carrying briefcases under their arms, kept walking among the shops on the street, spending huge amounts of money and making crazy acquisitions!

Moreover, they were all in a hurry, and not only did the negotiation process be clean and neat.

There is even some anxiety!

In a street shop.

The investment manager in a suit walked in with a briefcase, "Uncle Zhang, your supermarket is in a very good location and meets our company's acquisition needs."

The white-haired old man shook his head and smiled bitterly, "My son's business has been in trouble recently. This small shop..."

The investment manager waved his hand, "I know your situation. Your grandson is still in the hospital at this time. Here is 2 million, which is enough to pay for your grandson's medical expenses, get your son's business out of trouble, and your family live a stable life." Life!"

"2 million!!!"

The white-haired old man stared in disbelief, "Our store is not worth the money!"

The investment manager smiled calmly: "We can sign the contract now, and the 2 million in cash will be received in 5 minutes!"

This sudden turn of events made the white-haired old man a little dazed!

"Young man, is everything you said true?"

The investment manager said nothing and slowly pushed the contract in front of the old man.

The white-haired old man woke up from a dream, turned around and shouted: "Old woman, come out and see God!"

30 kilometers away, in a restaurant.

The seemingly shrewd boss made a cup of hot tea and pushed it in front of the young man in a black suit.

He smiled and said: "Young man, your company is really generous. You have acquired several shops on this street!"

"I heard that they all got good prices."

"And my small store is 400 square meters, with a great location, a loud sign, and stable income!"

"We have to talk about my price over tea."

But the young man in black suit waved his hand, "I won't drink any more tea. Boss Li, please give me a price."

"You witnesses are indeed very happy in your work!"

The restaurant owner chuckled, stared at the young man and said cautiously: "How about 2.8 million?"

The young man directly took out the contract and said, "Deal!"

ah? !

The restaurant owner almost lost his seat!

I should have said more earlier!

In a petty bourgeoisie coffee shop!

The young owner has tattoos, long hair, and earrings!

He turned his back and slowly ground a cup of coffee, "I say you big companies, you only know how to throw money at people all day long. I tell you, this coffee shop is my dream, my sentiment, no matter how much money you give me, I won't sell it!"

"You better give up this idea as soon as possible!"

The tattooed young man ground the coffee, just turned around, his expression suddenly froze!

I saw the young man who claimed to be a witness investor, taking out stacks of money from his bag!

Neatly stacked on the table.

Red, it hurts people's eyes!

The investor calmly straightened the money on the table, continued to bend over, and continued to take out bundles!

The tattooed relative swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was stunned.

The young investor said calmly, "I heard that bank transfers don't feel good. Only when you pile up cash in front of you can you generate a strong impact!"

Then the young investor slowly raised his head, "Boss Chen, I wonder if this 3 million cash is enough to impact you?"

"Uh, this..."

The tattooed young man stepped forward, stroking the pile of banknotes with trembling hands, "I tell you, my feelings are worth at least 3.5 million!"

The young investor shook his head slightly, "Sorry, 3.5 million exceeds our company's evaluation budget!"


The tattooed young man hugged the cash, "3 million, sell it, feelings are shit!"

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