My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 542 Descendants of Maya

Mayan tribe?

A flash of lightning flashed in Brother Liu's heart!

He Chu's words can be described as an understatement.

This Mayan tribe is known as the fifth lost miracle in the world - the Mayan civilization!

Originated in 1500 BC!

Information is still available everywhere on the Internet.

The reason is simple. The history of their existence is full of mysteries that are advanced, unreasonable, and difficult to explain!

In that ancient time, other humans thought the world was just a flat surface.

The Mayans built thousands of astronomical observatories in their territory!

I have realized what the planet is and started to observe astronomical phenomena!

The Mayans' astronomy, calendar, and mathematical calculations were thousands of years ahead of the world at that time!

In fact, the world’s earliest alien theory came from the Mayan’s ‘Tzolkin Calendar’.

Because archaeologists discovered murals of humans wearing alien spacesuits on the stone carvings of Mayan ruins!

This is extremely unreasonable.

Because the Mayans at that time must have been naked!

In 1948, the sarcophagus of the famous Mayan king Pagal II was rediscovered.

What is shocking is that the top of his sarcophagus is engraved with a scene of Bagar controlling an aircraft!

People doubt it.

In that era of slash-and-burn cultivation, the reason why the Mayans built so many observatories was because they were waiting to welcome someone!

Even the disappearance of the Mayan civilization overnight was considered to have emigrated into space!

And the biggest misunderstanding people have about the Maya.

This is the Mayan doomsday prediction of 2012.

In fact, people misinterpreted the Mayan intentions!

The number 2012 comes from the "solar period" of the Mayan civilization. Each solar period is 5157 years.

The year 2012 happened to be the end of a solar era.

In the language of the Mayans, this does not mean destroying everything, but represents a great renewal and purification!

According to the Mayan understanding, this will be a new era!

Devil Boy: "In fact, the rotation of the earth has been accelerating, the days and nights are getting shorter and shorter, and our days are shrinking slightly. The real end time of the Mayan Solar Period will be in 4 years!"

Brother Liu nodded somewhat suddenly.

Look at the giant Harrier fighter jet behind you.

I instantly thought of the female warrior in armor in the European green room.

And the silver shuttle is the car of the female warrior!

Moreover, its operating system is ancient Mayan!

Could it be

Did Maya's ancestors really fly into space?

And that female warrior returned to Earth to find her descendants?

But Yinsuo's system has not been completely cracked, and there is no answer to all this.

Brother Liu was filled with confusion!

He looked at He Chu with twinkling eyes, "I have met Princess He Chu."

He Chu nodded, smiled, and rolled up his hair, "Senior Brother Liu, you're welcome."

Liu Di sighed, "The Mayan civilization was also born in Central America, was also invaded by Spain, and was also displaced. Presumably, you have also lost contact with your ancestors, right?"

A trace of confusion flashed in He Chu's eyes, "Yes, but our family is the true descendant of the royal family."

Brother Liu frowned slightly.

If the Mayan ancestors really entered space, it was at least thousands of years ago.

It is also equivalent to Maya's elite power disappearing into space overnight!

This led to them being destroyed by those great powers!

And this royal family

It must be barely surviving in the war.

After such a long period of wandering around, He Chu, as a princess, has actually become of oriental origin.

It is enough to imagine the turbulence and twists and turns they have endured for a long time.

But he saw Elder Fanxi's eyes flashing, "We have not been abandoned, we have the legacy of our ancestors, and the Mayan civilization is still strong!"

Brother Liu looked at everyone with profound meaning.

"It is also an ancient civilization that was invaded by alien races. The Golden Ancient Kingdom attempts to dominate the world, but you are able to maintain world peace secretly."

"It's worth to admire."

Brother Liu handed the parchment in his hand back to He Chu, "I ask you to keep this biochemical technology. As for the Golden Kingdom, I will handle it!"

Liu Di's expression showed an attitude of awe for ancient secrets.

No questions asked.

Turn around and walk towards the coastline.

Afterwards, I heard Liu Di turn his back and say: "I believe that your ancestors will return one day!"

Everyone who stayed in place looked stunned!

This person seems to know about the ancestors of the clan!

This is a secret that all Mayan descendants have closely guarded for hundreds of years!

To be precise, this is a secret that even the descendants of the existing Mayans dare not completely confirm!

This is also the biggest motivation that supports the descendants of the Maya to reach today step by step!


Brother Liu's back is a little more mysterious in everyone's hearts!

at this time.

An archaeological team member came forward with doubts on his face, "Miss He Chu, who is your senior brother Liu? Why did he know that this parchment is biochemical technology after just one glance?!"

"You should know that it took our family 7 years to decipher the last fragment!

He Chu just stared at Brother Liu closely, "Senior Brother Liu, what are you going to do?"

"I already know the location of El Dorado!"

Brother Liu didn't look back and walked straight towards the seaside.

"Senior Brother Liu, you have no transportation!"

Who knows.

The next moment, everyone was stunned!

I saw Brother Liu slowly walking towards the sea, stepping into the water, his body did not sink, but walked on flat ground!

He walked farther and farther, and actually stopped and looked up!


The water under his feet began to surge, and he was actually moving forward rapidly!

It was like riding the wind and waves, so cool!

Everyone was stunned again!

"Does he have the ability to control the water flow?"

Elder Fanxi narrowed his eyes and stared at Brother Liu's feet, "No! He is stepping on a huge creature!"

Everyone also looked carefully!

His expression was instantly horrified!

Under Brother Liu's feet, there was a huge black shadow, with a thick body, at least the size of two basketball courts!

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