In the dark night.

On the back wall of the Second World Research Center, two figures jumped out from the wall, making no sound.

One is tall and handsome, the other is petite.

But it was like carrying a small burden, the slender figure carrying the petite figure.

The petite figure shook his head vigorously, just like he was riding a roller coaster. He flew hundreds of meters in ten seconds.


After landing, the petite figure raised his neck and said, "Come with me to the Twins."

Brother Liu put his hands behind his hands and said, "Haha."

"As we all know, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved with money. If there is, then there are not enough."

Shangguan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, "2 million!"

"Let me ask you a question."

Liu Di sighed softly, "Like in the movie, if a person is bitten by a poisonous snake and his companion helps him suck out the poisonous blood with his mouth, what will be the consequences?"

Shangguan Yanzhi thought for a moment, "This is not a problem for me. There are many small wounds in the human mouth due to eating. Snake venom takes effect through the blood. People who take the blood will most likely die from the poison."

Brother Liu nodded lightly, "Yes, if you don't suck it, you won't die."


"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'll pay 3 million!"

Shangguan Rouge suddenly frowned, "Wait, you said I sucked?"

Brother Liu shrugged, "I didn't say."


Shangguan Rouge put his hands on his hips, "If you don't go, I will be a tainted witness and report you. I just secretly took photos of you stealing things!"

As she said that, she started looking for her phone, "Hey, where are the photos I just took?"

Shangguan Rouge looked at Brother Liu doubtfully.

Brother Liu turned his head sideways as he walked, with an expression on his face that said, "Look what I'm doing."

"never mind!"

"You help me accomplish this, and I will recruit you into our club, and all the mission bonuses will be yours."

Shangguan Yanzhi turned on his handheld computer.

Above is a ranking of the targets that their ‘Mr.

Liu Di took a casual look and took a breath of cold air.

He is very familiar with the top three on the list!

The third place 'TO Lingji' robot server invades the robot server, with a reward of 3 million!

The second place 'Gemini App' server has a reward of 5 million for hacking!

The first place in the "Punisher Ghost Island Defense System", the successful invader can be recognized as a master of the society, hold the position of honorary president, and receive a bounty of 15 million!

Brother Liu felt a collapse in his heart.

thank you.

I am not very talented, but I am in the top three of your target list. What an honor!

And you dare to list the Punisher as a target?

It’s better to just change the club’s name to ‘Mr. Suicide’!

Brother Liu nodded inexplicably, "Convey my respect to your president for me and say that I admire his courage."

"Humph, you finally found the right person."

Shangguan Yanzhi said arrogantly: "I happen to be the current vice president. If I can successfully invade the twins, my points will be enough to run for president next year."

Brother Liu sneered.

I am very pleased that this girl is even capable of running for president, and this man seeking death must be ignored.

"Look down on me?"

"I am indeed ill-prepared for the invasion of this hospital today, but I tell you."

Shangguan Rouge bit his lips lightly, and a firm light flashed in his eyes, "I have mastered the method of defeating the Twin Servers, and I am sure, certain, 100%!"

Shangguan Rouge walked forward.

The look on his face showed that he was completely prepared for something, that there was no possibility of mistakes, and that he was bound to win.

Brother Liu was a little confused, "It's impossible for Gemini to have loopholes."


Shangguan Rouge's eyes revealed a gleam of wisdom, "My club, a total of 50 Internet experts, began in-depth research on the twins on the second day after they were born. After thousands of experiments, we came to the conclusion A conclusion."

Shangguan Rouge turned around and looked at the man walking side by side with a calm look.

She whispered: "To defeat the Twins, there is no need to look for loopholes, because its own intelligent algorithm is a loophole!"

Brother Liu paused slightly.

The demon boy instantly searched for Shangguan Yanzhi's portable computer, as well as all the IP hardware and network storage in her name, but found nothing.

Brother Liu pondered: "The method you mentioned is not a virus or a Trojan horse. What is it?"

Shangguan Rouge also tilted his head.

Unexpectedly, Brother Liu could guess quite accurately.

Immediately, she smiled evilly and said, "If you want to know, then come with me for a walk tomorrow!"

Brother Liu was stunned.

Judging from the look on this little girl's face, has she really found a way?

Do you really want to do such a ridiculous thing and steal from yourself?

Does Ah Jia know how to laugh?

If I had known, I would have delayed his life for a few days.

Liu Di thought for a moment, then turned his head and said, "Then we'll meet at the gate of the Twin Towers at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."


Shangguan Yanzhi's eyes flashed with joy, but then he immediately felt that he was heartless.

"Brother Liu, are you stupid? They have already gone to work at 9 o'clock, and you committed a robbery in broad daylight?"

Brother Liu let out a long breath, "Then I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I am a reformer."

Shangguan Yanzhi's eyes widened and he nodded as if he had realized something, "I'm not surprised at all! With such great strength and speed, what else can you do if you're not transforming people!"

Liu Di said again: "You should know that a small number of cyborgs have their own special abilities, and my ability will be of great use tomorrow."

Shangguan Yanzhi was extremely curious, "What is it?"


Liu Di looked into the distance, his face solemn, "Moreover, not only can I be invisible myself, but I can also make you invisible."

Shangguan Yanzhi's eyes widened even more!

"Then show me one."

Liu Di shook his head slightly, "My ability must be used in the Twin Towers."

Shangguan Yanzhi stepped forward quickly and stood in front of Liu Di.

She was shocked.

She seemed a little moved, "Brother, since you are so sincere, I will tell you a secret, I am actually a woman!"

Then, she performed the iconic action in the TV series.

She pulled off her headscarf, and a wisp of black and shiny long hair spread out. She shook her head gently, and her long hair fluttered like waves.

BGM sounded inexplicably around.

‘I’m running towards you, you are the sea of ​​stars’

A charming scene under the streetlight, the girl has long hair, graceful and charming.

Shangguan Yanzhi touched her fake beard, “Hey, where’s the beard?”

Liu Di had a blank expression, “It fell off when I covered your mouth just now.”

“That’s not important!”

“I’m a woman, are you shocked?”

Shangguan Yanzhi turned off her handheld computer that was playing music, stared at Liu Di with her big watery eyes.

Liu Di nodded, “Too shocked.”

Shangguan Yanzhi smiled with satisfaction, “That’s good, but please don’t treat me as a fool, I think your invisibility ability is nonsense.”

Liu Di turned his back and waved, “See you tomorrow.”

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