My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 637 Mysterious Energy

Brother Liu was also stunned, "What's going on?"

Mo Yu said calmly: "I'm used to simple power outages."

"Why is there a power outage?"

"The power plant is above us!"

Brother Liu was confused


Mo Yu was dejected, "It seems I can only tell you the truth."

He pointed to the instrument in front of him, "Neither you nor I can ever play with this thing."

"Because the biggest problem we face is not technological deficiencies, but energy."


Liu Di immediately looked at the scene and found that the equipment was safe and sound, but the hundreds of distribution boxes on the back were completely charred.

Apparently a large amount of current passed through it, and then it was overwhelmed

In the short process just now, the entire hydroelectric power station's current surged out, but it only supplied the equipment for a few seconds!

Mo Yu looked sad, "It's so scary. In 23 seconds, 4 years of energy storage of the hydropower plant was consumed! The plan to build a power plant to exclusively supply energy failed."

Brother Liu was surprised and said, "Are you spending so much money?"

Mo Yu said bitterly: "Not only that, I have tried nuclear energy, light energy, chemical energy, and even biological energy before, but they all failed."

Liu Di frowned, "The energy of nuclear fission is not enough?"

Mo Yu added: "The type of energy required by this equipment is different from that in our current world. It requires energy that is softer and more ethereal, like a particle-like diffusion."

After Mo Yu finished speaking, he looked directly at Brother Liu, "To tell you the truth, I have never turned on the equipment for more than 1 second. In the past 8 years, I have only learned a little bit about the equipment. It is the mask used by the Mozi to isolate your ability. "

"Because I really can't figure out what your father used to activate the equipment back then."

Brother Liu suddenly realized

No wonder this guy is so cooperative. It turns out he is waiting for me to solve each puzzle.

If all the energy sources mentioned by Mo Yu are denied,

In other words, the energy technology of the entire human race and the entire earth will not work.

Liu Di frowned and fell into thinking.

My father started this machine more than 20 years ago, and it is impossible for energy technology to surpass what it is today.

Mo Yu's words hit the nail on the head

What device did the father use to start it? !

Seeing Brother Liu frowning, Mo Yu felt extremely disappointed, "Oh, it seems you are also scrapped."

Brother Liu ignored this boy who needed a beating.

Thinking rapidly in mind

Energy not found on earth

Suddenly, he thought of his father's diary

The first time he started the equipment was June 5, 1997.

"Demon boy, find out what happened in 1997"

After a pause, Liu Di added: "About space."

‘At 1 o’clock in the morning on April 12, 1997, a 4-meter-diameter meteorite fell into China. According to news records, Liu Zhengqing, who was a neuroscientist at the time, was inexplicably interested in it and went to the site to investigate in person.’

Devil Boy: "But the whereabouts of that meteorite have been lost."

Brother Liu's eyes flashed, "What's so special about that meteorite?"

Devil Boy: "It is speculated to be fragments of Halley's Comet"

"Halley's Comet"

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes. This is a famous comet.

This long-tailed comet orbits so close to Earth that it can be seen with the naked eye every 761 years

Young people regard it as a romantic scene and use it to make wishes

But in fact, there is a theory of the origin of species on earth related to Halley’s Comet

Where there is water there is life

Research proves that Halley's Comet's long tail flame is actually water vapor

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth was barren. Halley's comet visited and left behind single-celled organisms bred in water vapor and various chemical elements.

As a result, species began to multiply on the earth, until humans evolved today

If this theory holds true

So the current life on Earth is just ‘space seeding’ in a sense

So could there be a 'human cultivator' behind this?

I don’t know, it’s scary to think about it carefully

Liu Di throws away the messy thoughts and returns to energy.

At the moment, the most likely conclusion is that my father used fragments of Halley's Comet, which are space meteorites, as the energy source for particle equipment!

The devil boy added: "One month later, Halley's Comet will visit the Earth again after 76 years. The nearest observation point is in the Arctic Ice Sheet."

"According to calculations, Halley's Comet will break up and once again throw meteorite fragments into the Earth."

hear this

Brother Liu's eyes lit up and he nodded slowly.

Devil Boy: "However, this matter has attracted worldwide attention. Many countries are secretly transporting large equipment to the far north ice sheet. Based on the volume, it looks like a series of mechas."

Brother Liu was puzzled, "It seems they want to compete for the meteorite, but why do they expose their mechas one after another?"

The devil boy said: "The meteorite is huge in mass, and the temperature was extremely high when it first fell, and it also contained radiation. In the eyes of ordinary people, taking it away with a mecha is the only feasible solution."


Brother Liu looked at Mo Yu in front of him and asked, "Where did your Mozi go?"

Mo Yu chuckled, "It has another mission."

Speaking of which

Mo Yu was suddenly stunned

The Mozi is on its way to the far north!

On behalf of China, we are fighting for a very valuable meteorite!

Of course, this information cannot be hidden from someone of Liu Di's level.



Mo Yu suddenly took a breath of cold air!

Why didn't I think before that Liu Zhengqing probably used outer space meteorites as energy source!

What a good brother Liu!

My mind is spinning so fast

Really smart!

But I won't admit it!

Thinking of this, Mo Yu laughed loudly, "Disciple Liu, although the device did not start up successfully today, it is still the first time you have visited my Mo family. Out of courtesy, I have prepared a gift for you."

Brother Liu smiled disdainfully, "What kind of trick are you playing again?"

Mo Yu waved her hands quickly, "There are no tricks! I have been studying literature for more than ten years and have developed a beautiful hand of calligraphy. Before you came, I personally wrote a calligraphy painting and prepared it for you!"

wave a hand

Two Mohist disciples holding scrolls came forward.

Mo Yu smiled and said: "Open it"

I saw two Mohist disciples who were quite embarrassed. They seemed to feel embarrassed, but they had to obey the orders of the master.

The scroll slowly opened

Among them are five large calligraphy characters with flying dragons and phoenixes - 'You don't have a mecha'

Signature - presented by ink jade

Also stamped with a red clay seal of ink jade

"Ha ha!"

Mo Yu continued to laugh: "Liu Shizi, you don't have to worry about where my Mozi has gone. I suggest you go home now, hang this painting in the center of the hall, and watch it carefully."

But I saw that Brother Liu was surprisingly calm this time.

Looking at the young Mo Yu with a smile in his eyes, he said softly: "I suddenly remembered something. Let me tell you, have you solved the riddle I gave you?"


Mo Yu's smile was stuck, and her expression slowly turned ugly. It seemed that Brother Liu had aroused the pain hidden in her heart.

Seven days and seven nights without sleep

Mo Yu didn't fully understand what Liu Di's express delivery meant.

Mo Yu then said angrily: "Do you care whether I break it or not? In short, you don't have a mecha! Want meteorite fragments? Just watch it!"

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