My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 656 Two Nobel Prizes

Brother Liu is like a treasure.

Immediately take a closer look at the atomic structure in front of you.

This air element is obviously the most special existence in the entire rock.

"I found it!"

The demon boy exclaimed: "This is the number of neutrons in the nucleus of solid Qiao, one more than Qiao! It is actually an isotope of Qiao, which is a brother in a sense!"


The structural contrast between the two elements appears in Liu Di's perspective.

In the nucleus of the solid gas atom, a small red ball is extremely conspicuous. This is the extra neutron than the rare gas gas!

It is its presence that increases the stability of the element and makes it solid.

The demon boy was stunned and said: "The secret in this meteorite should be the isotope of this qi arc."

"According to the atomic structure, it is extremely precise and stable. However, as long as there is a trace of external force intrusion, this balance will be destroyed, and its atomic structure will undergo earth-shaking changes."

Brother Liu was also shocked.

This small neutron is simply insignificant compared to the entire meteorite.

The reason why I was able to discover it was because supercomputers like Demon Boy existed.


Liu Zhengqing, more than 20 years ago, actually had such a level of technology and observation?

There was a moment of silence.

Brother Liu tried to clear his thoughts, "According to this, this isotope of Qi Ao is energy?"

The demon boy pondered: "It's not that we limited our thoughts before. There is no energy in this meteorite from beginning to end, but it contains a catalyst-Qi Arcane Element!"

"According to my speculation, it needs to collide with elements with stable molecular structures to disrupt the neutron sequence, thereby generating powerful energy."

Brother Liu nodded suddenly.

This time the meteorite brought a brand new energy technology. The gas isotope is the introduction of a new energy!

The method used by the devil boy is molecular collision which is more advanced than nuclear fission!

Liu Di thought deeply: "Demon boy, what element is most suitable for it to be integrated with?"

Demon Boy: "The more stable the molecular structure of the fusion is, the greater the energy the two will emit."

"Well, one of the most ubiquitous substances with the most stable molecular structure is diamond."

"Its composition is pure carbon. Carbon atoms are connected to each other in a tetrahedral manner to form an infinite three-dimensional skeleton. It is a typical atomic crystal and is extremely stable."


The hardest naturally occurring substance in nature.

That’s the rough diamond!

Brother Liu was a little dumbfounded: "Demon boy, your use of 'can be found everywhere' to describe diamonds is a bit inaccurate."

The devil boy was puzzled: "What's wrong? Aren't all the shopping malls and jewelry stores on the streets full of these things?"

"Young humans still use these things to court mates. In fact, diamonds are the same as briquettes, except that the density of carbon molecules is higher."

Liu Di sighed, "That thing is really useless, but many girls have been brainwashed by the merchants, thinking that it represents eternity, and they even use their hard-earned money for years in exchange."

"Use limited time and energy to exchange for the so-called eternity."

The demon boy was a little stunned, "At first glance, it sounds like a very advanced idea, but in fact it is just stupid."


The devil boy thought: "Then I will find a way to find a substitute. We can't be stupid."

Brother Liu smiled awkwardly, "It's okay, I have more money."


Brother Liu made a call and gave Heidina a task.

The shortest time, the fastest speed.

Buy every diamond you can, regardless of price.


Liu Di didn't stop for a moment and began to refine the Qi Arcane elements in the huge meteorite.

The method is very simple. Because the solid gas is extremely stable, 90% of the impurities can be burned away by refining it at high temperature in a crucible. It is then screened with a mass spectrometer to break the covalent bonds and realize the elemental separation of the molecule.

You can get independent Qi Ao.

Brother Liu at this time.

I have been studying this meteorite for 30 hours.

But he became more and more excited.

He has cracked the secret of the meteorite, and the anticipation in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

The figure of the demon boy appeared, put on a white coat and reading glasses, "Brother Liu, if we separate all the solid gas and complete experiments with diamonds to obtain powerful energy, we estimate that we can obtain two Nobel Prize.”

“One is discovering new elements.”

"One is to discover new energy sources."

"Shocked everyone."

Liu Di concentrated on his work and replied casually: "That award means nothing to me."

"Yes, you have a lot of people and money, and you have no desires or desires."

The demon boy nodded and said: "We can't just call it Solid Qi Ao regardless of the elements. It's better to have a name."

Liu Di thought for a moment and said: "The chemist wanted to combine the word "qi" with the word "AO" to name this element, but found that the word was not available in the input method."

"When other elements appear, their names often require the creation of a new Chinese character, such as enanium, magnesium, europium, etc."

"The energy contained in this Qi Arcana is so huge now, but it has been ignored because of its short existence."


"This is an old word that has been ignored by people. It has both the gold character for chemical elements and the pronunciation of "AO"."

"This element will be called 鐭 from now on."

After Liu Di read out this word, his eyes became profound, "Even if it is open to all mankind in the future and goes to any country, it must be called this name without any English symbols, because this discovery comes from a Chinese."

The demon boy stared, "It's amazing, you figured this out! You can take down the entire Chemical Association by yourself!"

Liu Di smiled to himself and continued to work.

20 hours later.

Liu Di burned most of the meteorite fragments.

0.03 grams of iron was extracted.

During this period, Nan Ruoyi brought several punishers to the cemetery.

According to Liu Di's instructions, a huge device was assembled in the house.

As early as a month ago, Liu Di arranged for Nan Ruoyi to restore his father's research patent.

With two days of optimization, this upgraded version of the "consciousness particle" machine was created.

After the machine was assembled.

Liu Di let Nan Ruoyi leave without question, and stayed to continue working.

30 hours later.

The entire meteorite turned into a pile of ashes.

In the glassware in front of Liu Di, 0.05 grams of iron appeared.

At the same time, in the Huaxia jewelry market.

A diamond storm was set off.


This top Huaxia consortium.

Because it is completely privatized and never discloses financial statements to the outside world, no one knows how much wealth they actually hold.

People only know that it has united the world's 14 largest banks and made the "money empire" Rothschild family surrender.

Some people speculate that its financial strength has surpassed the world's largest power.

It is this group.

With one order, all diamonds within a 500-kilometer radius of Haishi were "bloodbathed".

People also know that a Chinese Haishi.

Actually hides two of the world's top ten diamonds.

The "Star of Sierra Leone" diamond, 5688 carats.

And the rumored "Golden Eye of the Pharaoh" diamond on the scepter of the Northern Egyptian Pharaoh, an astonishing 7538 carats.

All of these.

After the witnesses spent hundreds of billions, they quickly pocketed and disappeared!

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