
"Ouyang Fengyu suddenly smiled coldly.

His arms suddenly exerted force, and the shirt on his body was instantly stretched by the bulging muscles! Subsequently.

He punched the strength testing machine that was as tall as two people! Bang! Debris flew and a thick plume of green smoke rose! When everyone looked at the machine again.

His expression was extremely surprised! The machine was in pieces above waist level! Almost half of the metal body is left! mThe debris behind it splashed dozens of meters away! Everyone was stunned again.

This is like a super human being! Mr. Yan's mood at this time is indescribable! He was very excited that his group could develop this drug! However, after listening to Ouyang Fengyu's suggestion and inviting Brother Liu to compete, he regretted it! General Montenegro stood up suddenly, "That's it! No need to compete. This is not suitable for Fengyu to perform. Fengyu, please follow me immediately. We will go to the team and do the test again!" "Haha, how can that be done?" Ouyang Fengyu was simply speechless at this time. With overwhelming momentum, he said coldly: "Brother Liu and I have signed a contract, how can we just stop?" Then, Ouyang Fengyu turned to Professor Li and said: "Professor, I want to correct you on one question. Your estimate of 600% physical strength enhancement is not accurate! According to my judgment, I am now at least 700%!" "I can beat a weakling like Brother Liu to a pulp!" Everyone realized it now! Not right.

Ouyang Fengyu seems to be a little too arrogant! Almost crazy! "I said, you have been grinding and moaning a lot, are you finished yet?" Brother Liu suddenly turned his head, his brows knitted together tightly! "Hahaha!" "Are you so anxious that you want to die?" "I'll help you!" Ouyang Fengyu's forehead veins were exposed at this time, and his face was ferocious! His legs were slightly arched, and he exerted force suddenly! Buzz...the ground shook slightly! The air current is surging! Ouyang Fengyu was like a cannonball, rushing towards Brother Liu and attacking with a bang! The grizzly bear on the edge of the field feels like something is wrong! He wanted to rush to the field to block the blow, but it was too late! Duan Hua couldn't bear to look at it and closed his eyes directly! Heishan and Mr. Yan suddenly stood up and shouted to stop! But it's too late! What everyone didn't expect was that Brother Liu didn't change his expression! Put your hands in your trouser pockets! "Brother Liu, hide quickly, what are you doing?" Brother Liu turned a deaf ear to the shouts from the outside world! He slowly raised his right foot, and the sole of the shoe faced Ouyang Fengyu, who was charging savagely! Inexplicable.

Ouyang Fengyu, who was diving, suddenly felt an unprecedented crisis! In his eyes.

I only saw the corner of Liu Di's mouth twitching, revealing a strange sarcastic expression! damn it.

Is it that feeling again? From Ouyang Fengyu's perspective, Liu Di's soles are getting bigger and bigger! He couldn't stop the car! boom! Bang! Two loud noises were heard as the earth shook and the mountains shook! Ouyang Fengyu's body flew out first.

Then it hit the metal wall of the test site hard! Ouyang Fengyu smashed out a complete human shape out of a few dozen centimeters of wall! Then, he slowly slid to the ground like a puddle of mud! Foaming at the mouth! And Brother Liu.

Still putting his hands in his trouser pockets, he slowly lowered his right foot! Phew...Liu Di breathed out seriously.

"Everyone, I'm done.

"What kind of experimental subject mutation is rubbish."

"After that, Brother Liu turned to look at everyone! "You... still don't hide..." Mr. Yan had just yelled desperately for Brother Liu to hide, but he didn't expect that the last few words of the reminder had not been finished yet. The battle is over! Ahem... General Montenegro stared, coughed twice, and pointed at Brother Liu with his arms still hanging in the air.

"Little... pervert..." "Did you kick Ouyang Fengyu away?" Heishan stuttered.


"Brother Liu replied.

Suddenly, Heishan stopped talking and sat back in his seat silently, with his legs clamped and his expression a little dull.

Just now, Ouyang Fengyu's super strength shattered Heishan's outlook on life.

did not expect.

After just a few minutes.

Liu Di's performance shattered Heishan's three views into pieces.

Ouyang Fengyu is a super reformer.

No one can beat it.

Brother Liu should be an ordinary person...right? Then ordinary man Liu Di, kills the super-powerful transformer Ouyang Fengyu with one move? General Montenegro couldn't help but torture himself deep in his soul.

Should I reform the team? Or should we continue to train the team? At this time, Mr. Yan was asking himself another question in his mind.

Did my medicine succeed? In other words, do I still need to do research, development and transformation of people? Duan Hua, on the other hand, had just opened his eyes and couldn't figure out the situation! But Brother Liu said helplessly: "Such a powerful human-transforming technology must be used on people with a righteous mind!" "Transforming a guy like Ouyang Fengyu with a human face and a beast-like heart is equivalent to creating hidden dangers. It's too careless!" Powerful? Mr. Yan couldn’t laugh or cry! He was kicked away by you, how could he be so strong? Mr. Yan came back to his senses and said: "Fengyu, how can he be as bad as you said?" Liu Di smiled softly: "Before I came in, I already sent an email to you and the company's legal department.

"The content is nothing more than how your eldest son-in-law Ouyang Fengyu used his position to embezzle company assets, and how he planned to seize your Yan family's equity, planned to kidnap Yan Qingwen, and attempted to hire someone to kill me, etc..." After Liu Di said this, he turned back and glanced at the trembling Zhao Ze, and said with a smile: "Of course, you idiot, don't even think about running away!" Zhao Ze collapsed to the ground with a plop! And Mr. Yan was directly stiff! Fengyu embezzled company property? Wanted to kidnap Wenwen? Wanted to hire someone to kill? Mr. Yan's eyes widened, unable to accept it! "Brother Liu, don't talk nonsense..." At this moment, Mr. Yan's phone suddenly rang.

The company's legal department called.

"Chairman, I just received a report! It's about Ouyang Fengyu, you should be mentally prepared..." Click.

Mr. Yan's phone fell to the ground! What was said on the phone, he no longer had the courage to listen! "Boss Ouyang, wake up, wake up! "Professor Li ran to Ouyang Fengyu, shook the unconscious Ouyang Fengyu and shouted anxiously: "You are too much, he is my experimental subject, you have to compensate me for my experimental subject!" Liu Di shook his head and looked at General Heishan, "As for the so-called second-stage drug, I have also read the information, there is a fatal flaw!" "How is it possible, he was so strong just now!" "Although, he was defeated by you..." Heishan was also a little dazed! At this moment, Ouyang Fengyu woke up slowly! But his expression was stupid! "Hehe... Hehe..." "The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, the birds are saying good morning, why do you carry a bag of explosives? I'm going to blow it up..." Ouyang Fengyu was foaming at the mouth and singing a nursery rhyme! Liu Di shrugged, "The reason why Ouyang Fengyu is strong is that he relies on adrenaline to stimulate his potential, but at the same time, his body organs and brain can't resist!" "There may be many consequences, for example, like now, becoming a fool! "This..." "This..." Old Master Yan and Heishan were dumbfounded and speechless! But Brother Liu turned around and said, "However, Master Tuo said that every citizen has a share of responsibility for the fate of a country. I will help you with the transformation of the soldiers!"

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