


In front of the experimental cemetery, Liu Xiaodi continued to carry his schoolbag and prepare to go to school. He looked back at the roof again. The man and woman in white actually sat on the roof all night again!

"In this case, I will be far away from making my relationship with Shui'er public."

“Life is short and hard.”

Under the morning sun, the figure of Liu Xiaodi traveling far away is extremely tragic.

There is no way, now that the violent bear is back, he must pretend to be a good student

on the roof.

Brother Liu opened one eye and peeked at Gu Fan beside him.

I saw this girl sitting cross-legged, as if she was traveling thousands of miles away.

Suddenly, Gu Fan secretly opened one eye.

"Caught you."

The two looked at each other with one eye.

Then they all covered their mouths and laughed.

"You think, it's a good time and beautiful scenery, if we just sit there and spend the night together, is it a waste of time?"

Brother Liu asked.


Gu Fan sighed lightly, "I have much more time than ordinary people, but many times it is a lot of time that is useless. On the contrary, when I am around you, it always feels short."

Brother Liu smiled.

The 'lots of time' Gu Fan said should refer to the long years in the mind world.

What's interesting is that both of them have one eye closed and one eye open at this time.

Suddenly there was a breeze blowing beside me.

They both opened their other eyes at the same time.

One has purple eyes and the other has golden eyes.

Brother Liu was startled!

Then he looked at Gu Fan's right eye and saw a three-layered golden roulette spinning slightly around her pupil.

There are subtle scales on the roulette wheel, which are time scales.

It is like a double clock with 48 time points.

Liu Di's body froze.

But the golden light in Gu Fan's pupils disappeared in an instant.

Brother Liu looked calm, but he immediately called out in his mind, "Demon boy, play back the scene just now!"

But in the picture.

There was nothing unusual about Gu Fan's beautiful and delicate face and charming eyes.

Brother Liu was in a daze.

Could it be that because of Liu Entropy's threat to him, he was too nervous?

Brother Liu shook his head subconsciously.

After relaxing for a moment, he leaned back, put his hands on the ground, and relaxed: "Gu Fan, you also understand my life now. I'm a little curious. I have such cool and impressive skills, and so many famous and high-ranking people." My friend, why aren’t you surprised?”

"I'm surprised."

Gu Fan tilted his head and said: "But I am more happy than surprised, because you have amazing fighting ability and can protect yourself, and because you have many friends, even people like Mr. Song secretly help you, and there are also women like Ruoyi who like you , so your future life will definitely be happy and smooth.”

Brother Liu frowned, "Why do I feel like you're leaving?"

Gu Fan was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't."


However, Gu Fan did not continue to discuss this topic, but put his hands on his hips and said, "Brother Liu, have you learned how to release your mental power?"

Brother Liu said calmly: "No."

Gu Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Oh, stupid."

Though I meditated all night again.

But no surprise.

Brother Liu didn't feel a dime of mental energy.

Because he couldn't concentrate at all.

Several questions swirled in my mind.

Has that strong artificial intelligence been destroyed?

Although the answer is a headache, it is also non-committal. It must be no.

But there was another question that Brother Liu was thinking about, but he couldn't find the answer.

In yesterday's network intrusion, why did the other party show mercy to China?

Due to the meltdown of optical fiber, the current network in other countries will be paralyzed for at least a week.

China, on the other hand, has almost no 'sequelae'.

Is it possible that the other party's next target is China? !

Seeing Gu Fan very relaxed, he put his hands behind his head and lay aside.

Brother Liu silently made a phone call.

"Moore, how is your relationship with that gay person developing?"

"Master, I heard a hint of distrust in your words."

Moore said depressedly: "What does developing a relationship mean? I just have to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, okay?"

Brother Liu pursed his lips, "Then how are you doing with your humiliation?"

Just listen to Moore say proudly: "To tell you the truth, my IQ is not the slightest bit better than that of Old Glass, he is just a fool."

"I just fooled him, and he gave away all the equipment for free!"

"No, he is preparing for a giveaway conference. There are countless customers outside the door waiting to plunder the wool!"

Free gift

Brother Liu muttered: "Don't take it lightly, otherwise you may not know who is the fool."

But Moore said carelessly: "Master, I have tried their smart device, and that thing is simply retarded! It has nothing to do with smart money! There won't be any surprises!"

Liu Di was still worried and said: "Don't act rashly there, let alone try anything yourself. If there is any trouble, discuss it with me immediately."

"Master, you are really too cautious this time, don't worry!"

hang up the phone.

Brother Liu also leaned back and lay on the roof with Gu Fan, looking at the sky.

The thoughts in his mind poured out uncontrollably.

The appearance of this 'future sz' is indeed a bit weird, and mors does belong to artificial intelligence.

But Brother Liu also investigated their factory through the Internet.

It can be said that it is a random invasion without any technical content.

As for their home appliances, it is nothing more than setting up a central processing chip, and then intelligently controlling the home appliances to provide convenient services to customers.

There are many such manufacturers on the market.

This is not competitive at all!

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