My right eye is a god-level computer

97. Experimental Cemetery

Rumble... Brother Liu pushed the glass curtain door that had been sealed for a long time.

The sunset finally sets at this time.

The earth fell into darkness.

In front of him was a huge circular space.

Vision blurred.

Only rows of tall shelves could be seen, extending into the depths.

It's more like a library, except the shelves are more than three times bigger! In Brother Liu's right eye, the faint purple light suddenly went out.

Then what lights up is a purple growth ring! Rotating slightly, flickering on and off! Remember for a second http://Compared to the previous purple light, it seems to have a breathing life! Brother Liu slowly shuttled through the shelves.

Footsteps echoed.

"Demon boy.

"Brother Liu called softly! "Huh...I'm coming! "The devil boy's voice sounded like he had just woken up and was stretching comfortably.

next moment.

Click...the sound of the switch merging came! Swish... In the corner of the ceiling, an incandescent lamp lit up! Afterwards, the lights of the entire venue lit up row by row following Brother Liu's steps, and everything he passed was as bright as day! It's like a red carpet to welcome an emperor! The whole picture of the experimental cemetery is gradually revealed! Rows of huge shelves and on the ground are filled with all kinds of machinery and accessories! All kinds of machines with weird shapes! There is no one that can be seen on the market! Many instruments have been broken into pieces, and accessories are scattered all over the floor! And those that are more complete are all dim and have been sleeping for a long time! Without exception, they all have the same label affixed to them: 'x year x month, xx experimental defective product' This site covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters.

There are at least tens of thousands of experimental defective products piled up! They are forgotten, they are discarded.

However, that doesn’t mean they have no value! Liu Di looked at these countless scientific research efforts and smiled slightly! In fact, the value of these 'defective products' is far greater than the land under your feet! "Demon boy, let's find something fun.

Liu Di said as he shuttled between the rows of goods, his fingers lightly passing over each machine.


A circle of light appeared in Liu Di's perspective.

Locked on a refrigerator-like machine in the distance.

Brother Liu came closer, and he lifted the huge machine effortlessly with one hand! ‘Li Hai, a master’s student at Donghua Electric Power University, 2019.12.3 Large-scale wireless charging electromagnetic resonator (failed)’ Liu Di opened the back shell of the device.

The internal structure is clear at a glance.

In the perspective, the demon boy's analysis also appeared.

Resonant? The same principle used for charging electric cars? Brother Liu squinted his eyes.

After a moment, the reason for the failure of this device also emerged! The number of primary coil turns is not enough! Electromagnetic induction is weak! There is also a problem with Jingyuan programming! 30 minutes later.

Liu Di followed the instructions of the possessed boy and integrated top maintenance skills.

Use local materials to directly improve this equipment to its best condition! Connect the equipment to the power box on the side of the site.

The indicator light turns on momentarily.

The machine is running normally! In an instant, invisible electromagnetic waves instantly covered the entire venue! In the venue, countless sleeping devices instantly gained power! On the rows of shelves, densely packed indicator lights flash alternately! "1%...10%...50%...100%!" "The regional coordination network is successfully connected!" This prompt sounded in Liu Di's mind.

Just listen to the buzz in the venue! The sounds of countless machines starting up and electronic devices turning on all sounded at the same time! Like a hundred flowers blooming! Although the vast majority of devices can only barely whimper and cannot function properly! But there are still many devices that can connect to the Internet. After being adjusted by the magic boy, the code has been given a new lease of life! A shelf top.

A machine that looked like a signal tower flashed red lights and began to operate normally.

Its spire rises slowly, standing proudly at the highest point of the entire venue, seeming to be commanding thousands of troops! This is a network amplifier! It can increase the speed of civilian networks by 10 times and form an independent regional network at the same time! Snapped! A machine in the distance casts an orange light that shines on the ground, warm and familiar.

This machine can simulate the black body radiation emitted by nuclear reactions on the sun.

That’s the Sunshine Simulator! Under its illumination, plants can grow in a dark environment! Ding...on an inconspicuous shelf.

A machine the size of a shoebox suddenly lights up.

It projected a blue light curtain into the air, and gradually, a three-dimensional model of a circular building appeared in the air, rotating slightly.

This building is exactly the ‘experimental cemetery’ where Brother Liu is! This holographic projector was connected to the cameras around the building by the magic boy, and in the form of a three-dimensional model, it monitored all the disturbances near the building! Want! Two cute dog barks were heard.

Liu Di looked down and saw a cute mechanical puppy at his feet, staring at him with eyes made of two light bulbs and wagging its tail mechanically at him.

This puppy can imitate the walking of dogs and can recognize its owner through the camera on its head.

Brother Liu smiled slightly.

This is the experimental work of a very cute female college student, named Wangwang Dog... Unfortunately, due to coding reasons, the dog was not really brought to life.

Buzz... There is a robot in the distance that is missing a jumping leg. It is lying on the ground and spinning in circles.

on the sky.

Many strange-looking drones were circling back and forth.

far away.

There are also many robots, sweepers, car models, etc., moving towards Brother Liu... Everything is like being in a science fiction world! Suddenly.

Two figures appeared on the 3D monitor! Dangdang! There was a knock on the door! All the machines went out instantly! Wangwang Dog's light bulb eyes were dim, as if the power was cut off, and his head hung down.

Those flying in the sky landed directly on the nearby shelves! Those walking on the ground fell to the ground directly after the power was cut off! The lights also dimmed a lot.

"Mr. Liu, is this Mr. Liu's residence?" "The luxurious big bed and bedding you ordered have arrived!" The deliveryman outside the door scratched his head and looked around the dark hole, feeling a little creepy, "Is someone playing a prank? Who would live in such a place?" Suddenly.

The door was opened, and a handsome face, with a purple right eye staring, poked his head out, "Yes, it's here!" "Oh my God!" The deliveryman was so scared that he almost sat on the ground! 20 minutes later.

Under Brother Liu's arrangement, a large and comfortable bed with bedding was laid out in the center of the entire venue, surrounded by rows of shelves.

The deliveryman, who was about to finish work, couldn't help but be curious and asked tremblingly: "Mr. Liu, why do you live here alone?" Brother Liu laughed, "As you can see, this is an abandoned warehouse. I was hired to be a doorman here!" The deliveryman heard this and showed a strange look, "Little brother, don't blame me for being nosy. Why don't you find a job at your young age? Why do you have to stay here?" "To be honest, I think this place is weird, as if there are many eyes watching me!"

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