My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 977 Unyielding Moore

It's over.

Caught in the act!

Moore's body trembled.

Then he turned around slowly.

But he saw Russell slowly approaching with hot coffee, smiling: "Master Moore, what are you doing?"

Moore stared at the gloomy old man, the more he looked at him, the more he looked like a perverted sex maniac who would kill without blinking an eye.

Moore swallowed his saliva.

Countless excuses flashed through his mind.

But he suddenly felt pale and powerless.

He shrank, "I'm ordering takeout, you definitely don't believe it. In fact, this young master is spying on all the secrets of your company. It's your honor."

"I can understand."

Russell smiled lightly and stretched out his hand directly, "You've been busy all day and are very tired, have a cup of coffee."


Moore took the coffee in a daze. Isn't he a fool?

Russell said, "You have seen the power of my company's products. I will charge for them in three days. It won't be long before the market value of my company will reach an astonishing figure."

"And you"

"Want to steal trade secrets, which is reasonable. I forgive you."

After a pause, Russell said, "Have a cup of coffee."

Moore handed the coffee to his mouth and thought secretly.

It is very logical that he wants to make money.

Russell looked at Moore's sexy little lips, which were about to touch the coffee in the cup, and felt sorry in his heart, but his smile became stronger.

"I have decided."

But Moore suddenly put down the cup, "Experience your company's equipment in person."

"If this thing is really magical, I can consider persuading my family to invest in you."

Moore gritted his teeth secretly, and invested in your grandmother.

This young master is not going to get the tiger cub without going into the tiger's den!


Russell suddenly laughed strangely, "This is a way to have the best of both worlds."


Russell actually snatched the coffee cup and threw it directly into the trash can!

Moore was slightly surprised.

10 minutes later.

Moore lay on the brain structure transformation machine and slowly closed his eyes.

When he woke up again.

He opened his eyes hazily, but found himself in a white space, boundless.

In the distance, there were five thousand people lined up in a row, kneeling on the ground, with a dull face, mumbling, and constantly saying something.

Moore was shocked.

Because he was deeply impressed by the figure at the front of the line, it was the punk girl named Lu Xi!

"What's going on!"

"Am I dreaming?!"

Moore was even more panicked. He ran to Lu Xi and shook her shoulders, "Lu Xi, do you still remember me? What's wrong with you!"

But the girl's eyes were blank, as if she didn't see Moore, just staring at a small keyboard on the ground.

She only heard her muttering: "Ms. Lu Xi, a taxi has been booked for you, because in 30 minutes, it will be time for you to take care of your hair"

Moore was stunned for a moment.

Is she talking to herself?

And how come it's like artificial intelligence!


Moore looked at the 5,000 figures lined up far away. Their actions were very similar to Lu Xi!

Moore suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart!

The next moment.

Russell appeared out of thin air, still wearing a white coat, with a very gentle smile, "Master Moore, welcome to my sz world."

Moore frowned, "What the hell is this!"

Russell didn't speak.

Gently waved his hand, and a window appeared out of thin air.

But in it, another 'Moore' woke up from the seat of the machine and came to the machine as soon as possible.

The 'Moore' touched the crystal behind his head and said, "I don't feel anything? It can read my preferences now? Why doesn't the speaker respond?"

The pupils of the conscious Moore trembled.

He seemed to understand something in an instant, and slowly said: "I like symphony, "Hungarian Symphony""

In the real warehouse, the small SZ speaker said: "Master Moore, present you with your favorite symphony"

And Moore in front of the speaker shouted, "My God, it's really good! I don't even feel it!"

And the conscious Moore suddenly froze!

He was shocked for a long time.

Slowly turned his head to look at Russell, "Consciousness extraction? Consciousness replication? Or the legendary consciousness upload?"


Russell suddenly laughed wildly, "You are worthy of being the legendary scientific and technological genius Master Moore. You actually guessed our technology in such a short time?"

At this time, Moore tried his best to keep his brain calm and looked at the more than 5,000 kneeling figures.

He trembled and said, "And they are the original consciousness of those customers, but now they have become 'artificial intelligence' at the mercy of others?"

Russell smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Moore felt his head spinning, and he roared, "You actually created such evil technology, which is against humanity! You are a cruel murderer!"


"No! No! No!"

Russell laughed and looked at 'Moore' in the window, "Look at him, he is alive and well now, he is a copy of your consciousness, he is you, but he is occasionally controlled by some small subconsciousness."

Moore suddenly realized.

The small brain implant crystal is not a tool for connecting electrical appliances at all.

It is a tool to control the human subconscious, and the host itself is not easy to detect!

No wonder there are so many repeat customers!

"I have to say that your skills are indeed very advanced, and you can also use your subconscious mind."

"What is your purpose, to control all mankind?"

"And you, a pervert, definitely don't have this kind of technology. Who is your behind-the-scenes instigator?"

Moore stared at Russell with his eyes wide open.

"Our technology comes from a god-level creator."

"I heard from the master that his name is Liu."


At this point, Russell chuckled, "I really admire you. Now that you are in danger, you still want to get to the bottom of it?"

Right now.

In reality, Moore had already arrived in front of an SZ TV with an excited look on his face.

He said with great interest: "Play a favorite program for me."

Russell in the code world looked at the consciousness 'Moore' with a chuckle, stretched out his hand and said: "Please start your work?"

Conscious Moore gritted his teeth and said, "You're dreaming."

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