My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 985 Small Bottle Cap

My name is Little Bottle Cap.

I should be twelve years old.

The little girl buried her body in the garbage.

She can hardly speak.

She can only think about everything in her heart.

I don’t know who gave birth to me, but I know that I feed myself.

I also know that I won’t live long.

She moved her body.

The abscess on her stomach was as big as a basketball, covered by her tattered clothes, and no one could see it.

I was born in an orphanage and adopted.

As a result, the "father" abused me, touched me, and beat me all day long, so I ran away.

It’s better to snatch food from wild dogs in this garbage dump.

She raised her hand to pick the maggots off a piece of rotten meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

She had long been accustomed to the cold, hunger, illness, and stench.

She had tempered a unique strength.

But what she didn’t expect was.

The evil deeds of human beings far exceeded her imagination. A few weeks ago, a group of hooligans found her, played with her like a mouse, and finally vented their animal nature cruelly.

She had hidden sharp glass fragments before.

If those hooligans insulted her again, she would kill them.

But in the end, she was still so helpless.

Being treated as a toy, played with and discarded.

It doesn't matter.

I will find a chance.

I must kill you.

Xiaopinggai rummaged through the garbage pile beside him. It seemed that there was some festival in the city today. People began to waste again, and there were a lot of leftovers.

Although it was moldy, it was top-notch food.

Of course.

It was not the top-notch either.

Xiaopinggai took out a red apple from his arms and smiled.

This was the top-notch.

Xiaopinggai shrank his body into the garbage hole, wiped the apple and was reluctant to eat it.

Suddenly there was a noise outside.

She became alert in an instant.

I saw a beautiful woman in a white short-sleeved shirt, holding a large plate of food, squatting in front of the garbage dump.

She was looking at me.

Xiao Pinggai's cloudy eyes were suddenly filled with confusion.

This sister is very special.

And that brother, although a little fierce, he helped me teach the gangsters a lesson, and one of them broke his hand.

Are they going to help me?

No, they must have some other purpose, who knows if they will continue to abuse me.

I only heard Gu Fan smiling and saying, "If you don't come out, I will leave, okay?"

Xiao Pinggai's cracked lips moved.

Then he shrank back into the garbage dump.

I won't go out.

Although you have been here several times.

I saw Gu Fan took out a red skirt like a magic trick, "Do you like this dress?"

Xiao Pinggai still didn't speak, pretending that he was not there.

Gu Fan puffed his lips and sighed, "Sister must help you, I will come again, always."

Gu Fan immediately stood up.

He left with his hands behind his back.

Little Bottle Cap looked at the large plate of food in the garbage and drooled.

That must be a bait.

I won't be fooled.

As she said that, she rubbed her belly and searched in the garbage around her.

The vegetable leaves were gone.

The moldy rice was gone.

The apple must be kept.


What is that?

Little Bottle Cap grabbed the glass tube, in which a ball of silver liquid was flowing back and forth.

There was a line of letters engraved on the base, but she didn't recognize them. It just looked like a distorted pattern.

So thirsty.

Little Bottle Cap twisted the glass tube, and a barely noticeable light flashed, and it opened with a click.

She looked at the silver liquid.

It must be better than the stinky milk.


Little Bottle Cap drank the liquid in the glass tube upside down.

The next moment.

She just felt a little numb all over and her head was fuzzy.


Drinking stinky things always has strange consequences.

Not dying for the time being.



Someone in the city set off fireworks, as if celebrating something.


A voice suddenly came to her mind - 'You are chosen.'

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