My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1002 Incredible Journey

Brother Liu at this time.

Step into the space-time tunnel.

At first, he could still see the world around him, but as his body continued to accelerate, everything around him seemed to be stretched, slowly turning into a straight line, and finally turning into a blue laser, quickly retreating behind him.

This is really novel.

The time halberd can actually take me through time.

But where does the Time Halberd end up?

Liu Di felt a trace of Gu Fan's aura in the long river of time through the 'imprint' ability of the peak of the third stage of the new human race.

But only dimly.

Then with a thought, the Time Halberd flew in that direction.

Devil Boy: "Such a throw will definitely have deviations. Maybe it's just a tiny difference, which is hundreds of years. The only thing that's certain is that I can only push back the past, so the destination must be somewhere in the past." time point.”

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

Suddenly a question came to mind, and this question had been buried in my heart for a long time and had never been mentioned to anyone.

That is himself.

Liu Zhengqing and his mother Lu Shuyun are just his adoptive parents.

When he was a few months old, he was carried back to the laboratory by Liu Zhengqing.


Who are your biological parents?

The next moment.

Liu Di suddenly found an ink mark on his wrist - No. 02.

But the mark disappeared immediately.

"What's this?"

Brother Liu was suddenly stunned.

The devil boy said: "We start by traveling through time. The timeline will inevitably be affected, and the history will be slightly different. Maybe your past has been interfered with."

Brother Liu frowned, "Is this the butterfly effect and the grandfather paradox? Will our move forward this time lead to catastrophic consequences?"

The devil boy said: "No, history is vast and has a strong ability to correct itself. Those theories are just sensational."

Brother Liu nodded, "Let's find Gu Fan and bring her back. Try not to touch anything."

The next moment.

The space in front of me suddenly changed.

The surrounding blue lines disappear, and it seems to have reached the end of the journey.

Brother Liu first 'saw' the Time Halberd floating in the void in the distance, and then the endless darkness around him.

Where is this?

So dark.

Brother Liu stretched out his hand and found that he couldn't see his fingers or his body.

Extremely dark.

It's as if the world has no light.

The demon boy suddenly said: "Brother Liu, I feel something flying behind you."

Brother Liu looked back, not even knowing if he had looked back.

Because there is no difference in perspective, just darkness.

The demon boy said suspiciously: "Don't worry, it seems to be some electronic signals."

When Brother Liu was wondering, he suddenly saw a strange movement in front of him.

There is a green dot flashing.

But because of the darkness, it was impossible to even judge the distance.

"Finally something."

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes, and then his expression was stunned again.

I saw a woman in a white dress walking in the air, walked up to the little green dot, and tilted her head to look.

Brother Liu's mind was in a trance.

Gu Fan? !

Liu Di hurriedly stepped forward, only to find that he felt as if he was stepping on cotton, and his whole body was in a state of swaying.

Is there no gravity in this space?

Could it be that this is not the earth? !

The next moment, Liu Di suddenly felt a super gravitational pull, and his body moved quickly towards the green dot!

It just feels like tens of millions of distances have been crossed in an instant!

The figure in the white dress gradually became clearer, and Brother Liu was sure that it was Gu Fan.

But it's not her, but some kind of shadow.

It was the inexplicable 'imprint' in his mind, just like in the Haishi garbage dump, where he could see a man in a robe taking Gu Fan away.

Of course Gu Fan among them would not reply, as if he was living in his own world.

Brother Liu opened his eyes and passed her.

"Demon boy, this means that Gu Fan has been here!"

The devil boy suddenly shouted: "Look in front of you first!"

But he saw that small green dot very close at hand, no bigger than a soybean, but it was surrounded by a disk-shaped black crack.

It's like a small mung bean placed in the center of a black porcelain plate.

Brother Liu felt a little frightened.

What exactly is this?

Its gravitational pull is so huge that you can't get rid of it at all!

But the devil boy thought: "Super gravity, super mass, condensed into a point, why is this concept so familiar?"


The small green dot exploded, the surging energy spread silently, and a translucent light mask began to expand.

"Singular point???"

"Cosmic Singularity!!!"

The devil boy's voice was also full of shock, "The point in the 'zero' dimensional space where the universe began is also the point in the 'zero' dimensional space where the Big Bang was born. It is an area with infinite density, infinite heat, and infinite temperature. , the pressure is infinite, the curvature of space-time is infinite, and the volume of the 'point' is infinite!"

"Its explosion caused expansion. Countless light years later, the matter in it condensed into stars, forming nebulae and galaxies, forming the current universe!"

"Even now, the universe is still expanding infinitely, which is caused by its explosion!"

Brother Liu was stunned.


Is this the beginning of the universe? !

The scene in front of us is grand and magnificent, like a bubble with a halo that continues to grow. Any bit of super matter contained in it may become a star in the future.

It is unimaginable that this is the birth of the universe.

The singularity expanded close to the speed of light and arrived in an instant.

Liu Di couldn't believe it, his pupils reflected the gorgeous scenery, and his mind was deeply attracted.

But it was the voice of the demon boy, "If we don't leave now, we will die."

It can be expected that the collapse of the cosmic singularity, the energy in it can make Liu Di turn into nothingness in an instant.

At this moment.

Another time halberd in Liu Di's mind rose from the ground and rushed to the long river of time in a panic!

In this one ten-thousandth of a second.

Liu Di only felt a foreign object flying into his hand, but he didn't care about much, he had to get out of it first!

The terrifying collapse suddenly disappeared.

Liu Di's body appeared in the long river of time, he was horrified and shocked.

Incredible journey.

He subconsciously glanced at his hand.

He was shocked again.

It was a black stone, shaped like a black water drop pendant.

Liu Di took a deep breath.


Is it liquid metal? !

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