My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Vol 2 Chapter 8: income

"I really thanked Brother Li just now. If it wasn't for Brother Li, the three of us might have explained it in this valley!"

on the studio.

Fatty Li Qiu thanked Wu Wei again.

"You're welcome, I'm doing it too!

However, how could you provoke that big guy? "

Wu Wei was a little curious, how could the three of them be so brave?

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the three little fat people became a little embarrassed.

"It's my problem. I didn't expect the new boss to be a rare level. I thought it was a level 35 excellent level boss at most. As a result, because of a misjudgment of mine, we were almost wiped out!"

"It's not all to blame Fat Brother. We also have problems. We are too impulsive."

"Yeah, if we don't come up and rush, we won't be forced to do that."

It can be seen that although the three-person team is temporary, it is still very good.

The relationship between the three is also good.

Encountered such a thing the first time is not to shirk responsibility, but to take the initiative to take responsibility.

Looking at such a team, Wu Wei couldn't help but think of his previous team, um, what a waste of money!

It was precisely because he felt that the atmosphere of Little Fatty and his team was very good, that Wu Wei proposed to send them to the Black Quicksand City.

"By the way, when it comes to Black Quicksand City, you said you've been here for three days, right?

You should be familiar with Black Quicksand City, right? "

Wu Wei didn't forget what purpose he came to Black Quicksand City with.

After knowing that Little Fatty and the others stayed in Quicksand City for three days, they wanted to find out about the situation with Little Fatty and the others.

"I don't know much, but I'm somewhat familiar. Is Brother Li going to take the loot?"

The little fat man glanced at the light spot in the corner of Wu Wei's studio, and probably guessed what Wu Wei was thinking.

Wu Wei didn't hide it.

"How is the trading environment in Black Quicksand City?"

"The black quicksand city is not bad. Although it can only be regarded as a small city in the realm of the sky, the business environment is still very mature, especially for the industry of rune masters.

The most central street in the city is called Black Liujin Street.

It is dedicated to the service of rune masters, and accommodation, training, and transactions can be completed on this street.

We lived there for three days! "

The little fat man introduced Wu Wei about the environment of Black Quicksand City.

His two friends on the side added some details.

Under their description, a complex and contradictory city with a little medieval color and a strong modern atmosphere appeared in Wu Wei's mind.

Black Quicksand City is a city of feudal feudalism. In theory, everything in this city belongs to the city owner.

But this is only in theory. In fact, the city owner of Black Quicksand City only dares to manage ordinary people. For the rune master, the city owner still gives a lot of freedom and respect.

The rune master is exempted from the city tax, and the rune master is provided with room and board for free.

Of course, people are not all kind. Under normal circumstances, rune masters who enter Black Quicksand City will be arranged on the street of Black Flowing Gold.

Burning text

After entering this street, the rune master will become the consumer of this street.

Some people have a way to make you consume.

According to Little Fatty's teammates, there are many service industries in the black and gold streets.

There are all kinds of girls with animal ears, centaurs, and succubus.

One of the teenagers even took out a promotional image.

This kind of propaganda picture did not make much rush to Wu Wei, but when the propaganda picture was taken out, a pink robot appeared beside Wu Wei.

He grabbed the propaganda picture and said righteously: "What kind of world is this, how can there be such a business?

What about morality?

What about etiquette and honor?


"Go, go, play while you go!"

Wu Wei grabbed the promotional image and forcibly turned Zhang Niujiao back into a backpack.

He is really speechless to this old man. You said that he has become a robot. What address do you need if there is no function?

What was he doing there?


As for Wu Wei himself, he took a glance back and looked away.

What does it mean to be a woman?

What kind of woman is he looking for when he has nothing to do?

Is it the rune that doesn't look good? Or skills training can't make people excited?

And Wu Wei's lightly written gaze made Little Fatty's heart tremble.

From Fatty's point of view, there are only two explanations for a propaganda picture that can be written so lightly.

Either you've seen enough, or you can't see it!

He felt that Wu Wei was definitely the latter.

With Wu Wei's identity, he definitely doesn't like this kind of general stuff.

"By the way, what is the currency of Black Quicksand City? Spirit Talisman? Or Spirit Stone?"

Another question that shocked the little fat man.

I don't even know the currency of the transaction, this one has no common sense.

Oh, no, the trading currency that people open up is either the lowest-level trading currency like Spirit Talisman, or the high-end trading currency like Spirit Stone.

What does this mean?

This shows that the realm of others is there, and the usual transactions must basically use spirit stones.

The broken money other than the spirit stone is not used much.

"The spirit stone can also be traded in Black Quicksand City, but due to the large face value, it is rarely used in general transactions, and [Sky Spirit Coins] are generally used for transactions!

One Spirit Coin is roughly equivalent to 10,000 Spirit Talismans! "

As the little fat man said, he took out a small bag of spirit coins and handed it to Wu Wei.

"Brother Li probably didn't bring any spirit coins when he went out, these are for Brother Li's usual scattered expenses!"

Wu Wei glanced at it. There were about 20 crystal clear crystals in the small bag, which looked similar to spiritual stones, and stored a currency of pure spiritual power.

I roughly calculated the value in my mind, 20 pieces is about 2000 contribution value of Yuehua City.

This is not too much, Wu Wei did not refuse, and took over the 20 spirit coins.

Of course, Wu Wei also took out three stacks of excellent quality [Torch Talismans] from the Book of Runes and gave them to the three of them as a return gift.

The three little fat people didn't care too much when they saw that the rune Wu Wei took out was [Torch Talisman], and just regarded it as an ordinary courtesy exchange.

And when they took it over, they were dumbfounded.

A stack of 12 chapters, all of which are level 21 excellent quality [torch charms].

Needless to say its value, it is not an easy task to produce so many excellent quality torch charms in one breath.

The three looked up again and saw a rune sticking to the top of the studio.

I didn't notice it just now, but now I look at it again, and it seems to be a torch of excellent quality.

My God, runes of excellent quality are used for daily necessities. Is this the boss?

"By the way, if Brother Li is not in a hurry, you can stay for two more days.

Stay for two more days for the Black Flow Gold Club to hold the annual rune master meeting. It will be very lively, there will be many programs, and there will be a lot of good things. Brother Li will not worry about the lack of place to spend spirit stones! "

Wu Wei was not very interested in gatherings or anything.

But the last sentence of the little fat man made Wu Weiwei interested.

Don't worry, there is no place to spend spirit stones, right?

In the same way, you shouldn't have to worry about not being able to get Spirit Stones!

Thinking like this, Wu Wei couldn't help but look forward to the meeting two days later.

Not long afterward, Wu Wei and his party came to Black Quicksand City.

At this time, Wu Wei definitely couldn't bring his studio into the city.

As long as you roughly clean up, put the loot that can fit in the golden rune space, and put it in as much as possible.

Fortunately, Wu Wei's book of runes has doubled the storage space, plus there is a horn to hold it, and he basically hasn't opened the loot these days, but he can barely hold it.

There was a small part that couldn't be put in, and the three of them volunteered to help Wu Wei put it in.

After finishing packing, Wu Wei walked into the city of black quicksand under the leadership of the little fat man.

Entering the city of black quicksand, this city gave Wu Wei only two impressions.

One is ancient, the city walls, floors, and buildings all reveal the breath of ancient times.

The other one is majestic, the city gate alone is nearly 100 meters high.

That's no ordinary majesty.

There were also two pairs of guards with nearly a hundred people at the city gate. Wu Wei glanced over and found that they were basically second-tier rune masters.

The level is not very high.

But think about it, they are basically used for decoration. Who is idle and has nothing to do with a master looking at the door as a decoration?

When entering the gate, Wu Wei thought that there would be some interrogation.

The result was no, the little fatty and the others just took out the Hundred Family Tokens, and the other party respectfully gave in.

This made Wu Wei realize that the influence of the Hundred Schools Academy in the domain of the sky may be far greater than he expected.

After entering the city, Little Fatty and the others took Wu Wei to find a shop that they used to deliver goods these days.

Wu Wei sold all the spoils of the past few days, except for a small part of his useful and high value.

In the end, I got 4,000 spirit coins, which is almost the 40,000 contribution value of Yuehua City.

Five or six days of income can be 4,000 spirit coins, Wu Wei is quite satisfied.

It was just that Wu Wei was a bit sloppy and asked, how much do you charge for a level 40 rare quality energy core?

Just this sentence, Wu Weimei's mood almost broke on the spot.

The other party responded and could give the price of half to 1 spirit stone.

Wu Wei was stunned at the time, which means that the elf ate something from a spirit stone?

At that time, Wu Wei's heart ached.

He should have known earlier that something of this level was of such high value, and he would never let the elf eat it like this.

Anyway, the elf must still have a long way to go from the perfect level.

There is that thing, isn't it good to sell the spirit stone for the elf to break through the third-order first?

In order to avoid this kind of thing happening next time, Wu Wei deliberately visited the store, and after getting acquainted with the prices, he took the little fat man and the others away.

After completing this transaction, Wu Wei invited Fatty and the others to have a meal in the city, and the two sides separated.

The two little friends of the little fat man are going to heal the body and mind.

On Wu Wei's side, he also has his own things to do.

After separating from Fatty and the others, Wu Wei strolled around the black quicksand gold again.

Well, just this lap, oh no, in fact, Wu Wei probably didn't even finish a lap, and his 4,000 spirit coins were basically used up.

Wu Wei bought a lot of materials for drawing magic symbols.

Then I found a hotel and stayed there.

After he settled down, Wu Wei summoned the little elf A Huang again, and at the same time took out the few light spots he left in his hand.

"Well, it's finally the most exciting part!

I don't know how my luck is today? "

In the end, Wu Wei didn't have many light spots left in his hands, only seven.

One of the wild boar kings contributed 4, two purple and two blue, and the remaining three were also blue, as for Wu Wei who contributed specifically, I don't know.

Wu Wei saw that the three blue pieces were all runes, so he stayed.

Wu Weiyi got started one by one and turned on all the seven light spots.

[You turn on 2 purple light spots and get 2 [Mud Armor Wild Boar King Summoning Talisman]! 】

[You turn on 1 blue light spot and get 1 [Wild Boar Crash Charm]]

[You turn on 1 blue light spot and get 1 [The Boar King Guard Summoning Charm]]

[You turn on 1 blue light spot and get 1 [Tree Root Extraction Charm]]

[You turn on 1 blue light spot and get 100 [Blank Talismans]! 】

[You turn on 1 blue light spot and get 1 [Bead Curtain Fireball Charm]]


Hesitation was specially reserved by Wu Wei, so all of them were runes.

However, what came out was somewhat beyond Wu Wei's expectations. First of all, Wu Wei didn't expect two [Clay Armor Wild Boar King Summoning Talismans] to appear.

When Wu Wei saw these two talismans, his eyes lit up.

Wu Wei had already familiarized himself with prices before.

The price of Summoning Talismans, especially Tier 3 Summoning Talismans, is almost ten times more expensive than other runes.

And the rare-level Summoning Talisman, the value is even more terrifying.

Just these two runes can compare to all the runes Hu Kaiyun gave him before, except for the death rune.

In Black Quicksand City, a summoning charm of this level can be sold for half to 1 spirit stone.

But if it is two pieces of one piece, there should be hope to sell 3 spirit stones.

That is to say, if he can take these two shots, it seems that the spirit stones of the elf and Ah Huang's advanced level will be available!

Realizing this, Wu Wei felt excited.

However, the excitement returned, and Wu Wei did not go out and sell the two magic talismans as soon as possible.

Not in a hurry at this time.

Moreover, this kind of extremely valuable thing is not to be sold.

Wu Wei needs to be fully prepared.

Therefore, Wu Wei finally suppressed his excitement and took the [Blank Talisman] to take a look.


Name: blank talisman

Excellent quality

Level: Level 31

Description: This is a good carrier for drawing runes, and the success rate of drawing runes of excellent quality will increase by about 15%.

The success rate of drawing rare runes decreased by 15%


Looking at this [Blank Rune] Wu Wei's eyes lit up.

"The success rate of drawing rare runes has dropped by 15%, that is to say, can it be used to draw rare quality runes?"

Well, Wu Wei never looked at the success rate in drawing runes.

For Wu Wei, as long as he can successfully draw once, there is no rune that is not 100% drawn.

After realizing that [Blank Rune] could draw rare quality runes, Wu Wei immediately started to draw it.

However, what Wu Wei started to draw at this time was not the rune that had already been formed in his mind.

Instead, start practicing with the [Torch Talisman].

Facts have proved that Wu Wei's caution was right.

He failed when he drew the first torch talisman.

Draw to draw, but the quality is excellent.

Wu Wei pondered for a while and realized that the problem should be with Lingmo.

"The torch talisman is fire attribute. I will try it with the spirit ink prepared with the blood of the third-order rune monster of excellent quality!"

Wu Wei said, took out the spiritual ink, and started to draw.

Wu Wei is definitely the first to draw rare-quality runes with excellent-quality spiritual ink and blank runes.

He was a little overconfident.

When other rune masters draw rare-quality runes, they must use rare-quality materials carefully?

Like him, he is so arrogant that he is a bit self-abusing.

However, he also has the qualifications to be arrogant.

On the one hand, he is open and hanging, on the other hand, Wu Wei's [Symbolism] has the skill characteristic of [Diligence and Frugality], which can save 15% of the materials.

And this has become the key to Wu Wei's success.

Soon a burst of purple light lit up, and in front of Wu Wei appeared a mysterious talisman that had basically nothing to do with the [Torch Talisman].

[You have successfully drawn a rare quality [torch charm]! 】

Rune: Torch Rune

Quality: rare

Level: Level 31

Times of use: 1/1

Burning Condition: Rune Mage

Explanation: Trust me, no one really sees it as a torch.

If you detonate it instantly, it will produce strong light, and it will also cause 160 points of fire damage to the surrounding 3 This attribute is still very good.

Wu Wei's eyes lit up.

A 160 damage, 10 is 1600, 100 is 16000.

Wu Wei roughly glanced at the materials on hand.

"In addition to the blank runes, those hides should also be able to be used.

If you draw all of them in one piece, you should be able to draw one or two hundred pieces! "

Wu Wei thought about it for a while. One or two hundred torch talismans bloomed at the same time, and the power that burst out at that moment was terrifying.

Can even a fifth- or sixth-order existence be killed?

And Wu Wei calculates the cost of these 3rd-order rare qualities by himself.

The hesitation is all drawn with excellent quality materials, and the cost price is not high, about a ten spirit coin.

The only thing that consumes a lot is Wu Wei's spiritual power.

He drew a torch talisman, almost draining his spiritual energy.

Without the supply of elixir, Wu Wei could only draw a picture in 50 minutes.

No sleep 24 hours a day, up to 28.

It takes three days and three nights to draw a hundred pictures.

But even so, Wu Wei has to paint!

"Let's draw a hundred of them first. If I sell crocodile charms and get hacked, I can feel more secure with a hundred [torch charms] in my hand!"

Thinking like this, Wu Wei took out the three remaining pieces from his book of runes, the [Little Yuandan] that he got from the Dahan Quartermaster.

After swallowing it in one bite, Wu Wei started to draw the [Torch Charm]!

And as soon as he started, Wu Wei felt something was wrong...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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