My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Perfect quality palm thunder charm

T-shaped training center.

Zhang Niujiao was not surprised that Wu Wei was able to ask this question.

He even felt that if Wu Wei didn't ask that, he wouldn't be Wu Wei.

For Wu Wei's question, Zhang Niujiao also answered truthfully.


"If you break through the limit with all your attributes, the benefits you can get will be immeasurable!

But at the same time, you must also know that the difficulty of breaking through all attributes will be ten times or even more than a hundred times that of breaking through single attributes.

Moreover, once you choose to break through all attributes, your second mortal transformation must also take this path, and the difficulties you will face will be dozens or hundreds of times that of others! "

Speaking of which, Zhang Niujiao paused, and then continued to Wu Wei earnestly: "Actually, sometimes it's not that the best is the most suitable for you, and blindly pursuing the best, sometimes it will become your progress. burden.

I have seen a genius who spent decades in pursuit of perfect transformation, and finally succeeded in transformation, but so what?

At the same stage, he has become a mortal with him, and he is already on the stage, I don't know how far he has left him. "

"Remember, the rune master in the rune world, the higher the level, the greater the gap between each level.

Often only one step away, the most mediocre ordinary person can easily suppress the so-called Tianjiao. You should understand what I mean by this! "


Wu Wei nodded his head heavily: "Then it seems that I don't have to rush to break through first, and then wait for the next few attributes to reach their limits."


Zhang Niujiao felt that the call he just told the dog was completely heard!

On Wu Wei's side, after learning about the ultimate barrier of attributes, his attention returned to the [Lightning Talisman in the Palm].

After concentrating, Wu Wei took out rare-quality materials and began to draw the [Perfect Quality Palm Thunder Talisman].

As soon as Wu Wei got started, he went into the energy control room. Lao Xu, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, heard the piercing alarm sound again. His pale face was instantly congested with blood, and it was very eerie red.

Get started quickly to maintain the energy supply.

With the help of Lao Xu, it took Wu Wei nearly thirty minutes to complete the drawing of the runes.

After the drawing was completed, a golden finger prompt appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

[You have successfully drawn the [Perfect-quality Palm Thunder Talisman], your spirit will increase by 15 points, the thunder attribute resistance will increase by 15 points, and you will get 30 points of thunder attribute spiritual power! 】

Rune: Palm Thunder Rune

Quality: perfect

Level: Level 39

Effect 1: Must hit (as long as this charm is used, the target must be hit within 100 meters)

Effect 2: Thunder attribute damage 72000

Effect 3: With paralysis and evil killing effects

Burning Condition: Rune Mage, Rune Warlock, Level 31


[You have successfully drawn the [Perfect Quality Palm Thunder Talisman], you have a deeper understanding of your skill [Palm Thunder], and your proficiency will increase by 10,000 points! 】

At the same time as these golden finger tips appeared, Wu Wei also noticed that the [Lei Talisman in the Palm] in his mental space was not completely darkened, and there was still about half of the light on it.

This made Wu Wei realize that he could still draw another.

Wu Wei continued without saying a word, and soon the second perfect quality [Lei Talisman of the Palm] appeared in Wu Wei's hands.

[You have successfully drawn the [Perfect-quality Palm Thunder Talisman], your spirit will increase by 12.5 points, the thunder attribute resistance will increase by 15 points, and you will gain 30 points of thunder attribute spiritual power! 】

【Your spirit touches the limit barrier! 】

[You have successfully drawn the [Perfect Quality Palm Thunder Talisman], you have a deeper understanding of your skill [Palm Thunder], and your proficiency will increase by 10,000 points! 】

With the successful drawing of the second perfect-quality Palm Thunder Talisman, Wu Wei's second attribute touched the limit barrier.

This made Wu Wei somewhat helpless.

This has already reached the limit of two properties.

However, whether it is agility or spirit, it is basically not the attribute of his major.

"If it goes on like this, I may really want to be transformed into a mortal with all attributes!

Forget it, all attributes are all attributes, at least a little neater! "

Well, for Wu Wei, who is somewhat obsessive-compulsive, this kind of breakthrough still feels that it would be better to be neat.

Afterwards, Wu Wei checked the [Palm Thunder Rune] in the mental space and found that it had been completely darkened.

At this time, Wu Wei took out the [Fire Spirit Pill]!

The reason why Wu Wei wanted to get a [Fire Spirit Pill] before was to try it out to see if he could charge the [Torch Talisman] in his spiritual space through the pill.

Or use the energy of [Fire Spirit Pill] to replace the energy of [Torch Charm] to draw a perfect quality Torch Charm.

Originally, Wu Wei didn't have much confidence, and he held the attitude of giving it a try.

But after Wu Wei saw that the [Palm Thunder Talisman] could support him to draw two perfect quality palm thunder, Wu Wei felt that the energy of the Torch Talisman in the mental space should still be very hopeful to be replaced by the Fire Spirit Pill.

Wu Wei is a person who dares to think and act. With this idea, he threw the Fire Spirit Pill into his mouth and began to draw the [torch charm].

The process went very smoothly. In less than 20 minutes, Wu Wei completed a [Perfect Quality Torch Talisman] again.

[You have successfully drawn a [Perfect Quality Torch Talisman], your spiritual power cannot be improved after touching the barrier, your fire attribute resistance increases by 5 points, and you get 10 fire attribute spiritual power! 】

When the runes and golden fingers were prompted, Wu Wei noticed that the Fire Spirit Pill still had one-third of the energy.

In other words, two Fire Spirit Pill Wu Wei can spend three perfect quality [Torch Talismans].

This thing, Wu Wei, can be mass-produced!

Realizing this, Wu Wei's eyes suddenly lit up.


T-shaped trading market, in the Xiliang grocery store!

Dong Hu was taken aback when he heard that Yuan Chu was visiting.

"Why is he here?"

At the same time, Dong Hu's brows furrowed deeply.

Because he had heard of this Yuan Chu, he was a very outstanding figure in the younger generation of the Yuan clan of the Han camp.

I heard that he is good at it, and he has a group of outstanding talents to follow, and he is regarded as a leader among the Yuan clan.

"Isn't he busy suppressing the Yellow Turban camp? Why did he have the time to come to me? Could it be because of the past? Yuan Hong wouldn't let this news spread to their Yuan clan?"

"The problem is, Yuan Hong may not be able to stop this matter!"

Li Ru glanced at the front outside and narrowed his eyes: "It seems that the visitor is not good!"

"Whether he is good or not, since he dares to come, I am afraid that I will not see him? Let him come in!"

Dong Hu waved his hand, and the people under his hand went to the front and invited Yuan Chu in.

The younger brother in front greeted Yuan Chu politely: "This guest, our boss has an invitation in the back hall!"

Yuan Chu didn't react yet, and the strong man behind him was instantly angry.

"He doesn't come in person? What kind of thing is he, dare to come with me..."

"Old Chun!"

Yuan Chu raised his hand and gave a light drink. Although the strong man named Lao Chun was still a little resentful, he still shut up.

Only then did Yuan Chu politely say to the younger brother, "Please lead the way ahead!"

"You two, please come with me!"

The younger brother took Yuan Chu and Lao Chun into the back hall. As soon as they entered the back hall, the smell of alcohol came to his face, and Lao Chun's brows could not help but wrinkle, and they saw Dong Hu in a short while.

At this time, Dong Hu was sitting on the wine table, holding a bowl of wine in his hand, and looked at Yuan Chu and Lao Chun who came over with a red face.

His gaze came to Lao Chun for a moment, and then fell on Yuan Chu. He didn't get up, but just lifted the wine to Yuan Chu: "Young Master Yuan is here, if you don't mind, please sit down and drink two glasses! "

Lao Chun was angry on the spot, but seeing that Yuan Chu had no reaction, he finally endured it.

On the other hand, Yuan Chu raised the corner of his mouth: "Okay!"

While talking, Yuan Chu rolled up his sleeves and sat on the table unceremoniously under Lao Chun's dumbfounded eyes. He took a clean bowl from the table and poured himself a bowl of wine.

"I have always heard that Brother Dong Hu, who is in the line of Xiliang, is arrogant and righteous, and there are a group of brothers who are loyal and righteous, and have never been able to meet. Today, I don't know if I, Yuan Chu, can have a drink with you! "

"Hahaha, if you say anything else, my old Dong may refuse, say drinking, no matter how much my old Dong will accompany you to the end!"



The two large bowls collided, and after making a crisp sound, the two smiled at each other and drank it.

The image and temperament that Yuan Chu showed at this time, let alone Dong Hu, even Lao Chun behind him was dumbfounded. He never thought that his young master would have such a bold and straightforward side.

Several brothers on Dong Hu's side even felt that Yuan Chu, the master's son, seemed to be different from other sons.

At least this, looks much more pleasing to the eye than Yuan Hong.

Yuan Chu and Dong Hu drank seven bowls in one go. At first, Yuan Chu's face didn't change, but after the seventh bowl, Yuan Chu's face turned red!

The free-flow of wine also stopped after the seventh bowl.

"No way, seven bowls is my limit, and if I drink it, I'll lose my temper!"

"You have to have a good time drinking, and it's okay to lose your temper. Let's come again!"

"No, Brother Dong's wine is a bold wine, you can drink it to your heart's content, but Yuan Chu's wine is not good, my wine is a wine of restraint, you can't drink it to your heart's content, I have to pay a price for my enjoyment.

So, be in moderation! "

With that said, Yuan Chu put down the bowl in his hand.

The action of putting the bowl down is very light, but this light release makes people clearly feel his determination. He said that if he is not drinking, he will definitely not take another sip.

Dong Hudao was not disgusted by this either, he poured himself a bowl of wine and drank it to his mouth, then looked at Yuan Chu: "Since the wine is no more, then let's get down to business, Brother Yuan today It's not as simple as having a drink with Dong Hu when you come here suddenly, right?"


Yuan Chu lowered his head heavily: "The Yuan family already knew about what happened not long ago, and the business of the T-shaped trading center has also been handed over to me!"

Dong Hu raised his brows: "Then what?"

"Then I want to make a future for Brother Dong and Brother Dong's brother!"

"Seeking a future?" Dong Hu smiled: "How does Brother Yuan plan to help us find this future!"

Yuan Chu looked at Dong Hu and said word by word, "Brother Dong brought his brothers to establish a line of Xiliang, and on the D-level campus, he worked hard to open this market, build this store, and even for this store, Dong Brother wasted three years, and he was not promoted to Grade C student for three whole years.

The purpose is to stay in the T-Zi campus to defend this business, and hope that this business will improve, to obtain financial resources for your Xiliang lineage, and to earn enough resources for Brother Dong to break through the seventh order, right! "


Dong Hu did not deny this, and there is no need to deny it, it is a fact!

Yuan Chu, on the other hand, started throwing a big move: "Yuan Chu can directly give Brother Dong and all the resources that Brother Dong's brothers need to advance to the seventh rank!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Xiliang lineage, including Dong Hu, couldn't help but be stunned.

A pair of unbelievable eyes looked at Yuan Chu.

On the other hand, Li Ruyi narrowed his eyes: "If you want to take it, you must give it first. Is Mr. Yuan interested in our business?"

As soon as Li Ru made a sound, Dong Hu and several others reacted.

Looking at Yuan Chu with a questioning gaze.

And Yuan Chu's eyes fell on Li Ru: "This is Mr. Li Ru, right? I have always heard that there is a resourceful Mr. Li by Brother Dong's side to give advice, and seeing it today is really extraordinary, Yuan Chu's little thought I can't hide it from Mr. Li.

Yes, your business is one of my conditions! "

"One of the conditions? That is to say, there are two or even three?"

"Indeed, there is, the second is that I hope that all the brothers can join my Yuan clan. Everyone is from the Great Han faction. If you join my Yuan clan with the same spirit, you will also be able to contribute to the Great Han faction.

More importantly, with your strength and talent, my Yuan clan will definitely be able to reuse it, and the resources needed for the eighth and ninth orders will also be available from my Yuan clan. This is better than sticking to this stall. Bar? "

Speaking of this, Yuan Chu looked at Dong Hu: "Brother Dong, you have been running this stall for three or four years, and you should know the hardships and difficulties involved.

It's not that I, Yuan Chu, look down on Brother Dong, it's just that Brother Dong's background is too small. It's too difficult to open up this business with your little plate, and reach the level that can feed you to the seventh or even ninth order. a bit.

Brother Dong was even tired of this business. If it wasn't for this business, Brother Dong would be at least a C-level student at the peak of the sixth-order or even a B-level student, right?

Wouldn't it be better to clear it and change resources?

Even if Brother Dong really wants to have his own career, he can wait until the seventh rank and start all over again, right? "

I have to say that Yuan Chu's deal is really tempting.

Dong Hu didn't say anything on the spot, his brothers almost couldn't hold it anymore.

My family knows about their own affairs. Although Dong Hu's business has been in operation for three or four years, it has never improved.

Up to now, it is still tepid. Although he can earn hundreds or even thousands of spirit stones every year, this profit is barely enough for their Xiliang line to operate. In addition, Dong Hu is really big-hearted sometimes. , I don't know if there are one or two hundred spirit stones in his hand now.

And it's not that they have to work hard. In fact, it is very good that they can build such a big stall from scratch in just a few years.

It's just that their background is too poor, they don't have competitive products, and they can only eat leftovers in the T-shaped trading market, unlike their Yuan's Treasure Pavilion, which can not only make a lot of money in the T-shaped trading market, but also expand their business.

Based on the current situation of their Xiliang lineage, if they can sell this business, it would be good to start with the resources of their five brothers to advance to the seventh rank.

Yuan Chu could see that Dong Hu and the others were a little moved, so they struck while the iron was hot.

"By the way, in addition to the first and second conditions, there is also the third condition. I hope that Dong Huxiao can make the rune master named Li Ying sign a lifetime contract with my Yuan family!"

As soon as these words came out, Dong Hu narrowed his eyes and raised his head, with a deterrent force in his eyes.

And Yuan Chu was really not afraid: "Brother Dong Hu, don't look at me like that, you have only brought the face of my Yuan family to the ground this time, so you have to let my Yuan family have a step down, right?

Besides, you tried so hard to help that rune master, didn't you expect that rune master to support your business?

Now that your business is about to be sold, it doesn't matter if you have him or not! "

"What you mean is that I, Dong Hu, are a repeating villain. In the past, Brother Li had the value to use, and I, Dong Hu, would do my best to help him. Now that he has no value, then I, Dong Hu, should backhand him. Sell ​​it to your Yuan family?"

Yuan Chu had already heard that Dong Hu's tone was wrong, and his face changed: "No, that's not what I meant!"

"No, that's what you mean!

Come on, shut up, I originally thought you Yuan Chu was a character, very different from Yuan Hong, but now you both look the same.

Come on, I, Dong Hu, no matter how downhearted I am, I won't sell my brother for glory! "

"You and him have only known each other for a few days..."

"Don't say a few days, as long as he is my brother for a moment, I, Dong Hu, will not betray him!

Besides, if I can sell my brother for a few days today, I can sell it for a few months tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I can sell my brother for a few years. After that, there will be no one I can't sell Dong Hu.

If people live like this, they might as well die!

Brothers see off! "

When Dong Hu patted the table, Li Huai, Zhang Ji, and Fan Hui stood up at the same time. Lao Chun, who was behind Yuan Chu, changed his face and stood in front of Yuan Chu for the first time.

But at this moment, his face was also full of sweat.

No one could better understand the feeling that he was withstood so many Western Liang elites by himself at this time.

That can simply be described with four words of pressure.

On the other hand, Yuan Chu was very calm. He stood up and bowed his hands in a salute: "Yuan Chu is disrespectful. Yuan Chu will step down first today, and come back tomorrow to apologize to Brother Dong!"

After speaking, Yuan Chu turned around and left.

Looking at Li Kai, who is striding forward, Yuan Chu, who has no sense of failure or embarrassment at all,

Li Ru's eyes narrowed.

His intuition told him that Yuan Chu didn't come here for this simple act, and he didn't seem to be surprised by the failure of the solicitation, and it could even be said that he didn't care.

"It seems that it is not easy behind this!"

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