My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Vol 2 Chapter 62: The 1st Perfect Quality Origin Summoned Beast

[Your central training skill [Golden Bell Cover] has been upgraded to the full advanced level!]

[Your central attribute has not been improved, your central defense has been compensated and increased by 3500 points of defense] [Your central training skill [Iron Cloth Shirt] has been upgraded to the full advanced level!]

[Your central attribute has not been improved, your central defense has been compensated and increased by 3000 points of defense]

This is the first wave of Yang's golden fingers that appeared in front of Wu Wei.

Relying on the feedback of the evolution of the Thunder Mouse, Wu Wei worked hard, and the two horizontal training of Chenggong Yang [Golden Bell Cover] and [Iron Cloth Shirt] reached the full advanced level,

Although the attributes have not been improved, the defense has increased by 6500 points!

At this moment, Wu Weiguang has 12580 defense points in passive defense.

With these two skills enabled, Wu Wei himself can't imagine how powerful the defense can be!

"Perhaps, the lion in our central defense can't be broken right now?"

The sudden surge in the central bank made Wu Weiyang's self-confidence inflate a little bit. He even thought: "If the fifth evolution is finished, I will go find the Lion King and destroy it!"

Just as Wu Wei's idea came out, Zhang Niujiao suddenly said, "Well, maybe you don't need to look for it!" "What?

Wu Wei was stunned for a moment, and then, Wu Wei looked up subconsciously as if he was sensing something.

The moment Wu Wei raised his head, under the dark clouds, a blue lightning bolt came straight to this side.

At first, Wu Wei still didn't recognize it because the other party was a little faster.

But after the other party entered Wu Weiyang's mental sensing range, Wu Wei couldn't help but froze.

what did he see?

Seeing the lion king with a pair of wings on it, the level, quality, and attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Rune Monster: Thunderstorm Lion King (Lion) (boss)

(Thunder Will Fit)

Quality: (pseudo) perfect

Level: Level 55


Strength: 999, Constitution: 999, Spirit: 308, Agility: 1.1

Defense: 5000

Spirit Power: 5000C

master a skill:

Thunderstorm Claw (Advanced) (Full Level), Thunderstorm Form (Specialization), Lion King's Roar (Specialization) ps: There must be undetected central skills

Wu Wei was dumbfounded the moment he saw this attribute.

"What's wrong with this lion? How can it suddenly become so strong? No, old Zhang, it's going to the center for the Thunder Mouse!"

Wu Wei quickly reacted, and the Lion King's central target at this time seemed to be the Thunder Mouse.

The Lightning Mouse hasn't completed the advanced step yet, so Wu Wei can't let it destroy the Lightning Mouse Central Advancement.


Yang Zhang Niujiao, who was behind Wu Wei, immediately understood what Wu Weiyang meant, and instantly digested five Lingling Stones in his backpack, and then turned into a robot and rushed up into the sky to stop him in front of Lion King Yang.

As soon as Zhang Niujiao went up, the originally menacing Lion King stopped instantly.

A pair of eyes full of hatred brought fear at the moment when they saw Zhang Niujiao. Obviously, although the Lion King received a wave of epic reinforcements, he still did not have the courage to face this one who just used the word 'go' to kill himself. scare away the central existence.

Seeing this scene, Wu Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he breathed back half of his breath, because at this moment, Lion King Yang's eyes fell on him. In the next second, the lion king flashed a flash of light and went straight to Wu Wei!

Obviously, the Lion King was going to pick Wu Wei, a soft persimmon, when he didn't dare to attack the Thunder Mouse!

Can Wu Wei take this anger?

He has just reached the full level of two horizontal training!

The first time, Wu Wei held up the [Golden Bell Cover]!

But it doesn't seem to work!


The roar of the lion king sounded, and Wu Wei just broke out of the Yang [Golden Bell Cover] skill and collapsed.

At the same time, he had already killed Wu Wei!

Its central front claws have even reached out to Wu Weiyang.

However, just as the claws came over, a layer of lightning gauze suddenly appeared on Wu Weiyang's body, blocking the claws of Lion King Yang!

Wu Wei is not stupid, and it's not that he doesn't know that Yang Yang [Lion King's Roar] can interrupt skills, and it is impossible for both skills to come out at the same time.

The golden bell hood draws out the Lion King's roar [Lion King's Roar], holding the [Iron Cloth Shirt] behind it and waiting for it!

However, it turns out that in the face of the absolute power of the central government, a little cleverness is not enough for the central government!

Pure Yang's full-level [Iron Cloth Shirt] is quite strong in defense, but even if it is used in a hurry, it can't hold Lion King Yang's paw. With a "slap", Wu Weiyang's lightning [iron cloth shirt] was directly smashed, and Wu Wei was sent flying!

Thanks to Wu Weiyang's passive defense being pulled to 12580, otherwise this slap will kill Wu Weiyang.

But even if Wu Weiyang's defense power was pulled to 12850, when the slap fell on him, Wu Wei felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

On the other hand, after the lion king gave Wu Wei a paw, he immediately followed up and killed it!

Another claw waved over, a posture that took advantage of your illness to kill you.

This scene happened to be seen by Yangyan Qianxue who came after the Lion King.

Seeing that the Lion King had chased Yang Wuwei in midair, Yan Qianxue's expression changed!

Although she didn't feel very good about Wu Wei, an unruly Yang Rune Master, she still felt a little pity to see Wu Wei dying like this.

After all, although Wu Wei is not serious, he is also a genius who can draw perfect quality runes.

Although it is a torch talisman, although it is not serious, its talent is still worthy of recognition.

If Yang could speak, Yan Qianxue still wanted to save Yang, but unfortunately it was too far away.

She can only mourn for Wu Wei!

However, just as Yan Qianxue was about to mourn Wu Wei's silence, a thunder light suddenly lit up from Wu Wei's hand, and with a "slap", it landed on the lion king's eye.

Such a short distance, the lightning speed is so fast

The Lion King who was going to give Wu Wei a paw was unable to respond at all, and one eye was directly blown out.

"That was the perfect quality central rune just now!?'

A thousand meters above the sky, Yan Qianxue's expression changed.

She seemed to have seen something strange just now, but she couldn't believe that she saw that Yang was really Yang.

At the same time, the Lion King of Yang, who was blind in one eye, was furious and slapped Wu Weiyang.

That force Shen Yang slapped his paw, and Yan Qianxue's heart trembled.

"Clap!" Wu Wei was shot directly on the ground and a big hole was smashed into it.

With such a claw, Wu Wei is not afraid that he will die when he slaps him without any defense.

"He can't die!"

Even though Yan Qianxue wasn't sure if she saw Yang's rune of perfect quality, or if that rune was Wu Wei's painting of Yang, at this moment, Yan Qianxue was still determined to save Wu Wei.

However, before she made any movement, she saw Wu Sanji, who was photographed on the ground, stood up alive.

At the same time, Wu Weiyang was not far away, and he didn't know when a war tree man was already standing.

At this moment, Wu Wei and Zhan Shuren Yang had the same green light on their bodies.

Obviously, the damage to Wu Wei's body just now was shared by the war tree people.

Seeing this scene, Yan Qianxue heaved a sigh of relief and at the same time, her face was full of surprise.

She obviously did not expect that Wu Wei actually has this level of summoning beasts!

She can clearly feel that although the war tree man is a rare quality summoned beast, its potential will definitely not be worse than the lightning eagle.

She even sensed an unbelievably huge central spiritual power on the body of the war tree!

"Could it be that the Lion King was attracted by this tree just now? That's not right, this tree is not a lightning attribute.

Call the beast?

Could it be that he has other summoned beasts with lightning attributes?’

Yan Qianxue wondered at the same time.

The lion king over there has been relieved from the pain of his eyes being hit.

Only Yang's pair of one-eyed eyes watched Wu Wei full of endless hatred and resentment.

At this moment, its 11 concubines were killed, and the hatred of the central government was bursting all at once.

Under the new hatred and the old hatred, The Lion King even forgot that there was a Zhang Niujiao staring in the air. At this time, it only had one thought, and that was to kill Wu Wei, the damned central human!


The roar filled with violence and fierceness sounded, and the lion king went straight to Wu Wei and killed him!


Faced with the killing of the Yang Lion King, Wu Wei shouted softly, and the war tree's central branches stretched out and trapped Wu Wei, and one person and one tree were directly attached to one piece!

At the same time, Wu Wei turned on the skills [Iron Cloth Shirt] and [Golden Bell Cover].

Double protection, not only him, but also the war tree people!

Well, this is what Wu Wei came up with in response to his repeated being horned by Zhang Niu and being beaten by the Lion King and flying out of the shelter of the old Siyang.

Their previous central idea was to separate Wu Wei and the war tree!

Wu Wei directly made a conjoined baby, he wanted to see how the Lion King separated him from the war tree!

Facts have proved that this tactic of Wu Weiyang is still very effective.

After the lion king came over, not to say that he was helpless, at least he had no way of getting his claws down.

It's really that Wu Wei's hand is too rogue.

[Golden Bell Hood] plus [Iron Cloth Shirt], any skill list is more than 50,000 to 60,000 defenses. Even if the Lion King wants to tear apart these two layers of defense, it is not a simple matter.

Wu Wei's former Yang [Iron Cloth Shirt] was too hasty to be shattered. In this case, it is impossible for the Lion King to break Wu Weiyang's [Golden Bell Hood] or [Iron Cloth Shirt] with one blow.

And as long as it can't break the defense with a single blow, Wu Wei has the support of the central spiritual force of the war tree and can quickly recover.

No, the Lion King repeatedly attacked several times, almost tearing the [Golden Bell Cover] and [Iron Cloth Shirt] to pieces several times, but Wu Wei still managed to repair it.

But Wu Wei's side is not easy, although the Lion King can't quickly tear open Wu Weiyang's defense

But its central attack power is too terrifying, and the ordinary central level A with spiritual power has 20,000 to 30,000.

The attack speed is still fast, and under the frantic attack, Wu Wei and the war tree man Yang's spiritual power were consumed at the speed of the terror center.

In less than three minutes, the central spiritual power of the war tree person will drop below 150,000!

This situation made Wu Wei realize again that although the war tree man is powerful, it is still too naive to rely on it to block the attack of the sixth-order powerhouse.

Not to mention the attack of the sixth-order powerhouse, even the fifth-order central lion king in front of him, Wu Wei felt that they could not resist for 20 minutes. "No, you can't continue like this. Fourth, try to see if the root system can absorb the surrounding central energy to restore spiritual power!" Wu Wei's brain flashed, and he gave this order to the fourth.

The fourth child acted immediately, the densely packed central tree roots turned into Yang’s two legs and turned into countless central tree roots, and some central branches stretched into the ground and some central ones opened in the air.

At the same time, the old Siyang [Root System Extraction] broke out with all his strength.

"it works!'

Wu Weiyang suggested that it is indeed possessed, especially in this kind of thunderstorm land, the old Siyang tree roots can draw a lot of spiritual power from the air.

Wu Wei took a look, and the war tree man could recover about two or three hundred spiritual energy per second.

Although not much, it can be regarded as being able to resist the Lion King for a while.

But it was only a matter of resisting for a while, and the central spiritual power of the war tree people continued to drop as a whole.

If you continue like this, Wu Wei won't be able to hold on for ten minutes!

Looking at Yang Wuwei's insistence, the expression on Yang Yan Qianxue's face was very complicated.

She had to admit that she looked down on Wu Wei too much before.

Wu Weiyang's strength far exceeded her imagination.

If it were to change her position in Wu Weiyang, let alone ten minutes and five minutes, she might not be able to last five seconds with her own strength.

In this way, although Wu Wei is not serious, he does have some strength.

But Yan Qianxue was still a little puzzled: "It's already at this level, why hasn't he called out the other central summoned beasts?

He is now level 3 and 40, and there are at least four origin summoned beasts, and even five at most.

Apart from the useless central thunder and lightning rat, he still has at least two summoned beasts, why didn't he call it out? Is it temporarily unavailable like me, or is it useless for those summoned beasts to be weak?

Yan Qianxue thought for a while: "It should be the latter, it is estimated that he smashed all the central resources on that war tree man, and other central summoned beasts probably cannot participate in this battle.

But that's not right either. The Lion King was attracted to him. He should have a summoned beast with a central lightning attribute stronger than the Lightning Eagle.

Where is it?"

Yan Qianxueyang's question just came out.

With a "click", a thunder light lit up in the dark cloud.

Yan Qianxue's eyes were attracted, and the moment she saw Lei Guang was in the center, Yan Qianxue was stunned.

In the thundercloud, a blue electro-optical mouse fell from the sky.

"God, how can there be mice in the sky?"

"Wait, this seems to be Wu Weiyang's one, it doesn't seem to be the same as before, its central quality!

Its central quality is not a boutique, its central quality has been improved to perfect quality, how is this possible!"

Yan Qianxue was stunned at the same time.

An extremely strong electric light erupted from the Thunder Mouse Yang. This electric light descended from the sky and hit the Lion King Yang with precision across a distance of thousands of meters.

At the same time, a golden finger prompt appeared in front of Wu Weiyang.

[Your fifth source [Flying Thunder Mouse] uses the full-level advanced skill [Million Volts], and the [Palm Thunder] in the body reports that the central energy is activated, and the power of the central thunder and lightning in the surrounding thunderstorms is activated, [Flying Thunder Mouse] Enter a state of epiphany!]

With the appearance of this golden finger prompt, the entire land of thunderstorms boiled.

At the same time, Yan Qianxue was stunned and looked at the surrounding dark clouds, the power of thunder and lightning, and the mouse that descended from the sky.

The moment the mouse fell to the center, the light in the center of its body never dimmed.

One after another, thunder and lightning continued to fall from the center.

Each hand pulled a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters, and each one was precisely focused on the lion king.

Seeing this scene, Yan Qianxue was dumbfounded.

This, is this still in her impression, nothing is Chuyang Lightning Mouse?

How can it be so powerful? At this moment, it seems that the entire land of thunderstorms is helping it, and it does not require much consumption at all for its millions of volts.

And, with each [million volts] central fall.

Its central attacks are constantly increasing.

The lion king in the center of the ground was beaten by this continuous [million volt] hit and was a little breathless.

Although these attacks are not very strong, they are very dense. They landed on the Lion King without much damage but continued to consume the Lion King.

Annoyed by the beating, the Lion King raised his head and looked directly at the sky with only one central eye.

Zhang tight and then, its central mouth opened!

Suddenly, Lao Wuyang's million volts was swallowed by it.

No, not only the old Wuyang [million volts] to be exact, but also the energy of the thunderstorms within a few miles of the surrounding area was absorbed.

At the same time, the lightning around the Lion King skyrocketed.

Wu Weiyang also had a golden finger prompt in front of him.

[The Thunderstorm Lion King used the Thunder Will to plunder the surrounding Wuli Central Thunderstorm Energy Blessing [Thunderstorm Form], and the Thunderstorm Lion King Yang's attributes were improved!]

[Thunderstorm Lion King's strength breaks through the limit, Thunderstorm Lion King's physique breaks through the limit, Thunderstorm Lion King's agility reaches 1.5 times the limit!]

[Thunderstorm Lion King gets lightning attack immunity effect!]

The central golden finger prompts appeared one after another, and the thunderstorm lion king's central attributes were once again strengthened.

Originally on the ground, the central thunderstorm lion king shook his wings, and once again chose the central soft persimmon in the mid-air to leave.

As soon as it killed it, the Flying Thunder Mouse seemed to sense the danger

[Million Volts] The central attack is still non-stop, but in this state, [Million Volts] can't cause any damage to the Lion King at all,

The lion king quickly approached the flying thunder rat with a million volts

Yan Qianxue frowned as she watched this scene.

She also obviously noticed that the Lion King is in his current One million volts has no effect on the Lion King.

In this case, she believes that the Flying Thunder Mouse should give up the [million volt] attack and return to Wu Weiyang as soon as possible.

After all, the flying thunder rat is small in size and is good at attacking the summoned beasts with magic. Once it is close to the lion at the level of the lion king, it will definitely be a situation of ten deaths and no life.

But on second thought, what if the Flying Thunder Mouse gave up?

Even if it gave up, could it still outrun the Lion King?

Impossible at all!

Yan Qianxue had already seen it, and now the speed of the Yang Lion King has exceeded the limit.

This kind of absolute speed, and the moment when the thunder attribute immunity power burst out, the fate of Flying Thunder Mouse has been decided.

Seeing that the Thunderstorm Lion King had come to Fly Thunder Mouse, Yan Qianxue couldn't bear to close her eyes.

However, just when the Thunderstorm Lion King approached the Flying Thunder Mouse and was about to swallow the Flying Thunder Mouse, Yan Qianxue was stunned and something happened.

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