My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Vol 2 Chapter 72: The origin of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Goblin Holy City, inside the residence!

Wu Wei's face was distorted the moment the skills began to merge.

Wu Wei originally thought, what scene did Wu Wei not see in the past year?

Xiao Hei didn't even know how much he had eaten. He didn't even wrinkle his brows from the pain of all kinds of torture.

If he is so strong and strong, will he care about the little pain?

Don't be afraid at all, okay? ! !

Then, Wu Wei knew what a little pain of 100 million points was!

That feeling is as if every bone and every inch of muscle in your body has been torn apart bit by bit.

This Nima is called a little pain?

Wu Wei felt that he had never suffered so much in his life.

And this is just the beginning!

This process is not the process of fusion, it is just an appetizer to help Wu Wei remove the special energy in his wound.

When all the energy was extracted, Wu Wei's pain was instantly eliminated.

At that moment, Wu Wei felt refreshed, and there was no pain at all.

It's even a little more comfortable!

But sometimes, the intermission is to rush further.

Wu Wei's pain seems to be the same.

Stop for a moment, let Wu Wei feel more comfortable in order to make his pain worse next time!

Just as Wu Wei felt better, his two horizontal training skills [Golden Bell Cover] and [Iron Cloth Shirt] started to work automatically.

When the two skills were running automatically, Wu Wei didn't feel the pain yet, but when the two skills collided and merged with each other, the pain came again!

Every collision, Wu Wei has to endure no less pain than when he removed the Goblin Hero's spiritual power.

At the first collision, Wu Wei found that there was a huge grinding disc-like existence in his body. The energy of the goblin hero was directly dragged into the grinding disc and transformed into energy, and then was converted into energy by his own body, and then by the Two skills absorbed.

Seeing this situation, Wu Wei realized that he needed to invest energy.

So he took out the 500 solid pills in the Book of Runes, two pills of 1 spirit stone, and Wu Wei started pouring them into his mouth without any money.

In less than five minutes, Wu Wei poured out the 500 solid pills.

At the same time, the energy of the 'grinding disc' in his body was also replenished.

With the support of full energy, the collision between [Golden Bell Cover] and [Iron Cloth Shirt] began to become more and more frequent, and each collision was a huge test for Wu Wei.

The pain came wave after wave.

Under that kind of pain like the tide, Wu Wei had difficulty even breathing.

"No, it can't go on like this!"

Wu Wei knew very well that if he continued like this, it would be very difficult for him to succeed in this round of fusion.

He must find a way to divert his attention!

But in this kind of environment, what can Wu Wei do?

The fusion of skills, the waves of pain made Wu Wei unable to move his body, the only thing he could move was his brain.

"Then just use your brain, and think about whatever you use your brain the most!"

With that said, Wu Wei began to recall the things that he felt were the most mind-boggling in the midst of pain.

Speaking of the most brain-intensive things, what knowledge is more brain-intensive than formations?

"Yes, it's a formation!

I haven't studied the formation technique for a long time, so it's time to study it! "

Before, Wu Wei didn't have time, and he also felt that it was too brain-consuming to improve [Lost Array] and [Earth Array], but now Wu Wei is afraid that they are not enough!

In the midst of pain, he first recalled the knowledge of the [Earth Formation].

In his mental space, Wu Wei tried his best to forget the pain in his body, and gradually built the Earth Formation in his spiritual space.

Strange to say.

In the midst of this pain, Wu Wei's thinking ability seems to have gained a bonus, becoming incomparably meticulous.

Wu Wei simply constructed the earth formation.

Of course, this so-called construction is not a soil formation that constructs a spiritual entity.

No, it is impossible!

What Wu Wei built was just a memory, or a holographic image that stayed in his mind.

However, although it was only a memory, Wu Wei found that it could stay in his spiritual space for a while, and during this time Wu Wei made a careful observation of the soil formation.

And the [Earth Array] was modified little by little.

Anyway, it is memory, Wu Wei is not afraid of failure, failure is nothing more than rebuilding from scratch.

Therefore, his actions are very bold!

The bolder the action, the more Wu Wei gains.

The more he gained, the more Wu Wei was immersed in it.

In the end, Wu Wei actually set his sights on the heart of the earth, wondering if he could combine the [heart of the earth] and the [earth formation] in his spiritual space?

This idea is very bold and crazy, but Wu Wei did it without any hesitation.

As soon as he got started, Wu Wei took the [Heart of the Earth] as the core party and entered the [Earth Formation].

And with the combination of the two.

Wu Wei's golden finger tips refreshed in front of him.

[You have a detailed and in-depth understanding of the rune formation [earth formation], and your proficiency level of the rune formation [earth formation] has been improved, and the current level is 3! 】

[You have a meticulous and in-depth understanding of the rune warfare method [Earth Array], and your rune formation method [Earth Array] has been successfully advanced! 】


Rune Array: Earth Array (1/50000)

Level: Advanced

Effect 1: You can get nourishment from the formation when you are in the formation, and recover 3% of the spiritual power every minute. (still useful for Tier 4 existence)

Effect 2: It can cultivate the things of the formation and increase the growth rate of plants in the formation (10 times)


The attributes of the advanced earth formations have not changed much from before, especially the effect 1, which is almost unchanged.

At most, a description (still useful for fourth-order existence) is added at the back.

Seeing this explanation, Wu Wei had a bold idea.

"It's useful for the existence of the fourth-order. My oldest is still in the third-order. Can it be useful for it?"

Well, if you could have it, it would be 15,000 to recover 43% of the old spiritual power per minute.

Thinking of this, Wu Wei couldn't help breathing heavily.

What is the concept of 15,000? A fine-quality spiritual fruit is about five or six.

Catching up with three spiritual power fruits in one minute, what kind of soil formation is this? This is simply an infinite money printing machine, okay?

But whether it can be used or not, we have to test it to know!

Wu Wei was excited when he suddenly felt that the grinding wheel in his body started to fully activate.

Wu Wei's expression changed and he realized, "The final sprint stage is here!"

At this stage, Wu Wei didn't dare to be distracted any more, so he quickly calmed down and realized his physical condition.

This experience is like an endless tide of pain.

Fortunately, Wu Wei just diverted his attention, not the pain of complete escape, otherwise, such a wave of pain would have directly knocked Wu Wei unconscious.

Wu Wei gritted his teeth and forcibly endured this wave of pain, carefully feeling the condition of his body.

After realizing it all, Wu Wei found that the spiritual power of his body was completely different from before. The spiritual power of the golden bell hood and the iron cloth shirt seemed to be integrated. At the same time, Wu Wei found that his muscles had also been tempered.

Muscles and skin become tougher, and there seems to be some kind of strength in them.

Wu Wei hasn't had time to fully understand his own situation.

"Om" sounded like a golden bell being struck and shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Wei saw as if a golden bell had been shattered in front of him.

The broken golden bell cracked into 365 pieces, just suspended in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a black iron coat appeared.

The 365 pieces of golden bells seemed to have found their homes, and they entered the black iron clothes like tired birds returning to their nests.

As each golden shard entered the black iron suit, Wu Wei could clearly feel that the iron suit had been strengthened.

And when the 365 golden fragments entered the black iron jacket, Wu Wei clearly saw the ghost image of a golden bell lit up in the black iron jacket.

The next second, the black and gold clothes returned to Wu Wei's body.

The moment it entered, Wu Wei felt the power in his entire body.

Vaguely, Wu Wei seemed to see that he was wearing an iron coat, and his hands were hammering the sky against a layer of invisible glass.


The two fists slammed out, and Wu Wei forcibly pushed the layer of invisible glass an inch away.

The next second, Wu Wei's eyes regained clarity, he returned to reality, and the golden finger alert sounded.

[Your skills [Golden Bell Cover] and [Iron Cloth Shirt] have been successfully merged, and have advanced to a specialized skill, please name your new skill? 】

Looking at this golden finger reminder, Wu Wei recalled the dazzling iron shirt and blurted out a very meaningful name: "Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt! My new skill is called Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt!"

Wu Wei felt that the name was quite good.

The golden bell represents the golden bell, and the iron cloth shirt represents the iron cloth shirt.

Simple, clear and direct, not only saves a word, but also sounds good!

In this regard, whether it is Zhang Niujiao or the golden finger on the side, it means that you are happy.

As Wu Wei finished naming, another golden finger alert sounded.

[Your skill [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt] has successfully broken through, and the attribute barriers of your strength and stamina have been raised, and your strength and physique have been raised to 1.1! 】

[Your skill [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt] has successfully broken through, and your passive defense has been raised to 2! 】

Skill: Admiralty Iron Shirt

Level: Expertise

Effect 1: Passively immune to all physical attacks that do not break through the attribute limit, and defend 10% of the damage of the attack that breaks through the attribute limit!

Effect 2: Active activation (temporarily unable to activate!

ps: You need to determine a major spiritual power, and the major spiritual power reaches 10,000 before it can be activated.

pss: Once the major in spiritual power is determined and cannot be changed, please choose carefully! )


Looking at these golden finger tips in front of him, and feeling the surging power that suddenly appeared in his body, Wu Wei was a little dumbfounded.

"I, am I now breaking the limit barrier of attributes?"

The old Zhang on the side pouted: "You broke a hammer, you have raised all four of your attributes to the limit, how can the four-pole attribute barrier be so easy? You are just raising the attribute's limit barrier a little! "

Lao Zhang tried his best to express his disdain for Wu Wei.

But its face full of metal texture and cracks is really incapable of expression, but it makes the surprise in the tone involuntarily reveal.

Well, in fact, Lao Zhang is just stubborn.

As for Wu Wei's current strength, Lao Zhang was really taken aback.

He had to admit that although Wu Wei was only third-order at this time, he already had the background of his fourth-order or even close to fifth-order.

Even when the old man was in the third rank, his background might not be stronger than Wu Wei.

Well, it is worthy of being the registered disciple of the great virtuous teacher, and the future young master of Taiping Dao.

As expected of the person identified by Zhang Niujiao!

Of course, this was what Lao Zhang had in mind, and when it came to his mouth, Zhang Niujiao said: "Raising the attribute limit barrier is a very common thing, you know what?

As I told you, the one with the most talent in Taiping Dao has the most crotch. When he reached the third rank, he raised the attribute limit to two or three points.

When the fifth-order officially broke through the attribute limit, the power reached dozens of limits in one fell swoop, and slashed the seventh-order alien beast with the fifth-order body.

As the future young master of Taiping Dao, are you embarrassed that even the old manager can't catch up with you? "

Wu Wei looked at Lao Zhang suspiciously: "I always feel that you are fooling me!"

"Fool you?"

Zhang Niujiao said: "If you can't reverse the seventh rank when you are in charge of the fifth rank, I will hit five thunders!"

Uh, after such a poisonous oath was issued, Wu Wei could only be forced to believe that what they said was the truth.

I believe that his current level is at the bottom of Taiping Road.

This is a bit of a blow to people!

But Wu Wei doesn't care too much!

What about the bottom?

He was less than level 10 more than half a year ago, so he was disgusted. Hasn't he grown to this level in less than a year?

Although it is temporarily at the bottom, Wu Wei believes that he will catch up sooner or later!

Well, I have to say that Wu Wei's self-regulation ability is quite good.

Soon, Wu Wei happily went to study his new skills.

For the expert-level [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt] to have an active effect, Wu Wei needs to determine a major in spiritual power, and the major's spiritual power must reach 10,000.

When he saw this condition, Wu Wei almost immediately wanted to put his major in spiritual power on fire attribute spiritual power.

After all, now he only has this spiritual power to perfectly satisfy the conditions.

Set the skill major spiritual power to the fire attribute, and he can immediately exert the maximum power of [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt].

But Wu Wei only lasted for three seconds before he killed the thought.

Yes, majoring in spiritual power and setting it to fire attribute spiritual power is indeed able to immediately exert the greatest power of [Golden Bell Hood Iron Cloth Shirt], but it also limits the potential of this skill.

After all, although there are 10,000 fire-type spiritual powers, it is rootless spiritual power.

Without the most fundamental existence of core skills, ten thousand is almost its upper limit.

Next, Wu Wei's focus will also be placed on the thunder attribute spiritual power side, so choosing the fire attribute is equivalent to limiting the [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt] to the current stage.

With such a potential skill, Wu Wei naturally wouldn't do such a thing that would destroy his future.

Therefore, the only spiritual power that Wu Wei can set in [Golden Bell Iron Shirt] is the thunder attribute. Although it is not enough to activate this skill for the time being, it is not enough to activate this skill, but in order for [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt] to be able to accompany him all the time This is the best and only choice.

Thinking like this, Wu Wei did not hesitate to start to fuse his thunder attribute spiritual power with the [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt].

With the infusion of spiritual power into [Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt] Wu Wei's body surface has a black iron shirt with golden light that faintly appeared. Although the defense of this skill could not be fully erupted, the layer of phantom also made Wu Wei's defense. The force skyrocketed.

This greatly improved Wu Wei's sense of security, even Wu Wei felt it.

"Now I'm encountering that goblin hero. Not to mention that he has the power to fight, at least he can withstand a few attacks from it!"


As soon as Wu Wei finished speaking, a pan of cold water was poured down beside him.

Wu Wei turned his head and looked at Lao Zhang in confusion: "I can't stand how many attacks from him with my defense?"

Lao Zhang squinted his eyes and said, "Don't underestimate that goblin. It has a heritage that doesn't belong to this secret realm. Don't say a few words, it will shatter your defenses once it attacks!"


Wu Wei asked: "What is the inheritance that does not belong to this secret realm?"

"I just played against it, and I can feel that its moves and its spiritual power are not the inheritance of this secret realm. That inheritance is more like it came from the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

"Eastern Han?"

Wu Wei narrowed his eyes, it was another word that he was very unfamiliar with.

"Eastern Han Dynasty is the secret realm of origin, and [Battle of Yingtao] is also good, other secret realms divided by our Yellow Turban camp and the Great Han camp are all separated from this secret realm of origin.

This is also the source of what you will strive for in the future!

Of course, that will take a long time to come. Let's not talk about it for the time being, let's talk about the inheritance of that Goblin.

I can be 100% sure that its inheritance comes from the Eastern Han Dynasty, or even the inheritance of a peerless **** of war.

Fortunately, his inheritance should be extremely broken. It is estimated that it is not one percent of the full version. Otherwise, its quality is at least the beginning of a legend.

In that case, the moment you meet him, I will immediately advise you to escape this secret realm!

A goblin hero of legendary quality, or should be said that a goblin hero with the legendary level of the peerless Valkyrie is not the current you at all, not even the current I can withstand. "

Hearing Zhang Niujiao's words, Wu Wei was stunned on the spot. He had to say that the amount of information in Zhang Niujiao's words was a little too big.

It took Wu Wei a while to receive these important information from Zhang Niujiao's words. At this time, Wu Wei's focus was no longer on the goblin, but on the one that Old Zhang said. On the secret realm of the origin of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Intuition told Wu Wei that the so-called secret realm of origin should be the conflicting point of conflict between the interests of the Yellow Turbans camp and the Han camp in the Rune World.

While Wu Wei was thinking, Lao Zhang said again: "Although I don't know how that goblin has the inheritance of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this may be an opportunity for you!"


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