My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 1073 Wonderful Sound of Blue Luan!


On a cliff in the core area of ​​Chixin Valley.

A violent cloud beast Tyrannosaurus wandered around the cliff for a long time, and finally left reluctantly.

Below the cliff, on a cliff cypress more than a thousand meters away from the top.

A woman covered in blood, with a pale face as white as paper, but with delicate features, held the cliff cypress tightly with both hands and refused to let go.

After feeling that the dangerous breath above was getting farther and farther away, Miaoyin Qingluan finally put her heart back into her stomach.

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Ten minutes ago, she was chased by a cloud beast Tyrannosaurus on the ground and came to this cliff.

There were only two ways left for Miaoyin Qingluan.

Or be torn to pieces by the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus and die on the spot.

The latter, jump off the cliff and seek the chance of survival.

Anyone facing the threat of death will make a decision that is more conducive to their own survival.

Miaoyin Qingluan naturally chose the latter.

Fortunately, God was merciful and she succeeded.

When she fell thousands of meters, she successfully used her Force suit to buffer most of the impact.

Then she hugged the cliff cypress under her tightly.

If it weren't for the fact that the combat suit she was wearing was a Force suit that could dissipate force that she spent a lot of money to buy.

At the speed she fell from the top of the cliff, she fell more than 1,000 meters, and even if she hit the cliff cypress, she would be smashed into a meat pie.

The biggest source of her confidence in jumping off the cliff to seek survival was the Force suit she was wearing.

This experience also made her realize the importance of high-level equipment to a master.

Sometimes, a high-quality piece of equipment can really save lives at a critical moment!

Although the biggest threat has gone, Miaoyin Qingluan's current situation is not optimistic at all.

Before falling off the cliff, she had already been seriously injured in the fight with the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus.

Although most of the impact force of falling off the cliff just now was removed, some of it still acted on her already scarred body.

At this moment, she felt as if all the bones in her body were broken, and the internal organs in various parts of her body were injured to varying degrees.

Her heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys were all in pain, and the wounds on her body were dripping with blood.

As the blood in her body continued to drain, Miaoyin Qingluan felt that the strength in her arms was getting weaker and weaker.

She could fall at any time.


After Luo Xuning sent Luo Li and Haitang Qianxue to the sixth district, he returned to the core area of ​​the seventh district alone.

Although his strength has not yet fully recovered, the exquisite obsidian gun in his hand gave him great confidence.

Attack power +300%, attack speed +300%, agility +300%, defense +300%.

At the same time, it comes with an extremely exquisite and powerful dragon chant spear technique.

Luo Shuning's strength increased greatly after he got the exquisite black obsidian gun. It can't be said that it was easy to fight against the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus alone.

But it was not too challenging.

Basically, the battle could be resolved within 10 minutes.

It can't be said that he was unscathed, but he only suffered some minor injuries.

The attribute of the exquisite black obsidian gun's defense +300% is still very obvious for the blessing of defense.

In just three days, he has killed more than 50 cloud beast Tyrannosaurus!

50 cloud beast Tyrannosaurus may not sound like a large number at first glance, but it is not that Luo Shuning is inefficient or lazy.

It's just because the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus in this area is very rare, so he killed these few.

Luo Shuning also wanted to kill more, but sometimes he could only find one after searching for three or four hours.

The number of cloud beast Tyrannosaurus is really too rare, and the process of searching wastes a lot of time.


When Luo Shuning walked to the entrance of a valley, a cloud beast Tyrannosaurus suddenly jumped out from it.

When the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus saw Luo Shuning, it opened its mouth, roared, and pounced on him fiercely.


Holding the exquisite black obsidian spear, Luo Shuning's agility +300, this agility is actually more reflected in the speed.

As the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus pounced on him, Luo Shuning's figure flashed, as if he had teleported, and he had appeared ten meters away. ,

This flash perfectly dodged the attack of the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus, making its attack miss.

At the same time, the exquisite black obsidian spear in Luo Shuning's hand violently stabbed out, and with a puff, it directly pierced into the carapace covering the belly of the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus!


With a sound of metal clashing, even Luo Shuning's exquisite black obsidian spear failed to successfully break the defense of the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus.

It only left a shallow mark on the hard shell of its abdomen.

As the most powerful valley-guarding boss in Chixin Valley, this Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon still has some strength!

Although the attack failed to break through the defense, Luo Xuning was not discouraged. He quickly dodged and distanced himself from the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon.

Waiting for the opportunity to attack again.


With the second shot, the tip of the exquisite obsidian gun in Luo Xuning's hand attacked the point he attacked last time again.

The same part of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon was attacked twice in succession, and the shallow mark on it was more obvious than at the beginning.

Swish, swish, swish--!

Ding, ding, ding!

While Luo Shuning dodged the attack of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon, the exquisite black obsidian spear in his hand also attacked the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon one after another.

And all his attacks were aimed at the same point on the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon.

Since the beginning of the battle, he has been working hard on the same point on the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon!

When the tip of the exquisite black obsidian spear in Luo Shuning's hand attacked the same point on the belly of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon for the 10th time, he finally made progress.


This time, the tip of the exquisite black obsidian spear finally pierced the outer shell of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon's body and directly pierced its flesh!


The moment the exquisite black obsidian spear pierced the shell of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon, a loud dragon roar suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

Luo Shuning exerted force with both palms, transmitting the endless cosmic energy in his body to the wound of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon through the gun body of the exquisite black obsidian spear.

When the exquisite obsidian gun gathered enough energy, it suddenly flashed and emitted a dazzling light!


With a shrill scream, the huge body of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon, like a small mountain, collapsed to the ground with a bang.

After falling to the ground, the body of the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon gradually became ethereal, and finally turned into a milky white ball of light.

In the ball of light, a section of green bamboo more than one meter long was wrapped in it.

"Another bamboo node..."

Seeing the reward for killing the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon this time, Luo Shuning was already accustomed to it, but he couldn't help but complain.

This was the 52nd Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon he killed after returning to the seventh district.

The bamboo node in the light ball in front of him was also the 52nd bamboo node he got!

All the rewards were the same, and they were all bamboo nodes that were useless to him, which made Luo Shuning very speechless.

He knew that this bamboo node should be some kind of precious resource.

After all, this was the reward from the Cloud Beast Tyrant Dragon in the core area of ​​​​the Red Heart Valley.

However, this bamboo joint is precious only to those who need it.

Luo Shuning has no use for this thing, no matter how precious it is, it is useless to him!

It's like a traveler trapped in the desert. If you give him a suitcase of diamonds, it will be useless to him.

A box of diamonds is not as useful as a glass of water.

"Put it away. Maybe it can be sold at a good price in the Wanbao Pavilion in the Sky City."

Although he didn't know what it was for, Luo Shuning still put the bamboo joint in the light ball into his space ring.

After collecting the spoils, Luo Shuning continued to move forward for three minutes.

"Huh? Bloodstains..."

On a hillside, Luo Shuning found a bloodstain on the grass.

This bloodstain extends all the way to the top of the hillside.

"It seems to be human bloodstains."

Luo Shuning frowned slightly. This was the first time he saw traces of other humans besides Luo Li and Haitang Qianxue since he entered the Red Heart Valley.

However... this bloodstain is not a good discovery.

This means that the owner of this blood is injured. He is probably being chased by the Cloud Beast Tyrannosaurus, or has been killed...

Even in his prime, he is not a match for the Cloud Beast Tyrannosaurus. After being injured, he is probably in great danger.

Luo Shuning raised his legs and walked along the direction of the bloodstains. He walked all the way from the slope to the top of the slope.

"Huh? How could it be a cliff..."

When he came to the top of the slope, Luo Shuning found that there was an extremely wide and huge chasm in front of him!

Or, it can also be said to be a cliff.

"Is this the top of a mountain?"

Luo Shuning looked back at the direction he came from. The terrain was very flat, just like on flat ground!

If it weren't for the cliff in front of him, it would be more appropriate to say that the chasm was more appropriate.

If it weren't for the chasm in front of him, Luo Shuning really didn't know that he had been active on the top of a mountain for so long!

Looking down, the cliff was surrounded by clouds and mist, and the visibility was only a little more than 300 meters.

I couldn't see anything further down, and I didn't know how deep the cliff was.


Luo Shuning swept the exquisite obsidian gun in his hand, and a boulder more than one person tall beside the cliff was instantly swept to the bottom of the cliff by him.

The boulder soon disappeared in the thick fog under the cliff.

Luo Shuning pricked up his ears and listened quietly, but he didn't hear the echo of the boulder hitting the ground for a long time.

"Is this the edge of the seventh district? It will be out of bounds if it goes further forward?"

"So there is such a cliff that looks like a sky-slashing?"

Luo Shuning looked at the opposite side of the cliff. The opposite side was at least ten kilometers away from where he was standing now!

The width of this cliff, plus the rule that flying skills cannot be used in the Red Heart Valley.

If you want to reach the other side from this side of the cliff, you can only go down to the bottom of the valley from this time.

Then walk from the bottom of the valley to the opposite side, and then climb up. There is no better way.

"The human being chased by the cloud beast Tyrannosaurus should have..."


Luo Shuning suddenly heard a sigh from the bottom of the cliff. Although the sound was very faint, he heard it.

"Is there anyone down there?"

Luo Shuning took a few steps forward, stood on the edge of the cliff, and looked down.

His sight was blocked by the rolling clouds again, and he couldn't see what was going on down there at all.

"Is there anyone down there?!"

Luo Shuning was so angry that he didn't use much strength, but the sound coming out of his mouth was very penetrating.

His voice could travel more than ten kilometers without weakening. If there was someone down there, it could be guaranteed to reach the other person's ears.

Below the cliff, on a cypress tree growing obliquely on the cliff.

Miaoyin Qingluan's consciousness became increasingly blurred, and she felt that she might lose consciousness at any time and continue to fall into the bottomless abyss.

"Is there anyone down there!!!"

Suddenly, a man's full-throated voice sounded in her ears.

For a moment, Miaoyin Qingluan thought she was hallucinating and imagined that someone was coming to save her.

"Is there anyone down there!!"

"If there is, please answer!"

Listening to the calls from above, Miaoyin Qingluan's consciousness suddenly began to become clear.

The drowsy brain was dominated by the desire to survive again.

"It seems that there is really someone..."

Miaoyin Qingluan looked up at the top of the cliff, and a glimmer of hope arose in her heart, but it soon disappeared.

This cliff is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no place to land.

Even if there is really someone up there, he probably won't risk coming down to rescue her.

They are not relatives or friends, and if it were her, she would not take this unnecessary risk.

"I am Miaoyin Qingluan from Miaoyin Sect. If the Taoists above are willing to rescue me, I am willing to give all my supplies as a token of gratitude."

Although it felt unlikely and hopeless, Miaoyin Qingluan still made a final attempt.

At this moment, there are still 10 days before the closure of Chixin Valley.

With her current physical condition, she will most likely fall down and be smashed to pieces before she is forced to be teleported out.

Instead of taking all her supplies with her to be buried with her, it is better to try to buy her own life with all her supplies.

The human beings who can reach this area should be strong.

Although it is not easy to rescue herself, it is not impossible.

Although Miaoyin Qingluan's voice was very light and she hardly used much effort, it was transmitted quickly and clearly to Luo Xuning's ears above the cliff through the unique pronunciation skills of Miaoyin Sect.

"Hmm? Miaoyin Sect, Miaoyin Qingluan?"

Hearing the female voice like a fairy sound ringing in her ears, Luo Xuning couldn't help but look happy.

This is really a case of finding something without any effort.

He really didn't expect that the person he had been looking for would suddenly appear in front of him!

If it was someone else under the cliff, Luo Shuning might still consider whether to save him.

By the way, he would consider the reward and see if it was worth it.

But the person below was Miaoyin Qingluan, the target he came to Chixin Valley to find this time, so there was no need to hesitate!


Under the control of Luo Shuning's control of objects, the exquisite black obsidian gun was suspended above the cliff like a dark gold snake.

Luo Shuning jumped up, grabbed the gun body of the exquisite black obsidian gun steadily with his right hand, and hung himself below.

Although the flying skills in Chixin Valley are invalid.

But Luo Shuning can still control the exquisite black obsidian gun through the control of objects to achieve a similar effect to flying.

A small canyon can't stop him.

Swish swish swish--!

Under his control of his mind, the height of the exquisite black obsidian gun quickly decreased with the speed of his fall.

When they descended to 900 meters, Luo Xuning focused his eyes and saw Miaoyin Qingluan crawling on a thuja tree below.

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