My science and technology museum

Chapter 113 Star Shield is popular overseas

For domestic terminal equipment users, it has been a huge progress from relying on the technology of overseas companies in the past to now using the Chaos Intelligent Connected operating system and top domestic chips.

However, this progress is temporarily limited to the domestic market, and the overseas market is still the territory of Gugwei Soft and Pingguo.

Although the Magic Star Engine and Yinglong chip design software developed by Future Technology have a high global influence, they can be used as tools and are mainly used by companies.

There are no products that cover overseas users.

In a way, this can be called a pity.

However, the emergence of Star Shield made up for this point. A few days later, when Future Technology officially announced that it would launch the overseas version of Star Shield, there was an enthusiastic response in China.

Thinking that a 100% domestically produced security protection software will appear in the terminal equipment of overseas users in the future, I can't help but feel an indescribable complex emotion in my heart. I am also quite satisfied with the future technology's choice of overseas version and paid service model.

Under the announcement, you can see a large number of comments from netizens expressing support.

"I can only say that Star Shield is really awesome. It is the only domestic security software that has truly gone global!"

"I heard that the other party contacted Future Technology and wanted to let Star Shield enter the overseas market."

"You can go over the wall and read it. The business manager Mike personally posted a message. At first, Yinglong chip design software ignored it, but now Star Shield is no longer able to reach it."

"In fact, I have to thank this virus program, otherwise Washington wouldn't have broken through the defense so quickly."

"This time, the world's top overseas Internet security companies are a bit embarrassed. They can't solve a virus program and have to introduce our security protection software."

"Mr. Xu has done a great job. We should make a lot of money from their gringos. They have taken all our money over the years."

"I dare say this is the first overseas version of software with servers located in China. I wonder who is dissatisfied?"

In fact, it is completely normal for everyone to be so excited. After all, unlike domestic companies that enter overseas markets, this time it was Future Technology that the business leader Mike personally contacted, and all process restrictions were simplified.

This allowed Star Shield to launch the overseas version in a short period of time.

In addition, if domestic companies want to enter their products into overseas markets, they basically set up separate servers overseas. This is fundamentally different from Star Shield.

The most obvious example is Douyin video.

There is also the operating model of the overseas version of Star Shield.

Unlike domestic ordinary users who can use it for free, overseas users need to pay 30 US dollars per month to purchase a membership to enjoy Star Shield's real-time protection and virus killing data recovery and other functions.

Small and medium-sized enterprise companies need to cooperate based on the number of devices.

Perhaps because of the high popularity of the virus program this time, a large number of equipment was attacked even in the Liganifa continent where top companies like Pingguoguge are located, causing other overseas areas that have not been attacked by this virus program to be attacked. Feeling uneasy, I also installed Star Shield on my device for safety reasons.

As a result, the number of global users of Star Shield has continued to increase, reaching a relatively terrifying number.

Seeing that domestic software can achieve such great results overseas, many netizens could not bear their excitement and climbed over the wall using ladders to post comments on external websites.

It scared the Twitter YouTube platform so much that they thought it was some new type of cyber attack method.

But I have to say that it is really rare for such a scene to occur.

that's all.

Soon the end of the month comes.

Monday, June 29th.

Binjiang City.

In the conference room of Future Technology Company, although the Dragon Boat Festival has just passed, the employees are not as lazy as they were during the holidays. They resumed their original work status as soon as they started working and attended the company's regular weekly meetings on time.

Basically everyone looks very passionate.

As for the reason, it is naturally that Star Shield has achieved great success in overseas markets, and everyone is proud of this.

"Mr. Xu, Star Shield currently has nearly 200 million active users worldwide."

"The number of members is 50 million."

"Including the small and medium-sized enterprises that have officially cooperated with us, we have received a total of about 15 billion, and it has been on the top of the list of overseas software popularity for several days in a row."

Xu Lei, who was sitting in the main seat, after listening to Zhang Xia's report on the situation of Star Shield, although he had roughly expected it in his mind, these figures still surprised him. He did not expect how popular Star Shield was overseas. Even higher than domestically.

You must know that it has only been about a week since the overseas version of Star Shield was launched today, and it has actually gained 50 million member users, which makes people feel the charm of technology.

The speed of earning money is terrifying.

Although as time goes by, when the popularity of virus programs gradually decreases, and users no longer need to be wary, they may not renew their membership every month, but the revenue from this wave alone can already account for a large amount of the company's total profits. Share.

Moreover, unlike ordinary users, those small and medium-sized enterprises that choose to cooperate with Star Shield need to pay annual service fees.

Therefore, Star Shield will continue to bring benefits to the company.

To be honest, compared to the Magic Star Engine, which can bring hundreds of billions of profits to the company every year, Xu Lei is still more happy with Star Shield's harvest.

After all, this basically makes money from overseas users.

Since other people in the conference room were also excited about this, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion at this time.

"Speaking of which, the virus program that suddenly appeared this time helped us a lot, otherwise we wouldn't have the Star Shield product."

"Yes, who would have thought that overseas parties, which are always known for their powerful Internet technology, would be helpless against this virus program. It is really unexpected."

"I'm quite curious about the person who created this virus program. It's really not easy to convince companies like Pingguo Weiruan and Guge!"

Xu Lei listened to the words of Lu Hongbo, Hange and the others. Although he seemed calm on the surface, he was actually very happy in his heart.

Others don't know that the virus program that appears overseas is a re-encrypted and upgraded version of Xingtong, which is completely different from what is encountered in China.

It’s normal for companies such as Pingguo Weiruan and Guge to be unable to solve the problem.

Especially after thinking that this virus program was originally created by them, Xu Lei felt even more comfortable.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile and said: "You are right. Star Shield can achieve such great results overseas, but we must also thank Mr. Mike for opening up a special channel for us."

"Mr. Xu is right, otherwise it will take at least a long time for the overseas version of Star Shield to be successfully launched." Sitting next to him, Lu Hongbo quickly agreed upon hearing the sound.

But just as he finished speaking, Chen Shihe's voice suddenly sounded in the conference room.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Because Chen Shihe, as Xu Lei's assistant to the president, was basically responsible for handing out documents and arranging the schedule at regular meetings, and rarely spoke proactively.

So everyone looked at him one after another, wanting to see what Chen Shihe would say.

Facing everyone's curious looks, Chen Shihe didn't have much reaction, and said to Xu Lei calmly: "Mr. Xu, the latest news we just got is that Mike has been revoked as the business manager."


"Is it because there is a special process for Star Shield? Shouldn't it be?"

After hearing the news, Zhang Xia and others were the first to be surprised. They blurted out subconsciously and their minds were full of question marks.

Mainly in Zhang Xia's understanding, Mike did not hesitate to open various special channels and processes for Star Shield in order to solve the threat of virus programs as soon as possible, and even allowed Star Shield not to set up a separate server overseas. If he was dismissed for this reason, On the contrary, a lot of positive images have been gathered.

But Xu Lei was very clear about Chen Shihe's news.

According to Xingtong's traceability, that virus program is probably inseparable from the security building. Mike may also be a participant. It is obviously a plan for future technology, but it has caused heavy losses to himself. No matter how much he makes up for it, he will definitely face punishment.

It's just that simply dismissing him will give the other party an advantage.

But Xu Lei didn't explain the reason to everyone. After all, knowing some things is worse than not knowing.

Anyway, now that Star Shield has established a firm foothold in the overseas market, even if a new person in charge comes up, they can't do anything to Star Shield. At least until they can't conquer the virus program, they must rely on Star Shield's security protection capabilities.

Otherwise, who knows when the virus program will reappear.

"Hongbo, you will host the next meeting. I also want to go to Longhu High-tech Park."

While everyone was still immersed in doubts, Xu Lei suddenly said this to Lu Hongbo and asked him to preside over the content of the subsequent regular meeting, which was considered a forced change of the topic.

Due to the launch of the overseas version of Star Shield, Xu Lei had to postpone his trip to Longhu High-tech Park last time. Now that Star Shield is basically on track, he will definitely go there to inspect the detailed conditions of the headquarters building.

Seeing that the headquarters building will be put into use soon, Xu Lei needs to plan for the company's subsequent development.

In addition to building a data center with more powerful computing power to further enhance Xingtong's capabilities, it is also necessary to recruit top talents for the laboratory research center in the park to achieve technological breakthroughs and innovations in various industries.

Only by ensuring these things, and when the Science and Technology Museum unlocks new exhibits, can he be confident in producing them.

Who makes it difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!

At this time, Lu Hongbo naturally did not hesitate at all. After receiving the order, he immediately responded: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will write a detailed report and send it to your office after the meeting is over."

After hearing this, Xu Lei stopped delaying and immediately stood up and took Chen Shihe out of the conference room.

I am sorting out the outline today, and the update is a bit late. There are two more chapters in the afternoon. I will continue to update. Please subscribe and recommend monthly tickets!

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