My science and technology museum

Chapter 151 Questions about the press conference [Please subscribe]

As Xu Lei said, netizens are not without any judgment ability.

After seeing that the users who questioned the self-driving technology of Xingyuan new energy vehicles were basically Tesla owners, we can basically judge the inside story by thinking about it with our heels.

In all likelihood, this is a deliberate attempt to smear Xingyuan Smart Cars.

What's more, the Xingyuan smart car is not the first new product released by Future Technology. With so many excellent and conscientious products ahead, it is difficult for anyone to question the quality of Future Technology's products, let alone putting immature technology on the market.

So not only did Truss's response have no effect, netizens even responded spontaneously.

Before Future Technology could make any announcement, the impact of the whole incident was completely eliminated.

Poor Tesla owners were completely passive. Faced with massive refutations from netizens, they finally had no choice but to stay silent on the Internet again.

"This kind of news comes out of nowhere. Anyway, I would never believe Mr. Xu would do such a thing."

"You really think we are fools. We don't even know how to change our avatars."

"Although you made a loss buying Tesla and feel unbalanced, there is no need to deliberately discredit the company's future technology, Xingyuan Smart Car."

"I absolutely don't believe that there is no involvement of Truss behind this matter. It seems that the other party is anxious."

"New energy high-end car brands should never be occupied by a blood-sucking foreign brand. I absolutely support future technology."

"Now I'm just waiting for the Xingyuan smart car to come online as soon as possible."

"Truss even used this method, and his life turned from black to black."

"Since the Xingyuan smart car can be put on the market, it means that this car has passed all aspects of testing. There is nothing to worry about."

Deng Wan formulated this plan with the purpose of affecting the early sales of Xingyuan smart cars, so as to reduce all losses to Tesla.

But he didn't expect that fans' support and trust in future technology would be so great.

He actually didn't believe this thing that Wu Kangsheng confirmed.

Although I am disappointed with the stupidity of Zhu Fuzu and others, nothing can be changed at this point.

At present, many users have already suspected Tesla, and if they continue to do so, they will not have any impact on Xingyuan smart cars.

On the contrary, it will arouse the resentment of users and lead to damage to Tesla's reputation.

In this case, he was forced to stop the plan.

But with what Wu Kangsheng said, Deng Wan was not too worried.

Even if the sales of Xingyuan smart cars reach a high level, they will be able to make a fuss about it when an accident occurs due to the driverless mode during use.

At that time, in the face of absolute facts, netizens will definitely no longer speak for future technology.

They, Tesla, can also continue to ensure their absolute position among high-end new energy vehicle brands.

Therefore, with this idea, Deng Wan did not deliberately target Xingyuan smart cars in the next period of time.

In the eyes of netizens, this change is that Tesla recognizes the technology of Xingyuan smart cars, and the hope that Xingyuan smart cars will be launched as soon as possible is getting louder and louder.

Also worth mentioning.

The sudden appearance of Xingyuan smart car disrupted Wu Kangsheng's plan.

In order to see with his own eyes that there was a problem with the Xingyuan smart car and that the artificial intelligence of Future Technology had completely fallen from the altar, Wu Kangsheng decisively postponed his return to the Guge headquarters.

We decided to wait until the Xingyuan smart car is launched.

Time is like a stubborn donkey that cannot stop running.

As the Spring Festival approaches and all walks of life begin to take holidays, the operation of future technology also slows down.

Unlike the Spring Festival in the previous two years, Xu Lei did not choose to return to his hometown this time. Instead, he specially brought his parents to Longhu High-tech Park.

After all, they have not visited their son's company so far. Now that the Longfor High-tech Park has been completed, it would be good to live there for a while during the Chinese New Year.

You must know that Longhu High-tech Park, which has all kinds of facilities, is essentially like a small city.


"This is too big. Although I have seen photos online, it is a completely different feeling than being there in person!"

The eve of the Spring Festival.

Zhang Chunling, who came to the battleship building in Longhu High-tech Park, raised her head and looked at the building in front of her. Her whole mood could not be described in words.

But what is certain is that the pride for his son is the biggest one.

Hearing the sound, his father Xu Yongkang who was next to him also quickly took over the conversation and said: "The shape of this building is quite unique. Who designed it?"

Xu Lei, who was standing between the two of them, felt slightly embarrassed when he heard his father's words. Although he wanted to say directly that your son and I designed this building, the words turned into something else.

"It was designed by Master Lin Haishan Lin, so it's pretty good."

After saying that, without waiting for his parents to speak, he continued: "During this period, you can have a good time in this park. There are many interesting things. When you go back, I will ask Xingyuan Battery to adjust a smart car to send you back together." open."

As parents age, their reaction speed is definitely not as sensitive as that of young people.

In addition, they are not the kind of experienced drivers who often drive. If they still drive traditional gasoline cars for travel in their hometown, Xu Lei will inevitably be a little worried.

Originally, Xu Lei planned to arrange a driver for them, but the second elder refused to agree.

If you say this, you will appear to be separated from your old friends, and you will also feel awkward.

Compared with driving by themselves, the driverless mode of Xingyuan smart cars will undoubtedly be much safer.

Although mother Zhang Chunling didn't have much reaction to her son's words, Xu Yongkang's eyes clearly showed excitement.

As the saying goes, a man is a boy until he dies. Who can not like a car like this that is full of science fiction.

It is also worth mentioning that in addition to Xu Lei and his parents, they were also accompanied by Chen Shihe, and it was Zhang Chunling who specifically asked Chen Shihe to accompany her.

Although Xu Lei could guess what his mother meant, since his parents didn't say it clearly, Xu Lei would not forcefully refuse.

Fortunately, Chen Shihe has already moved his family to Binjiang City, which is not far away from Longhu High-tech Park. After hearing Xu Lei talk about this matter, he agreed without any hesitation and said that he would accompany the two elders.

"Uncle and aunt, how about I take you to see the room that Mr. Xu has arranged for you."

At this time, Chen Shihe took the initiative to mention this, which immediately aroused Zhang Chunling's interest, and she immediately said: "Okay, let's go and have a look."

The words just fell.

The two of them walked towards the building under the leadership of Chen Shihe.

Xu Lei, who was left behind, shook his head with a slightly complicated expression when he saw such a scene, and then followed up.

In the past few years since Chen Shihe entered Future Technology, it is no exaggeration to say that he has completely grown up and is basically competent in various tasks in terms of work ability.

To be honest, if there were no Science and Technology Museum, maybe Xu Lei wouldn't mind getting closer to Chen Shihe, but right now he just wants to unlock more technological exhibits, so that human civilization can move from living in a small blue star to the vast galaxy and even the Milky Way. The vast universe.

The satisfaction that can be obtained from this is by no means comparable to love. Perhaps by then humans will be able to ascend mechanically.

that's all.

Zhang Chunling and Xu Yongkang stayed in the park until after the Lantern Festival, and then returned to the county where their hometown is.

Originally, Xu Lei wanted them to stay for a while, but they still didn't adapt. In the end, Xu Lei had to send someone to send them back.

During this period, Xingyuan Battery was also actively preparing for the launch of smart cars.

Although there is certainly no way to launch full sales due to production capacity constraints, it is still good to select some cities for pilot testing.

Anyway, the battery base and charging center battery replacement station are now on the right track, and the company can also be freed up to build more intelligent automobile production lines.

Then there will be no need to worry about not being able to buy a Xingyuan smart car.

But one thing that needs to be explained is that because Xingyuan Smart Cars is temporarily unable to establish sales and service stores in major cities, in order to ensure that users can get the goods offline, they have temporarily set up offline charging centers in cities. Experience store.

Such a messy dealer will at least not deceive users in terms of after-sales service.

Although many things are still being perfected, it is only a matter of time before the system is complete.

When the time comes to March.

Xingyuan smart car has finally been officially launched.

Wednesday, March 9th.

Binjiang City Longhu High-tech Park.

In the office of the headquarters building, Jia Zhongjie and Wang Dawen, who are in charge of Xingyuan Smart Cars, are here. The purpose is naturally to discuss the launch of new products of Xingyuan Smart Cars.

When Tesla released its smart driving car previously, it held a large-scale press conference, and at the end there was a live broadcast of the actual car on the road.

This allows users to more intuitively feel the power of driverless technology.

Stimulate users' desire to buy and increase sales.

Nowadays, as a high-end domestic brand, Xingyuan Smart Car is the only smart car that uses solid-state power batteries. Since the benchmark Tesla cannot do too poorly in this aspect.

"Mr. Xu."

"This is the press conference plan we planned, please take a look."

Jia Zhongjie didn't hesitate when he came to Xu Lei's desk, and immediately handed over a report document while speaking.

Xu Lei took it and put it on the table to read it carefully. After about ten minutes, he said: "If we just drive on normal roads, I'm afraid it won't be able to fully reflect the driverless technology of our car."

According to the plan given by Jia Zhongjie, the press conference had no intention.

Actual driving on the road also allows users to experience the power of the driverless mode, but Xu Lei thinks it is not strong enough.

After responding to this sentence, Jia Zhongjie added before he could speak: "Just move the press conference to the highway."

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