My science and technology museum

Chapter 154 Stop Cooperation

When the Tesla smart driving car was originally designed, it did not have a solid-state power battery and was not suitable for long-term driving on the highway, so this aspect was reduced during testing.

The occurrence of such an accident naturally quickly aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

After all, as a smart driving car, the system will crash and restart when driving at high speed for a long time, which is completely harmful to people.

No one wants to end up like Zhu Fuzu.


Perhaps Zhu Fuzu was lucky because he received timely treatment from a doctor and his life was not in danger.

The first thing he did after he woke up was to complain about the incident in his own circle of Tesla car owners, and expressed that he wanted to find an explanation and demand compensation from Tesla.

Originally, everyone in this circle was a supporter of Truss.

I still remember how ironic it was that when they collectively questioned the technical issues of autonomous driving of Xingyuan smart cars, it was Tesla Motors that ended up having such an accident.

So under these circumstances, many people were completely disappointed with Truss and took the initiative to help Zhu Fuzu condemn him.

With the rapid fermentation of the Internet, content accusing Tesla of problems with autonomous driving can be seen everywhere on major platforms and websites. Even many official media accounts have questioned Tesla, hoping that the other party can respond to this matter.

"The system crashes and restarts when the speed exceeds the speed. What is the difference between this kind of driverless technology and disregarding human life?"

"If the technology is not good, it is not good. Think about why Xingyuan smart car can drive normally on the highway. This is the gap between the two car brands!"

"Fortunately I didn't buy Tesla."

"I feel sorry for this car owner. I heard that he went on the highway to take a video and wanted to prove Tesla's strength."

"Truss must give a response this time. If he still has the same arrogant attitude as before, I think there is no need to continue to stay in the Asian market."

"I will tell you why Tesla wanted to smear Xingyuan Smart Cars in the first place. It turned out that its own technology was not good enough, and it just forced other people's future technology into the water."

After the Xingyuan smart car was officially launched, it had a serious impact on the sales of Tesla smart driving cars. Now that something like this happened suddenly, the inside of Tesla was turned into a pile of chicken feathers. It was about to be destroyed. The Asian market cannot survive at all.

But we must know that the sub-region market is still relatively important to Tesla, otherwise it would not invest a lot of money to build a production industrial zone in the Magic City.

Therefore, Marsen could no longer sit still and immediately took a plane to Shanghai to handle the matter personally.


"You have made the situation look like this. Don't you have anything to say?"

Magic City.

Tras industrial area.

In the office, Masen is sitting in Hope Dunwan's seat. Although he is over fifty, he looks a little younger and speaks with great majesty and momentum.

Deng Wan and Wu Kangsheng could only stand aside honestly without saying a word for a long time.


As his immediate boss, the chairman, Deng Wan often interacts with him.

Under normal circumstances, communication is fairly harmonious.

To say that he felt scared was a bit too much because of the kind of respect Masen had for his superiors and subordinates. The reason why he was so quiet now was because he felt the anger in Masen's tone.

You know that the big boss is angry, so why bother yourself?

However, the company's business is at such a critical juncture, and it is obviously impossible for Deng Wan, as the head of the Asia region, to fool the past like this.

Immediately afterwards.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Masen immediately locked his sights on Deng Wan.

He picked up a report document from his desk and smashed it directly, and asked: "Why did the recent sales data drop like this? The negative news on the Internet has not been dealt with well. You must give me a reasonable explanation."

Seeing that he could not escape, Deng Wan did not bend down to pick up the documents that fell on the ground, but reported the truth to Masen.

"Report to the boss."

"Because the overall situation of Xingyuan smart cars has a great advantage over us, this is the direct cause of the serious decline in sales."

"The negative news on the Internet is indeed beyond our expectations, but we have to ask Dr. Wu about this."

Speaking of this, Deng Wan felt inexplicably complicated.

Originally, Wu Kangsheng made a mistake in his judgment and it was enough that the driverless mode of the Xingyuan smart car had no shortcomings. Instead, his car overturned magnificently.

Faced with this worsening situation, no one can find a suitable solution.

There is another point that Deng Wan did not say directly.

That is, he previously asked people to smear and attack the driverless mode of Xingyuan smart cars. He originally wanted to affect the sales of Xingyuan smart cars. In the end, not only did it have no effect, but his reputation was seriously affected. .

So after the incident involving Zhu Fuzu, Tesla immediately came out to clarify, saying that this was entirely an exception and Tesla car owners did not need to worry.

It turned out to have no effect.

The public completely distrusts them.

Deng Wan didn't know whether Marsen knew about the situation behind this matter, but whether he still stayed in Tras or not, it was always right to minimize his own responsibilities.

Let’s talk about Wu Kangsheng next to him.

Ever since he discovered that the driverless technology of Xingyuan Smart Car was much more powerful than his Alpha, his mood had become relatively low and depressed, and he had almost completely lost the motivation to continue developing Alpha.

In particular, the Zhu Fuzu incident gave him another major blow, and he no longer knew how to describe his mood.

However, he is still unwilling to believe that the driverless driving he developed will have such a huge safety hazard, and firmly believes that this is just an isolated incident.

So after listening to what Deng Wan said, he took the initiative to answer without waiting for Masen to ask: "Mr. Masen, there is nothing wrong with my Alpha. What happened this time is just a very low probability event."

Unfortunately, Wu Kangsheng was interrupted by Marsne before he could finish his words.

"say no more."

"Truss has decided not to cooperate with Gu Ge in the next step. You should receive orders from Ellis soon."

Masen is a person who is very interested in advanced technology. In addition to Tesla cars, he also has other projects. His purpose is to keep himself at the forefront of technology.

When I first chose to cooperate with Guge, I valued the artificial intelligence they developed.

Want to build a truly driverless car.

Speaking of which, Guge did not disappoint him. Not only did this car come out in a short time, it also aroused the popularity of many users after it was launched.

Now it has been sold to major markets around the world.

But for ordinary people, they always lack a sense of security when riding in a car in driverless mode.

As long as a traffic accident occurs in driverless mode, it will inevitably have a serious impact, especially this time it is such a dangerous situation where the system crashes and restarts.

Although after the incident happened, he tried to block the news and try to reduce the popularity.

In this way, as long as the car owners are reassured, the impact on Tesla will be minimized.

As a result, this incident not only caused a stir in the Asian market, but also spread to other regional markets.

It seriously affected the sales of this car.

Under such circumstances, if we continue to cooperate with Guge, it is difficult to guarantee whether the matter will worsen.


There was another layer to his decision.

That is to see whether it can repair the relationship with Future Technology, thereby stabilizing Tesla’s share in the sub-regional market.

After all, it was because of the request of Guge that they did not attend the solid-state battery capacity allocation conference held by Future Technology.

Now it seems that it was just one wrong step and one wrong step after another.

If I had known that Tesla's situation in the Asian market would evolve to this point, it would be better to choose to cooperate with Future Technology. Perhaps the situation today would be much better.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Wu Kangsheng was undoubtedly nervous when he heard that Marsne said that cooperation between the two parties was to be stopped. He immediately took over the conversation and said: "Mr. Marsne, regarding this accident, we can immediately optimize and solve it, and we will never do it again." When similar incidents occur, cooperation must not stop at this time."

"I have reached a consensus with Ellis on this matter. Someone will talk to you when you go back. If you have nothing else, just go ahead and get busy."

As Masen's answer reached his ears, Wu Kangsheng still didn't know that there was no room for maneuver in this matter. Although he was very unwilling to accept such an ending, he finally swallowed the words.

It can only be said that he has put in so much effort and effort in the field of artificial intelligence, but he has lost completely.

Until Wu Kangsheng's lonely figure completely disappeared from the office, Mashaen was heard telling Deng Wan again: "Get in touch with Future Technology. I want to meet their young president."

Suddenly receiving such an order, Deng Wan thought of something in his rapid thinking.

He vaguely understood Masen's purpose of meeting Xu Lei at this time.

However, he did not say it. He just nodded and replied: "It's the chairman. I will handle this matter immediately."

In fact, Masen's purpose is very simple, that is, to try to maintain Tesla Motors' share in the sub-regional market and allow the newly built automobile production industrial zone to continue to play its role.

To achieve this goal, cooperation with future technology is definitely indispensable.

For this reason, Masen even prepared to give up some of his interests, and he must not let himself return without success this time.

Otherwise, Truss will be seriously injured.

While Tesla was thinking hard about how to repair the relationship between the two companies and maintain its position in the Asian market, Xu Lei at Binjiang Future Technology was listening to Jia Zhongjie’s report on Xingyuan Smart Cars. Sales.

The situations on both sides are completely the same in heaven and earth, and there is no comparison at all.

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