My science and technology museum

Chapter 163 Millions of bits

In Xu Lei's view, he has all the core technical knowledge of quantum computers. As long as there are no special surprises, he will have a chance to create a quantum computer by the end of the year.

By the time the quantum relay station is built and quantum personal terminals are put online, I believe Pingguo’s carbon-based chip mobile phones will lose their value.

Since Kulas is so confident that he can regain the high-end market in the sub-region with carbon-based chips, Xu Lei feels it is necessary to let him know what the cruelty of reality is.

Because Xu Lei's core drawings had not been completely completed, he did not stay too long in the restaurant. After solving the lunch problem, he and Chen Shihe returned to the office. After all, as various equipment and materials were continuously transported to Longhu High-tech Park, for The manufacture of quantum computers also needs to start as soon as possible.

Before that, he must seize the time to perfect the core drawings.

that's all.

The time is quickly coming to the end of the month.

Thanks to the efforts of all parties, the equipment and materials for making various components of the quantum computer are finally basically available.

All centralized in the campus data center.

Seeing that the day would come when manufacturing of core components of quantum computers could officially begin, Xu Lei naturally had nothing to hesitate.

When all members of the project team are summoned, work is arranged for them respectively.

After all, quantum computers involve many things. Even if Xu Lei had all the knowledge, it would be almost impossible for one person to create a quantum computer.

Only by sharing the task with the help of others can it be manufactured in the shortest time.

Thursday, April 28th.

Inside the data center of Longfor High-tech Park.

As the location of Longfor Light, the world's first superconducting quantum computer, there are more than a dozen top elites in related industries standing at this moment.

If you observe carefully, you will find that each of them is full of confidence.

There was no hiding the excitement and anticipation on his face.

As a researcher in the quantum field, my greatest wish is undoubtedly to see humans realize true quantum computing in our lifetime, with computing power countless times more powerful than supercomputers.

Originally, their research was at a bottleneck last month, and there was no progress in planning the research route.

Everyone thinks this road is dark.

There is no end.

I don’t know how long it will take and how many resources will be consumed to achieve breakthrough progress.

They are even prepared to never be able to conquer quantum computing in this lifetime.

But things are often just that dramatic.

No one expected that after Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. announced that it had conquered carbon-based chip production technology, the company would subsequently establish a quantum computer research project.

Especially Xu Lei is personally responsible.

This undoubtedly allows them to see the hope of rapid improvement in the research progress of domestic quantum computers.

Speaking of which, although domestic research on quantum computers began earlier, and research and development on both optical quantum and superconducting quantum are still being carried out at the same time, the research is carried out by special institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and key universities.

Basically no one in domestic private companies is willing to invest in research and development.

But you must know that the Chinese Academy of Sciences or key universities do not only develop quantum computers. In addition, the annual funding available is limited, and the amount used for quantum computers is very limited.

However, overseas it is completely different.

In addition to technology giants such as Gugwei Software, which have long established quantum computer projects, there are also many senior laboratories that are deeply engaged in this field.

The key is that they have enough funds.

In addition, the manufacturing technology of special equipment such as dilution refrigerators is also in the hands of overseas companies, and their quantum computer research and development progress will naturally be faster.

Now nearly two hundred qubits have been controlled.

And plans to break through the thousands digits next year.

Although the country relies on scientific researchers to catch up and strive not to fall behind in this field, the road ahead is still extremely bumpy.

Xiao Chengyong, Yuan Zhi and others feel worried every time they think about the current situation.

It is precisely because of this that I chose to join the Future Technology Research Center, so that I can use the huge resources of Future Technology to develop quantum computers, hoping to speed up domestic quantum computing.

In fact, they had already planned to apply to Xu Lei to establish a quantum computer laboratory, but they did not expect that Xu Lei would be the first to propose it.

It was a huge surprise for them.

Therefore, in the past few days, they were very excited and impatient, hoping to officially start research on quantum computers as soon as possible. For this reason, they paid close attention to the procurement of various equipment and materials.

Also, Xu Lei previously stated at the conference that he had found a new research route for quantum computers.

This is undoubtedly news worth taking seriously.

Maybe it can make the research progress of quantum computing a step further.

After all, Xu Lei has never been blindly confident. Since he dared to say this on the spot, it proves that there must be real information.

This kind of thing is like when it is time to take the college entrance examination and a top student says that he has found a way to improve his score. You must listen to it no matter what.


"All the required equipment and materials are basically in place."

"Since we have decided to develop a superconducting quantum computer, we should start with a dedicated dilution refrigerator."

As the members of the project team gathered together, Yuan Zhi, who was wearing research work clothes, started to chat first and asked Xu Lei about the specific arrangements and plans for manufacturing quantum computers.

Xu Lei knew that this time Future Technology announced the development of quantum computers. Although the outside world was not very optimistic about it, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, many universities and Warwick have called to express their support. In particular, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has provided assistance with a lot of core equipment.

Now that the resources have been transported to the park, research can indeed be started at any time.

As for Yuan Zhi's words, there is nothing wrong with him.

To solve the problem of normal operation of superconducting quantum computers, it is necessary to create a low-temperature environment.

But just as Xu Lei was about to respond, Gu Sanlin beside him couldn't help but add: "Recently, our special polymer materials have made new research breakthroughs, and they may be used in the manufacture of dilution refrigerators."

"Dean, just give us tasks." Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiao Chengyong was equally eager to give it a try.

Faced with such a passionate state of the project team members, Xu Lei was naturally very satisfied.

But it is worth mentioning that he did not directly agree with the proposal made by Yuan Zhi.

"Don't rush this yet."

After shaking his head, he walked straight to the core display screen of the data center and said, "Come and take a look at this."

Yuan Zhi, Xiao Chengyong, Gu Sanlin, and others would all go directly to the topic today. Seeing Xu Lei's unhurried state, and what he wanted them to see, some question marks suddenly appeared in their hearts.

I don’t know what kind of medicine Xu Lei sells in his gourd.

But out of trust in Xu Lei, they were surprised, but they still walked over.

After everyone stood in front of the screen, Xu Lei smiled and directly called Xingtong to give instructions.


"Show me the core drawings I made."

"Okay boss."

As a familiar and ethereal voice came out of this space, the screen suddenly changed in the next second.

A relatively detailed three-dimensional data model of the core components emerges above.

Most of the people present were researchers related to the quantum field. How could they not see the value of this data model? Their eyes widened almost as soon as the model came out.

His footsteps subconsciously moved towards the screen.


This three-dimensional data model is the core drawing of the Longhu Light Quantum Computer drawn by Xu Lei.

Speaking of the complexity of quantum computers, just a dozen days would definitely not be enough for Xu Lei to draw the technical knowledge in his mind into a virtual model.

All thanks to Xingtong’s help in calculation and generation.

At this time, everyone has already been completely attracted by this three-dimensional virtual model. Although the eyes are normal, they always give people a sense of déjà vu.

It's like the big bad wolf seeing the little white rabbit.

Sighs came out of his mouth from time to time.

"How could I not think of this method to build a refrigeration system?"

"Qubits are extremely susceptible to interference and radiation from external factors, but Mr. Xu's design is completely unaffected. If it succeeds, it will definitely be a milestone in quantum computing."

"This is indeed a new research line."

"I think the solution designed by Mr. Xu is completely feasible. Maybe it can directly increase the number of qubit operations to tens of thousands."

Xu Lei naturally understood everyone's mood at this time, so he did not disturb everyone and let them continue to immerse themselves in this atmosphere.

There is no doubt about it.

Once everyone understands this data model in detail, they will have more confidence in building quantum computers.

Its research and development progress will also be much faster.

Not long after.

Just as Xu Lei retreated behind everyone and waited patiently, he saw Yuan Zhi suddenly turned around and asked excitedly: "Dean, have you conducted in-depth research on quantum algorithm error correction and quantum operating systems? "

Similar to traditional digital computers, quantum algorithms are also crucial to quantum computers.

Yuan Zhi never expected that Xu Lei, in addition to having such in-depth research on quantum computer-related technical knowledge, could also reach this level in terms of algorithms.

Especially when thinking about Xu Lei's age, people feel even more ashamed and at the same time feel more admiration and respect.

Faced with this problem, Xu Lei naturally had nothing to hesitate and admitted directly: "Yes, according to my plan, this algorithm can better control bits for quantum entanglement. When this quantum computer is built, at least Millions of bits can be manipulated.”

"Millions of bits!"

Hearing Xu Lei's words, everyone including Yuan Zhi and Xiao Chengyong took a breath.

After all, although they knew that Xu Lei had a new line of quantum computer research, they never expected that he could directly increase the number of control bits from the current hundreds to millions.

This is the real quantum computer.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment they are extremely convinced that they alone, under the leadership of Xu Lei, will be able to create this quantum computer.

At the same time, it also deepens the speculation that Xu Lei's brain development is beyond ordinary people, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this level.

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