My science and technology museum

Chapter 171 What the hell is that?

Because the impact of quantum computers is so great, while countless people on the Internet are debating the true status of the Longfor Light, domestic researchers and institutions engaged in quantum field research are also paying attention.

Everyone wants to know what the truth is.

At noon that day.

Magic City.

HKUST Research Institute.

Xie Chang, who was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, had just changed his clothes and walked out of the laboratory when he bumped into his student.

"Thank you, Professor."

Hearing the sound and raising his gaze, he could see the anxious and surprised expression on the other party's face, so that Xie Chang's expression suddenly became serious.

"What a reckless thing to say."

"You can't speak calmly about anything. This problem needs to be corrected in the future."

As a scientific researcher, no matter what you do, you must be serious and careful. The most important thing is that you must be prudent in doing things, otherwise it is very easy to make mistakes during the research process.

You must know that a project may very well stall due to a mistake by one person, or even completely overturn it.

The losses caused by this are very huge.

Therefore, in order to ensure that mistakes can be avoided as much as possible in the work, Xie Chang will strictly demand his students and project team members.

It has to be said that Xie Chang, as the person in charge of the Zu Chong superconducting quantum computer project, is quite prestigious in the eyes of others. After hearing these words, the student immediately straightened his body and waited until his mood recovered a little. Open your mouth and explain.

"I remember Professor Xie."

"But what I want to tell you is that just now Future Technology officially announced that they have created the world's first superconducting quantum computer."

"And the number of controllable qubits has reached an astonishing..."

Xie Chang immediately lost interest when he heard that what his student was talking about was the Longfor Light project of future technology.

Before the other party could finish speaking, he interrupted his report.

"I've known about this for a long time."

"You just said that the qubits controlled by Longhu Light of Future Technology are much higher than those of Guge, right?"

When they were at Binjiang Engineering University that day, Xie Changke and Xu Lei had an in-depth discussion about superconducting quantum computers.

After learning that the opponent's Longhu Light was more powerful than Guge's quantum computer, I was quite shocked at the time, and secretly lamented the talent and strength of Future Technology.

But it also made him feel a lot less stressed.

At least there is no need to worry that the level of domestic quantum computers will be surpassed by overseas.

And I don’t know if it was due to a change in mentality. After returning from Binjiang City, their quantum computer project also made certain progress, successfully increasing the number of controllable qubits to more than two hundred.

Speaking of which, Xie Changdu is planning to go to Future Technology in person to express his gratitude.

It is natural for Future Technology to officially announce its Longfor Light superconducting quantum computer.

What's more, this can also give overseas quantum computer laboratories a clear understanding of who is the best in this field.

However, Xie Chang didn't notice that the student's expression suddenly became weird after hearing his question. If he could see through the other person's heart, he would definitely find that his mind was full of doubtful question marks.

The whole person paused for a few seconds before he hesitated to answer.

"Professor Xie, if we do detailed calculations, the future technology of Longhu Light is probably 3,999,000 qubits higher than Guge."

"Are you telling me how high it is?"

The moment Xie Chang heard this number, he was startled for a moment, and then when he came to his senses, there was a little anger on his face.

I was wondering if I was usually too kind and the students actually dared to make such a joke with him.

It's more than three million qubits, which is simply outrageous.

At this moment, when the doctoral student faced Xie Chang's questioning, the embarrassment on his face was almost squeezed out, and he felt like he might burst into tears in the next second.

But in the end, after building a psychological defense for himself for a few seconds, he resolutely chose to answer truthfully.

"Thank you more than three million, Professor."

At the same time, as soon as the words fell, he quickly took out his mobile phone to find the announcement released by Future Technology, and respectfully handed it to Xie Chang with both hands.

"Look if you don't believe me."

Originally, Xie Chang saw that the other party still did not realize his mistake, and was about to use his authority as a mentor to give him a lecture, but after seeing the content on the phone screen, his expression suddenly froze on his face.

Subconsciously, he reached out to take the phone and looked at the content on it carefully.

As he scrolled through it with his fingers, his expression became more and more surprised, as if he had discovered something unbelievable.

After about tens of seconds passed, he handed the phone back in a daze.

He couldn't help mumbling to himself.


"This is actually true. Future technology research in the field of quantum computers has actually reached this level."

It is no exaggeration to say that four million qubits is a number that Xie Chang has never thought of. After all, it is completely meaningless to think about these if the number of controllable qubits does not exceed a thousand.

But Future Technology has achieved this step.

More importantly, Future Technology was the last to establish a quantum computer laboratory.

If it is true that the light of Longfor has achieved the control of four million qubits as announced by Future Technology, then it is very likely that Xu Lei has already laid out the quantum field, but has not established a quantum computer laboratory to announce it to the outside world.

After all, quantum computers are related to the development of artificial intelligence, and it is normal for future technology to be deployed in this field.

It's just that after Xie Chang read the announcement released by Future Technology and recalled Xu Lei's answer at Binjiang Engineering University that day, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

I thought that more than three million qubits would be considered higher?

So humble!

Just as Xie Chang was thinking about this, he heard the voice of the doctoral student again.

"Thank you, Professor."

"Although Future Technology claims that its Longfor Light superconducting quantum computer has reached the level of controlling four million qubits, there are now many doubts on the Internet."

"Currently, Future Technology has not yet responded."

"I'm afraid it will take some time to determine the level of this Dragon Lake Light."

Although Xie Chang didn't read the online comments about this matter, he could guess what the situation was from the students' answers.

Who made the difference between four million qubits and the current level of quantum computers so big that it would be difficult for ordinary people to believe it? Even he would not dare to give out the results rashly.

Mainly quantum computers have a huge impact on the development of domestic industry technology and the global landscape, and must be treated with extreme caution.

But this also reminded him that he needed to find out the real situation in this situation.

Thinking of this, Xie Chang no longer hesitated, and immediately made arrangements for the doctoral student: "I am going to contact Dean Yang immediately to go to the future science and technology exchange and study. You can decide the experimental tasks for the past few days by yourself. Then you and other Someone say something.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he hurriedly walked in the other direction.

I didn't even bother to eat lunch.

"Thank you, Professor."

"You should wait until you finish your meal. Everyone is still waiting for you in the restaurant."

The doctoral student saw Xie Chang's figure getting further and further away from his sight. After shouting twice in a row without getting any response, he had no choice but to give up and return to the restaurant alone to dress up the teacher's arrangement.


As for the Imperial Chinese Academy of Sciences, although Yang Senping was also extremely surprised when he saw the announcement released by Future Technology, he immediately contacted Xu Lei to inquire about the specific situation.

Although he confirmed this from Xu Lei, he was still unsure.

There is never any way to feel completely at ease.

So after receiving a call from Xie Chang of the branch, he immediately decided to go to Future Technology to see this real quantum computer in person.

In this way, once the capabilities of Longfor Light are confirmed, the official can start publicity and spread the news of the advent of domestically produced quantum computers to the ears of every power in the world, further enhancing the influence of the country and future technology in the global landscape.

Due to the great appeal of quantum computers, Yang Senping and Xie Chang took separate flights to Binjiang City on the same day after the decision was made.

In addition to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yu Hongliang seemed to have received some instructions and also took a military plane to Future Technology.

Not exaggerating.

From the moment Future Technology released Longfor Light, the attention of all forces across the country focused on Future Technology and Xu Lei.

We can predict what kind of changes in the industry structure will happen next.

Of course, Xu Lei had already known about the news that various forces were coming to the park to check the quantum computer on the spot, and had made arrangements in advance for this situation.


“Nowadays, people on the Internet are questioning our exaggerated performance of Longfor Light. Should we come forward to respond?”

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the office of the headquarters building, Xu Lei listened to Yuan Zhi's suggestion, shook his head and replied: "Our Longhu Light superconducting quantum computer is destined to lead the quantum era. It is normal to be questioned by the public at the moment, but there is no need to respond. We need to come forward.”

Yuan Zhi has long been looking forward to announcing the existence of Longfor Light to the outside world, and he also wants to see the complete rise of domestically produced quantum computers.

But now that it has been officially released, it has been questioned by the Chinese people. They are naturally anxious and want to clear the name of Longfor Light as soon as possible.

But after listening to Xu Lei's words, he finally put the situation down first.

"I understand Dean."

After Xu Lei saw that Yuan Zhi's emotions had calmed down, he turned around and asked Chen Shihe next to him: "When will Dean Yang and Commander Yu arrive in Binjiang City?"

"According to their flight information, it is estimated that they will land at Binjiang International Airport in the evening." Chen Shihe replied immediately after hearing this.

"Send someone to arrange for them to come to the park first. I will personally lead them to visit the Light of Longhu tomorrow."

After learning about Yang Senping's itinerary from Chen Shihe, Xu Lei immediately started giving instructions after thinking for a while, obviously already prepared for tomorrow.

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