My science and technology museum

Chapter 266 Global Live Broadcast Construction

The official release of the specific time for the moon landing overseas has aroused heated discussions internationally, and at the same time, it has also caused considerable pressure on the domestic aerospace industry.

After the space agency submitted its application for a report on the space elevator project, the higher authorities naturally took it very seriously.

Therefore, Xu Lei also received calls from Mr. Qin and Yu Hongliang.

After determining the feasibility of the space elevator, senior officials did not deliberately delay the development.

The decision was made quickly.

The space agency temporarily suspended its original lunar exploration project and fully cooperated with future technology to build a space elevator project.

Future Technology owns half of the ownership of the space elevator and the future lunar base. It can be said that it is the first time in the entire history of development that such a cooperation model can emerge on such a project.

This is enough to prove the importance attached to the space elevator.

But it has to be said that Marsne’s Space Exploration Technology Company and Overseas Space Administration played a big role in making the space elevator project a reality.

After all, if they hadn't pressed hard, the space elevator project would never have been so easily promoted.

It is also worth mentioning that considering that the domestic public is not too excited about Bei Magnesium's resumption of moon landings, and that it is not easy to carry out such a large project as a space elevator in secret, it was decided to announce it to the public after discussions between the two parties.

Don't give overseas a chance to shine.

Monday, October 27, 2025.

Today is definitely a memorable day for everyone in the country.

Because it is a turning point in the development of domestic aerospace industry.

No one expected that just a few days after the overseas announcement of the moon landing plan, a similar announcement was made domestically.

And it is a joint venture between the space agency and Future Technology.

The announcement clearly states that the two parties will build a domestic space elevator to meet the construction needs of the lunar base and future space port. The expected construction time is one year.

It is no exaggeration to say that when this news was announced, the chain reaction caused was no less than that of losing the king at the beginning of Landlord.

Almost instantly everyone was excited.

Even if it were a simple manned moon landing, it would not be able to have such a big effect.

It comes down to it.

Just because the space elevator is an unprecedented super project.

So far, no country has invested in construction.

Even Neon, a company that has been researching space elevators for many years, is only in the theoretical stage.

Also, space elevator is not such an unfamiliar term.

In addition to many people's fantasy, similar settings can also be seen in science fiction movies. Now that ideals are about to become reality, how can they not be excited.

If the key space elevator can be built, the cost of entering space will drop significantly.

Maybe elevator tickets will be opened in the future, allowing ordinary people to enter the space station or even the moon base to look at the wrong planet where they were born.

This kind of visual impact cannot be replaced by anything.


Wherever there is praise, there will be doubts.

As a product of fantasy, the space elevator suddenly appears in the real world, and it feels unreal no matter how you look at it.

Especially if it was completed in just one year, it is simply a fantasy.

Even though China News Service's People's Daily and even the evening news broadcast had extensive coverage, many people still believed that this was impossible to do.

So much so that the comments in the comment area of ​​the relevant content video are very polarizing.

All major communication groups are also discussing this matter.

"I am only twenty years old this year, but I feel like I am almost out of step with the times. Is the space elevator really something I can see now?"

"This is not just about building a rocket. How can we build a space elevator in just one year?"

"It feels like we are a little impatient. Even if overseas countries are determined to obtain lunar resources, we should not use such an immature planning plan. If the final experiment fails, there will be no end."

"It is more reliable to focus on the development of heavy-duty launch vehicles. A space elevator is impossible to achieve."

"You should shut up quickly. The engineers and experts in our space agency don't know better than you. How could we announce it to the public if there is really no hope?"

"Look carefully. The space elevator is a collaboration between the space agency and Future Technology. It is estimated that Future Technology has conquered some important core technology, so the space elevator can be successfully built."

"I just want to know if tickets will be sold then. If you really need an elevator, it would be fun to go up there and have a look."

"In short, one year is too long. If you don't believe it, let's see it then."

Because the concept of the space elevator was so advanced, no one thought it could be built one day. This caused the relevant news to quickly spread on overseas networks and caused widespread coverage in Western media.

But most of them are overtly sarcastic, believing that future technology will only slap themselves in the face.

However, due to the influence of future technology and the lessons learned from his past experience as commander-in-chief, Tripp certainly did not dare to make any excuses.

After learning that Yanfang was going all out to build a space elevator, he immediately called in Hayden, the head of the NASA, and Mars, the chairman of Space Exploration Technology.

Discuss the matter of the space elevator to determine whether it will affect them.


"You all know the situation. What do you think about Yanfang abandoning traditional launch vehicles to build a space elevator?" Tripp looked at the two people in the general office and asked calmly: "If you have any ideas, just tell me."

As the primary person in charge of the moon landing project, it was Hayden who finally spoke first when faced with such a question.

"Report to the Chief."

"According to our investigation, neither the other party's space agency nor Future Technology Company has conducted technical research related to space elevators before."

"Theoretically, there are no conditions for construction at all."

"It is very likely that they sought medical treatment in a hurry and wanted to surpass us in the progress of landing on the moon as soon as possible, so they rashly chose a new direction."

Hayden's answer is undoubtedly very rigorous. After all, the birth of a project never happens overnight.

There is bound to be a research process.

Only when the feasibility of all aspects is determined will the project be officially approved.

What's more, it's a super project like the sky elevator.

There is only one truth to this fact, and that is that Future Technology wanted to take the lead in the moon landing project, so it rashly announced such a project with slightly higher expectations.

But in the end, the project often ends up being unfinished.

Not even half of the money invested can be recovered.

The person most angry at Xu Lei and Future Technology must still be Ma En.

As the world's richest man, he was often active in reports in major media magazines. However, due to the advent of metal all-solid-state batteries and Xingyuan Automobile, Tesla Motors in his hands gradually declined, and today it is almost bankrupt.

He chose to run the Space Exploration Technology Company wholeheartedly, largely because he wanted to prove himself through this company and then take revenge on Future Technology and Xu Lei.

With such a good opportunity now in front of him, he must seize it firmly.

So as soon as Hayden finished speaking, he took over the conversation and said: "Actually, I am very familiar with Xu Lei, the president of Future Technology, and I know what kind of person he is."

"Judging from the products released by Future Technology these past few times, Xu Lei really likes to take on difficult challenges."

"That's why we chose the space elevator with more advantages."

"But this decision just fulfilled us." Masen paused for a moment and allowed Tripp to digest it for a moment before starting again: "If they choose to help the space agency develop a heavy-lift launch vehicle, maybe they can If they really can catch up with our progress, they can choose to take the space elevator route, which will only be a waste of their time."

There is nothing wrong with Marsen's analysis. After all, the other party has invested all its resources in the space elevator, and the launch vehicle has lost its threat.

Even if they find that the space elevator is unworkable and want to go back to developing launch vehicles, they may have already built a lunar base by then.

It’s just that Marsn’s analysis must be based on the premise that the space elevator cannot be built.

Otherwise, it is all empty talk.

Tripp listened to Masen's words and immediately understood the key to the matter.

Thinking about the strength that Future Technology has shown in the past few years, it is really hard for people to underestimate it, and it must be confirmed again and again.

"What you said makes sense. Lunar resources are related to the future development of the space forces of all parties. It is normal that they are unwilling to give up their priority in resource selection." After affirming Ma's answer, his attention shifted to Hayden. On the body: "I wonder if future technology really won't be able to create a working space elevator?"

"I can guarantee that." Hayden nodded solemnly.

"I had contacted Neon before coming here. They have a company that is keen on researching space elevators and has been doing so for a long time."

"The information they got from them was that the cables used to build the space elevator could not be manufactured with current levels of manufacturing, and no material could withstand this kind of force."

As Hayden deliberately added this information, Tripp, who was originally frowning, finally relaxed a lot.

As long as they are sure that future technology cannot produce materials used for space elevator cables, then they don't need to worry too much. The most important thing now is to seize the time to deploy the moon landing and lunar base.

"Luck doesn't always favor someone. They have to pay the price for their arrogance."

Finally, Tripp said this in a happy mood, and then told the two people in front of him: "You go down and continue preparing for the moon landing in a few months. We also need to plan the lunar base as soon as possible. This time we must take the lead." Occupy the lunar resource area.”

"Don't worry, Commander." The two of them promised in unison.

Perhaps because it was determined that future technology would not be able to produce super-strong materials used as space elevator cables, the official did not express an opinion on this matter in the end, and only overseas media organizations reported it.

It seemed as if the whole world was watching this joke, until Future Technology voluntarily abandoned the project.

Whether it was doubts from domestic netizens or relevant reports from overseas media, they naturally had no impact on Xu Lei.

Because he was immersed in surprise at the moment.

"What an unexpected surprise. Just announcing the space elevator project directly increased its influence by 100,000."

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the CEO's office, Xu Lei sat in his seat and murmured to himself, with a happy face.

Originally, he had been worrying about how to obtain an influence of up to five million. After all, it would take a long time to build a space elevator, let alone a user group.

After all, its own purpose is completely different from that of smart medical cabin nano-medical robots.

But what is surprising is that as the announcement of the space elevator project sparked heated discussions at home and abroad, the influence of the exhibits in the Science and Technology Museum directly increased by 100,000.

Although one hundred thousand points was a drop in the bucket compared to five million, the key was to give Xu Lei hope.

To be more careful, having so many people discuss the space elevator is indeed an influence. If used properly, the influence may reach five million points by the time the space elevator is completed.

When his thoughts reached this point, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Xu Lei's mind.

And at this moment, Xingtong's voice suddenly sounded in the office.


"Wu Chuping applied for a video call with you, do you agree?"

Hearing this, Xu Lei slowly raised his gaze and looked at Xing Tong in front of him: "Take it over."

Today, when holographic projection technology has been fully applied, Wu Chuping naturally does not need to travel back and forth between the Imperial Capital and Binjiang City. He can achieve contactless communication using only video calls.

Because after the two parties formally reached a cooperation intention, Xu Lei also knew that Wu Chuping was the project leader appointed by the space agency, so there was no surprise that Wu Chuping took the initiative to connect to him. It happened that he also needed to inform the other party of his bold idea.

"Okay boss."

As Xingtong responded softly, Wu Chuping's virtual projection suddenly appeared in the office.

"Academician Xu, according to the design drawings you provided, we have started the construction of the cornerstone module of the space port." Wu Chuping took the initiative to report the progress of the project as soon as he appeared: "In addition, the manned spacecraft, lunar module and base module are also on track. .”

"As expected of a space agency, the efficiency is really high." Xu Lei nodded and praised without hesitation.

The words just fell.

Then he added: "You only need to complete the counterweight and synchronous orbit of the space elevator, and our future technology will solve the rest in time."

"I definitely believe in Academician Xu and Future Technology, just these two days online..."

After reading the project plan, Wu Chuping couldn't help but have an idea in his mind, that is, he believed that this super project would be successfully completed.

Just thinking about the online comments on this matter at home and abroad, I still couldn't help but mention it.

The support of the main public is also related to the confidence of project members in some aspects. Under the current situation, many people will inevitably be under greater pressure.

However, compared to Wu Chuping, Xu Lei obviously did not take the opinions of the outside world to heart.

He immediately said with a smile: "Pressure is also a good thing. No matter how people doubt it on the Internet, the world will be shocked when the space elevator is officially put into operation."

"Academician Xu is right, but I thought too much." Wu Chuping responded with the same smile, but then raised a new question: "By the way, Academician Xu, has the location of the ground station been selected? ?”

Among the five main structures of the space elevator, the ground station as the anchor point is also crucial.

Because in order to ensure the stability of the space elevator, the ground station needs to be set up on the equator, and its area is at least 10 square kilometers, which leads to great limitations in the choice of location.

Wu Chuping also understood this, so he was more concerned.

Xu Lei also has a headache when it comes to mentioning this. In the domestic area, the only area that meets the requirements is the southern sea area.

But there is no such a big place on the sea, so the only solution is to build artificial islands. Although the island-building artifact developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is very efficient, it will take some time.

Now that Wu Chuping has taken the initiative to raise this matter, Xu Lei will not hide anything and immediately ordered Xingtong: "Xingtong, mark the location of the artificial island."

"It's the boss."

Facing Xu Lei's order, Xingtong didn't hesitate at all, and the next second he saw a three-dimensional map appear in the office.

There is an obvious marked point in the sea area of ​​​​the map.

"My plan is to build an artificial island near Zengsha Island. To meet the needs of the ground station, the area will be at least 10 square kilometers. And taking into account various necessary facilities in the future, the area of ​​the island should be expanded to thousands of square kilometers."

Xu Lei stood up and came to the three-dimensional map. While he was explaining it to Wu Chuping, he gradually formed a large island on the map with his hands.

Wu Chuping, who was watching this scene from a distance, was also shocked at this moment.

I really didn’t expect that the space elevator had not yet started, and a ground station alone would have such a large amount of work.

After all, although the country has always been keen on building islands, artificial islands with such a large area have not yet been carried out, especially in terms of time.

If the construction of this artificial island cannot be completed as soon as possible, other subsequent projects will be affected. It may be impossible to complete this project on time.

Now that the bullshit has been blown out, there are still so many overseas media waiting to see their jokes. Under such circumstances, it is even more necessary to complete the construction of the space elevator on time.

Wu Chuping obviously understood Xu Lei's concerns about this. He pondered for a while and then said solemnly: "I'm afraid we will have to mobilize all the heavy dredgers and earthmoving transport ships and engineering ships from across the country this time. Leave this matter to us." Make arrangements."

Regarding the construction of this artificial island, Xu Lei had already planned to apply for various heavy-duty island-building artifacts from above, and the more the better.


He also arranged for Liu Gaowen, who was previously responsible for the construction of the company's headquarters building, to go to the artificial island to participate in the construction.

Make sure the requirements are followed strictly during the construction process.

There is also a tower above the main ground station, which plays a vital role in the operation of the entire space elevator. There must be no carelessness.

Now that Wu Chuping has taken the initiative to take over this matter, and also said that he would mobilize heavy dredgers from across the country, Xu Lei must be happy to accept it.

"Then I'll trouble you."

In the end, I just said this polite word.

The discussion of the matter is basically over here, and it will take time to complete it.

What's more, the material of the cable has not yet been determined.

To put it simply, time is tight and tasks are heavy.

But just when Wu Chuping was about to end the call, Xu Lei's voice sounded again.

"There is one more thing I need to get your approval for."

"Academician Xu, just say whatever you want." Wu Chuping responded easily to Xu Lei's request.

Although the two sides are apparently cooperative, in reality they are dominated by future technology. As long as they can successfully build a space elevator, their unconditional cooperation is worth it.

But what Xu Lei said next made Wu Chuping's face suddenly stiffen.

"I plan to broadcast the construction process of the space elevator around the world 24 hours a day until the space elevator is successfully completed."

Full live broadcast?

Until the space elevator is built?

Wu Chuping repeated the key words in Xu Lei's words. He was completely in shock and could not recover for a while.

He is not worried about the leakage of relevant technology. After all, the cables are manufactured in Binjiang City and then transported to the artificial island for splicing. As long as others cannot master the manufacturing method of this material, they will not be able to build a second space elevator.

The key to the continuous live broadcast of the construction process around the world has never had this kind of precedent before.

And no matter how you look at it, it is not helpful to the engineering project.

But as Wu Chuping's brain worked rapidly, he quickly had an idea and made a bold guess.

"Could it be that Academician Xu wants everyone to have a sense of participation and prove that the space elevator can be built?"

"That's right."

"That's how it should be."

He previously mentioned the negative comments about the space elevator on the Internet. Xu Lei showed that he still remembered this sentence, so he proposed a method of live broadcasting the entire construction process.

After all, daring to broadcast live 24/7 is enough to prove the confidence and confidence in building a space elevator.

Wanting to understand this, Wu Chuping immediately reacted and responded happily: "Academician Xu's method is really good. I believe no one will question our project as soon as the live broadcast starts."

As for Xu Lei's overall reaction, it was slightly sluggish.

Because he proposed to live broadcast the entire construction process, the biggest purpose is to increase the influence.

Based on previous experience, just announcing this project to the outside world has increased the influence by 100,000, so how much influence will it bring to live broadcast around the clock until the space elevator is fully completed?

I believe it will definitely be a very huge number.

You must know that the gimmick of the space elevator alone is enough to attract a large number of viewers around the world, and the live broadcast of the construction process will become popular all over the Internet.

The number of people watching the live broadcast is absolutely unimaginable.

It is enough to be called the most popular live broadcast room in the world.

Although I don't know what Wu Chuping is thinking, Xu Lei will not ask too much as long as it does not affect the start of the live broadcast.

that's all.

After the two determined these matters and ended the call, Wu Chuping immediately launched action.

It is required that all other domestic reclamation and island building projects be temporarily suspended, and all heavy dredger engineering ships go to the sea area where the ground station artificial island is located. Since so many heavy ships gather here, those who don’t know may think it is a gathering of warships, which can easily attract surrounding forces. of panic.

In addition, it was necessary to ensure that the ground station would not be deliberately damaged by other forces. In the end, an aircraft carrier fleet was dispatched to patrol the surrounding waters.

At the same time, at Xu Lei's request, the live broadcast room was officially launched on major live video platform websites around the world, and the sensation caused directly set a world record.

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