My science and technology museum

Chapter 305 Unlocking the Upper Space

With Xu Lei full of expectations, the items on the booth gradually emerged, and were finally exposed to his sight without reservation.

This is a cuboid similar to a virtual cabin.

The surface is covered with a black gold coating.

From a visual perspective alone, it is full of mystery.

Even though Xu Lei's eyes widened, he still couldn't judge the newly unlocked exhibit through the knowledge stored in his mind: "What on earth is this?"

Normally he might not mind being judged, but not today.

Compared to the newly unlocked exhibits, he was more looking forward to the situation in the upper space, wondering if he could open the hatch.

Naturally, I don’t want to waste too much time in the lobby.

Faced with this question that arose in his mind, he almost didn't think about it and moved his eyes directly to the information screen next to him. After all, the best way to find out the situation of the new exhibits was through the template information on it.

The key is no brainer.

As the information on the information screen entered his eyes, Xu Lei's doubts were suddenly solved.

Name: Biological sleep chamber

Level: First level civilization

Comment: A dream that lasts for several autumns, but this sleep lasts fifty years!

Influence: 0/10 million

Collection unit: Universe Civilization Science and Technology Museum

"How could such a thing be unlocked? This is different from what I expected!" His eyes stayed on the content of the name column of the information screen, and Xu Lei couldn't help but have a question mark in his mind.

According to the literal meaning, the so-called biological dormancy chamber should be a device that can put the human body into a deep sleep and revive after a few years.

It's nothing new in science fiction movies and novels.

Even now, many wealthy people choose to freeze their bodies when they are about to die.

I want to use this method to survive until an era when technology is more advanced, so as to extend my life.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful.

But the actual conditions are simply not met.

The current mainstream freezing technology is nothing more than the use of liquid nitrogen, but in fact this will cause irreversible damage to the human body. Not to mention thinking about waking up again in the future, you will basically die after trying it. The technology completely fails to meet the requirements.

Naturally, Xu Lei would not doubt the authenticity of the exhibits collected by the museum.

In other words, using this biological sleeping cabin can truly allow people to sleep and wake up within a specific time.

Such technology may be a hope for people who are dying, but for today's human civilization, Xu Lei really can't see much help.

This was where he was disappointed.

First of all, the greatest danger to human civilization at the moment comes from alien civilization.

To contend with an extraterrestrial civilization that is very likely to reach a second-level civilization, the most necessary thing is military equipment.

Such as powerful weapons and star battleships.

These are what human civilization needs most at this stage.

Xu Lei originally hoped that unlocking new exhibits this time would allow him to use his identity as the museum owner to create something related to interstellar battleships.

It is true that humans have mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, but an interstellar battleship that can fight in space requires far more than energy and power issues.

The level of complexity is evident.

Maybe human beings can successfully create it themselves, but by that time, there is no telling how much time has passed.

When alien civilization arrives at your doorstep, your battleship has just been researched. What role can it play in this situation?

It's just a useless effort.

Therefore, the development of interstellar battleships must not only be fast, but also be produced within a short period of time and be effective. Only in this way can human civilization be somewhat able to protect itself, and the situation will not be too pessimistic.

It's a pity that Xu Lei's plan failed to come true.

If an alien civilization really consumes a lot of resources to come to the solar system, it will definitely be an invader.

It’s impossible to have good intentions.

Therefore, even if the biological dormant cabin unlocked this time is popularized, it will not prevent the disaster from happening.

There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned.

What's more, the exhibit has been unlocked this time, and its influence is still as high as tens of millions. This puts Xu Lei under a lot of pressure. Just seeing this number is staggering.

The key is that if you don't find ways to earn influence, then new exhibits will not be unlocked in the hall of the Science and Technology Museum.

It was as if there was a sense of déjà vu in an endless loop.

What's more, from a certain perspective, Xu Lei is really not in the mood to promote biological hibernation chambers on a large scale at this time. The most important thing is to seize the time to produce nuclear fusion power plant engines and speed up the construction of Mars military bases and interstellar battleships. The priority in his mind It's still very clear.


Decisions are decisions.

As for the detailed technology of this biological dormant cabin, he still had to complete the transmission first.

Anyway, you won’t feel the passage of time when you stay in the Science and Technology Museum.

With his mind running rapidly, when this idea emerged in his heart, Xu Lei no longer hesitated and immediately clicked on the note in the lower right corner of the information screen.

A massive amount of information hits your eyeballs in an instant.

After just a cursory glance, Xu Lei had a guess.

I'm afraid the amount of these contents is not much less than the previous controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Fortunately he is professional.

I don't know how much time had passed, but Xu Lei, who was standing next to the information screen like a stone statue, finally made a new move.

While subconsciously stretching, he whispered to himself: "It's pretty much what I guessed. It's a pity that the maximum sleeping time is only fifty years, which does seem a bit useless."


As the museum commented, although this biological dormant cabin can put people into deep sleep, it has a time limit.

The maximum is only fifty years.

If this time is exceeded, the cells and organs of the organism will be irreversibly damaged. Therefore, if there is no external force to wake up midway, the dormant cabin will forcibly end dormancy to ensure the safety of the organisms inside.

But you have to know that fifty years is not too high.

At least it is incomparable to the hundreds of years of sleep time in science fiction movies and novels.

There is no problem in calling it tasteless.

Especially when thinking about the influence requirement of up to 50 million, Xu Lei felt even more helpless.

"It seems that this exhibit will be put on hold for the time being. I hope the higher ups can give me a surprise." As he spoke, his eyes moved to the elevator at the end of the hall.

Since the unlocked exhibits cannot be of much use for the time being, Xu Lei can only pin his hopes on the upper space.

According to inertial thinking, the exhibits collected in the upper space of the museum will only be more powerful than the hall. They are likely to come from second-level stellar civilization or even third-level galaxy civilization. As long as they can be used in human civilization, they will definitely make human civilization develop in a short time. In a short period of time, the strength has improved to a large level.

By then, when faced with the invasion of extraterrestrial civilizations, we will be more certain of victory.

However, in order to achieve these, you must first ensure that the upper space has been successfully unlocked. Otherwise, no matter how many technological exhibits are collected inside, it will be useless if you cannot enter.

Finally, Xu Lei took a deep breath and immediately walked towards the elevator.

Success or failure depends on this.

Xu Lei was no stranger to this elevator leading to the upper space. He had taken it last time to reach the upper space of the museum, but was blocked by the black hatch.

So very familiar with the whole process.

When he walked into the elevator and felt his body rising rapidly, his mood inevitably became excited.

It was as if I could hear my own heartbeat.

But there is nothing that can be done about it, because this time it is related to the future of human civilization.

You can only succeed and never fail.


The elevator stopped running.

As Xu Lei's eyes followed the elevator door opening, the familiar black cabin door also entered his eyes again, but this scene only lasted for a moment, and then in Xu Lei's unexpected eyes, the cabin door slowly rose.


"Just opened it by yourself?"

When he was in the elevator, Xu Lei was still thinking about how to open the hatch and unlock the upper space later.

It turned out to be of no use at all.

The hatch used to isolate the upper space was opened in such an unexpected way. It was really hard for people to know what to say.

However, this also shows that Xu Lei's previous judgments were correct. Now that the upper space is officially unlocked for him, it also means that the influence he possesses has indeed met the requirements.

It can be said that Xu Lei was filled with great joy at this moment.

As the saying goes, there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is a bright future after another. However, no suitable exhibits were unlocked in the hall. As a result, the upper space that I had longed for was unlocked as expected, which restored some confidence.

But Xu Lei reacted the next second and knew that now was not the time to be stunned.

"By the way, let's first make sure what's inside."

After thinking secretly in his mind, he decisively stepped through the hatch and entered the upper space of the Science and Technology Museum for the first time.

Different from the imagined scene, judging from the things in front of you, it is almost the same as the situation in the hall. They are also neat and uniform booths. There are no other facilities except for them. The only difference is that these booths are all unlocked. In this state, you can see various items floating on it.

If the exhibits in the hall require influence to unlock new ones, then the upper space is directly open to Xu Lei.

And there is no end in sight at all.

It is enough to imagine how rich the exhibits collected here are.

At the same time, it further proves that the special nature of this science and technology museum seems to have transcended time and space and is in an unimaginable dimension.

After determining the true situation in the upper space, Xu Lei was used to seeing big scenes, and he couldn't help but take a breath at this moment.


Looking around at the massive exhibits, from this moment on I felt that extraterrestrial civilization was not worth mentioning at all.

"This time it really gave me a big surprise. There are so many advanced technological exhibits. I don't believe that we can't cope with the invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization." While muttering to himself, Xu Lei actually looked forward to extraterrestrial civilization. 's arrival

I believe it will definitely give them a surprise by then.

But before that, Xu Lei still had one thing to solve, and that was how to choose technological exhibits suitable for human civilization.

no doubt.

These exhibits in the museum can help human civilization move to a higher dimension.

But after all, museums are just collections. It is impossible to bring these things directly to the Earth and the planet. Humans also need to produce and manufacture them on their own based on the above technology.

This involves the issue of resources.

With the current high-tech item manufacturing capabilities of Earth Star, it is very unrealistic to produce large quantities of high-level civilization items in a short period of time, and there are not so many resources and talents to complete it.

Therefore, it is the most appropriate way to select suitable exhibits for research.

Nai Ho's idea was a good one, but Xu Lei was in trouble when faced with so many different exhibits.

There's absolutely no way to choose whether it's good or not.

Faced with this situation, Xu Lei had no choice but to force himself to calm down, carefully analyze the key issues and find strategies to deal with them.

After the Earth Star mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology and built a fusion power station and put it into use, it has officially entered the level of a first-level civilization. But now it can only control and use the resources of the Earth Star and the Moon. This is different from those of higher civilizations. There's certainly no comparison.

Such exhibits from high-level civilizations can basically be discarded.

After all, given the span of civilization levels between the two, it is estimated that even if detailed technology is obtained, it will not be possible to build it at all.

In this case, the secondary civilization is the main target.

According to Xu Lei's preliminary judgment, the signal from extraterrestrial civilization that was previously broadcast on the Earth Star was at most a second-level civilization level. Otherwise, Star Pupil might not be able to completely eliminate it.

According to this conclusion, even if the opponent is really preparing to invade the solar system, the force dispatched in the early stage will definitely not be too much.

As long as human civilization can produce weapons and equipment that are comparable to the opponent's level, it will still have a high probability of victory if it waits for work.

At least it can buy more time for human civilization.

Even if the other party sends more forces to invade the solar system by then, I believe that human civilization will have completely grown up, and it is not certain who will invade whom by then.

After determining the direction, Xu Lei spent the next time searching among the many booths.

Fortunately, there are corresponding exhibits suspended above each booth. You can filter out a lot of them just by their appearance. This saves Xu Lei time in finding suitable exhibits. Fortunately, there is almost no time passing in the museum, so Xu Lei looks for them. It doesn't matter how long it takes, otherwise it wouldn't be good in the real world.


I don't know how much time had passed, but Xu Lei, who was about to continue walking forward among a large number of booths, was suddenly attracted by a conical exhibit that looked like a rocket.

He couldn't help but let out a light sigh and stopped immediately.

Then he walked towards it decisively.

Coming closer, Xu Lei carefully observed the exhibit and immediately determined that it was an interstellar battleship.

You must know that what human civilization lacks most today is interstellar battleships that can form combat effectiveness in space. If you can master the manufacturing technology of battleships, you will undoubtedly be more confident.

"Finally, I have found a technological exhibit that is suitable for the current stage of human civilization. I hope its civilization level is not too high."

But Xu Lei also understood that whether the exhibit in front of him can be used depends on the level of civilization it belongs to and the difficulty of technological manufacturing. If it is too much higher than human civilization, it will not be usable.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei no longer hesitated, and immediately moved his eyes to the information screen next to the booth with an anxious mood.

But as the familiar template information came into view, Xu Lei's pupils suddenly dilated, and a strange look flashed across his face. Obviously, things were not as smooth as he had imagined.

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