My science and technology museum

Chapter 316 Biological Hibernation Cabin

If you were told one day that humanity was about to become extinct, what would you do with the rest of your time?

Maybe some people choose to accompany their parents and children without leaving any regrets, and some people work hard and never let go of any opportunity to turn things around. But there are also many people who are willing to enjoy their last moments and wait to die, even if they know that there is a high probability that this crisis will Solved.

Anyway, no matter what the outcome, there is no loss for them.

The so-called enjoyment naturally means being immersed in the virtual world all day long and experiencing various things that are not available in the real world.

Now that Future Technology wants to focus all its energy on those three-step plan, it has chosen to temporarily close the virtual world and virtual games, which undoubtedly cuts off their escape route.

It can be said that as soon as this news was released on the official account of Future Technology, it caused an uproar on the entire network. Everyone's opinions in the comment area of ​​the relevant content were even more polarized. They were all expounding their opinions and interacting with each other. Don't give in.

"In order to support future technology, we should unite together to get through this crisis for all mankind first, otherwise no one will be able to survive when the Earth Star is over."

"I hope everyone will be sensible. Virtual worlds and virtual games are ultimately false."

"Nowadays, the construction of underground dormant bases has begun in various places. In the future, this will be the last place where we can ensure our own safety, so we should sign up to participate in the construction now."

"If we don't contribute at this time, we won't be able to enter the dormant base by then."

"Excuse me, why do you want to close the virtual world and virtual games? You just want to indulge in the first few years of your life. Isn't that right?"

"It's so disappointing to think that future technology will do that."

"You originally planned to continue living, but this above-ground dormant base is even more attractive to you. Now you just want to immerse yourself in the virtual game. If you trouble Future Technology, you will forget its purpose of serving users."

"The virtual world is originally built by future technology. Whether it is closed or closed is everyone's freedom. I can't control it. Besides, the crisis can obviously be solved and everyone is working hard, so why should we tolerate it? Some self-destructive social worms must know that everything they do now is for themselves but to work for the boss."

Fortunately, a small number of people in China are confident in the existence of future technology. Even if there are no negative voices online because of this incident, they will be overwhelmed very quickly.

What kind of waves are there at all?

It will also affect the abnormal construction of the dormant base on the ground.

On the contrary, because of the coldness brought about by that incident, fewer people voluntarily signed up to participate in the construction of the base.

In small cities and counties, silent crowds can be seen everywhere. This is two extremes from when virtual helmets were popular, when you could barely see a few people on the streets.

They say that time is a circle, and you will always return to the starting point a few years ago.

Now it seems that is indeed the case.

But compared to the domestic situation, the sea miles are slightly less.

There is always a shortage of stupid people in the world.

Starting from nowhere, an organization called Allah suddenly appeared and quickly spread to a small area in the sea.

The number of members is growing day by day.

Those of us who believe that Pluto is just a scam deliberately set up by Future Technology from beginning to end, want to take over the entire planet for a suitable reason. Now Future Technology has become one of the eight core members of the Human Alliance, and Ling Sha, as a member of Parliament It also has the right to mobilize global resources, which obviously has achieved the ultimate goal.

Therefore, in order to reveal the true face of future technology and prove that Pluto exists at all, we stopped using various channels to spread opinions.

There are even online events.

As for the officials, as long as there are no problems on the planet dominated by the Human Danger Alliance, we should launch an attack on the Allah Organization.

Ensure the stability of the human internal environment.

However, because the members of that organization are relatively gathered, and the core figures have been found, and the main forces have been invested in the eight-step plan to deal with the Pluto disaster, we can only choose to let it go.

After all, Pluto is what needs the most attention right now.

Everything else has to give way.

The more we face a crisis, the more chaotic the situation becomes, which can be said to be a very abnormal thing.

Because there are always people who lack ulterior motives.

Of course, Xu Lei was completely too lazy to pay attention to those things. Anyway, the core power of the world has been controlled by future technology. No matter how quiet similar noises are, they are still splashes or waves in the ocean.

Before the crisis on Pluto is resolved, there is no time to settle things quickly.


Just as Ling Sha had planned, Xu Lei also came to Ling Sha's army and started to complete the construction of the biological dormant cabin before the revised construction drawings of the above-ground dormant base were published and used as a template to accelerate the progress of the base's construction. .

"After working for so long, the first biological dormant cabin was finally successfully built."

In the laboratory of the research center, Xu Lei looked at the rectangular device behind him, which was almost the same as the virtual cabin, with an unprecedented smile on his face.

It has been almost a month since I completed the modeling of Taishan’s space kinetic energy weapon.

With the cooperation of Chen Shihe and others, the first biological dormant cabin was officially announced. Although it took a little longer, the degradation exceeded my expectations.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Although I have all the technology of the biological hibernation chamber stored in my mind, I need a certain amount of experience to complete the reproduction.

The preparation of the liquid used to assist the body's circulation in the hibernation chamber took up a small part of the time.

However, as long as the initial problems are successfully solved, the mass production in the future will only become more and more complex, and its production capacity will increase step by step.

Speaking of which, the hibernation cabin and the virtual cabin are very similar in very few places, so the final product is slightly different from the virtual cabin in appearance. However, the inside and outside of the biological hibernation cabin are dark silver.

Another advantage is that since the two products are very similar, it will be much more convenient to transform the smart production line and save a lot of time.

Ling Shajun, who was also standing next to the dormant cabin and observing, also showed weak curiosity in his eyes at this moment.

Although I had a little more effort in the manufacturing process of that biological dormancy chamber, I still couldn't understand how a device that looked no different from a coffin could ensure that human beings could still be safe and sound before sleeping for many years. of waking up.

You must know that in today's society, not many people choose to let themselves sleep.

The mainstream hibernation technology in the world uses high-temperature thermal freezing, which will cause irreparable consequences to the body's functional cells, and it is basically impossible to wake up again.

To put it simply, it's just a gimmick. It's just to give these rich people who want to die a thought.

But what is the difference between actual burial and cremation.

At least even though many years have passed, the body still maintains some strength.

So before I knew about Xu Lei's dormant base plan, I had no faith in it.

After actually seeing the actual results, I really dare to doubt it.

"Dean, is that the biological dormant chamber he was talking about, which can make people sleep dangerously for hundreds of years?" Ling Shajun, who was full of doubts after looking at it carelessly for ten seconds, finally couldn't help but ask.

Yes, it must be said that Chen Shihe's question was indeed substandard. Xu Lei felt embarrassed before hearing it.

I thought to myself that I would rather sleep for hundreds of years. The key sleep cabin is awesome!

After pausing for a few seconds, he pretended to be panicked and said: "The biological dormancy module you designed is designed to sleep for hundreds of years. It can only guarantee a period of sleep of at least seventy years."

"Seventy years is a long time, at least it's enough to deal with the matter of Pluto." After hearing Ling Sha's answer, Chen Shihe thought about it seriously and stepped forward to nod in affirmation.

Although the biological dormant cabin has been successfully manufactured in the past, its dormant function has not been truly tested.

Xu Lei is definitely very worried about the technology exhibits from the Science and Technology Museum. At least he has never had any worries about them so far.

It’s just that given the rigorous nature of science, it must first undergo a dormant test.

Thinking that he had spent a month on the equipment behind his eyes, Xu Lei also wanted to continue delaying. Thinking of that, Ling Sha quickly ordered: "End the test and bring over the experimental target."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Chen Shihe leading a sheep and walking back from inside.

Prioritize animal testing and determine whether it will cause harm to the body before conducting experiments on humans. This is a rule that various industries have always violated.

After all, after the results come out, no one can guarantee 100% that the hibernation chamber will be fine. If the experiment on directly regressed personnel fails to wake up or the body functions are slightly damaged, it will be a major research accident. .

Xu Lei showed no hesitation before taking the sheep from Chen Shihe.

He walked quickly to the sleeping cabin and opened the door. He saw a hollow bed with a humanoid outline rising from the cabin, and there were no various devices underneath to ensure body functions.

With the cooperation of Ling Shajun, the experimental sheep was fixed under the bed, and various devices were attached to it, and then set to wake up eight days ago.

What's strange is that the experimental sheep almost didn't scream during the whole process.

Immediately when the program was officially started, the body of the experimental sheep gradually sank until it was completely covered by some liquid in the cabin. The hatch door automatically closed and locked.

If all goes well, the experimental sheep will wake up intact eight days ago.

The reason why the experiment lasted so short is because at present we really have too little time to waste. As long as we can confirm that the dormant cabin is feasible, we can end mass production.

After completing that step, Xu Lei did not let himself relax, but instead turned his attention to Chen Shihe again.

He asked with a slightly solemn expression: "Professor Hu, we basically know the situation of the biological dormancy cabin. How many units could we have produced four years ago if we went to full production?"

The biological dormancy chamber is related to the survival of a small amount of human civilization's fire in crisis situations, so Ling Sha is very curious about the minimum number it can produce.

After all, Chen Shihe has been responsible for the transformation of the production line in those years, so he must have a rough estimate for that kind of problem.

"If the company's products are temporarily suspended and all production lines are used to manufacture that kind of biological virtual cabin, you can't be sure that the total number will exceed 100 million units within four years." Faced with Ling Sha's inquiry, Chen Shihe hesitated for a moment before giving such an answer. It's a very satisfying answer.

Hearing this, Xu Lei frowned: "That number is far from enough!"

At present, there are no more than 4 billion people in the world, and only 100 million virtual cabins have been produced, which is indeed too much.

Because in the end, if Taishan's space kinetic energy weapons and planetary defense orbits fail to solve the crisis on Pluto, it means that about 1.4 billion people on Earth will be directly exposed to the environment before the huge change. Basically, No one will be able to survive. If human civilization loses such a small population in a sudden, the plan to develop into a seventh-level civilization in a short period of time will definitely be postponed.

What's more, that situation is definitely what Xu Lei wants.

Even if these people who are unlucky enough to retire to the dormant cabin can return to life underground in the future, losing so few family members and companions will be a huge mental blow.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to see such an optimistic and dry spiritual outlook of human civilization before.

When Chen Shihe heard that question, he understood what Xu Lei was thinking.

Looking at Ling Sha's slightly solemn expression, she added firmly: "Dean, you have to say Wujiu. In fact, what he has done is good enough. With the last two steps of the plan, do you think it is enough?" We are 40/40 sure of solving the crisis on Pluto, and with the hundreds of millions of dormant pods, anyone can take advantage of it." He said this with complete sincerity.

But Chen Shihe didn't know whether Xu Lei had listened to what I said at this time, and he was still thinking about the dormant cabin in his mind.

Just a second ago.

Ling Sha seemed to suddenly have an idea.

He immediately opened his mouth and asked Ling Shajun: "What if companies in related fields around the world are mobilized and let us also participate in the manufacturing of biological dormancy cabins?"

My thoughts are complicated.

At present, whether it is space kinetic energy weapons, interstellar battleships and planetary defense rail guns, all forces around the world participate in the production.

Future Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are responsible for the core components.

Other Haili Machinery companies deal with internal parts to minimize efficiency.

Although the bio-dormant cabin is relatively common, the people inside it basically have relevant production experience, but if they only outsource the special manufacturing process, it is expected that the production capacity of the dormant cabin will not be improved at all.

That was the only solution I could think of.

In fact, Chen Shihe has considered that, but the key point is that the whole process is too cumbersome.

If we want to outsource part of the production process of the components of the biological dormancy cabin, we must first send scientific researchers from the research center to provide guidance and retrofit all our production lines. Only in this way can the production capacity of the dormant cabin be increased several times. .

We must know that production lines without future technology have now reached intelligent standards and are assisted by a small amount of intelligent industrial robots.

That’s why we can have the strongest production capacity in the world.

If you look at any company in the world, there is no way to compare it.

If we were to help other companies transform their production lines from scratch, we would need to use less and more resources from all aspects.

In addition, Chen Shihe was full of confidence in space kinetic energy weapons and planetary defense rail guns. He believed that the dormant base on the ground could be used, so he took the initiative to propose a package plan.

Now that I see Xu Lei being so sad about that incident, I don’t think there is any need to be vague.


"You're suggesting that."

"Using the manufacturing process of biological dormancy chambers, if the traditional production line is retrofitted, the production efficiency will be extremely high."

"Besides, it's a very small drain on the company."

Wu Zhuxingtong is here, Xu Lei knows less about the company's situation than Chen Shihe, so I am naturally vague in my heart. Ling Shajun is also thinking about the company, but the situation in front of me is that when there is no selfishness, it must be It takes no small effort to make a small effort.

I am the same as the special person in the desperate situation. I own a museum that collects scientific and technological exhibits from various civilizations in the universe, so I am naturally full of confidence in the development of previous human civilizations.

In the case where there are few options to deal with the crisis on Pluto, I will definitely use it.

Leave less protection for mankind.

It's my style to put all my hopes into some plan.

Consider the worst-case scenario in everything so that you can have a plan in mind when the crisis actually strikes.

The key is to follow past experience and only produce 100 million biological virtual cabins. It is said that even the tens of millions of influence required to unlock new exhibits will be earned.

After all, the bio-dormant cabin is also a direction that can earn influence. Since it is to be done, it must be of minimum value.

With his thoughts stuck there, Xu Lei directly rejected Chen Shihe's suggestion and said categorically: "You just want to hear what he said for the time being. The problems in the production line can be improved as much as possible. You just want to know how to solve them. How many times can the production capacity of the biological dormancy chamber be increased?"

"In terms of cost, a conservative estimate should be that the increase should be ten times higher. Of course, detailed calculations are required." Chen Shihe continued to persuade, and finally gave a new number.

After staying at the Future Technology Research Center for so long, I am very confused about Xu Lei's character.

Being able to speak to that extent shows that Ling Sha is determined to complete the dormant base on the ground.

Of course, Ling Shajun was only moved by this.

After all, every effort is made to increase the production of biological dormancy chambers in order to reduce the number of people who have no hope of surviving when a crisis strikes.

But you must know that if the latest space kinetic energy weapons and planetary defense orbital guns successfully eliminate Pluto, the above-ground dormant base built with such a huge amount of resources will become a decoration.

There is no value left at all.

Because no one would let themselves sleep for decades in a dangerous and comfortable environment.

Thinking of that, Chen Shihe couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It's really a small blessing that human civilization doesn't have a person like the dean!"

On the other hand, Ling Sha is quite satisfied with the new number and is completely immersed in her own world: "If the production of biological dormant chambers can reach one billion units, there is a problem with the influence of up to ten million units. Although satisfaction is enough for everyone, It’s also wrong.”

Before confirming whether there was a problem, he made a decision directly: "Let's do it according to the target value, but I'm afraid it will be hard for Professor Hu to follow."

"The dean has done so little for the future of human civilization, so what does your hard work mean?" Chen Shihe replied feeling ashamed when Xu Lei praised himself in such a way. As a core council member of the Human Alliance, Ling Sha has to work hard to be responsible for so few matters. I am only retrofitting the traditional production line, so how can I be embarrassed to say that I am tired.

After solving the production capacity of the biological dormancy chamber, we only need to wait for the preliminary animal test eight days ago to be successfully completed.

It is now undergoing human testing.

As long as the human body can wake up from danger after sleeping in the dormant chamber for a period of time, the mass production of the biological dormant chamber can be officially completed.

The gap in front of the eyes can be used to modify and debug the production line.

Ensure that all processes influence each other.

Since the results of the experiment would not be announced until eight days ago, Ling Sha naturally had to stay outside.

After a few more words with Chen Shihe, he prepared to return to his office.

But coincidentally, just as he turned around, a strange figure suddenly retreated into view. It was Ling Shajun who had been in charge of the company's business during that time.

Looking at her upper body, she is wearing a hip-hugging skirt, and her already straight and round legs are even more attractive against the white stockings. Although her lower body is in a men's big suit, the shirt outside can't cover up this almost perfect arrogance. Human figure.

In addition, these years have left traces on her face, and she is a perfect beauty.

Compared with the virtual image of Xingtong, they are much stronger.

But what left Xu Lei unmemorable the most was the pair of white-rimmed glasses he was wearing.

For the senior people in the company, they have been very optimistic about Xu Lei and Hu Xinren since the day they retired from Future Technology.

Ever since the relationship between Xu Lei and Hu Xinren took a step back, they never felt like parents looking after their daughter-in-law, so when they saw Hu Xinren coming over, they waited for Xu Lei to speak and then said hello with a smile.

"Shihe, you're here to see the dean, right? You've just finished your work."

"Things under Wuji International need to be reported to Mr. Xu." Although Hu Xinren is already a very mature man, he still blushed shyly after hearing Chen Shihe's words, and quickly changed the topic: "Did you delay Professor Hu?" That’s great for them.”

To be honest, in the past, the Hu Xinren Xu Lei faced was a weak man who was decisive and resolute in situations. Now that he suddenly saw that attitude, he felt nothing else.

Of course, for Xu Lei, business matters always take precedence over private matters, especially when the shadow of Pluto is still shrouded.

He would definitely be chatting with Hu Xinren about private topics during the day outside.

In addition, what Hu Xinren said just now is an international incident, so it deserves even more attention.

You must know that with Hu Xinren's current ability, he can basically handle matters involving the company properly by himself. It is very unlikely that he came to the research center specifically because of the Human Danger Alliance.

After all, Xu Lei will be less troublesome than he will be before he loses his status as a councilor.

Thinking of that, Xu Lei hesitated no matter what, and quickly asked: "What happened?"

"Let him take a look at that first, Mr. Xu." Hu Xinren did not answer immediately after hearing this. Instead, he opened the holographic intelligent quantum terminal device in his hand and played a video.

As the eyes of Xu Lei and Chen Shihe were attracted, they saw that the location of the video should be a certain city in the Haili region. There were people with bee pupae gathering under the streets, and they were all holding various banners on their hands.

The sign without the word Allah made Xu Lei's face suddenly heat up.

Thanks to flag Fengxiao for the 100-point reward, and thanks to Improvised L for the 100-point reward!

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