"In order to safeguard the interests of the solar system, resist aggression, and jointly create a stable environment for the development of galactic civilization, the Human Security Alliance has decided to formally approve the declaration of war on the Pioneer Galaxy from today."

"The Alliance will send a fleet to set off today."

"Appoint alliance councilor Xu Lei as the commander-in-chief of the fleet, who will be fully responsible for this war."

Friday, February 25, 2056.

Today is definitely a very significant day for all mankind.

Because the Human Security Alliance finally held a seminar on dispatching troops to the Pioneer Galaxy in the Imperial Capital Alliance headquarters building, and the entire process was broadcast live to the public. It can be said that this is the first time that the core content has been disclosed to the outside world since the establishment of the Alliance.

The main war with the Pioneer Galaxy is also related to the safety of human civilization.

If a long-range war is launched but cannot be won in the end, the vitality of the solar system will definitely be severely damaged.

Development momentum has stalled.

Therefore, we must inform the public and solicit everyone’s opinions.

Since this news was announced a week in advance, the public's enthusiasm for participation was greatly aroused. When today's meeting started, even if they were doing nothing, they had to stay in front of the live broadcast room.

Cast your precious vote at critical moments.

As a result, the total number of people online in live broadcast rooms on various platforms today totals several billion.

Almost the total number of humans.

Audience addresses include Earth, Moon and Mars as well as Titan.

It is worth mentioning that the idea of ​​letting everyone participate in voting was proposed by Xu Lei.

After all, no one can predict what will happen in the process of leading the fleet to an unfamiliar galaxy so far away, but if any problem occurs, the alliance will lose a large number of core warships.

The overall strength and foundation of civilization is affected.

Since it concerns the interests of every human being, it is most appropriate for everyone to vote together.

If the voting results prove that most people do not want to launch a war against the Pioneer Galaxy, then forcing it to do so will be meaningless, and may even cause chaos.

It is not conducive to the long-term development of human civilization in the solar system.

Xu Lei must be somewhat confident in doing this. He knows very well that everyone's hatred for the pioneer civilization has not diminished at all, especially after the incident of the Solar System Defense Battle, the anger has risen to a higher level.

Most people are eager to reach the home base of the pioneer civilization.

When they defeated the Pioneer Empire fleet, some of the messages that appeared on the Internet are the best proof.

Under such circumstances, there is no reason to oppose the vote.

If you really do this, you will only be scorned by others.

Not worthy of being called human.

Another important factor is that now that the solar system has become more powerful, it is not afraid of such cross-system battles at all.

For an asteroid that was only created by individuals from pioneering civilizations in the past, humans would have to do everything possible, use all the resources of the Earth and the planet, and spend such a long time preparing the layout.

Just to protect the safety of Earth Star.

At that time, it seemed that the only thing you could do was get beaten. Not to mention going to the Pioneer Planet to settle accounts with the enemy, the most important issue to consider was how to save your own life.

But as the saying goes, today is not the same as it used to be.

Human civilization not only possesses three large Star Destroyers, but also has ten battleships purchased from Green Star, fully equipped with three fleets.

The overall level is not even a little bit higher than that of Pioneer Star.

With such a strong foundation of strength, there is nothing wrong with resolving the grievances between the two civilizations.

What's more, humans still have reasons this time. Even when they get to the Galaxy Civilization Administration, they still have something to say.

Facts have proved that Xu Lei's judgment was not wrong. When the meeting officially started and the voting channel was opened, the number of people who supported sending troops to the Pioneer Stars increased rapidly. On the other hand, opposing that data was almost fatal.

In the live broadcast rooms of each platform, the audience was enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

It seemed as if he was about to go to the battlefield soon.

Its barrage refresh speed has reached an astonishing frequency. Fortunately, quantum computing and communication technology have developed to a very mature level today, and there will never be any lag or crash like before.

"Must support!"

“It’s indecent to come and go without reciprocating, and you must do no less than what you should do.”

"People drive warships to our home again and again. If we don't find this place, even if we connect with the Milky Way in the future, other civilizations will not be able to see clearly and think that our solar system is easy to bully."

"With our current strength, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"There are Star Destroyers to be afraid of."

"Anyone who dares to vote against it has betrayed all mankind and should be expelled from the solar system."

"Don't forget who caused our human population to halve. How can we not avenge such a blood feud?"

“My advice is to give him a taste of his own medicine.”

In the end, as the voting results came out, a total of 99% of the people supported the alliance in sending a fleet to the Pioneer Galaxy to stabilize the galactic environment, and the remaining small number of people chose to abstain from exercising their rights.

Witnessed by all mankind, when the host of the alliance meeting announced the results, Xu Lei undoubtedly assumed the role of commander-in-chief of this expedition.

After all, looking at the entire solar system, he is the only one with experience in this area.

What's more important is that this trip to the Pioneer Star will not only completely resolve the long-standing grievances between the two civilizations, but also use the secondary star gate on the Pioneer Star to quickly contact the Galaxy Civilization Administration to officially certify the second-level civilization for the solar system, and Build your own star gate.

Xu Lei, who had been sitting in the core seat from the beginning, did not hesitate after hearing these words, and immediately stood up and walked towards the main podium.

Xu Lei's dress today is not grand.

Wearing only in-ship clothing specially designed by the Alliance.

All blue.

On the left chest is the logo of the alliance and the symbol of his status as a member of the parliament.

Because this result had been within his expectation, there was nothing to be nervous about. He came to the main podium and stood there, facing the eyes of all mankind. Although he did not have any prepared speech script in his hand, he was calm and unhurried. Tell us about this expedition.

"The struggle between us and the pioneer civilization has lasted for decades, and mankind has gradually changed from the loser to the winner."

"And now it's time to end this feud."

"Anyone who offends our solar system will be punished no matter how far away they are, no matter how powerful they are!"

Xu Lei did not choose to make a long speech. Although he only spoke a few sentences, he easily aroused the emotions of the audience.

The pride and pride in my heart arose spontaneously.

At this moment, it seems that there is only one thought left in my mind, that is, I can't wait to go to the Pioneer Star. Everything within the range of the plasma cannon is the truth.

So much so that in the live broadcast rooms of various platforms that Xu Lei could not see for the time being, a large number of people wanted to sign up to participate.

"I'm so excited, my heart is beating fast!"

"I can hear my own heartbeat. Congressman Xu's words really make people's blood boil."

"I really want to sign up for this operation. I really want to see the performance of those pioneers. I wonder if they will be scared to death?"

"Are you still hiring?"

"Each of us has a different mission. If the Space Force wants to follow the fleet to the Pioneer Star, we should work hard to make various contributions and help mass produce warships."

"I believe that the pioneer civilization will definitely regret being an enemy of us humans."

"It can be a stepping stone for us humans to enter the big stage of the Milky Way, which will actually make those ugly bugs cheaper."

Unfortunately, before the public voting, Xu Lei had already determined the personnel and warship configuration for the Pioneer Star trip, so others were destined to have no chance and could only wait until there were other opportunities in the future.

As for the next time, he announced the fleet list.

Taking into account the comprehensive strength of the Pioneer Empire, it was necessary to ensure that the Alliance fleet arrived and returned safely as much as possible, so the Alliance's First Fleet and Second Fleet were directly dispatched to take charge of the operation of the Pioneer Star, while the Third Fleet stayed in the solar system to prevent emergencies.

The three large Star Destroyers redeemed with contribution points from Setan have been arranged to serve in three fleets respectively.

At the same time, the ten battleships produced by Green Star Ring Heavy Industry, plus the two battleships obtained as trophies from the Pioneer Empire, were evenly integrated into the three major fleets of the alliance, and there were even more small assault ships, frigates, and cruisers.

However, since the Titan was taken away by Lei Zhan, it was equivalent to the First Fleet having one large Star Destroyer and five battleships.

The overall strength is terrifying.

With these two fleets taking on this task, I believe they can easily defeat the Pioneer Empire. You must know that just two Star Destroyers are enough to suppress everything.

It can only be said that the gap between the third-level civilization and the second-level civilization is unimaginable.

Although there should be no problems in a short time after humans defeat the fleet of the Pioneer Empire this time, no one can guarantee that other civilizations will arrive in the future, so it is very necessary to leave a Star Destroyer behind.

In this way, even if an entire fleet invades the solar system, it can still be dealt with.

After all, there is only one third-level civilization, Setan, in the Orion Arm of the entire galaxy. There is really nothing to worry about when facing a fleet of second-level civilizations.

What's more, for the second-level civilization, they will definitely recognize that the Star Destroyer is from Setan.

I believe that just because of this relationship, I don’t dare to have any more ideas about the solar system.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Pioneer Empire fleet had known about the relationship between the solar system and Setan earlier, I believe they would never dare to take action against the solar system, and would even use various means to try to repair the relationship between the two civilizations.

It's a pity that the matter has already been settled, and Houhai is useless.

In addition, when Xu Lei faced the battleship, he was wearing a complete combat defense suit, which completely covered his entire body, so during the battle, outsiders had no way of seeing the marks left after fusing the living gold.

Fogli simply thought that he might be an enhanced version of the machine.

Didn't think too much about it.

Otherwise, if he learned that Xu Lei was fused with living gold, he would never dare to have any evil thoughts.

After all, this thing is only owned by Setan.

You must know that Misty once had a piece of living gold in his hand. As a member of the royal family, he was absolutely aware of the relevant information.

Xu Lei had long made up his mind to take action against the Pioneer Empire, and since he learned about the wormhole from the enemy, he naturally wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

He is still waiting to make the solar system a second-level civilization and seize the time to gather the eternal body in Setan City.

Therefore, today's parliament is equivalent to a process, and the First Fleet and the Second Fleet have already been prepared.

Ready to start at any time.

"Victory ultimately belongs to our solar system. Please rest assured, everyone, the Alliance fleet will return in triumph soon!"

As Xu Lei spoke his last words, he came down from the main podium, and after completing relevant handovers with Yu Hongliang, Enoch and other congressmen, he immediately walked towards the rooftop of the alliance headquarters building with his head held high and his chest held high.

at the same time.

When the camera in the live broadcast room followed Xu Lei to the top.

The first thing that catches the eye is a very cool and beautiful spacecraft, which is the Golden Crow curvature light speed spacecraft.

However, for the viewers in the live broadcast rooms of various platforms, they only praised the Golden Crow a few times and then turned their attention to the sky above the alliance headquarters building.

You must know that all mankind used countless resources to successfully create this curvature of light spacecraft, and also used a small number of Galaxy coins as auxiliary materials. The Golden Crow was used as Xu Lei's exclusive vehicle, and it was very useful to everyone. It has an extraordinary meaning.

Under normal circumstances, seeing the Golden Crow appear on the screen should cause a wave of excitement among everyone.

This situation is indeed a bit strange now.

But in fact, the audience's reaction is indeed excusable, because there is something far more attractive than the Golden Crow above the alliance headquarters building at this moment.

The weather in the Imperial Capital today can be said to be very good.

The weather is calm and sunny.


Looking around, there is even a piece of white cloud that you can't even hope to find.

The sky is blue as far as the eye can see.

But in this environment, an area of ​​more than ten kilometers with the alliance headquarters building as the center was shrouded in shadow.

However, this abnormal situation not only did not cause public panic, but many people gathered on the street or stood on their balconies with their necks raised in despair.

It seems that there is some extraordinary beauty in the sky.

Besides, in the live broadcast rooms of each platform, when the picture gradually moved upward from Xu Lei and the Golden Crow, and the objects causing shadows on the ground were photographed, the number of barrages instantly experienced an explosive increase.

The refresh rate is even higher than when Xu Lei gave his speech just now.

The content of the barrage cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Only when some people frantically pause to take screenshots can they notice a small number of exciting barrages.


"This is too shocking."

"Many battleships."

"Unless I saw it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that we already have so many warships."

"The Star Destroyer still has a reputation!"

"This is too big."

"To be able to see this kind of scene that only exists in movies in this life is worth dying for!"

"Always push the Titan battleship alone. According to the data released by the alliance, it can be said to be invincible at the same level."

"It seems that these are the first and second fleets. They are very proud."


It can be seen from the live broadcast barrage content.

What caused the large area of ​​​​shadow was none other than the Alliance's First Fleet and Second Fleet.

And all the warships in service are present.

With so many battleships neatly arranged above the Alliance Building, including two large Star Destroyers, it is only natural that it is more popular than the Golden Crow.

After all, although the Golden Crow is fast, its size is far less impressive than the imposing momentum brought by the Star Destroyer.

It gives people a strong visual impact.

Xu Lei's original intention was to set off immediately after the meeting, so he ordered the first and second fleets in advance to let Lei Zhan and the others wait here in advance.

That's why it created such a big scene.

You must know that it is very difficult to see so many battleships gathered together at the same time.

It is also worth mentioning that at this time, Chen Shihe Xingtong and others who were far away in Longhu Manor in Binjiang City, as well as Xu Lei's parents and relatives, were also paying attention to this massive live broadcast.

But their mood is different from others, they are more worried and reluctant to give up.

Even though he knew that the advantage in the battle against the Pioneer Empire was on the human side, he still couldn't control the emotions in his heart, for fear that some unexpected situation would arise and put him in danger.

However, from joining Future Technology to now, Chen Shihe knows very well what Xu Lei wants to do.

It is impossible to live an ordinary life without caring about worldly affairs.

At least not possible now.

As the saying goes, with great ability comes great responsibility. If you don't make yourself stronger and stronger, you won't even have the power to protect yourself when danger comes.

That's really sad.

She saw this very clearly.

Fortunately, she still had a daughter by her side, so all she had to do was pray for Xu Lei silently in her heart.

Don't let yourself become a burden to Xu Lei.

"I believe you will come back safely. Xuanxuan and I are always waiting for you to come home."

Wan Wan's speechlessness finally turned into a sentence of expectation. While thinking secretly in his heart, he subconsciously hugged his daughter tightly.

His eyes never left the live broadcast on the screen in front of him.


"It's time to set off. The Pioneer Empire hopes that you can be prepared to welcome the surprise I bring!"

The rooftop of the alliance headquarters building.

Xu Lei saw that the perspective of the intelligent shooting flying robot stayed on the fleet for a long time, and he basically guessed what was going on. After all, who wouldn't want to take a second look at such a big toy.

So he didn't pay any attention to it. He looked around at the crowd gathered below with bright eyes. After muttering this sentence silently in his mind, he decisively entered the cockpit of the Golden Crow and flew straight towards the Star Destroyer of the Alliance's First Fleet.

Because this Star Destroyer will shoulder the heavy responsibility of the battle command.

The audience who were originally admiring the Alliance fleet, after noticing the Golden Crow flying into the Star Destroyer, reacted and hurriedly sent their final blessings.

"It's all because the Star Destroyer is so beautiful that I forgot about Councilor Xu."

"I'm guilty!"

"Don't worry, everyone. Faced with this battle of wealth, you can't lose no matter how hard you fight."

"I don't know how long it will take to come back from this trip. I really miss you!"

"I heard that having a star gate will be very convenient. I hope we can certify a second-level civilization soon."

Xu Lei didn't have time to pay attention to everyone's comments at this time. When the Golden Crow flew into the belly of the Star Destroyer and the thick hatch automatically closed, he walked out of the cockpit and was protected by a Space Force guard. Go to the Star Destroyer Command Hall.

Not long after.

The hatch with a high safety level sensed Xu Lei's arrival and automatically opened to both sides.

Then Xu Lei entered with steady steps.

As soon as he arrived inside the command hall, several familiar figures caught his eye.

Everyone stood tall and straight to welcome the commander's arrival.

The leader was Lei Zhan.

"Reporting to the commander, all personnel of the fleet have been assembled and are waiting for your command at any time."

"Okay, we are all on our own, don't be so formal." Xu Lei listened to Lei Zhan's very formal answer and quickly waved his hand to signal him to be more natural.

Mainly because we have been together for such a long time, if it were too formal, it would seem unfamiliar.

Besides, Xu Lei doesn't like to put on airs.

After explaining the thunder battle, Xu Lei walked over the crowd to the console and gave instructions to the fleet.

"The whole ship is ready to set off, the target is the Pioneer Galaxy!"

"It's sir." Upon hearing this, Lei Zhan stood at attention without any hesitation.

With the order from Xu Lei, the supreme commander, the engines of the two Star Destroyers and nine battleships were soon increased in power, and the ship hulls quickly lifted off and left the Earth's atmosphere.

As for the small assault ships, frigates and cruisers, they entered the Star Destroyers and battleships and did not fly with the fleet.

After all, the flight speed of these small warships is very limited. If they follow the fleet, it will greatly slow down the fleet's sailing speed. Even if there are wormholes that can be used, it will not be known how long it will be before they reach the Pioneer Galaxy.

And because the Star Destroyers and battleships were very fast, the battleships disappeared from sight before anyone could react.

In this case, everyone can only keep their last blessings in their hearts.

Wait patiently for news of the Alliance fleet's triumphant return.

Not long after, when the fleet left the orbit of the Earth and passed by the moon, heading towards the Kuiper Belt in the outer reaches of the solar system, Xu Lei also began to pay attention to the special wormhole between the solar system and the pioneer galaxy.

Who lets this matter whether the fleet can reach its destination in a short time.

According to the information from the battleships captured by the Pioneer Empire, it can be known that Fogli also accidentally discovered this wormhole, and sent a battleship to venture into it to try. After confirming that there was no danger, the fleet quickly raided the solar system through this wormhole.

Based on this, it can be judged that the wormhole here is relatively stable.

There should be no danger under normal circumstances.

Anyway, the Pioneer Fleet has experienced it several times.

However, to be on the safe side, Xu Lei decided to learn more relevant information from other channels.

Thinking of this, I saw him sitting on the seat in the command hall. He turned around and casually ordered Lei Zhan: "Mesti should be on the battleship. Bring him over. I have a few questions to ask."

"According to your previous instructions, I have brought him to the fleet in advance." Faced with Xu Lei's instructions, Lei Zhan did not dare to hesitate and quickly explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the outside of the command hall.

Misti has been imprisoned in the future science and technology research department and is used by Qin Xiaoman in the research and development of various pharmaceuticals. In a sense, he has made many contributions to the ability of humans to return to the Earth.

Now that we are going to the Pioneer Galaxy, it will undoubtedly be much more convenient to bring a royal member of the Pioneer Empire with us.

It can only be said that Fogli was so stupid that he completely lost his own value, otherwise he might not have died too quickly.

After waiting for a while, Xu Lei saw this bishop-level pioneer again after many years...

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