My science and technology museum

Chapter 402 It’s not that simple

"As expected of a Zerg that has been able to survive for so many eras in the Milky Way, they are really fierce!"

Saitan Star Fleet.

In the command hall of the main ship, Xu Lei looked at the stinging ant attack screen displayed on the main screen of the battleship control console and couldn't help but sigh softly to himself.

Since coming into contact with the Sea Dragon Lice on the Blue Scale Star, he has gained a deeper understanding of the Zerg. For a galaxy or intelligent civilization, it is absolutely terrifying for a Zerg to multiply to a certain scale in its own star field. one thing.

Because the Zerg consumes a lot of galaxy resources.

It is far from comparable to advanced intelligent civilizations.

In this case, the intelligent civilization will naturally be completely opposed to the Zerg.

Only one of the two can exist.

Coexistence is never possible.

For example, the star system they are in now, although no intelligent civilization has been born, can almost eat up all the mineral-containing planets in the galaxy just because of the existence of spiny ants of the Zerg species.

There is no doubt that it has caused huge damage to the galaxy.

But since the Zerg can still survive to this day despite being hunted by a large number of advanced intelligent civilizations, and there are many races, this is enough to show how difficult they are.

Before he could condense the eternal body, Xu Lei would log into the information treasure trove of the Galaxy Civilization Administration when he had time.

Check out the introduction to Zerg species.

Among them are stinging ants.

But if you want to see it with your own eyes, this is the first time.

Looking carefully, the overall shape of the spiny ant is not very different from that of the ants on Earth. The connections between the various parts are the weak points.

It's just that the stinging ants are much larger.

A single body is about half a meter long, with extremely sharp mouthparts and a tail spine that can attack.

And can spray extremely corrosive liquids.

Compared with ordinary spiny ants, elite spiny ants with better genes have a pair of transparent wings that even allow them to fly in space.

People can't help but sigh at the greatness of the universe.

How can it give birth to such a rich and diverse life.

It is no exaggeration to say that individual stinging ants may not have strong attack power, but once a group gathers together to attack at the same time, even a medium-sized battleship cannot withstand it for too long.

Eventually, the hull of the ship will be broken open by the stinging ants, which will fly into the ship and launch a fierce attack on the soldiers.

Fortunately, the eight advance warships dispatched by the four major civilizations are all large warships and can activate special energy shields. Compared with the battleships, the defense level has been improved by an unknown level. This effectively isolates the attack of the elite stinging ants.

At this time, in Xu Lei's field of vision, he saw countless elite stinging ants hitting the energy shield on the Star Destroyer.

Even if you want to touch the hull, it is difficult.

And with the activation of the Star Destroyer's close-in defense weapon system, a large number of stinging ants were killed and eliminated in an instant, and their bodies quickly fell to the planet like small meteorites. It looked like an effortless annihilation battle.

After preliminary verification of the strength of the stinging ant colony, the leading battleships were also confident, so they struck while the iron was hot and launched a new round of ground strikes.

The plasma cannon continues to attack the stinging ant colony.

Among them, the battleships of the Red Rock Galaxy took the lead and quickly harvested the lives of the spiny ants.

It seems that he must be the final winner again.

can get the largest share of resources.

Although the Ice Sea Galaxy and Pompeii civilization are not as good as the Red Rock Galaxy, they are not far behind. They have locked in the location of the spiny ant colony, fearing that all the tens of millions of spiny ants will be eliminated by the Red Rock Galaxy.

On the contrary, the two Star Destroyers on Setan's side were completely lying flat.

The captain almost followed Xu Lei's instructions to the end and had no intention of competing with other civilized warships.

The two Star Destroyers remained behind the group.

Clean up any remaining stinging ant colonies.

Although safety has been effectively guaranteed and the warships themselves will generally not suffer any damage, if this continues, the competition for the share of crystal core resources will basically end, and I am afraid that they will get the lowest share.

at the same time.

On the Hongyan Galaxy Fleet side, Ba Jun, who was sitting on the main ship and commanding the overall situation, saw that the situation was progressing in an orderly manner and no accidents occurred. The worries in his heart finally calmed down.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a bit of pride.

After listening to Inspector Uma's explanation before, he always felt that the Administration had let so many warships participate in the encirclement and suppression of the stinging ant colony, and he was afraid that the nameless planet was not that simple.

There may be dangers that the administration has not had time to discover.

In order to ensure the safety of the fleet, he suggested that each family first send two warships to investigate the situation.

At present, eight warships have launched several rounds of plasma cannon attacks on the stinging ant colony, so something unexpected should happen.

Since everything is as before, it proves that only spiny ants exist on this unknown star.

The administration is too cautious.

"Lord Bajun, our battleships are currently far ahead in the number of spiny ants they have destroyed. I think our Red Rock Galaxy still takes the lion's share of the crystal core resources allocated this time."

"There's no need to say more, aren't we the first one every time?"

"In my opinion, the fleet should be fully charged now to annihilate the Zerg on this planet in one fell swoop."

As several subordinates in the command hall proudly expressed their opinions, Ba Jun began to feel a little moved in his heart and couldn't help but start to think about this issue carefully.

The Administration has long given out specific methods for allocating crystal core resources.

Whoever contributes the most to the extermination of the Zerg Stinging Ants will get a large share of the crystal core resources.

According to this method, normally if the Red Rock Galaxy dispatches all its fleets ahead of other civilizations, as long as it can send out a plasma cannon strike, the number of large battleships in the Red Rock Galaxy fleet will basically be enough to defeat the Zerg on the entire planet. disappear.

By then the winner will definitely belong to the Red Rock Galaxy, and it is a sure thing.

No matter how hard other civilizations try, they cannot surpass it.

Although this kind of behavior is a bit treacherous and goes against the previous plan set by the four parties, it is nothing compared to the crystal core resources.

After all, if the Red Rock Galaxy obtains the highest share of crystal core resources, its own technological development and the number of warships will reach a new level. Even if the other three major civilizations unite, they will still be unable to defeat the Red Rock Galaxy.

Who would be willing to refuse a method like this that can quickly improve the strength of one's own civilization.

What's more, Ba Jun knows exactly what he should do in this position.

He will never affect the interests of his entire civilization just because he wants to maintain his own dignity.

And just as Ba Jun was thinking this, a new discussion suddenly sounded in his ears, but this time everyone's eyes were on Setan.

"Is Setan planning to give up voluntarily this time? Their two battleships are paddling too hard, and the position of launching the ground attack is not ideal. They will not be able to eliminate many spiny ant colonies at all."

"In the past, Setan was at the bottom. This time the administration has adopted this special method. It is normal for us to give up on ourselves."

"That's right. Although Xu Lei has condensed the eternal body, he can't play much role in this kind of battle situation. Setan Planet can only admit that it is unlucky this time."

"Fortunately, the Management Bureau has changed the allocation method, otherwise the other party might really surpass us with its eternal body. But speaking of such important information, why has no news been passed on until now? Hasn't Councilor Longshan arrived at Setan a long time ago? "

Hearing everyone mention Longshan, Ba Jun, who was still thinking about it, suddenly darkened his face.

Without saying a word, he immediately reprimanded: "Congressman Longshan is not something we can talk about. Maybe there is some misunderstanding."

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence.

Mainly, although they are the deputy commander of the fleet, as Ba Jun said, Longshan, as a member of the parliament, is not something they can discuss arbitrarily.

Even if Yongshan really made a mistake at work, other congressmen would intervene in the investigation.

For example, Congressman Shiloh is the oldest member.

But after this small episode, Ba Jun made a complete decision, and then he gave instructions: "Prepare the entire ship, quickly advance into the nameless star, and completely annihilate all the Zerg."

"It's my lord."

With Ba Jun's order, the surrounding adjutants seemed very excited.

They responded in unison and immediately assigned commands.

So in just a few tens of seconds, a large double-digit Star Destroyer began to move, leaving its original parking position and quickly heading towards the nameless star.

But soon Ba Jun, who was sitting in the command hall of the main ship, couldn't help but curse.

"You're really scheming, you bastard!"

Because he discovered that almost at the same time as his own fleet was advancing, the Ice Sea Galaxy and Pompeii civilization did not sit still and waited for death. They also chose to launch the final Star Destroyer strike on the Pioneer.

After all, their two civilizations have been ranked second or third in the past. If they can get ahead of the Red Rock Galaxy, they might be able to win first place this time.

This temptation is difficult to resist.

But I'm afraid the three of them never thought that their ideas coincided with others.

So much so that it created such a wonderful scene.

If it weren't for the fleet on Setan's side not making any moves, I'd probably think it was a decision made in advance. The main reason was that there was such a tacit understanding.

And I have to say that Ba Jun was also a little scared about this. Fortunately, he gave the order to set off the whole ship in time. Otherwise, if Binghai and Pompei had taken the advantage, maybe the Hongyan Galaxy would have lost the largest crystal. The share of nuclear resources has been ceded to others.

He will certainly face federal trial at that time.

Indignantly, he had no choice but to repeat the order again: "Speed ​​up, we must not let them get ahead."


At this time, Xu Lei saw that there was a big gap between himself and the other three families. Although he was a little disdainful of the behavior of the other three families, he was not too surprised in his heart, as if he had fully expected that they would take similar actions.

Of course, the reason why he is so conservative and cautious is not because he is afraid of the attack of stinging ants.

The main thing is that there are indeed many things wrong with what the Civilization Management Bureau did this time. Even if the existence of the stinging ant colony was discovered in a hurry, it would not make an ambiguous decision. Since each civilization is required to dispatch so many large warships, normally speaking Things should never be that simple.

Unlike now, Hongyan Galaxy alone is almost completing its mission.

This is very unreasonable.

It was precisely because of this hesitation and hesitation that he did not make the decision to follow the other three companies.

Still want to continue to observe the situation.

But Xu Lei thought like this. Faced with such a situation, the other six Star Destroyer captains couldn't sit still.

Just let the advance battleship be cautious.

Now that the warships of other civilizations have taken action, if Setan still stays in place, it will give the outside world a negative impression that Setan is greedy for life and afraid of death. Even the previous achievements of Setan in dealing with the Zerg will be forgotten. Erase.

So this made other battleship captains unable to bear it anymore, and they all connected to the main ship, hoping to persuade Xu Lei to set off as soon as possible.

"Commander Xu, the Red Rock Galaxy, the Ice Sea Galaxy, and the Pompeii civilization have all set off. If we continue to wait and see, I'm afraid they will wipe out all the stinging ant colonies."

"Yes, Commander Xu, let's set off quickly!"

"Even if we can't beat Hongyan and the others, we still have to show the momentum of the Setans. What's the difference between this and cowards?"

"This operation is broadcast live throughout the galaxy. How can we let other civilizations see our jokes?"

"Whatever the final outcome, we should at least be involved in eradicating the stinging ant colony."

Xu Lei listened to the words of the captains and felt helpless. He was really worried that something beyond his control would happen.

If the entire fleet cannot be brought to Setan by then, there will be no way to explain to Qiao Xiuer.

But facing the joint requests from many captains, he was under great pressure and had to make a decision.

The key point is that if an unexpected situation does occur, it may be a very correct and wise choice to choose to wait and see, but the most important thing is that nothing happened, and the three of them in the Red Rock Galaxy have eliminated the spiny ant colony, then Setan Planet will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism. .

This is also a very big responsibility.

"It is impossible for the Civilization Administration to make such a low-level mistake. There must be something that is not under control."

"It's definitely not that simple."

"My feeling shouldn't be wrong."

At this moment, Xu Lei's brain was working rapidly under pressure, and he was thinking about the powerful relationship based on the known information, which also made his eyes look firm.

I don't know if it is because of the condensed eternal body. Although I can no longer enter the overclocking state, I can vaguely sense what is about to happen, which is similar to a prediction of unknown dangers.

It was because of this uneasy feeling that he delayed letting the whole ship set off.

It can only be said that several captains who were traveling with him were in contact with Xu Lei for the first time. It can be said that they had not known each other well before.

It is normal if the level of trust is not reached.

If they were the veterans of Future Technology Company here, they would definitely support Xu Lei's decision unconditionally and have no doubts about Xu Lei's statement, because they know that Xu Lei cannot be wrong.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have created so many miracles.

But now that Xu Lei is clear about the existence of unknown dangers, it is even less likely to send a fleet to take risks.

In this case he could only use his authority as supreme commander.

"I am the supreme commander personally appointed by the House of Representatives. In this operation, you must obey my orders unconditionally. The entire ship will continue to be on standby. No matter what kind of responsibilities there are, I will bear them all. When I return to Setan, I will I will explain it to the House of Representatives.”

As the unquestionable decision came out, although the expressions of the several captains on the screen were very complicated, no one on Setan dared to commit such a crime.

Blatantly disobeying your superior's orders.

So in the end, everyone had no choice but to accept it and continue to let the battleship park in place.

But what they didn't know was that just when the Setan Star Fleet had never marched towards the nameless star, platform users from various civilizations were already quarreling in the official live broadcast room of the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

In their view, the red rock galaxy, the ice ocean galaxy, and the Pompeii civilization set out at the same time, which proved to be a plan reached in advance.

But Setan chose to give up, which only proved that Setan was afraid of the Zerg and did not dare to fight with it.

This behavior attracted a lot of ridicule from other spiral arm civilizations. Even its own Orion spiral arm civilization became angry and angry, and even expressed regret for letting Setan participate in the distribution of crystal core resources on behalf of the Orion spiral arm.

The number of barrages has increased several times compared to just now.

"Isn't it true? Will Setan be intimidated by just facing a colony of tens of millions of spiny ants?"

"In my opinion, it's better to go back to Setan as soon as possible. You shouldn't be so brave to participate in the competition for the share of the crystal core. Isn't it good to be the last one?"

"No wonder the Orion spiral arm can only get the lowest core every time. It seems there is a reason. With such a third-level civilization, it is strange that the spiral arm can develop."

"You still have to watch our Great Red Rock Galaxy. The battle will be over soon."

"It seems that if they hadn't luckily developed a drug against the Zerg on Blue Scale Star, they would have had to ask for help from other spiral arms if they wanted to eliminate the Zerg there!"

"If you encounter Zerg in the future, you are welcome to ask our Pompeii civilization for help, but you will need to charge crystal cores as a fee."

"Although I come from a secondary civilization within the spiral arm of Orion, if it were us who participated, we still wouldn't be so timid."

It is also worth mentioning that since there were also a small number of humans from the solar system watching the live broadcast, they knew that the leader of the Setan fleet was Xu Lei, and they did not believe that Xu Lei would be afraid of the Zerg and would not dare to send warships to fight.

I am more willing to believe that there are secrets that the outside world does not know.

However, their number is too small. Even though they tried to post barrages to defend Xu Lei, it was like a stone's throw to no avail.

"The spiritual pillars of our solar system are not afraid of the Zerg. There must be a special reason for this."

"You must not jump to conclusions before you understand the truth of the matter."

"Wait a minute, don't hate it if your face hurts."

As for Qiao Xiuer and the others who were far away in the Setan Star House, although they were puzzled by Xu Lei's actions, they were separated by different spiral arms and had little effect. Therefore, compared with the angry individuals of the Orion spiral arm civilization in the live broadcast room, their performance It's pretty calm.

I just want to wait until Xu Lei comes back with his fleet before asking carefully.

Anyway, after learning about the method of allocating crystal core resources this time, they no longer had much hope, so Xu Lei's current approach does not affect the actual interests of the Orion spiral arm.

"He is really an interesting little guy. I just wonder if I will have the chance to see the actual performance of the Eternal Body?"

Galaxy Civilization Administration Space Platform.

As the inspector, Uma sat on a chair and watched the situation in the live broadcast room, muttering to herself from time to time, looking quite leisurely.

In particular, I am very interested in Xu Lei's approach.

There is no doubt that the Administration, as the most powerful existence in the entire galaxy, will never be careless in dealing with the Zerg. During the early detection of the unknown star, they did find life forms other than the spiny ant colony.

And there is a high threat.

Only because the true identity of this life cannot be determined for the time being, in order to ensure safety, the civilization participating in the distribution of crystal cores is allowed to dispatch a larger number of warships.

Now the Red Rock Galaxy is leading the way. If that mysterious life is provoked, even if the entire ship is not wiped out, the situation will definitely not be much better.

Of course, she doesn't care about the loss of other civilizations.

Compared with the familiar attacks of battleships, she would rather see Xu Lei's performance and witness the power of the Eternal Body with her own eyes. This is a regrettable thing.

You must know that as an insider of the Administration, she can see deeper knowledge in the information treasure house with her own authority.

But he has never seen the charm of the eternal body with his own eyes.

Originally, she thought that something like this, which could be traced back to the beginning of civilization, could not appear again. After all, Setan had tried for so many eras without success, but this time it was discovered on Xu Lei. It was undoubtedly an accident. of joy.

And just when she was looking forward to it, something unexpected happened on the Pioneer Star.

When the fleets of the Red Rock Galaxy, the Ice Sea Galaxy, and the Pompeii Civilization all arrived above the Nameless Star, preparing to collectively launch plasma cannons to carry out a full-coverage strike on the planet, they saw a huge black figure quickly passing through the elite group of spiny ants, heading towards The Star Destroyers overhead were attacking.

What's even more frightening is that the Star Destroyer's energy shield has no effect on it. It is barely hindered. The black shadow approaches the Star Destroyer and uses the sharp horn on its head to fly at high speed. The hull of the ship was cut open.

The energy shield failed, and a large number of stinging ants flew in from the cracks in the ship's hull, attacking the personnel inside.

There may be no way to deal with the powerful Star Destroyer Stinging Ant, but when the enemy turns into an ordinary carbon-based life form, the situation is completely different.

What was even more unexpected by all the battleships was that after the black shadow easily broke through the defense of a Star Destroyer, it immediately flew towards the surrounding battleships at an unstoppable speed, with the intention of destroying all the Star Destroyers. .

This sudden change also frightened Bajun Carlyle in the battleship. Seeing that the battleship was frequently damaged, he could not see the true appearance of the enemy. In anger, he quickly issued an order amidst the harsh sirens. Series response commands.



"The battleship is damaged!"

"All warships immediately enter maximum alert."


"Hurry up and lock this guy for me and kill him!"

However, due to the sudden incident, they lost their first-mover advantage and became very passive. Even if the warships from the three parties took action, the reports were still bad news.

"No, the opponent's speed is too fast, and the plasma cannon and neutral particle cannon cannot lock on."

"Another warship was attacked. The power engine was partially paralyzed and the movement speed was seriously affected..."

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