My science and technology museum

Chapter 410 Countermeasures

Under the gaze of Linna and Xingtong, Xu Lei soon looked away from the terminal device, his face became very gloomy, and he was silent for about ten seconds before finally speaking out the final result.

"The matter is more serious than what you said. The Red Rock Galaxy has indeed taken action against the solar system."

Looking at Lina, there was a slight wry smile.

As Lina reminded him, he obtained detailed information from the Setan Star Council, confirming that the Red Rock Galaxy issued a statement to the galactic civilization.

Take targeted suppression measures against the solar system.

Because the civilizations in the Milky Way are free to choose who to cooperate with. As long as the Red Rock Galaxy does not dispatch a fleet to deal with the Solar System openly, then even the Milky Way Civilization Administration will not be able to get involved. Both parties should mediate civilly.

At this time, Xu Lei finally understood the reason why the inspector Uma reminded him.

It seems that this is not the first time the Red Rock Galaxy has used this insidious method.

But there is no good solution.

The Red Rock Galaxy is the oldest and most powerful third-level civilization in the Milky Way. After countless epochs of management, it has already formed a dense network of relationships with most civilizations in the Milky Way.

Even Setan Planet has some interstellar business transactions with it.

The current statement issued by the Red Rock Galaxy is equivalent to a multiple-choice question for all civilizations in the galaxy.

Should we continue to cooperate with the Red Rock Galaxy, or switch to the embrace of the Solar System?

But there is no doubt that establishing a cooperative relationship with the solar system on such a sensitive matter is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the red rock galaxy.

I'm afraid it will be very difficult to think about it in the future.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the vast majority of civilizations will choose to stay away from the solar system, so that the solar system is still in a state of blockade and cannot truly integrate into the big family of the Milky Way.

Its development speed will also definitely decrease significantly.

I have to say that this conspiracy in the Hongyan Galaxy is really vicious, and it is equivalent to draining the bottom of the cauldron.

Cut off the opportunity for the development of the solar system.

Although the Setan Star Council has made it clear that it will stop all cooperation with the Red Rock Galaxy and continue to support the solar system, the influence of Setan Star alone may be able to convince several civilizations to still cooperate with the solar system, but the final result will be It will become unpredictable.

After all, even the civilizations within the Orion spiral arm would not dare to offend such a behemoth as the Red Rock Galaxy.

Otherwise, once you become the next solar system, it will affect all living entities in the entire civilization, so you must be extremely cautious.

Xu Lei originally had no objection to the Hongyan Galaxy, thinking that everyone was competing for crystal core resources based on their own strength, but he did not expect that the Hongyan Galaxy, as the third-level civilization with the strongest strength in the Milky Way, would not be able to afford to lose.

Just because they lost part of the crystal core resources, they took this revenge method against the solar system.

It's really shameful.

It can be said that Xu Lei probably no longer has any favorable impression of Hongyan Galaxy at this time, and even wants to kill Hongyan Star and run to their federal building to cause trouble.

Anyway, relying on his eternal body, it is not difficult to do this.

Not only will they be able to escape unscathed by then, but they may also make those in the Red Rock Galaxy regret their decision to target the solar system.

However, although the idea was good, Xu Lei also understood that there was no way to implement it.

You must know that although the current situation of the solar system is not good, I believe it definitely occupies the moral high ground. Many living individuals in civilization will sympathize with the solar system and express disappointment with the actions of the Red Rock Galaxy.

If he goes to find trouble in the Hongyan Galaxy at this time, he is afraid that the other party will report it to the Civilization Administration.

What makes sense can become unreasonable.

Of course, in order to ensure the normal development of the solar system and promote it to a third-level civilization as soon as possible, the current dilemma posed by the Red Rock Galaxy must be resolved.

It’s just that we need to think long-term and formulate a good response plan.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei stopped thinking about the matter for the time being. After focusing his attention on Lina again, he suddenly asked seriously: "Miss Lina, you now know the situation in our solar system. If your group wants It’s not too late to stop cooperation.”

Although the market of Star Ring Heavy Industries is mainly in the Orion spiral arm, it is also gradually spreading to the other three spiral arms. If it offends the Red Rock Galaxy now, I am afraid that it will be difficult to sell the warships of their group in the future.

From the perspective of self-interest, stopping cooperation with the solar system is the best way.

Even if the Setan Star puts pressure on the Green Star, they can take some measures to deal with it, as long as the Red Rock Galaxy sees their sincerity.

In addition, what Solar System wants is a sincere and long-term partner. If Xinghuan Heavy Industry is worried about the development of the group, Xu Lei will never say anything.

But speaking from the bottom of his heart, Xu Lei definitely hopes to continue to cooperate with Star Ring Heavy Industries.

But the premise is that both parties trust each other.

That's why he took the initiative to ask Lina at this time.

She wanted to find out the true intentions of her father and Halo Heavy Industry.

What people didn't expect was that Linna didn't hesitate at all when facing this question, and answered directly: "As Starlink Heavy Industry has developed to this day, the most important thing is integrity. Since we have reached a cooperation, we will never The contract was blatantly broken because of some external factors."

"The Red Rock Civilization is indeed very powerful in the galaxy, but I believe we will definitely be able to get through this." When she said the last sentence, Linna made a special gesture of cheering for humans.

Xu Lei saw that Linna was acting more confident than himself, and he didn't know what to say.

Although it is a good thing to be optimistic in the face of difficulties, we must not ignore the difficulty of the matter, otherwise it will become the self-comfort of the weak.

He was indeed very touched by Linna's performance, but after all, it was her father who was responsible for Starring Heavy Industry's decision. Whether the two parties could continue to cooperate would require the chairman's personal nod.

After thinking about this clearly, Xu Lei then said: "Thank you very much for working with us, but this matter is not a child's play after all. It needs to be left to your father to make a decision, but I promise that no matter what Star Ring Heavy Industry does, None of these choices will affect the friendship between us."

"what are you talking about?"

"My father originally told me about this. He asked me to help the solar system overcome this difficulty." Lina seemed to be a little angry at Xu Lei's words, and Linna immediately retorted.

And told the whole truth of the matter.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Lei was quite surprised after hearing this sentence.

She never expected that the answer from Linna's mouth was actually decided by the chairman of Xinghuan Heavy Industries. This kind of courage is really extraordinary.

Everyone knows that it is not an easy thing to be hostile to the Red Rock Galaxy, but Linna's father knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the mountains with tigers. He feels like he is taking a big gamble. Maybe in his opinion, the solar system can survive this incident safely. crisis.

After learning the true intention of Star Ring Heavy Industries, Xu Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With the help of Star Ring Heavy Industries, at least the initiative has not been completely lost for now. As long as we find the right opportunity, we can hope to reverse the defeat.

"Sorry, I misunderstood." At this time, Xu Lei took the initiative to apologize to Linna and said: "In addition, you can also rest assured that since Halo Heavy Industry is willing to believe in the solar system, then I guarantee that the solar system will survive this crisis safely. , and will become the second level three civilization in the Orion spiral arm in the near future."

"I believe it." Hearing this, Lina nodded heavily.

Then he couldn't help but ask: "Then what should we do next? Do we need to respond to the statement issued by the Red Rock Galaxy first?"

"That's not necessary."

"Next, I need to go to the Human Security Alliance headquarters first." Xu Lei directly rejected Linna's proposal and proactively informed him of his next trip.

After all, Hongyan Galaxy is targeting the entire solar system, not just one future technology company. In this case, a security alliance meeting must be held to discuss follow-up responses.

Only by determining a good direction can we study and formulate response strategies.

As for the statement issued by the Red Rock Galaxy to the Milky Way, even if the solar system does not respond, it will definitely trigger heated discussions among individuals within various civilizations.

Linna knew that she was from the Green Planet and had only been in the solar system for a short time.

It could be said that she did not understand the situation inside the solar system. In this situation, the best way was not to interfere with Xu Lei's decision, so she had no objection to Xu Lei's next arrangements.

After a few brief exchanges, they planned to return to their residence in Binjiang City.

So as not to affect Xu Lei's actions.

But just as she walked towards the door, she saw that the door of the reception room was suddenly opened from the outside.

Chen Shihe rushed in quickly with an anxious look on his face, and before he could stop, he shouted: "Something happened with the company. Several alien civilization customers who had just ordered Kamikaze series battleships suddenly received a message saying that they would cancel all orders. In addition, The same is true for genetic optimization fluid."

"The movements are really fast!" After hearing what Chen Shihe said, Xu Lei couldn't help but sneer and murmured to himself.

As soon as the broadcast statement of the Red Rock Galaxy was released in the Milky Way, these civilizations hurriedly canceled their cooperation with future technology. It can be said that their emergency avoidance capabilities are top-notch.

I am afraid that this will become the target of the Red Rock Galaxy.

Compared with Star Ring Heavy Industry, they are simply two extremes.

At this time, Chen Shihe saw that Xu Lei and Linna had calm expressions, no mood fluctuations, and was very confused in his heart.

Originally, after Xu Lei led Xingtong to the reception room, she planned to wait for Xu Lei to come back before returning to Longfor Manor together. However, she did not expect that at this time, she suddenly received news that customers from alien civilizations had canceled their orders.

Her business acumen told her that this was by no means simple.

It is very likely that something major has happened.

Worried that this would cause losses to future technology, she had no choice but to rush to the reception room immediately to tell Xu Lei the news as soon as possible.

"what on earth is it?"

"There was a small incident in the galaxy. Lina came here in a hurry because of this. I'm afraid I have to go to the alliance headquarters next." Faced with Chen Shihe's inquiry, Xu Lei quickly explained, but there was no Tell the real situation.

This was also done to make Chen Shihe less worried.

Mainly, Chen Shihe is now responsible for all aspects of the company. If she were to know the real situation she was facing, she would probably become worried.

Besides, this matter cannot be solved by personal power at all, so instead of worrying about it, it is better not to know.

"So that's what it is, can it be solved?"

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. It's a pity that I can't accompany you." Xu Lei responded to Chen Shihe again, which temporarily dispelled the other party's doubts.

But when Xu Lei mentioned his daughter, he felt angry again.

Originally, he returned to Earth Star this time just to enjoy some priority time and spend time with his family.

Unexpectedly, Hongyan Galaxy had done such a big thing for him before his butt was warmed up, and his favorability towards them went from zero to negative.

After figuring out the whole story, Chen Shihe didn't say anything more, but instead urged Xu Lei: "Business matters are important, you'd better hurry up and leave. I'm at home, and my daughter is not afraid of waiting for a while."

On the other hand, Linna next to her looked at this scene with her eyes full of affection.

There is no doubt that she has a good impression of Xu Lei, and she has even fantasized about her life with Xu Lei in her mind more than once. However, she does not want to ruin the relationship between Xu Lei and Chen Shihe, so she takes the initiative to apply to her father. Arrive at Earth Star and become a stationed personnel of Star Ring Heavy Industry.

Maybe being able to stay by Xu Lei's side is already a pleasure.

At this time, Xu Lei naturally stopped wasting time. After a few words with Xingtong, asking him to continue paying attention to other external business situations, he immediately took the spaceship to the headquarters of the Human Security Alliance in the Imperial Capital.

In the past, based on the distance between Binjiang City and the Imperial Capital, it would have taken at least several hours to get there.

But depending on the speed of the spacecraft, it takes almost a few breaths.

And it’s not all sailing at full speed.

Not long after.

When Xu Lei's spacecraft landed on the rooftop of the Human Security Alliance headquarters, as soon as he came out of the cockpit of the spacecraft, he saw Enoch, Yu Hongliang and other congressmen walking quickly to greet them.

The alliance had obviously received the relevant information. The two parties had just shaken hands briefly when Yu Hongliang took the initiative to ask: "Congressman Xu came here this time specifically to make a statement for the Red Rock Galaxy, right?"

"Yes, it was me who caused the solar system to suffer." Facing Hong Liang, an old acquaintance, Xu Lei naturally had nothing to hide and directly stated his intention.

He also expressed his apology at the same time.

Because to a certain extent, if Xu Lei did not participate in the distribution of the share of crystal core resources on behalf of Setan, then the anger of the Red Rock Galaxy would not involve the solar system, and the other party would at most cause trouble for Setan.

Fortunately, this idea does not exist on the alliance side.

Almost before Xu Lei finished speaking, Yu Hongliang immediately retorted resolutely: "Congressman Xu, you can't say that. Without you in the Milky Way to help mankind achieve its current status, the situation in the solar system would be terrible. It will be more serious than it is now.”

What Yu Hongliang said is absolutely correct.

The solar system has rapidly grown from a weak, less than first-level civilization to a second-level civilization, and it also has a second-level affiliated civilization.

Coupled with his influence in the galaxy, these are all closely related to Xu Lei.

Compared with these resources, just being targeted by the Red Rock Galaxy is really nothing.

What's more, human beings are not like the past where they could only be bullied by alien civilizations. After all, they have experienced several big waves, and have even participated in interstellar wars involving the survival of civilization, so they really don't have to worry about any trouble.

It's nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up the water and earth.

After hearing the sound, Senator Enoch immediately echoed: "Congressman Yu is right, mankind cannot live without you."

"Let's go to the venue first and talk in detail. Other members are already in place." At this time, considering the occasion and time, Yu Hongliang took the initiative to propose this sentence again.

The alliance's ability to respond so quickly saved a lot of trouble, so Xu Lei no longer hesitated and immediately entered the headquarters conference hall with Yu Hongliang, Enoch and the others to host the alliance's emergency meeting.


Just as Yu Hongliang said, when Xu Lei walked into the familiar hall again, he immediately found that the venue was basically full of people.

In this case, after Xu Lei sat in his seat as a member of parliament, he straightened his body first, and then was the first to speak.

"I believe that many people here already know the reason for this meeting. Just now, our solar system was targeted by the Red Rock Galaxy, a third-level civilization in the Perseus spiral arm, and the other party also issued a broadcast statement to the entire galaxy."

"But what I want to say is that these methods cannot affect the solar system yet."

As Xu Lei finished presiding over the opening, Yu Hongliang, who was standing next to him, immediately transmitted a document to everyone present and explained at the same time: "Here is the latest list of anomalies in the solar system's external business. You can take a look at it first."

Since the Red Rock Galaxy targets the entire solar system, Future Technology is not the only one affected.

Before coming to the alliance headquarters, Xu Lei only knew that the company's kamikaze series battleships and spacecraft and genetic optimization fluid business had been affected, but he didn't know much about other industries, so he immediately looked at the document carefully.

About a few minutes passed before Xu Lei slowly closed his eyes.

His brows furrowed slightly.

According to the introduction in the document, in addition to the cancellation of battleship and spaceship orders and genetic medicine business in the solar system, civilizations that originally intended to join the interstellar virtual game have also chosen to withdraw, as well as Warwick's newly developed light defensive armor, and the All kinds of food exported by Earth Star have come to a standstill.

Even other civilizations have to cut ties with the solar system even if they are not willing to pay full liquidated damages.

Even the group on Green Star.

This alone not only once again proves the courage of Halo Heavy Industries to make this decision, but also the terrifying deterrent power of the Red Rock Galaxy.

It is also worth mentioning that compared to battleships, spaceships and pharmaceutical light defense armor, various foods from the earth are the best-selling products.

I have to say that compared to other civilizations in the galaxy, human development is undoubtedly special.

Looking at the entire galaxy, most civilizations that have entered Level 2 have abandoned the traditional way of eating and adopted energy liquids directly to meet the body's energy needs. This not only saves time but also maximizes the use of energy.

It can be said that very few humans still retain the traditional way of eating and are willing to spend time on food.

But this makes terrestrial food a special existence in the Milky Way.

In particular, the various food ingredients preserved on the planet have attracted many carbon-based civilizations, and once they have tasted them once, they will be unable to extricate themselves.

Therefore, this means that the Galaxy Coins earned by Earth Star from exporting food are several times that of other projects combined.

It can be said that it is a unique existence in the entire galaxy civilization.

However, after the circulation of Earth Star Food during this period, it can be regarded as accumulating a group of fans in the Milky Way. Because Red Rock Galaxy is about to say goodbye to Earth Star Food, I believe that more individuals will be disgusted with Red Rock Galaxy.

And these will become factors in the solar system's ultimate victory.

As for the next time, the members of the House of Representatives each put forward their own opinions and tried to formulate a plan to deal with the Red Rock Galaxy, but they were all rejected without exception.

Only Xu Lei remained silent.

After reading the document, he began to think about ways to turn the situation around.

According to the current situation, if the statement of the Red Rock Galaxy is to become empty talk, the best option is to let other civilizations in the Milky Way be willing to stand together with the solar system, and everyone can unite to fight against the Red Rock Galaxy.

As long as more than half of them can be won over, the situation will immediately turn from passive to active.

But for the civilizations in the galaxy, what matters most is nothing more than benefits, benefits that they cannot refuse.

Just when Xu Lei was gradually coming up with ideas, Yu Hongliang's voice finally sounded in his ears: "Congressman Xu, do you have any good plans for the Hongyan Galaxy?"

As these words rang out, everyone's eyes fell on Xu Lei.

As the saying goes, vision determines thinking. The number of galactic civilizations they have come into contact with is very limited, and they have never dealt with the Red Rock Galaxy. In this case, they will undoubtedly have to rely on Xu Lei.

What's more, Xu Lei can bring surprises to everyone every time, and I believe this time will be no exception.

Facing Hong Liang's inquiry, Xu Lei, who already had an idea, stopped remaining silent. He organized his words a little, and then spoke: "Judging from the current situation, if we can introduce something that will allow all civilizations in the galaxy to Technology products that are irresistible may give them leverage in negotiations and persuade them to stand on the same front as us again.”

When Xu Lei's words spread to every corner of the conference hall, there was a commotion underneath, and everyone couldn't help but whisper.

Because in most people's eyes, this is too far-fetched.

Most of the advanced intelligent civilizations in the galaxy belong to the second level. Basically, the technology possessed by the solar system is not lacking in other civilizations, not to mention the development of a technological product that most civilizations cannot refuse.

This is really unbelievable and impossible to achieve.

Under this situation, only Yu Hongliang looked solemn, and then took the initiative to ask Xu Lei: "Excuse me, Congressman Xu, do you have a general idea about this technological product you are talking about?"

"Of course." Xu Lei nodded and answered confidently.

For ordinary civilizations, it may be very difficult to accomplish this in a short period of time, but Xu Lei is completely different. You must know that the most indispensable thing in the science and technology museum he owns is technological products.

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