"Don't worry, we know what to do." Yuandu and Rosa were very attentive to Klippen's instructions and agreed without any hesitation.

They can command fleet battles as legion commanders, so they are certainly not fools.

At present, the Yam civilization is about to be completely controlled, which is equivalent to establishing a base belonging to the Andromeda Galaxy in the hinterland of the Milky Way, which will be very beneficial for subsequent wars against other civilizations in the Milky Way.

If we abandon the Yam civilization at this time and continue to choose a new target, we are likely to encounter a difficult civilization like Klippen.

The star gate in the key Yam civilization has been destroyed, and support from the galaxy will not be able to come in time in a short time.

In other words, during this time period, they are absolutely safe.

If it enters other civilizations, there is no guarantee that the star gate will be destroyed immediately.

Once they encounter the Milky Way's reinforcement fleet head-on, I'm afraid their situation will be more complicated and worse than that of Klippen and Reno.

You must know that the number of warships in their hands is completely incomparable to Renault.

The difference is several times greater.

Since both sides were still fighting, the conversation did not last long, and the communication was immediately closed.

However, due to the stimulation from Yuandu and Rosa just now, Klippen's expression still did not soften. His whole expression looked extremely heavy and hazy, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

But now is not the time to think about life.

At present, the fleet in the solar system sees that Tianren No. 7 is safe and sound, which can be said to be a great boost in morale.

This caused the delicate atmosphere just now to be immediately broken. The Alliance fleet took counter-offensive measures and cooperated with the space combat robots produced by future technology to launch a fierce attack on the Andromeda Galaxy fleet group.

In addition, the Imperial Legion lost its command, and the situation fell into chaos for a time, with new warships falling almost every minute.

Faced with such a situation, Renault really couldn't suppress his inner emotions, so he had to take the initiative to pursue: "Commander of the Croatian Army, our battle is not over yet, you must cheer up."

"The Yam civilization has achieved great success. Perhaps the balance of victory is still more tilted towards our side."

"You're right."

Perhaps because he was awakened by Renault's words, Klippen suddenly turned around and said in a deep voice: "The Yamvin Star Gate was destroyed. Not only will they not get support from the Milky Way Fleet, I'm afraid there will be no support from the Solar System either. Reinforcements arrived in time."

"As long as we can destroy this defensive ring on the outer reaches of the solar system, we will still have hope."

Clippen became more and more excited as he spoke. As soon as he finished his words, he waited for Renault to respond and directly gave an order to the personnel responsible for the operation: "Order the entire ship to sail to the enemy's defensive ring and stop all unnecessary and ineffective attacks, even if No matter how hard it is, I have to knock this ring away for me."

"It's the legion commander."

Renault watched Crippen's series of operations with a complicated expression. He knew that he was preparing to give it a final try.

No matter the cost of casualties, use all your strength to conquer the outer defenses of the solar system.

It can be expected that once the entire fleet group adopts an extreme attack and goes completely crazy, it may finally be able to break through the outer defense ring of the solar system, but the losses to the fleet group will also be very high.

It is no exaggeration to say that when this war is over, if half of the fleet group brought from the Andromeda Galaxy survives, it will be considered a blessing.

The most fearful thing is that the fleet group suffered heavy losses, but still was unable to overcome the defense of the solar system.

However, Renault also expressed his understanding of Clippen's decision. After all, continuing the stalemate is not an option.

In addition, the follow-up actions of the Second and Third Legions also need to be coordinated and executed simultaneously, so the solar system must be captured as soon as possible.

Therefore, although Renault's lips moved slightly, he finally chose to swallow the words.

It can be regarded as acquiescing to Klippen's plan.

Just like this, as this order was accurately transmitted to the ears of every battleship commander in the Andromeda Galaxy, he suddenly saw that the entire huge fleet group had given up entangled with the Solar System Alliance fleet, and rushed towards the Neptune defense ring at full speed with the same goal.

There is a sense of déjà vu as if you were bumped into something.

In addition, while Krippen was formulating a new plan, the Alliance fleet was still immersed in the joy that Tianren No. 7 was safe and sound.

"I knew there would be no problem with Councilor Xu. As expected, with the enemy's strength, he is no match for Tianren No. 7."

In the alliance fleet's internal channel, Lei Zhan suddenly became excited when he saw that Tianren No. 7 not only did not suffer any damage, but also fired the Star Destroyer Cannon again to destroy a large number of enemy warships.

I'm happy for Xu Lei's smooth escape.

Seeing such a reversal of the situation, Zhang Jingtong, who was in charge of the Neptune Defense Ring Monitoring Center, couldn't help but echoed: "As long as Congressman Xu and Tianren No. 7 are here, no civilization can even think of breaking into the scope of our solar system."

"Is it time to launch a general offensive and drive these ugly invaders out of the solar system completely?" Gustav also took advantage of the topic to express his own opinion.

Looking at the overall situation from their perspective, Andromeda Galaxy has shown a passive and uninterested attitude after the connection failure.

In this case, the fleet's strength cannot be exerted much at all.

In addition, the morale of the Alliance fleet is currently high, and the Sky Blade Seven is stationed at the rear. Relying on the power of the Divine Star Destroyer and space combat robots, there is indeed a chance to force the enemy into the Kuiper Belt again.

Regarding Gustav's opinion, both Lei Zhan and Zhang Jingtong agreed.

They also want to end this battle as soon as possible and completely demonstrate the momentum and strength of human civilization in the solar system.

But to issue such an order, their level is obviously not enough.

Xu Lei, the Supreme Speaker, needs to personally announce it.

Therefore, after a slight hesitation, Lei Zhan chose to take the initiative and asked: "Congressman Xu, what are we going to do next? Should we launch a full-scale counterattack against the enemy?"

When Lei Zhan's words came out in the channel, Xu Lei did not respond immediately.

After nearly dozens of seconds passed, Xu Lei's voice sounded on the channel, but his tone was very solemn.

"The enemy has begun his final madness. The real battle has just begun. I order the Alliance fleet to prevent the enemy from destroying the defensive ring no matter what the cost."

After Xu Lei fired the Star Destroyer Cannon, he had been paying attention to the movements of the Andromeda Galaxy fleet.

Finding that the opponent collectively gave up the entanglement and rushed towards Neptune's defense ring at full speed, he immediately sensed the enemy's intention.

It's obvious that the dog is jumping over the wall and starting to become crazy and perverted.

But the more this happens, the more important it is to protect the safety of Neptune's defensive ring, otherwise Titan will be the first to fall.

You must know that not only are a large number of humans living on Titan, but five large human shipyards are also located on it. If destroyed, it will directly affect the foundation and strength of human civilization.

Moreover, the two defensive rings inside the solar system are much lower than the Neptune ring.

If Neptune's defensive ring cannot be saved, let alone the other two.

Lei Zhan, Gustav and Zhang Jingtong were also shocked when they heard Xu Lei's words. They never expected that the enemy's reaction speed would be so fast.

It was completely unexpected and there was no time to react immediately.

At the critical moment, Lei Zhan and the others naturally did not care about any counterattack. Although intercepting enemy ships to protect the safety of Neptune's defense ring made them appear very passive, there was really no good way to do it at the moment. They could only bite the bullet and hold on until the end.

For this reason, the two of them didn't even respond. They decisively closed the communication channel and commanded the warship to intercept.

Only Zhang Jingtong did not forget to make a guarantee while he was busy: "Don't worry, Congressman Xu, I have activated the energy wall of Neptune's defense ring to the extreme. I believe it should be effective for a period of time."

"You have a heavy burden on you. All mankind is paying attention to you. Don't let everyone down."

"If you are in the ring, you will be there." When Zhang Jingtong heard that he was being comforted and encouraged by Xu Lei, he was so excited that he casually issued another military order.

It can be said that I am confident and confident.

Let's talk about Lei Zhan and Gustav. With their mutual cooperation, they successfully created a lot of chaos on the only route to Neptune's defense ring.

This interferes with the normal flight of the Andromeda Galaxy fleet group.

After all, the order they received was to prevent the enemy from approaching the defensive ring and ensure the safety of the ring. If they continued to launch attacks with the goal of destroying enemy warships as before, the situation would definitely become very difficult. Unlike now, where it is easy to delay Determines the overall flight speed of the enemy ship group.

Under this kind of restraint, it is not easy for the Andromeda Galaxy fleet group to reach the ring in a short time.

It is worth mentioning that many things that happened in the star field near Neptune were reported by Zhu Kaiyuan, a war reporter on the Galaxy Live Broadcast Platform.

The sensation caused was no less than within the Alliance fleet.

Everyone even wants to sign up for the Alliance Fleet and personally contribute to the protection of human civilization.

It is precisely because of this spirit and atmosphere that everyone has no worries about the enemy's counterattack and firmly believes that they will eventually be defeated by the Human Alliance fleet.

Xu Lei didn't think too much about the impact he would have on Earth and various planetary cities, because all his attention was given to the enemy.

Since he was going to give it a go, he would definitely join the fight.

Even in order to minimize casualties, the command system of the Andromeda Galaxy fleet group should be completely defeated as quickly as possible.

And this arduous task naturally fell on the model.

"Carry out all inspections and screenings on the enemy's warships and find their command ship for me."

"Sifting in progress..."

As the familiar prompt from the model sounded in the core cabin control center, tens of thousands of battleships in the Andromeda Galaxy immediately entered the information database.

Find out where enemy commanders are most likely to be through detailed calculations and analysis of each battleship's data.

Each time the Star Destroyer Cannon is fired, it requires a certain amount of time to cool down.

If we only attack the enemy's ordinary warships, it is really a big waste in a certain respect. It is not against the law to say that anti-aircraft guns are attacking mosquitoes and Lu Bu and riding dogs.

Therefore, Xu Lei prepared to wait for the next Star Destroyer Cannon cooling time to end, and then directly target the enemy's command ship to attack.

As long as you make the right choice, the powerful power of the Star Destroyer Cannon is enough to completely destroy the entire main ship, including all the crew members and commanders inside.

There are indeed a lot of remaining battleships in the Andromeda Galaxy, but if they lose their commander, they will be like headless flies.

It's much easier to deal with.

Facts have proved that the module is worthy of being the super intelligent brain of the galaxy. After starting to execute the command, it obtained relatively detailed and accurate results in a short time.

"Sifting completed."

"After systematic analysis, there are two main ships that may serve as enemy headquarters."

"Identified on the screen for you."

Xu Lei subconsciously looked towards the main screen when he heard the familiar voice, and could clearly see two ships that stood out among the dense fleet group.

It was accidentally tagged by the model.

Looking carefully, Xu Lei found that the two battleships were basically similar to large Star Destroyers. There was no difference in appearance.

But as for who is the real headquarters, it still needs to be carefully identified.

"It's really hard to choose when such a result is given!" Xu Lei held his left arm with his right hand and unconsciously groped his chin, feeling quite entangled in his heart.

The model finally gives two results, which shows that the probability that the two main ships are the enemy's headquarters is almost in the same range. It is indeed difficult to exclude them through the existing data.

There are various limitations on the firing of the main Star Destroyer Cannon, and at most one of the main ships will be destroyed.

But if the two top commanders, Klippen and Reynaud, were not on top, all the plans would be ruined.

As the saying goes, one learns from every experience. Knowing that one's situation is very dangerous, the other party will definitely not risk being alone in the front part of the fleet group again.

At that time, if you hide yourself or stay in the rear area without showing your head, you will basically have no chance to attack again.

Of course, Xu Lei also understands the reason why Dang Duan will continue to suffer the consequences.

A choice must be made at this time.

"I can only try it once. I hope I didn't choose wrong." This is what I expected in my heart after secretly setting a goal.

Soon, as the Star Destroyer Cannon's cooling time expired, it could be fired again. Just when Xu Lei was about to attack the determined target, Uma's figure suddenly popped up on the main screen.

He looked anxious and answered proactively before he could ask: "Reporting to the Speaker, I have some bad news to report to you immediately."

Xu Lei was well aware of Uma's usual behavior. If he could report the matter at this time, the situation must be very serious.

Worried that something happened to the Galactic Security Defense Alliance patrol fleet, he had to postpone the attack on the main ship of the Andromeda Galaxy, and then immediately asked: "What happened? Just say what you have to say."

"I just got the latest news. The patrol fleet heading to Yam civilization to support it suddenly encountered an unexpected situation while transmitting through the star gate."

"Resulting in their failure to successfully reach the Yam civilization."

"According to the alliance's analysis, I am afraid that the Yam civilization has been captured by the enemy."

After receiving Xu Lei's signal, Uma did not dare to hesitate and hurriedly recounted the details.

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