My science and technology museum

Chapter 505 Comprehensive counterattack

The information held by the Andromeda Galaxy is that only human civilization in the entire galaxy has a giant battleship obtained from unknown sources. It was in order to deal with this battleship with level 4 civilization technology that they sent most of the battleships. of the solar system.

But after actually fighting with it, they realized how powerful the giant battleship was.

Even after losing a large number of Star Destroyers, it still failed to cause damage to this giant battleship, and even the external energy shield was not breached.

Their advantage was almost gone, and they didn't know how to deal with it next.

But who would have thought that a brand new giant battleship would appear at this time, which was a complete death sentence for them.

"Another giant battleship?"

"This is impossible!"

In the control hall of the core cabin of the empire's main ship, Krippen stared at the strange giant battleship on the screen that was completely different in shape from Tianren No. 7, and his body was trembling slightly as he spoke.

If they had just taken advantage of the Yam civilization, they still had some chance of winning.

So the most important thing to do now is to retreat immediately.

Not only Klippen, but even Renault, who had had experience in direct combat with giant battleships before, was speechless in surprise at this moment.

All the emotions for a while turned into just a question.

"They are obviously only a third-level civilization. Where did they get so many giant battleships?"

If human beings, as a newly promoted third-level civilization, accidentally obtained a damaged giant battleship from a fourth-level civilization and successfully repaired its functions, this situation would be reasonable. Looking at the vast universe, it is not impossible. occur.

But now a strange giant battleship appears out of thin air, which is a bit unexplainable.

The key point is that the way this battleship appears is also extremely strange.

As the situation took a turn for the worse, Renault's mind was also running rapidly, trying to find a solution to the current situation.

Is there really support for level four civilization behind human civilization?

But the Zeta Federation has made it clear that it will not interfere in ordinary inter-galactic wars.

Could it be civilizations from other galaxy clusters?

A large number of ideas appeared in his mind, but were quickly rejected by him. In the end, he still did not come up with any useful information.

Being able to easily mobilize two giant battleships to participate in the battle, it would be difficult to imagine how it could be done without the support of a fourth-level civilization behind it.

Just know that in the entire Virgo galaxy cluster, there is only one fourth-level civilization, the Zeta Federation.

Since the other party has made it clear that it will not participate in the battle between small galaxies like the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way, there is absolutely no possibility of lies.

After all, as a fourth-level civilization, it is completely unnecessary to lie to a third-level civilization.

But on the other hand, although the Zeta Federation will not care about the affairs between the galaxies in the galaxy cluster, it will never allow the invasion of civilizations from other galaxy clusters.

And with the monitoring methods of level four civilizations, it is very difficult for external civilizations to enter the galaxy cluster.

Not to mention two giant battleships.

It is for this reason that Renault finally rejected his speculation.

However, it is obviously meaningless to think about the origin of the giant battleships of human civilization in the solar system.

The key is what choice they make next.

A cruel situation is in front of us. Even if there is any mistake, it may lead to the destruction of the entire fleet group.

It is probably a luxury to hope to return to the Andromeda Galaxy smoothly.

What's more, this huge fleet group they lead is basically the core force of the entire Andromeda Galaxy.

If all of this were to happen within the solar system, the strength of the Andromeda Galaxy would be drastically reduced.

Destined to become a vassal of the galaxy.

Even more cruelly, all civilizations in the galaxy were wiped out and destroyed.

And just when Renault and Klippen were deep in thought and deciding their next choice, they saw that the giant battleship did not attack them.

After quickly flying to the edge of the Kuiper Belt, the space jump was initiated.

When Tianren No. 7 went to Yunlei Prime to demand compensation, they used a space jump to leave in front of all the people of the Clay Empire when they finally left, so the two of them were very familiar with this scene.

"What on earth is going on? This giant battleship actually left like this?"

Klippen saw this scene in his eyes. No matter how rich his combat experience was, his brain was all turned to mush at this moment.

It's impossible to guess what's really going on.

Originally, in his understanding, the Solar System sent a new giant battleship to launch a general attack on them and end the battle.

If this is the case, with their remaining battleship power, there is no possibility of parrying.

But this warship did not launch any attack and left directly.

For some reason he felt a little lucky about this.

It was as if he had experienced the aftermath of a disaster.

Compared to Klippen's surprise, Renault thought about something at this time, and immediately exclaimed: "I'm afraid this giant battleship is going to support the Yam civilization."

"What you said is possible."

When Crippen heard Renault's words, he turned around subconsciously, with a sense of powerlessness on his face.

This new giant battleship has gone to the Yam civilization, and the pressure on them here may be greatly reduced, but the second and third legions in charge of Yuandu and Rosa may be in misery.

With their small number of battleships, they are no match for giant battleships.

Unfortunately, with the space jump speed of the giant battleship, even if they contacted Yuandu and the others to warn them, it would be too late.

It can only be said that no one cares about anyone at the moment.

However, when I think about the fact that the Yam civilization has just gained an advantage on the battlefield and will soon lose it, that kind of frustration really affects the fighting spirit.

But even though they are still facing only one giant battleship, they can basically see the outcome of this war clearly.

After all, the battleship can return to the solar system at any time after solving the problems with the Yam civilization.

That will be their day of despair.

It was precisely the understanding of this cruel result that made Renault think about something else.

After a slight hesitation in his heart, he finally had the courage to face Klippen and said: "Commander of the Croat Army, we have far underestimated the strength of the solar system this time. With two giant battleships here, we have no chance of winning at all."

"So we should find a way to leave some power to the empire."

"In this way, when the Milky Way counterattacks in the future, at least it won't be unable to offer any resistance."

Clippen heard Renault's words and almost instantly glanced over with a meaningful look, obviously understanding what Renault meant.

Who let the other party have a criminal record in this kind of thing?

So he deliberately asked in a cold voice: "Do you want me to be a deserter and admit defeat?"

"Commander of the Kryptonian Army, I hope you can understand that I am doing this all for the benefit of the empire." Seeing that Klippen did not seem to agree with his suggestion, Renault's voice suddenly became much louder: "There is only one giant ship in the solar system now. The battleship is here, and we still have a chance to leave. As long as we enter the wormhole space node and return to the Andromeda Galaxy, everything will still have a chance."

"But if we wait for that giant battleship to come back, the only thing waiting for us will be annihilation."

Clippen didn't know this truth, but his dignity as the best legion commander in the empire made him unwilling to do such a thing.

But as Renault said, if the entire fleet group is destroyed, it will be really over.

While the two thoughts were fighting with each other in his mind, in the past few seconds, Krippen was still heard saying with some worry: "Even if we return to the empire, there is no way to explain to the Star Lord."

"Now the situation has exceeded our expectations. Preserving our strength is the most appropriate choice. I believe that even if the Star Lord is here at this time, he will make the same decision."

"Okay then, I'll do as you say."

After being hit hard by Renault again, Clippen couldn't think of a reason to refute.

Finally he sighed and finally made up his mind to evacuate.

And now that the decision has been made, there can be no more hesitation, because for every additional minute of delay, a battleship may be destroyed.

So Clippen was about to issue a formal order immediately.

"Order the entire ship to return..."

"not good."

"It's the opponent's Star Destroyer Cannon!"

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Renault next to him.

He raised his sight and saw a strong dazzling beam of light speeding towards the fleet group, exactly the same as the scene of the previous attack.

It is the Star Destroyer Cannon, the main weapon of Sky Blade Seven.

But this time it was closer.

Because the Star Destroyer Cannon's attack speed was too fast and the whole thing was relatively sudden, when Renault issued a reminder, the attack had already reached the fleet group.

This left Krippen with no time to respond effectively.

They could only watch as a large number of battleships were swallowed up.

The terrifying energy of the Star Destroyer Cannon exploded in the fleet, and the impact caused the main ship they were on to swing violently, like a lone boat floating in the waves.

It may be knocked over by wind and waves at any time.

Fortunately, they were not in the center of the explosion, and relied on the main ship's energy shield to successfully withstand the energy impact that spilled over.

When the impact of the Star Destroyer Cannon gradually dissipated, the main ship regained stability.

Klippen, who straightened his body, immediately asked about the situation.

"Seize the time to count the damage to the battleships, and then report to me."

Concerned about the loss of battleships.

Klippen had already decided to follow Reno's suggestion and temporarily evacuate the solar system.

Return to the Andromeda Galaxy, the Clay Empire, through the nearest wormhole space node.

Save this last bit of power for the galaxy.

Now that the fleet group has been attacked by the main weapon of the giant battleship in the solar system, he is even more convinced that if he continues to stay here, he will definitely be completely wiped out by human civilization.

Therefore, we must seize the time to evacuate.

Since each battleship in the fleet group has left data information on the main ship, statistics are very convenient.

Soon, the operator below stood up and reported: "Reporting to the commander of the army, a total of fifteen large warships and hundreds of small and medium-sized warships were lost this time."

"In addition, it also includes an imperial main ship."


"Even the main ship can't resist it?"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Clippen immediately showed a very big reaction.

He asked almost subconsciously.

The number of major imperial ships is not large, and they are generally used as mobile space headquarters of the fleet.

Just like the ship they are on now.

Fortunately, when preparing the fleet to head to the solar system, he and Renault chose this main ship as their headquarters.

Otherwise, I'm afraid they will now become space junk together with the main ship.

But by this time, Krippen didn't know that the other side of the solar system had begun to launch a counterattack, and the next situation would only become more and more complicated.

The thought stayed here, and he did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately repeated: "Order the entire ship to continue to execute my instructions and withdraw from the solar system immediately."

"It's the legion commander."

The operator had long since lost his fighting spirit, and was quite excited when he heard that Clippen finally ordered a retreat.

He quickly nodded in response and issued this order to all battleships.

Renault, who was next to him, finally relaxed a little after hearing the sound, and comforted himself: "As long as we can successfully leave the scope of the solar system, we can effectively block the opponent's pursuit with the help of the meteorite ring outside."

"That's all we can do now." Clippen nodded, agreeing with Renault's words.

Just like this, when the order to retreat was passed to the ears of the person in charge of each battleship, the entire Andromeda Galaxy fleet soon turned around and evacuated.

He decisively gave up the idea of ​​attacking Neptune's defensive ring.

The Alliance fleet, which was protecting the Neptune defense ring according to Xu Lei's instructions, had already made plans to fight to the death with the Andromeda Galaxy fleet. As a result, the enemy retreated before the fight actually started.

I was somewhat surprised by this.

But as the saying goes, when the enemy retreats, we pursue it. Faced with such an excellent counterattack opportunity to beat the drowned dog, it will definitely not be missed.

So except for a small number of warships that stayed in the defensive ring of Neptune, the rest sailed at full speed and pursued the enemy fleet group.

And because the Andromeda Galaxy fleet has long been unwilling to fight, in this situation, it is basically forced to bear the attack, with almost no intention to fight back.

This allowed the Alliance fleet to destroy a large number of enemy warships in just a few minutes.

Although most of them are small and medium-sized warships.

What few people noticed was that among these alliance warships, there was a huge black shadow that was rapidly approaching the Andromeda Galaxy fleet group.

It was the Star Beast and Xu Lei who had just come out of Tianren No. 7.

"It's a smart choice. Unfortunately, the solar system is not a place where anyone can come and leave as they please."

Xu Lei stood on the back of the star beast and looked at the retreating Fairy Galaxy fleet, his face becoming colder and colder.

The Star Destroyer Cannon of Tianren 7 just now successfully destroyed the target, but judging from the way the enemy retreated, it was clear that its command force had not been eliminated.

In other words, Renault and Krippen should be on another main ship.

The solar system suffered such an attack for nothing, causing great losses to the entire human civilization. How could Xu Lei just let them leave like this.

Soon after successfully approaching the Andromeda Galaxy fleet group, they directly locked the location of the main ship.

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