My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the angle of angle. Section 138

"Well, autumn rain, I ask you a few questions, and there is no relationship with you this time, and it will not involve your main master."

"If you answer it up, then I will let you go, what do you think?"

After reading the incredible absorption of Qinglong, the autumn rain has almost completely gave up the thoughts of struggle. At this time, he heard Mo Chen, and it was shocked to believe.

"Bon, you, do you really put me?"

If you really don't involve a hidden, answer a few questions, it should still be possible.

Mo Chen said, said: "Yes, of course it is condition."

Eyes look at the autumn rain, "If I don't miss the wrong, should you be a soul?"


Mo Chen is a little later, facing the autumn rain: "Then you teach you the soul of you, how?"

"Is this transaction?"

"There is no secret to your body, but you can save."

The autumn rain exposed a surprised color.

This boy is clearly repaired, but why is it suddenly to learn the soul to her?

The practice of the soul is very harsh, and it is not possible for 3 or five days and two March.

What's more, even if he wants to practice the soul, Qingzong does not find a soul.

"Can the son not tell me, why do you suddenly learn to learn the soul?" Autumn and rain couldn't help.

Mo Chen is cold, said: "I asked your question, from the head to the end, you have not answered, now I am in turn ask me, do you see you too much?"

"I have already opened it, I will not accept it, I only give you this cup of tea."

After that, Mo Chen is blended in the teacup in front of him.

Autumn rain is slightly wide, and the time of a cup of tea can think about it.

It knows that the teenager directly put the cup of tea, drink it in the ground, and then took the empty tea cup to her:

"Time is up."

"I accept!!!"

Autumn rain out.

The soul of the self-cultivation is not a very high-level practice, even if it is passed to this boy, there is no much impact.

But if there is something that is the only chance, it is really stupid.

No matter what this teenager is not true, now she only gamble.

Mo Chen heads: "Okay! Start."

Motor of Mo Dust Xiu Sheng, is very simple.

Because in the expected world, he once again saw the white huge light group, and a wide space.

So he speculated that he was absorbed in the Qingxian sword, all there were there.

There is the spirit of the soul, it is the spirit space.

But only people who have learned the soul can only open their own soul world.

Mo Tu wants to return to that place, see what is going on there.

As for why you must teach him this autumn rain, it is because there are other considerations.

Autumn rain teaches very serious and very detailed.

After all, this thing is related to her life.

"Just now, the practice of the spirit of the soul, the son is so talented, the shocking talents, the cultivation is definitely a thousand miles away."

Mo Chen couldn't help but laughed: "I just took the law to take the law. I didn't find the entrance of the soul. Where did you become a shocking?"

Autumn rain is busy: "I am not a hilarious, the child's tacit is extraordinary, what is the same,"

This is really not intentionally touched. This boy has a lot of attention to the soul of the soul, and it is very surprised to make her very surprised.

Mo Dust said: "I will practice first, wait for me to master it, you can go."

The practice of the soul and the difference between ordinary energy cultivation.

First of all, soul repairs still have to cultivate, which is the foundation of all practice.

With the foundation, you can further practice the soul.

Fortunately, this step is to Mo Chen, there is no difficulty.

The foundation of the energetic cultivation, he has been very solid.

Now he is mainly facing the problem of the second step.

To practice the soul, you must open the spirit of the soul and find the soul.

People have soul, like the demon demon spirit, God has the gods.

But most people, there is no way to perceive your soul.

Only first find the soul of the body, and strengthen the soul of the soul in the soul of the soul, you can find the spirit of the soul.

This is also what Mo Chen is now eager to do.

In order to avoid this woman in front of this woman, Mo Chen first locked her with the sky.

This is relieved to start cultivation.

Chapter 138-Soul Repair

Under this cultivation, I feel that the practice of the original soul is not simple.

The light is induced and found to find his own soul, that is, the first level.

Mo Dust sat quietly on the chair, closed his eyes, started to run the soul.

Autumn Rain Station in front of him, both hands are locked.

But for a soul, hands are not the most important attack part, and the spiritual soul is.

Mo Chen now looks no preparation, this is an excellent opportunity.

If she succeeds, she can control the other party to unlock themselves.

After all, this teenager has just arrived with the soul, and the soul is impossible to force himself.

Now this room, only two people, although there is a hole on the wall, but the Qinglong wants to pass, how many hinders are subject to some hinders.

If you launch a soul attack at this time, the fastest speed controls him, it should not be alarmed to the Qinglong.

After unlocking, escape with the fastest speed, the success rate should be big?

Thinking of this, the autumn rain is slightly bright, and the body's gas has also changed.

Suddenly, a depth of dragon has passed from the partition, bringing an invisible pressure.

The autumn rain's face changed several colors, and finally gave up.

That Qinglong seems to be much better than it.

Mo Chen didn't see all this, because his consciousness has been integrated into the cultivation of the soul.

He has captured the floating soul of the body.

This spirit is actually quite condensed, that is, it is too lifting, just like a light smoke, it seems to be able to take a walk at any time.

Mo Du firmly grasped this soul, integrating the vitality in the body, constantly quenching with the soul.

The soul of the soul is strong enough to open the spirit of the soul.

Soul's source has two parts.

A part from the cultivation of the vitality, the nourishment of the soul itself.

Although the practitioners may not feel, their soul is indeed, they are indeed the gain of the vitality.

Therefore, the realm is deep in practice, even if you don't repair the soul, mental strength is much higher than that of ordinary practitioners.

Similarly, the soul of the soul can also be guided, converted to a voyage, and is administered by the body.

So powerful soul repairs, general yuan will not be weak.

After opening the entrance of the soul, enter the soul of the soul, this time, the main way of the soul is improved.

Think, one is a view, I'm thinking.

Viewing, it is a special effect.

I think, it is the soul reshape.

Every soul, all endorsed different creation, mapping in the soul of the soul, supplied to the practitioner to spend conjecture, or the power of the heavens, or a strong beast, not enough.

The more high-level soul, the stronger the obeys given the observation object, the greater the growth space of the cultivator's soul.

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