My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the angle of the role.

This is why?

Mo Chen took a tea cup on the table and smiled at: "That maybe because I have something else."

The autumn rain stunned, but he didn't ask again. He only gave a gift to Mo Du, said: "The son, then I will say."

Mo Chen nodded and gently sipped a tea.

Autumn rain left from the inn quietly.

Just like she quietly came in.

The people who bordered the phoenix in the downstairs, they also attached the unpopular eyes, in the idea of ​​thought, and did not know where the enemy came to fight.

Mo Chen put the tea cup and stood up, and the Qinglong said to the next door: "I have to go out, if I haven't come back yet, you will tell them, let them continue to go according to the original itinerary."

"I have been finished, I will come with you."

Chapter 141 Mysterious Restaurant

After a quarter of an hour, Luo Qier finally woken up from the idea of ​​thought.

The spiritual consumption makes her feel tired, although she has already woken up from the idea of ​​thought, but obviously awareness is not really completely recovered from the degeneration, and there is no sound of the face.

Qinglong has been in size and re-reply to three feet long, fine and small appearance, see Luoqi wakes up, and quickly take the small porcelain bottle and jade pendant to her.

"You have a soul of the soul, so you have a trick in your mind, I woke up now."

When I saw the jade, Luo Qier was still surprised.

"Luojia's Fu Yu?"

After another saw the small porcelain bottle, I reached out and took a look at it. It took a lot of time to care for a lot.

"Xiaoyao, what happened?" Luo Qi asked.

Xiao Qinglong told her after the front and then she was briefly told her. "It is the case."

Luo Qier is sitting on the bed along the legs, a while.

It is also entangled in these escapes.

After these years, the situation seems to have not changed much.

"Mo Chen, didn't you say where?"

"No, big say, when he is not coming back, don't wait for him, he will come to us if he is doing it."

Luoqi said: "What is it now?"

Little Qinglong replies: "The child is around."

Loqi looked at the dark night sky outside the window and bit his lips.

Dead guys, you should be careful.

At this time, the next door sounded the screams of wow.

"Hey, it seems that the sister sister also woke up."

Luo Qier took a head and took a small porcelain bottle to give .

On the roof of the inn, a blue way is distinct, and the Murong is a fire red sword. It is stunned in the flying corner of the roof, but his eyes fall in a far night.

"Mo Chen, what are you ready to do now?"

Mo Chen came out of the inn and did not rush to where to go.

Instead, find the highest big tree in a city, climbed to the top, then sit down.

Here is a high point in which he can see the entire Linjiang City.

Although the night brings some difficulty to observe, as long as there is a probably orientation, he will make the next action.

In the soul of autumn rain, Mo Chen did not find a clue about a big joy.

The organization where autumn rain is located, named [Restaurant].

This is a more strange organization.

The level in the organization is very clear, and it sounds like a member in a restaurant.

The entire organization is divided into nine floors, and each floor, the leader, known as [shopkeeper].

Nine floors, there are nine shopkeepers.

The first floor shopkeeper, the second floor shopkeeper, the three floor shopkeeper, the four floor shoppers ... have been until the eighth floor.

The highest nine-hofed shopkeeper, known as [big treasurer].

In addition to [shopkeeper], the names of other members in the organization are also similar to those in the restaurant.

[], [Hourge], [Bartender], [Helper], [Account], [Cook].

Different jobs correspond to different duty divisions.

[Running] is responsible for exploration of messages, delivering information, equivalent to a role of a scout.

[Histed] is the main battle, which is equivalent to the soldiers in the army.

There are also a team, twenty people are a team, the captain called [Bartender].

[Help] Special, is some people with certain special skills.

They are not fixed to a floor, but directly by one called [helkebes].

Then, according to different tasks and tasks, the help of sending different skills after picking up.

For example, autumn rain, take the insight into the soul of the soul, becoming this task.

Most of the time, the governors exist in auxiliary role. This time the mission of Lu Qi is a special task, so the autumn rain is alone.

[Account] Supervisor's payments on the money costs of this floor, basically all behind-the-scenes hidden people, will not participate in the main task action.

[Cook] is the strongest representative of the whole floor.

The strongest one in the chef is also known as [chef].

Obviously, these titles are to better hide the eyes.

Those running halls and treasures in the restaurant, even the names are not available, all of which are replaced by the code.

Different floors, the task specifications implemented are also different.

The higher the floor, the stronger the battle, the more important the task is executed.

This task of hijacking Lu Qi, the restaurant is also very important, so the dispatched is a member of the sixth floor.

Today, the black people who have encountered in Mo Chen and Murong Qingyue are all on the sixth floor.

The identity of autumn rain is not high, so autumn rain is just a matter of approval for the entire restaurant.

For a more upstairs seven or nine floors, she knows more and less.

I don't know why characters above the top of the nine floors.

And no matter what task is sent, no matter what tasks are executed, they can't ask for it.

In fact, according to the original plan, if the autumn rain succeeded, the muggage of the ambush in the inn will pick up, transfer Luo Qier to another.

The big kitchen on the sixth floor replaces her in the inn, ensuring that Luo Qier is transferred, and it will not be disturbed by other factors.

But they didn't think that Luo Qier side, there was a lot of Qinglong, which was enough to hit the myshasy masters.

And such strength, it has been much higher than the six-level kitchen than the circulation, and it is not necessary to step into the autumn rain in the insight.

Suddenly imbalanced strength contrast, not only caused autumn rain directly, but also let them have to give up the follow-up plan.

Since this task is very sensitive, it is not left after the rule of the restaurant.

If the autumn rain is handed, it will be carried out according to the original plan. If the autumn rain will be smashed, then she will become a discard, directly abandoned, and the other people have retreated.

The black people who have been found by Murong Qing Moon should not be exposed.

Just because the Murong Qing moon's perception is too strong, they will find them from hidden darkness.

But even so, they can quickly judge that autumn rain has been thrown, so choose more quickly to leave the scene to avoid regeneration more branches.

Obviously, this cooperation is already very skilled.

And that big kitchen, because it was more than a higher, but did not be discovered by Mo Chen, secretly left.

Basically, Mo Chen has explored these from the soul of autumn rain.

I know these, I find a hidden big , it seems that it is not used.

However, he still found some useful end from some small traces.

First of all, this organizers are complex, but the organizational architecture is very strict, strict, absolutely not ordinary rivers and lakes can be compared.

Second, such a large organization is running, the overhead will inevitably be very amazing, requiring considerable resource security to maintain.

But in autumn, the entire organization does not seem to have any economic and resources sufficient to support this overhead.

This is also very strange.

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