My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the angle of supporting role 147

"Hey! This is interesting."

Helping the boss to say the identity of the big treasurer, the heart is also very embarrassed.

He has not reported to the big treasurer in advance, belonging to the private decision.

Although the big treasurer has always trusts him, this kind of thing, after all, it is too big. If the boss is judged, the consequence will be very serious.

I have been separated for a long time, there is no sound in the secret room, the body of the six-floor shopkeeper is moving three times in the chair, and there is already a little sitting.

Helping the boss is still calm, but no one discovered the slightly wet sweat of his hand.

Autumn rain is the most nervous one in the house.

The big treasurer is the four princess such a definitely confidential thing, she has heard, waiting for her only two roads.

One, it is a rapidly become a backbone member of the restaurant, participating in many more important affairs.

Another one, it is rapidly rapidly, becoming the dead people of the restaurant, always keeping this secret.

And the trend of these two results, I am afraid it will depend on the next choice of the mysterious son.

Finally, the sound of the son rang again, and the empty spirit is like the meaning of the sky.

"Listen, very interesting! I think, I will look forward to seeing, four princess."

Sixth floor shopkeeper and autumn rain double-double spirit, this is that it has already been sweating on his body.

Helping the old and easy to open the palm of the palm, the mouth exposes a smile, "When there is no family, when you see the four printers, you will not be disappointed."

Mo Chen said: "Very good, I have a small gift. When I have trouble, when I see the princess, I will transfer it."

Help the old big look.

Is it true that Xuan Yu is really here?

"That gift is on the belt of autumn rain." Mo Dust Road.

Autumn rain was surprised, looking down on the body, I really found a bronze buckle of a button size from the belt of the back waist position.

"this is……"

Autumn rain I don't know, this copper buckle is when I ran to my belt.

Mo Chen said: "This copper buckle is the gift I gave the princess, and the trouble will help the boss."

Autumn rain quickly put the bronze buckle to the boss.

Helping the boss took a bronze buckle, secretly explored it, there is indeed a volatility of vitality, and then explore, but there is nothing else.

"Is there a double border to track this copper buckle to track it here?" Helping the boss secretly trying.

However, there is no striped flow on this copper buckle, it seems that it is not like a spirit or soul.

"And here is the three hundred miles of Linjiang City, can his soul can track such a distance?"

"Even if he can track it here, if you have to manipulate the soul under such a long distance, is it too terrible?"

Forget it, bring it to the big treasurer, and the big treasurer will win.

"There is no gift, I will take it."

The words were released, but it didn't respond for a long time.

Helping the boss said it again, still there is no sound.

This is determined that there is no pair of bodies.

Turn to look at the 6th floor shopkeeper, said: "I want to see the big treasurer immediately."

The six-floor shopkeeper nodded, and he looked at the autumn rain. "Then she, how to help the boss?"

Helping the boss sigh, "Xuan Yu has come to protect her, and now it is certainly can't be killed, let's stay, I asked the big treasurer and make it again."

The eyes looked at the autumn rain with a fierce murderous murder. "You are not the first day in the restaurant, you should also know that all this I have heard today,"

Autumn rain came out from the room, I only thought that the hands and feet were cold, and the back was completely soaked.

She actually lived out ...

The big treasurer is actually four princess ...

The son of Qingzong, even from Linjiang City, tracking the Yunxiaoge of 300 miles ...

He actually pretended that there was no double son, and the agreement was reached with the boss ...

Everything in today, now I think it is like a dream, I feel so unreal.

The son of the Qingzong, which is a means of showing it, and it is not like a person who is a cultivation.

Of course, all these are most important, or she is still alive.

Washed a face on the pool, autumn rain came back, and the spirit came out of the Yunxiao Pavilion.

She still has other important things.

That is……

Go home cook!

Chapter 147, four princess

Helping the old boss with a copper buckle, out of the room, and wrapped in another room, open a dark door hidden behind the bookshelf.

Behind the dark door is a downward channel.

On the wall of the passage, a row of spirit is embedded. Under the guidance of the symbol, a secluded white light is illuminated throughout the ladder.

Going along the ladder, below is another larger room.

The room is octagonal shape and the ground is a bigger stroke.

One trim tattoo lights, and the lines that are drawn or rounded or rounded or rounded.

The center of the string is placed on a large number of ingredal, supporting the operation of the symbol.

On the walls of the octagonal, each of the patriants, the colors of the door are different, and there are also striped flow on the door.

On the door, there is a card slot of a large depression.

Help the boss directly to a golden patron, take out a jade, directly discharged the card slot.

The stripes on the door are scheduled to be powered up and started to run in a fixed trajectory.

However, the moment, the door is bright, and it is bright.

In the light, another room is present.

Help the boss stepped in.

In the Lingtai in Mo Chen, the copper buckle has disappeared from the Yunxiao Pavilion from Shuangmu City.

Next, there was more than 3,000 miles away from Shuangmu City.

Mo Chen immediately tried to restore copying to the older position.

The representative helps the boss's copper circles, rising several large and small squares.

These blocks have gradually revealed various details.

Look, it is a set of restaurants.

"It turns out that all the bases of the restaurant are all a seat."

This is also a very good cover.

The restaurants are everywhere, and the people in the various positions are also very ordinary, and they will generally not cause too many people to pay attention.

Running hall, heterogeneous, bartender, helper, cook ...

These people are going to enter the restaurant, they are very famous.

However, after all, they are a practitioner who has been repaired, which is different from the ordinary people who have not been repaired.

With their identity, do these in the eyes of ordinary people, will it be too eye-catching, will it be too eye-catching?

Moreover, since the big treasurer is the royal princess, she is in her identity, and I am afraid that it is not appropriate.

These problems, Mo Chen currently has no answer, I am afraid I have to make it clear after further contact them.

However, after the help of the old boss, after the hotel, there is no more stay in it, but the horse does not stop to another place.

From the Lingtai, the surrounding buildings of the Tianchai reducing replication is to help the boss's last stop, it is a four-in-court.

This kind of yard can be seen everywhere and is also usually.

It's just for Mo Chen, helping the boss this time the symbol transmission, the middle span is more than 3,000 miles.

If there is no internal connection in the sky, Mo Chen wants to transfer the soul to such a far away, with his current ability, it is impossible to complete the task.

Now, with the help of the sky, Mo Dust will give the soul to the soul, and it is already extremely tasty.

"It seems that there will be more time to practice in the soul of the soul ..."

However, Mo Chen contacts only one night, if it is not the soul of the soul, it is extremely huge, replaced with other practitioners, I am afraid that the entrance to the soul is now found.

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