My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the angle of support.

Today, this is a matter of confidence, and it is undoubtedly an opportunity to obey the best.

"Hey, I can't see it!" Murong Qingyue reached out Mo Chen, and it was not happy between the eyebrows.

"Ah?" Mo Chen stayed, did not think about this problem.

Mo Chen is to send the soul to the past, but the Murong Qingyue next to it can only feel what happened over.

Obviously, Murong Qingyue is not satisfied with such a situation.

Murong Qing Moon's perception, at least there is no difference in the absence of millifier.

Mo Tu wants to take a bronze buckle again.

The soul can be input through the skyline, and it can also pass in the sky.

I want to deliver the copper buckle directly to the Murong Qing Moon. When I reached out, Mo Chen suddenly played with her heart, turning the copper buckle as a small ring.

Then take the left hand of the Murong Qing Moon, and gently gently set this finger in the middle finger of the Murong Qingyue.

Murong Qingyoon God, "What are you doing?"

Mo Chen smiled and said: "This means to go up, you can't fly my palm."

Murong Qingyue lifts his hand and said to the ring, "the spirit?"

Mo Chen saw him joke, and the result is not effective.

Murong Qingyoon God is self-proportional, there is no reaction to Mo Chen's move and the discourse.

Originally wanted to tease her, the result is directly regarded as air.

Mo Chen does not help but be a bit boring.

I just had to take my head: "I passed the scene to the scene, and your knowledge can be seen in this ring, you should see it."

"Soul?" Murong Qingyue a pair of beautiful eyes, it is a weird, "" When did you cultivate the soul? "

Obviously, Murong Qingyue is much more than Mo Dust repair the soul, far better than Mo Chen, the joke.

Mo Chen hit a haha: "I have more things, you understand my understanding, it is still not enough."

Here, two people have already played hot.

Feng Yuancheng stabilized his feet with a water surface of the Yuan gas curing and started to quickly attack.

The figure is acute, and the fist with the blood redness in front of the fist.

Xuan Yu is still not moving.

Roll rolling water waves rush out another ice cone.





Feng Yuancheng looked at these ice cones and smiled and laughed: "The Qi Dynasty of the unparallela is not only this trick?"

When I laughed, I suddenly felt that my feet were hot.

I just still turned into a tumbling lava.

Feng Yuancheng is equivalent to burning the entire foot package in the lava due to the use of ingredients.


Feng Yuancheng hurriedly jumped up, Yuan Hui Zhang, with blood redness, wrapped in the whole body, like a layer of armor.

Bloody Magic.

Feng Yuancheng said: "Xuan Yu is unparalleled, don't get these faint brain things, come and have a lot of money!"

Xuan Yu did not double-sided rocking: "My soul world is here, you have to suppress it, or break it, even you win."

"I am a soul, do you still expect me to fight with you?"

Feng Yuancheng said: "To support such a wide range of soul world, your soul consumption will be very big, I have to see, the world's unparalleled unparalleled son, how long can it support?"

When you don't have nonsense, mention your fists, directly to the lava at your feet.


Heavy fists, Herch is like a bomb, which is blown directly in the lava, and arches the fertile.

The ground was actually taken out by him.

Feng Yuancheng heard himself, all the way.




The hot lava is broken by his layer, and it is actually a passage.

Xuan Yu did not have a pair of light, and the lava shouted to drill a high tall lava giant.

The lava giant flows through the hot lava, which is better than the big tree.

Feng Yuancheng is not afraid, standing stabilize, the blood redness on his fists, welcoming the lava giant.

The blood-red metapulsia is strong, slamming from the box, just like the shell hit on the arm of the lava giant.


The arm of the lava giant waved, and the hands were burst with a star fire.

Feng Yuancheng waved his punches, and the Yuanqi rushed, and the arm of the lava giant broke away.

But very fast, lava boas, the arm is restored again.

Not only that, in the lava flowing on the ground, it has continuously emerged from the new lava giant, three, five, ten ...

Feng Yuancheng finally felt pressure.

Everything created by the soul is all gathered by his soul, the stronger the soul of the soul, the more it is not easy to be broken.

With Feng Yuancheng's current boxing, it is a golden iron to break.

But in the face of Xuan Yu's unparalleled lava giant, you have to make a number of boxes to explode a arm, which has already seen the power of Xuan Yu's unparallled effort.

Moreover, there are so many lava giants rushing up.

Chapter 154, Shura and Phoenix

After several collisions, Feng Yuancheng was clearly suppressed by these lava giants.

The red rose station is behind, and the face is revealed, "this old man, it will be resistant to this."

Zikin Road: "Shouldn't it be? The son said, he should at least have the magnitude of the devil."

The red yogurt said: "What is it? The son has not made full efforts now, still teasing him."

Purple laugue: "Of course, how can he compare with the son?"

Feng Yuancheng didn't care about the two people, and felt that the powerful pressure from Xuan Yu is unparalleled and the completion is very gloomy.

"It seems that Xuan Yu is not too much to say."

"But it is really a little."

Feng Yuancheng made a mitigation, his eyes from Yingying Bi-centered as a bloody color.

The forehead, the cheeks are also existing in the bloody, the extraction, the eyebrow bow, the whole person's face is fierce.

And his body also changed.

The whole body rose to around three feet, and the muscles rock.

The ribs and shoulders, while extending out of the four arms, and strip blood pattern on the arm.

With the changes in the body, Feng Yuancheng has skyrocketed, and the whole body has emergence of eighteen blood printed. It is better to have a lot of hardships, and the whole person looks like Shura from hell.

A lava giant waves huge fist, but also on Feng Yuancheng, Feng Yuancheng is just gently shaking, and anti-hands is a punch.


The half of the giant was bombarded, countless pieces of broken blocks and fur, and flew down.

Feng Yuancheng stood in the field, the six arms were out, one another lava giant could not withstand his powerful force, and they have exploded.

"Six arm Shura?"

Xuan Yu is not a little bit.

"This is still a bit mean."

Mo Chen is amazed.

It turns out that the magic work has this operation.

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