My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the 161st section of the supporting role


Luoqi and Yan Qinghe also sent a screams of screaming.


The Jeep has not suspected into the lava without suspense.

Luo Qier only felt that all the time of his eyes, all all disappeared, she returned to the car.

In front of her, Xu Zhiming and Dai Doublet are also a face of a face.

Only Murong Qingyue still maintains an enrolled gesture, and has not yet come from Mo Chen's soul.

Sir, Luoqi suddenly laughed.

"It's too fun!"

"Dead guys, let us go in again!"

Once again, I entered the soul battlefield, and Luoqi found a car in the light car and found a car and quickly started.

"Wow, this is actually very simple!"

At this time, the woods next to it suddenly rushed out of a group of green eye-back, and rushed to their sickness.

"Ah! What is going on here?"

Mo Chen said: "Now you are familiar with the stage, there is no play mode, so I put some NPC monsters to active atmosphere."

Seeing that the wolves are getting closer and closer.

"So ... you have to find a weapon ..." Mo Chen didn't laugh at the lungs.


The wolves pounced the car, and the two Fanghua girl biting two Fanghua girls were killed.

"Hey, come again!"

Xu Zhiming also climbed a car and saw a very strange thing on the seat.

There are long metal tubes, and some metal boxes, and some small institutions that can not say.

"what is this?"

"Congratulations, you find a pistol."

Xu Zhiming is curiously picked up, "How is this thing?"

"This is a weapon, amount ... Almost the arrow, you can attack."


Xu Zhiming looked up.

"There is a trigger on the pistol, which can be launched ..."

Xu Zhiming found and found a place where you can bundle.


Xu Zhiming's head has a bloody, and there is still a light smoke in the bloodous cell.

"Congratulations, you succeed in killing yourself."

"I remember to put the muzzle to the outside ..."

After countless crash, after falling and various kinds of suicide, they finally gradually figure out the way of this soul battlefield.

Luo Qier opened a off-road vehicle in the grass, behind, a group of gray wolf was stepped close, and Yan Qinghe held a mk, and the muzzle spurted a fierce tongue, and the bullets poured one by one.

"Wa hahaha!"

"We are too powerful!"

Xu Zhiming also got a beach car, holding a bullet gun, followed by Luoqi.


A cartoon sound, a black motorcycle comes from the distance.

Murong Qing moon ride a big machete on a motorcycle and looks extremely booming.

"Wow, Murong Sister looks good!"

Four people assemble again.

But Mo Chen's pattern is obviously not yet finished.

"Below, it is a battle mode."

"In all of you, there can only be one person to live to the end."

"If you want to get the game's victory, just ..."

Mo Chen deliberately dragged the tone.

"Kill everyone around you!"

At the same time, four people stunned and turned to their own.

After speaking, they are now very clear, in this soul world, "dead" is not really dead, but just returning to the real world.

and so……

The first is difficult, and the muzzle is directly directed to Xu Zhiming.

Xu Zhiming's scattered guns also gamped Loqi.

Luo Qier slammed into the throttle, and the off-road vehicle slammed forward and opened Xu Zhiming's lock.

Murong picks up a big machete, a long jumped on the front of the head, and the wide knot body reflects Sensen cold light.

Luoqi is poor Baba: "Sister ..."

Murong is hesitant, " " a gun sound, Murong Yue Yue took out a bunch of blood caves.

m m,


Qinghe also broke a blight, but Xu Zhiming's bullet gun opened fire.

Seeing that Xu Zhiming's muzzle is aligned, Luo Qier reached out to the reverse gear, and suddenly stepped on the bottom.


Xu Zhiming's beach is hit by a rack.

Xu Zhiming rolls on the ground, and the bullet gun is to be launched.

There was Luoqi, and Luoqi had already rolled up from the car, and the MK of Dai Duo was picked up.

" !"

Xu Zhi Ming was boring, poured down.

Everyone returned to the carriage, and the opposition to each other, there is a laughter.

Mo Chen also touched it from the corner, smiling with a smile:

"Big Dali, eat chicken tonight!"

The first hundred and sixty-three chapter Mo Chen's idea

When I had dinner at night, Luo Qier had a roast chicken in front of Hui, which is a winning reward for Mo Po.

"Eating chicken!"

Luoqi took a piece of chicken legs and smoked a big mouth.

Several people seem to be still still still unable to do, while dining, while discussing all kinds of details.

Mo Dust sat quietly, listening to them, say hello.

The slowdown of a piece of food into your mouth, and the mind is constantly flashing, it is a feeling of a paragraph.

The cultivation of the soul is almost the same.

The most important way to improve is the idea, and the soul is constantly shaped into a variety of different soul.

The biggest difference between the soul of different levels is actually the idea of ​​integration in the soul.

The ideological imprint of the integration of the high-level soul is very powerful, so that the soul repair can view the power of the heavens and the earth with powerful destructiveness, or a strong beast.

Mo Chen is more common from the "Tongs" obtained from autumn rain.

Just like autumn rain, this soul is just that the name sounds, it is more powerful, but it is not very powerful.

The giant trees in the soul of the autumn rain, the spar giants, the soul, the soul, the idea of ​​the idea of ​​the "Tong Shen".

In fact, it is only cultivated "Tongshen", which can shape the soul to autumn rain. It is already the capital.

However, Mo Chen did not go to those views in "Tongshen".

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