My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role 194

Chapter 199, generosity

The eyes of spring branches look at Mo Chen, and look at Loqi, want to say.

Obviously, even if Luo Qier showed a quite intimate relationship with Mo Chen, even if Mo Chen seems to be image temperament, it is also a matter of ability.

But in these , Mo Po is still more than a unparalleated state of the world.

Ron Qi, of course, know what they want, gently put their hands, "Don't say more, I have a number in my heart."

After talking, I took it in Mo Chen.

Luo Zhengyang looked in Luoqi and didn't know that Luoqi did not cover the hand, and it didn't know that there was a moment, and it didn't know that there was a moment, and I didn't know if I didn't hide the hands of Mo Qi. what's good.

Xuan Yu is unparalleled, but it looks at the eyes.

Luo Zhengyang let the people who have passed by Lorqi.

Why do Loqi pulls Mo Chen together?

Moreover, Mo Chen is still inexplicably a bowl?

What do you mean?

Loqi is a big side, standing there, facing Luo Zhengyang: "Hey, do you call me, what is it?"

Luo Zhengyang went back to God, and gently coughed the adjustment state, said: "There is no double bobo today to visit, saying that you have seen it with you in Qinghai."

"So I will call you, chat with there is nothing, narrative."

Luoqi blessed a gift to the unparalleled bodies: "I don't know if there is no double bodies, Luo Qier is rude."

Xuan Yu is unparalleled with a smile, and the beautiful and unparalleled faces have no side.

"Many days, Miss Luo seems to be more winning."

Luoqi also laughed: "The son is unparalleled, and there is a lot of beautiful beautiful, I can't think of Luo Qier, I really let me accident."

Xuan Yu is unbearable, and the eyes are like autumn water, with countless flourishing ripples to look into Loqi, "Miss Luo Jia's voice, no one, no one, no forget."

"Every every heart is reciprocating, and the dream is transferred."

"These days, there is no double heart, I don't forget it, and I will always meet with Miss.

Mo Chen was originally thinking that this maiden son came to Luo family, and it is proud to happen.

So although it is dragged by Loqi, it is actually the idea of ​​listening to the news in his heart.

How can I know that I haven't had three sentences, and the lack of my son, let his stomach bleed.

The old man's old man is still sitting above, you will be so clearly to send the autumn wave, the daughter of the people?

Are you too high?

Although it is uncomfortable, but here is the guests of Luojia, and Xuan Yu is unparalleled.

Mo Chen itself is just a guest. Taking his identity, it is inconvenient here.

Mo Chen has not turned away, Luo Qier has already pulled him to force, and he took him over.

The exquisite chin has been in Luo Zhengyang.


Mo Chen was shocked by Luoqi's sudden operation.

This "" said from her mouth, at first glance, there is no, and more than one product, there will be more conceived.

If Loqi is called by his own identity, it must be completely normal and there is no problem.

But if it is a dust called, Mo Chen's identity is a little quirky.

Can you call Luo Zhengyang, "Head", what is the relationship with her?

The most critical is that they have no marriage contracts and marriage relationships.

Regardless of Xuan Yu unparalleled, Luo Zhengyang has, I am afraid I will directly deceive the slogan of Luo Qi.

Most of the fathers are probably only one thought when they encounter such a slogan of this deceived daughter.

kill him! ! !

At this time, Luo Zhengyang also looked at Mo Chen.

In the eyes of the eyes, there is a doubtful doubt and a majestic examination that cannot be affected.

Mo Chen is dark in the heart: "Mr. Luo, don't think too much, I am with your daughter, that is really clear, clear, clean, clean ..."

Just thinking half, suddenly thought, between myself, there seems to be so innocent ...

After all, I have read her body!

"Sure enough, the bonds that have been done, are the same."

Luo Qier also seriously looked at Mo Chen, but it was a calm, there is no wave.

Mo Chen originally wants to divide a few sentences, finally closed his mouth.

Roch is very reckless this move, but also shows that she is worried.

Xuan Yu did not express its good feelings to Loqi, and Luo Qier did not seem to have the idea.

But this is not worried about Luoqi.

Loqi is really worried, it is fear that Luo Zhengyang also has a unparalleled meaning of her and Xuan Yu.

For Loqi, it is easy to refuse Xuan Yu, and it is very difficult to refuse her.

So she simply dragged Mo Chen over the gun and destroyed all their thoughts.

Mo Chen is sighing, and the hands are flat, with a generous to die, go to the first Luoyang Yang.

"Who let me have a loss ..."

"This pot, if you want me, I will let you be."

Going to nearly a little, you can see the Qingluo's ,,

And the Xuan Yu sitting next to it is unparalleled, and a pair of eyes at this time, it is like a poison thorn, as if hate can immediately crabbdenate.

In the unparalleled world of Xuan Yu, there have been a woman to reject him for many years.

The only exception is that in Qingzong, Luoqi in front of you, and the genius of Qingzong, Murong Qingyue, actually doubled him.

This is he can't tolerate.

"Only I can reject others, absolutely don't allow others to refuse me."

This is the bottom line of him is absolutely not to take.

So, in any case, he must get Luo Qier, accounting for all of her.

Not only Luo Qier, but also the sword repair Murong Qingyue, the same thing to be his account.

But now, this guy named Mo Chen, clearly smart, I am handsome, I can't fix it, I can't, I can't wait for me, I will not be high, nor me.

But can you first pull first, seize the opportunity?

Xuan Yu is a unparalleled finger slightly.

It is tolerance, can't bear it!

Mo Chen felt that the surrounding air began to have a substantial solidification, and stepped forward forward, it would cost the spirit.

Under the weight, there is a little sweating in the hands of the bowl.

"I should call Mr. Luo, or the dead net of the fish?"

If you call it ...

This will be afraid that it is going to overturn it directly?

At this time, a seven-eight-year-old little girl came in and broke in, crispy life: "Brother, where do you take my push egg?"

Chapter 2

Mo Chen turned the past, seeing a small leaves, could not help but have some tongue, "small leaves, this, this ..."

This is really not explained.

However, the small leaves did not seem to have interest to listen to him, and they came to pick up the bowls in his hands, but also lifted the little mouth.

Then put a bowl on the table next to Luo Zhengyang, dragging a chair is happy, so I am free to eat.

I ate two, the small leaves looked up, and I looked dissatisfied with Mo Chen, "Brother, how long have you been cooked? It's cold!"

Stir with a spoon and move again: "The fire is wrong, the egg yolk is boiled ..."

"Hey! You don't have to worry!"

Mo Chen screamed the brain spoon, always feel that the style of the eyes is in the weird weird.

Before she came in, it can be said that the atmosphere in this guest has aggregated to suppress the ultimate.

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