My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 228

I think that the look of everyone has become more relaxed.

Although Wu Qiao is very useful for the garders of these disciples, they have not been forgotten, and they are positive, "You don't look at the spirit beast in this, those high-level spirit beasts are very powerful, even if I am, I have to be careful. response."

The disciples know that Wu Qian is always talking to talk, and if he is difficult to deal with it, it must be very powerful, it is not a good.

"It seems that I have to act carefully and can't hill."

"Although the elderly said, these spirit beasts generally don't come out, in case being disturbed, rushing out, throwing away the life, but I have."

Think of this, everyone's footsteps are not from autonomous.

"Wu Chang, the most inside this mountain, what is it?"

Talking, it is a girl, named Jiang Yu Ling, is the smallest young teacher in this group of people.

Wu Qianyou looked at her, and his eyes appeared to become more soft.

Although Jiang Yu Ling is young, this year is only sixteen years old, but it has been exhausted, and it is a genius disciple of Qingfeng Valley.

This time, it is also broken to take her out.

Wu Qiansheng and Yan Yue color: "The most inside of the mountains, known as the beast rings, on the Blue Star Crystal Crice Cliff, is the most dangerous place in the whole mountain."

"That's there, I heard that there is the most rare, most precious spiritual material in this world."

"But, the spirit beast is also more horrible, all are the beast-level spirit."

When the disciples listened, all the people were coming forward and was shocked.

The most rare in the world, the most precious spiritual ware ...

There is also a beast-level spirit ...

"Can someone go to it?" Wanrui couldn't help but ask.

Wu Qianyi is serious: "This area, ordinary practitioners don't talk to walk, just that Yu Jian flew, I am afraid that it is thrown by a strong beastmaster."

"So, all the practitioners who know this place will not take risks from the beastow ring."

"Only the big tribepers who have been repaired will be occasionally entering it, looking for some rare spirit."

A group of disciples heard his heart, quickly dismissed his unrealistic thought.

Go in?

Isn't that a delivery?

A group of people talking, has been wear from this jungle, a blue wave of the lake appeared in front of them.

It is said that it is a lake water. In fact, look at it, it is like a sea.

The lake is surrounded by a highly dense jungle, which will be covered by this lake.

"Wow, here is so beautiful."

Jiang Yu Ling saw two eyes to put the light, "more than the Qingyu Lake in our Qingfeng Valley."

Wu Qianyi touched a string of jade in the storage bag, injected into the voyage, and the jade is bright.

Wu Qianjun quickly dropped the jade according to different orientations, and then ventilated, and put down the rule of ten rounds.

After all of this, Wu Qianli is slightly loose, and it is very close to the high spiritual zone. In order to prevent everyone, I deliberately put down this eight-door Royal. "

"If you have a danger, everyone will hide in this array."

Jiang Yuling suddenly said with a surprised voice: "Elder, there seems to have someone."

Wu Qianyou is in my heart, "Is there any other martial art to get news, come early to get ahead?"

Looking in the direction of Jiang Yu Ling, I saw a neighborhood who saw ordinary people, holding a fishing rod, sitting on the lake.

It seems that it is fishing?

Chapter 236 Frapping the Golden End

The young people didn't seem to pay attention to this group of people just came, still copying hands, lazy staring at their fishing rods.

Wu Qiansheng is in the dark, and the heart is not confused.

This young man, can feel some faint volatility fluctuations, but it is very weak.

Wu Qiao is somewhat unfamed, asked before: "This little brother, how can you fish in this place?"

The teenager looked up and looked at Wu Qian, Qi Dao: "How? Is it not allowed to fish?"

Wu Qianyi knew that he misunderstood his meaning, looked around, and there seems to be no other person, and he said: "I said, very dangerous here, are you a person coming in?"

The teenager nodded: "Yes, I am a person."

Wu Qian said: "There are many fierce spirits here, you come in alone, aren't you afraid?"

The teenager, I laughed, "I used, I used to come in and hunt with my uncle, so I found the shortcut to come in, very safe."

Wu Qianyi can't help but frown.




What are these weird?

I took a closer look at the young people, and Wu Qian has gone his conclusion.

"This teenager is extremely ordinary, like children who are ordinary people outside."

"His uncle will go to this mountain hunting, it is possible to be an exterior disciple of a piece of school, and it is a bit repair, risk coming."

"This teenager has a slight volatility, it seems that he has learned a little pricking method with his uncle."

Thinking of this section, Wu Qiansheng secretly shook his head.

With this, I dare to run to the Chinese spirit of the mountains, and the courage is too big.

However, this is not surprising.

Most of the young people, many of the old days, don't know how big the sky is there.

I can win two or three people in the village, I thought I was invincible in the world.

I don't know that the frogs I even in the end are not.

Here has entered the most inside of the Bright Square, many higher grades will be in this room.

Occasionally, there will be some great spirit beasts that come out.

Even this is in this loose lake, it seems to be calm, beautiful, in fact, in fact, is also a great danger.

Wu Qianhao is already a spiritual imperiality, with this helil disciple, also have to be careful and careful.

"As for the shortcut, it is definitely not there."

If there is such a way, on the mountains of Qingfeng Valley, I have already marked it.

"The most is that when he comes in his uncle, there is nothing in what the beast is ..."

However, if you have this thing, you can always run to this loose lake, and the luck is really good to explode.

Wu Qianyi looked for a while, I felt that there is no more things in this teenager, and I will return it back.

Jiang Yu Ling is still small, there is no such thing in Wu Qian, I also asked Wu Qian, with a horrified surprise: "The old man, is it very powerful?"

Wu Qiao Wei, said: "He should be almost very big, but if you can't see any emotions, even the realm is not open, where is it?"

Jiang Yu Ling couldn't help but show a disappointment.

"It's like this ..."

Next to a young disciple, Li Dongzheng heard Wu Qian, and immediately said: "Does he will affect us? Just go to take him away!"

Li Dongzheng deliberately said that it was very loud, as if deliberately let the teenager heard the general.

Jiang Yu Ling hurriedly swayed his hand, said: "Li Brother, this place is not our Qingfeng Valley, why should you take people?"

Li Dong is not careless: "What is this? It should not be his place to come here."

"When he will be, he will be broken in the manner, then it is more trouble."

Jiang Yu Ling felt still not properly, said: "It is dangerous here, where do you let him go?"

Li Dongzheng couldn't smirk: "Since he is coming, then you can do it, do you do so much?"

Jiang Yuling saw the eight-door Royal Spirit under Wu Qian, and he said: "If you don't, let him advance our eight-door Royal Spirit, we will finish the incident, then bring him together."

Li Dongzheng is a bit unfair: "Missing, why have you always take care of the country's wild kid?"

"I want to say that this kind of people who don't know the dead are also lived by the beast."

Jiang Yu Ling is a bit not Yue: "How can Li's brother speak this?"

"People come in are also fishing, and haven't done something bad, why do you die?"

Wu Qianzhao didn't want to argue in this matter, swaying the hand, "OK, don't say, don't pay attention to the young people, do just right."

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