My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 235

The small eyebrow man reached out, said: "Under the tree there, the body has been sealed, can't say, but the gods are still awake."

Speaking here, the man has a string of wretched laughter, "If this kind, you can enjoy it."

Li Dongzheng probed to look at it, and since the river is lying under the tree.

Jiang Yu Ling also saw him, the eyes were frightened, and it was anger, but the body could not move, put a pretty face.

Li Dong is touches the eyes of Jiang Yuling, and feels a bit of a sense of his heart. Dare to look at it, hurry back.

The eyebrows are a man: "People you have seen, where is your baby?"

Li Dongzheng finally biting his teeth: "Things are in the inn, but I can't bring it."

The small eyebrow man is sinking, struggled to kill the track: "Li Dongzheng, are you teasing our flying fish palace?"

"I still say that you are teasing me Yang Wei?"

Li Dongzheng was slightly shaking. It seems that the people who are called Yang Wei are very afraid, even the channel: "Yang Deputy Palace is not angry, not, I don't bring it, but I don't bring it."

Yang Wei is already a bit impatient, drink: "When you contact us, you will flash my speech, or if you have helped us in our previous, I don't want to care about you."

"Don't be so nonsense now, hurry to tell me clearly."

"Otherwise, I will kill you with this little girl, let you make a pair of deaths with her to the ground."

Li Dongzheng knew that this person in front of him, said to be able to get it, reach out cold sweat on the forehead, said: "That thing is actually a beast."

"Named the golden eye beast."

"Now in the inn in Weiyuan Town."

Chapter 242, empty allegation is dead

Yang Wei furred, suddenly lifted his feet, put Li Dongzheng to the ground.

"I will give me a baby!"

" ?"

"You don't know if the beast is recognized, others are not used to grab it?"

"Was this? Are you tmd as soon as I let me help you?"

"Let me not believe that Laozi will kill you now!"

Li Dongzheng quickly raised his hand before the sound, hurriedly said: "Don't worry, listen to me."

"Although the spirit beast is caught by Qingfeng Valley, it is not a beast teacher in Qingfeng Valley.

Yang Wei stopped his hand, and the green bean-like little eye turned two laps, smiled, "It turned out to be like this ..."

"Four-eyed golden eye beasts ... still have some meaning."

Li Dongzhi, Yang Wei, is interested in the four-metrical golden beast, and the heart is finally loose.

"I know that the flying fish palace has been searching for resources in various places."

"So I think that this four-metro Jin Ying beast should be useful to you."

"Plus us, there have been contacts, so he ..."

Yang Wei's face revealed the smile, patted Li Dong Zhengdao: "I know that you are the most reliable, you don't let me down."

Li Dongzheng looked at the girl lying on there, swallowed the throat, and lowered the sound. "Yang Deputy Palace, I said yes, you bring people to make it ..."

"How can I still stay awake?"

Yang Weihaha: "This is what I specially left for you. Do you have something like? What do you mean?"

Li Dongzheng is a bit of a little, "this look, I will be difficult behind!"

Yang Wei's face became sneak, said, "Do you still expect her to send you a pass? Or is she sincerely wishing you?"

"Be a man, you must be a little."

"After cooling, I do it directly, I don't know, I don't leave, don't leave after!"

The meat on the face of Li Dong is invisible, and there is another look at Jiangyu Ling.

Jiang Yuling is now many more than a lot of calm, the only one-to-face eyes, quietly looks to the sky, only two lines of tears slowly slipped from the corner.

How can she be a knife? How can she?

Li Dongzheng flashes, suddenly holding his hands to hold the boxing: "Yang Deputy Palace, I don't want to return to Qingfeng Valley again, or, the palace owner has incorporated me!"

Yang Wei smiled slightly, and smiled. "Let's do it today, you suddenly say to join the flying fish palace ..."

"I am very unexpected ..."

Reaching out and patted Li Dongzheng, smiling: "This, you can enjoy your little teacher first, I will take my little beast."

"Join the flying fish palace, let's say it!"

Li Dongzheng looked at Jiang Yu Ling, and finally, he was conquered by the desire to be in the heart, and he took a deep breath, step by step.

Things are somewhat different from his plan, but there is no way now.

"Little teacher, don't blame me ..."

"I just ... I want to get you ..."

Wen soft vandering taste immediately stimulated his most original desire, Li Dongzheng felt that he was instantly changing the most robust lion in the world, and you can conquer all.

Low sound in the throat, fierce it.

"Little teacher, you don't blame me, I really like you ..."


Li Dongzheng's voice was interrupted.

Because a long knife penetrates straight from his back, then from the front chest, the bright knife tips, Yinhong's blood drops fall.

Li Dongzheng did not understand what happened.


The long knife is clean and neatly drawn from his body. Li Dongzheng feels the strength of the whole body and the vitality of the whole body disappears.

After him, the man standing behind Yang Wei is holding a long knife, and the mouth is now a contemptuous smile.

Li Dong is trying to turn to the head, but it is kicked by one foot.

After rolling two laps on the ground, Li Dongzheng is on the ground as a dead fish, and the shares of shares in the mouth.

Yang Wei's first two steps, looked at Li Dongzheng, who left the last breath, no ridicule: "If you, you will talk to us with us?"

"I still want to join the flying fish palace?"

"Is there a guy who eats this kind of eating, is it?"

Li Dongzheng's throat has been aid, but strives to squeeze out a stiffness, "I thought that I only notify, your family ...?"

Yang Wei finally frowned, so that he was a foot. "Don't you notify Chang Yunmen?"

"You are a small person in the three knives!"

"I know that your guy can't rely on!"

Li Dongzheng's chest is constantly spurting. The more weakened, "I ... I, always, give yourself ... find some point, back ..."

Li Dongzheng turned his head to Jiang Yu Ling, and the voice was weak: "Master sister ... I really want to take you, take a flying ..."

His voice gradually disappeared, and his eyes were also solidified into a dead.

Although Jiang Yu Ling on the ground can't move, but look at Li Dongzheng's eyes, gradually be angry, and turned into a sad mercy.

Li Brother, you think that everything is in your master.

As everyone knows, you are just a piece of chess that others use!

You harm others, and eventually died.

This is what you want later, do you want?

Yang Wei did not look at Li Dongzheng, but the knife man said: "Peony is dead, and it is also a ghost."

"Zhao Manjiang, you are so good to give him a look, then kill him again."

"Otherwise, he is dead, not willing, but also blame us too thin."

Zhao Minsheng smiled and said: "The palace owner said that I am still too fast."

Yang Wei looked at Jiang Yu Ling, gently smiled, "This little girl was still very handsome, just so killing, it was too unfortunately ..."

Zhao Manjiang retired a few steps: "That ... I went to the woods."

Yang Wei thought, finally still swayed: "Forget it, we still have a business."

"This Li Dongzheng actually sold the news to Chang Yunmen, which is really evil."

"We have to hurry, don't let Chang Yunmen grab it first."

Zhao Manjiang Road: "How do this woman deal with?"

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