My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 237

But the result given is that Xuan Yu is unparalleled!

The last battle of the princess Feng Yao, the two sides did not divide the victory.

Most of the rivers and lakes rumors are somewhat untrue or exaggerated.

However, from the source of information channels of Yang Wei, the details of this matter may have access, but the authenticity, at least 80% should be occupied.

Yang Wei is already full of regrets.

If he can detect this person earlier, he will not have a present ending.


He has no longer select ...

The soul of the faceless person is explored from Yang Wei's forehead and has been exploring his memory depths.

After a while, the faceless people didn't think of Yang Wei's body, stand up, muttered: "It turns out that there are many intercom ..."

The eyes are looking to the northwest, sigh, "this northwest side, it seems that the war will play!"

Retreat to Jiang Yu Ling, I saw it up and down, suddenly, I felt some embarrassment.

The things you have learned are a lot, but this is the law of the ban, it has never been exposed.

"Hey, do you know how to explain the ban?" The voice of the faceless person is so hoarse, can't hear the voice.

Jiang Yu Ling is only to take a pair of big eyes straight straight, and it is movable.

The faceless person waited for half, and didn't see what she had, and suddenly laughed. "This girl can't move, and I can't talk, I will ask her, it is stupid."

Gently remove a hair from the head of Jiangyu Ling, and the people who have no face have disappeared.

After a while, Wu Qiansheng rushed to this side.

In his hand, it is the hairpin of Jiang Yuling.

A messy and three bodies on the scene, let Wu Qian have a big shock.

After unlocking the ban on Jiang Yu Ling, I learned that the cause of the cause, but also let him anger, it is sad.

"Li Dongzheng, you actually do something like this!"

"She, but your teacher!"

Other disciples are also amazed.

Although Li brothers usually have some temper, who can think of it, can he make this harmful door, selling a seller?

Wu Qiyi once again thought that the flying fish palace was so concerned, even cherished the use of vicious means to force Qingfeng Valley, and the heart was an angry.

"Flying fish palace, you will return this time, but it is too big!"

Reversible thinking, this must be a tribute to the leader as soon as possible.

But for the mysterious person who saved Jiang Yu Ling, the information given by Jiang Yuling is almost nothing.

"In fact, I didn't see what it was."

"Because I am too afraid of it ..."

"I only know that people took a knife, I closed my eyes, and I didn't die, but that person was dead."

Wu Qianyi asked again: "How did Yang Wei die, do you see it?"

From the injury of Yang Wei chest, it is like being killed by life.

That person, it must appear on the scene.

Jiang Yuling is not coma, you should see something.

Jiang Yu Ling shook his head.

"I have always closed my eyes, I didn't see anything."

"When I opened my eyes, I saw three bodies."

"Then, you will come with people ..."

Wu Qianzhao is inevitably disappointed.

But I think of this child, I have experienced such a change, I am sure that I am afraid, I have not seen it.

Just even Jiang Qi Ling can't provide useful information, the person who shot, is even more unknown.

Jiang Yu Ling said with his mouth: "In fact, the old, this person saved me, inform you, I think, he should not malicious ..."

Wu Qian said: "You have nothing wrong with you, just by the people of the water, the self-propagation is reported."

"This person is in Qingfeng Valley, there is great grace. If you can't return it, I am also awkward."

If it is not the mysterious man, Jiang Yu Ling will inevitably and the poisonous hands.

Moreover, with Yang Wei's calculation, Li Dongzheng and Jiang Yu Ling's body are articles, let the Qingfeng Valley have sweep, and they are in the practice of the training.

Jiang Yu Ling only looked at the mouth and bowed his head.

Wu Qian saw her appearance, suddenly blamed, "I only consult her question, but I forgot her to suffer from hitting, and the mind is inevitable, but also take back, good rest is."

On the way back, Jiang Yu Ling is still in the past, silently walking in the crowd.

Wu Qiao saw her a few times, shaking his head.

"Girls, who is not afraid of this?"

"It is also difficult for her."

A group of people walked back to Weiyuan Town, and I saw a group of people outside of the inn.

That group is afraid that there is no thirty, and the momentum has surrounded the inn.

These people are in a blue way, and there is a cloud.

Chang Yunmen.

Wu Qiansheng is very dark.

"The four-mean Jin Ying beast is still in the inn ..."

Just in order to find Jiang Yu Ling, Wu Qianzhao assigned all the disciples from them.

Now there is only the small hunter named Mo Chen with a four-metrical golden eye.


"The beast is afraid that it has been taken away."

Jiang Yu Ling, who has been silent, but his eyes suddenly looked up.

"Old, you see them outside, perhaps, have not been robbed ..."

Wu Qiao looked at her, patted her shoulders in love, said: "As long as you are fine, a spirit beast, it's really awkward, just grab it."

"People, how is it more important than the beast."

Jiang Yu Ling looked at Wu Qianyi, with a chaotic, low head.

"I want to tell the elder, what I see ..."

I went to hear it today and the content was very exciting.

Qingzong Murong Qingyue is in the age of 19, three months ago, it is unparalleled, and becomes the first person in the age of 20.

The Son of Qinghai Zong Shen Bing Tian Selected, three months ago, winning the Zongmen, one month ago, participating in the seven major door secret trials, once again won the name, and therefore, it has entered the Ziyutian Hall. Qualifications.

Ziyi Tuan Ties, the famous eight-year-old little girl leaf, is affected by the vast palace from Nangong, and it is from the hospital.

These Jiangyu Lings are also excited, and it is yearning.

At the same time, the brothers finally couldn't help but sleep. After returning to the inn, Mr. said that Mr. said also a highlight.

Qingzong disciple Mo Chen, in Sheng'an City, divided into four battles ...

This paragraph, Mr. said that Mr. said is more detailed, and it is also more exciting.

Jiang Yu Ling listened to it.

"I can't think of it, the disciple of Qingzong is also called Mo Chen ..."

If there is no change this evening, perhaps, Jiang Yu Ling will really think that the small hunter in the inn, the genius teenager who is blown up in the world, is just the same name.

After all, this small hunter, how do you look like a person like that.

However, she saw everything that happened today.

Soul, the soul is divided, and there is no punch.

At that time, she understood.

Under the end, there is no such a clever thing.

There is no possibility that people who are also called Mo Chen are in the town, and a powerful soul is in the same way.

Mo Chen in the inn is the dust in Sheng'an City.

It is him, there is a moment, and saved himself from the knife.

If everything is only there, it will be perfect.

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