My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting angle 247

Mo Chen is sitting on a tree of Tiantian Trees, watching the hot flames swallowed the sin, the flaming is reflected in his eyes, as if the eyes are also flameless.

"Longyang, you are wrong."

"The world has a heart, this is not fake."

"But your mind should be the point in the heart."

"Clean in the dirtyness, adhere to the confusion, awake in the fascia, oscillate in despair, this is the heart."

"You are wrong to end your heart, you will be your heart."

"Looking at the desire, greed, even the humanity is already changing, why talk about my heart?"

"If the world is like you, the murderer has the heart of the murder, the robbery has a greedy heart, the conqueror has the heart of the slaughter ..."

"There are thousands of people in the world, how many people are, what is the desire?"

"At that time, I was afraid that there was no inter-room, only Purgatory!"

Mo Chen stood up and gently brushed from the treetops, like a big bird, hidden in the dark.

At this point, there is no longer Long Yunmen in the world.

In the Weiyuan Town Inn, Wu Qianzhao did not sleep overnight.

I don't know what the teenager named Mo Chen went to Chang Yunmen, how is it now.

Just have been with the boy's quite courtesy, although I also look at the Changyunmen direction, but there seems to have not seen how much worry, which makes Wu Qian .

The sky is just fine, and the sound of knocking is awakened.

Open the door, it is a young man outside the door, but it is not Mo Chen.

The young boy is thin, but still seeing the eyebrows, just the eyes of the eye, and a circle of cyan.

Wu Qianzheng was a bit surprised and asked: "This little brother visited early in the morning, but there is something?"

The boy took a gift to Wu Qianzhao, took out a bag from his arms, respectfully, said: "Small Xu Yu, is supported by Encong, special will be sent to the old."

Wu Qiao is somewhat confused.

"Your ... En Gong?"

At a glance, the bag is not a usual bag, and there is a funeral, it is a storage bag.

Although the heart is doubt, Wu Qian is still taken through the bag. At a glance, the things inside are surprised by his eyelids.

There are countless treasures in the bag, there is any unique spiritual materials, Dan medicine, and practice, fear is the whole Qingfeng Valley, and it is not the thing of this bag.

"This ... this is ..."

If you want to say that it is a young man who sent the wrong place, but the note is still in the absence of it.

Wu Qianzhen was amazed, and hurriedly asked: "Who is this?"

Xu Yu said: "This is a small Jong Gong to give a small, let me give the elder."

Wu Qianzhen is even more strange, "Who is your En Gong?"

Xu Yu face is a difficult color, shaking his head: "Small ... also I don't know."

Wu Qianyi also wants to ask, Jiang Yu Ling has ran over, holding the four glory beasts.

People have not yet ran, Jiang Yu Ling hi since its prohibition: "Elder, you see, four meritorious gold eye beasts, come back!"

Wu Qianyi saw, the more surprised, asked: "That is a little brother? He is back?"

Jiang Yu Ling's eyes have been licking: "... no, he, no back ..."

At this time, the disciples such as Wanrui, Luo Xiao have rushed, and the high voice: "Elder, old, have an accident!"

Wu Qianyu eyelids.

Don't Mo Xiao brothers have encountered it?

Wan Ruihua and others rushed to Wu Qianmao, and even the voice: "Long, Chang Yunmen, the fire rushed, it seems to be a big event!"

Wu Qianxi quickly stepped out the inn, looking at Changyunmen, sure, then the fire is full of sky, illuminating almost half of the sky.

Wu Qiao's brow is gently frowned, and he turned to the teenager: "Little brother, can you come from Changyun?"

Xu Yu's heart is painful, thinking that he has suffered from the tragic situation of the torture, not from the face.

Wu Qianzheng, He Qi, only this, you understand.

"This teenager, it is to be plundered by the dragon ..."

"I just don't know who is saved him, and burned Chang Yunmen ..."

In the case of the storage bag in his hand, Wu Qiandou said a conclusion that let himself feel shocked. "In this bag, is it a full family of Changyunmen?"

For this reason, Wu Qianyi suddenly jumped.

He is not a person greedy, but such a big fortune, the light is thinking, you can understand what changes will be brought to Qingfeng Valley.

But this person, why must you give such a big wealth, give it to Qingfeng Valley?

Is there any origin of Qingfeng Valley?

Wu Qianyu's heart thoughts suddenly, I thought about it, said: "I will go to Changyunmen!"

Looking back, I just said that Wu Qianyu said: "Can the little brother wait for me? I still have a lot of doubts, I hope that the little brother can answer the answer."

Xu Yu hesitated.

After he will leave, he leaves, find a quiet place, quiet self.

But this Wu Chang is old, it is a person who wants to serve, and obviously pays attention to him.

"When I arrive, he will ask what I will tell him. After that, I will leave, there is no relationship ..."

Chapter 251

Thinking of this section, Xu Yu nodded agreed, returning to Wu Qian, such as the inn.

Jiang Yu Ling saw him and asked: "Are you coming to send a letter?"

Xu Yuan replied: "Yes."

"What is your name?" Jiang Yu Ling asked again.

In the face of Jiang Yu Ling, Xu Yu is a little cautious, whispered: "My name is Xu Yu."

Jiang Yu Ling squatted his lips, hesitated for a while, Zhang a pair of big eyes, quietly asked: "You ... Will you see your enong?"

Xu Yu shook his head: "No! From the head to the end, I only hear a voice, I didn't see people."

Jiang Yu Ling said, if you think about it.

This is also like, his style.

Also, now so many people are looking for him, how can he easily reveal where?

Let's take a look at Xu Yu, Jiang Yulin's heart, there is a kind of pity.

This teenager is also a poor person ...

"Where is your family? This is something, do you want to go home?"

Xu Yu looks sad: "My parents have been died in my family, I originally, I want to go to a long house relative ..."

Speaking of this, Xu Yu has some somewhat.

Just want to go to relatives, who once thought, was actually taken by the evil magic, all torture, and it is better to die.

Nowadays, although the big hatred is reported, he only has a broken body, even the reconstruction, has been disconnected.

Jiang Yu Lingxin is sensitive, it is said that there is a soft color between Xu Yu's eyebrows, and it is soft and comfortable: "If you are nowhere, you will go to our Qingfeng."

"Those of our Qingfeng Valley is not big, but people are very good."

"Especially Wu Chang, is a big good person!"

When I said, I suddenly thought of the hateful Li Dongzheng, I added another, "I have a bad person, but I have already left!"

Xu Yu was stunned.

Go to Qingfeng Valley?

In this case, he didn't think about it.

I have no difference between myself, and I have a big change in life. There is no nostalgia between the heavens and the earth.

Death is the best home.

However, looked at the pure eyes of the girl, and Xu Yu felt a place where someone was dead, as if picked up.

Go to Qingfeng Valley ...

Encu ... Is it, do you call me to send this thing, is there this intended?

"I ... I, I haven't thought about it ..."

Jiang Yu Ling smiled and said: "There is no relationship, Wu Chang Lao returns to a while, you can think slowly."

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