My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 250

But he still calmly, opening: "You, what business do you do?"

The boy got up: "Sell fish."

"What fish?"

The teenager replied: "The big headfish, the variety is specific, and the blood is spiritual."

Two people have a dark language, and the teenager immediately wesk respect: "When Mo Xiaobu, I have seen the deputy to make adults."

Topen Northern See this boy is really a person who came to the joint, a slightly relieved, but doubts are even more.

The big horse is sitting down, and the north will take a full-grained copper, the fingertips take the silk blood, all the copper.

The stripes on the copper are all bright, and the rigid borders of one side are all in the rolls, and this room is covered.

Toping this is only open: "Yang Wei? Why didn't he come?"

Toping Northern does not like these southerners to talk about approach, so they simply, directly in one sentence.

The young people who named Mo Xiaoti were gave, said: "Yang Deputy Palace is working hard to prepare resources for gods, really do not open, this will come to contact with deputy."

The topology of the northern nose is heavy, and it is very dissatisfied.

Although he is not very high in the god, it is the messenger of the god, and it can be respectful in front of these people.

Yang Wei, a deputy palace master who came forward, can only be considered in his eyes.

I can't think of this time, this guy is so slow, actually only one furhead kid.

Mo mock?

Listening to this name, it is not like a person who has an identity.

And he also seen very clearly, this is nothing to repair this mock.

So important things are handed over to him, if you have a saucer, who will assume this responsibility?

The more I want to go, the more I don't have it, my face is revealed, "I am coming? What is the things that God?"

Chapter 253 Blood Pearl

Mo Xiaoti quickly took out a storage bag from his arms and carefully handed his hands to the front of the capital.

Taojin noses spurted a cold air, arrogant, reached a hand, took the storage bag.

Open the bag, look at it in the inside, not helpful to change, "How can I do something?"

"The last time isn't there a list?"

Mo Xiaoti seems to have a little panic, smiled: "This time a little unexpected, so there is no more raising."

"However, the flying fish palace has destroyed Chang Yunmen, very fast, the blood of the blood spirit, will be ready."

When you hear this, the look of the Topping is slightly slow.

"It turns out that Yang Deputy Palace is not coming, it is to deal with Changyunmen, so it is also true."

But then the eyes are sinking again. "Since Long Yunmen has already won, you can't only provide this resource."

"Everything on the list is doubled."

Mo Xiaoti has no resistance to the meaning, full mouth promises, "no problem, no problem."

"Everything is only the requirements of the North, the flying fish palace must be properly processed."

Topping has more intersessional intersections with these southerners, knowing that these people like to bargain, it is already quite high in this condition, just to reserve the biggest benefit for this party when the other party is counterproductive.

How can this young people don't have the meaning of the price at all, and I promised directly.

This will make it a little unexpected.

The eyes of the might look at the might of the eyes, and the road is suddenly said: "Are you in the flying fish palace, why?"

Such a big resource, this young eyes should be undetected, if it is not true, with very high words, that is, the flying fish palace will send a person, come to the application of him.

If this is the case, it is necessary to pursue the crime of flying fish palace.

Mo Xiaotao said: "The deputy is worried about my identity? I am afraid that I am going to speaking?"

Tuo North Road: "I have a long time with the flying fish palace, or I will see you for the first time. If you are not you can say, I don't believe you are a flying fish palace."

"I just doubled the list, this number is not small, it is Yang Wei here, I am afraid I have to think three points, you should down, I have to know if you have this qualification."

Mo Xiaofu is full of self-confidence: "The deputy does not have to worry, don't look at me old, in fact, I am very high in the family."

"Even the palace of Yang, I also have to call me a uncle under private."

"So the deputy makes it in love, since the flying fish palace can send me to the side, how can I be a little fish?"

Anyway, Yang Wei is already dead, and he believes that no one will be dismantled.

Just don't know that Yang Wei's yin, if you hear this, I am afraid that I have to climb it directly from the soil, and I will kill this "uncle".

Topen northern, there is some accident, look at the left look at Mo Xiaoli left, no channel: "You are Yang Wei ... Uncle?"

Mo Xiao Dawway: "Yes, my father is the cousin of the second uncle of Yang Wei, my mother is a cousin of his grandmother's , so it is a generation, I It is his uncle. "

Topen Northern I have two eyes.

I was sitting in the original, I was half-day, and I didn't understand what the two relationships were.

But listening to this teenager is so clear, I want to ... it should be not wrong.


Topen Northern finally gave up the relationship between the relatives of the mock and Yang Wei.

This topic is too complicated to him.

Mo Xiaoti quickly made up, said: "Then, the deputy makes adults, this time blood spirit ..."

Topovae looks a little eager to look at the love of the mock, suddenly the heart.

"This teenager is Yang Wei's uncle, but it is not a thing. Is it true that there is an hidden disease?"

"So the flying fish palace wants to borrow blood gums, reshape his physical fitness?"

Thinking of this, Topo suddenly felt that the previous question suddenly suddenly opened.

No wonder this flying fish palace is only sent such a young man.

No wonder is so big, this teenager can directly undergo.

It turns out that the key is here.

Because he is Yang Wei's uncle, the flying fish palace, this time, the blood of the squad, it is going to use it on him.

"It seems that Yang Wei is very important to his uncle, very much ..."

Thinking of this, the top of the northern mouth exposed a smile.

Flying fish palace master Song Xianqiao is chanced to get a bloody bead, found that it can improve the strength of the body in a short time, and the body that the body can accommodate also increases.

Song Xianqia is immediately happy, I think this is a shortcut that can quickly improve the repair.

If you can get more blood gum beads, disciples under the door will be flew in a short time.

In that case, the Qingfeng Valley around the parged, Chang Yunmen is not under the words.

In order to listen to it, Song Xianqiao took the head with the north.

After found that the other party was the blood of the blood god, Song Xianqiao also moved.

Blood spirits can be the sacredness of Mo Niki, with supreme status and power.

If you can be attached to them, this little martial art is still flying.

Based on this idea, the Flying Fish Palace focuses on the various requirements of the blood gods, collecting various resources, hoping to obtain the recognition of blood gods.

Of course, the blood gods also provide them with a lot of blood gums, which makes Song Xianqiao very happy.

According to Tao North, the flying fish palace, from the palace master to the palace master, there have been many people to eat blood, and they feel very good.

This time, this time, this is an urgent point, it will also want to borrow this opportunity, change the body, and re-step on the road.

Towarded a slight smile, took out a jade box from his arms and put on the table.

Mo Xiaobi immediately puts the light, and opens the jade box.

It is a total of six long eyes in size, and it looks like a bright red bead.

Inside the bead, you can also see the blood gas in fluctuations.

"This is blood gum beads?"

Topen Northern reached out and took out four blood gums from the jade box. "This time, what you bring is too small, so you have to deduct four."

"You can only bring two back."

Mo Xiaoti suddenly changed his face, and it took advantage of: "The deputy makes adults, this is afraid it is good."

"The Flying Fish Palace is really a matter of fact, you also listen to the little say, next time, double."

Topping did not add to the copper on the table, and it was cold: "You can go."

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