My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 252

"Is there such a person, is it a gods?"

"You only have a humanoid monster, and you will be able to teach!"

The face is sinking, and it is somewhat incompatible with the north.

"There is also a sentence in the north, 'I'm eating the sheep, why do you have to fake it?'

"Everyone is understanding people, don't go around to wrap around."

"There is too little goods brought by soil, so I can only give him so much, you can prepare the goods, I should give you here, one will not be less."

Topen Northern finished, picked up his hands and closing his eyes.

Song Xianqiao has finally heard some clues.

"The opponent's mean in the big man, is there anyone who has already come to pick up?"

Topen Northern slightly lifted his skin, said: "Yes, that is mock, isn't your Yang Wei's uncle?"

Song Xianqiao has dignified and said: "The deputy makes adults, I am afraid that there is some changes."

"As far as I know, the palace owner Yang Wei has never been a uncle named Mo Xiaobi."

Topen Northern stunned, and immediately worried: "Are you talking about me?"

Song Xianqiao slightly, hurriedly said: "Song is not this ..."

Toping in North Waving him, whispered: "Yang Wei is not?"

"You call him!"

"I want to ask him all."

Song Xianqiao Shen Sheng said: "Yang Wei, deputy palace, has been killed in a few days!"

It is not surprising that it is shocked.

This feels that things are really not that simple.

"But ... that born is very sure, it is impossible to be pretended."

"The dark language of the joint is also a word is not bad!"

"How can I make a fake?"

Song Xianqiao can't discuss details and hurry: "The deputy makes adults, Song dare to guarantee with life, you said, it is definitely not the person of my flying fish."

"But this person actually knows our joints, I doubt that he is a great relationship with the palace master Yang Wei."

"The top of the moment should be found to find this young man as soon as possible."

Toping Northern Song Xianqiao said so peaceful, and finally feels unusual, get up: "That Mo Xiaobang just took a while, it should not be far away."

Song Xianqiao immediately turned out, "We came in from the town and did not see the young people you said."

"Then he must be in the town!"

Tuo North thought that he was actually cheated by a teenage boy, the heart is also a fire, followed by the door: "Then we look for it!"

That boy is actually a liar!

This makes the top of the face, but let him worry about it, this is the possibility of affecting the gods.

Topping and Yang Wei have seen many times, and they also have a understanding of his cultivation.

Smart trip.

It is not too high, but it must not be said low.

That Mo Xiaoti did not repair it, so it is absolutely impossible to rely on himself to kill Yang Wei.

This can only explain that there is a different ordinary force behind him.

This is where you are worried about Topo.

Mo Xiaobi is likely to be just a little chess, picking up the road.

Even if the track is blocked, you will not know too much in the second day.


"Who is it?"

"They do this, what is it planning?"

If they are just for the sake of blood, they can be like other sectaries.

As long as the conditions are enough, they are natural to sell, the more it is, the better.

But this forces act as such a ghost, and I know that I will test.

Do you have another figure?

Various guesses make the topology of getting a mess.

There is no need to Top New Die Bridge.

In his opinion, the biggest possibility is that a forces never know where to hear the blood gum beads. So, when you intercept Yang Wei, after you ask you, kill him, then fake the people of the flying fish palace come over and Top 2 Transactions.

But it is obvious that they don't know the specific trading conditions, so "goods" is not enough.

Now that the sake of the scene is airship, it is the key to the boy talents who have found the "Mo Xiaoti".

The two rushed to the building, and the two palays in the flying fish palace were waiting in the lobby.

Song Xianqiao has nothing to say, directly to the two Tang Dynasty: "Zhang Tiancheng, Zhu Zhenghe, you have two disciples, starting from both sides of the things, searching for the entire town, and must find a young man."

When the appearance of the Tibet description is briefly said to everyone, and then: "I will take all the way and search for the south."

The north is the king Ting, and the boy is not a person in the north, and it is impossible to go out directly from the border.

But Topen Northern is still unreliable, said: "I still go to the north."

Mo Chen sat in the corner of the pub, and there was a cup of mysteria in front of the pub, but did not drink.

In the Lingtai, the book of the gods has been opened.

A blood gum is already invested in, and the book of the public is interpreted.

In addition to a bunch of dazzling spirituals, there are two groups of blood redness.

The blood of the monster lizard.

The beast of the monster lizard.

Chapter 255 Pub

Mo Chen did not see what the mobei giant demon lizard is like, but listening to this name, it is also a little bigger to guess what is.

In fact, these two parts of the blood gum bead are incomplete, and after being interpreted by the book of the gods, they will be completed.

Through the soul of Yang Wei, Mo Chen found secretly transaction of the flying fish palace and the blood gods.

It also found that the object of the flying fish palace mainly, that is, this bloody bead.

The Flyingfish Palace from the palace master, there have been many people who take this blood gums to enhance the repair.

Since the interests of interest, there is an attached heart, so regardless of the conditions that the blood gods comes, as long as the flying fish palace can do, they should be satisfied.

But Mo Chen as a bureau, the blind manual, it is easy to see some problems.

The things that the blood gods is very complicated, there is a considerable part of the special spiritual text, the general practice is very useful, but it will use a lot of military.

This is even including the Rushan produced in the Fujian Yunhao.

Since the royalty of Luoyang, Luoqi returns to Changyang County, and Luojia's warfad is not sold on the market.

However, the armor sold by the Luo family in several years is excellent quality, and some are still circulated on the market.

The flying fish palace will go to these wars and other corresponding resources to provide blood gods.

And from Yang Wei's soul memories, with the blood spirit gods, there is such a David's territory to practice forces, and it should be far more than flying fish palace.

In this way, the blood spirit god teaches the number of resources converted back through the blood gums, which is very considerable.

Plus this, it is more worthy of attention.

Mo Chen boldly inferred that blood spirit gods I am afraid that I am secretly planning a small war.

Based on this idea, Mo Chen has a greater interest in this mysterious blood spirit.

If the blood god god is intended to launch the south war of David, why do you have to promote the body strength and the blood gathering of the body in David?

Isn't this a quick to find yourself?

I have to fight with you, first wait, I will send you a fairyan, let you become stronger, you become stronger, we are playing again.

It is a fool and will not do this.

What's more, the sage of a country?

Really so good, isn't it better to give your army?

Don't think that this blood gum is too much, just after Yang Wei, it is necessary to meet with Tao, and then fly the flying fish palace, and the Taojin joint.

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