My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 274

Because after repeated thinking, green wood believes that it is not wise.

After losing one hand, even if he was sneak attack, he did not have a strong grasp of the devil's demon god in the hands of the red flaming, but it may be anti-kill by the red flame.

Even if you can seriously hurt the other party, as long as the red flames can escape from the magic domain, they can be the new magic emperor according to the last Devil's emperor.

By then, I will be killed by the entire magic domain.

And the practice is unable to be a place for his habitat.

But at this time I hesitated in the green wood, Mo Chen keenly detected his psychological fluctuations and directly wore his thoughts.

Although the red flame mouth is still trusting, the prevention of the breath has exposed the true idea.

Two big princes stood in the same place in this place, and there was no action.

Mo Chen did not take care of them, and closed his eyes again.

He can strive for a limited time, and it is not a waste of time.

Recalling that when he made there, the space around it seems to be piloted ...

Space ...

Mo Chen finally felt that his awareness entered a new place and started to review himself with a new perspective.

The green look is dignified, and it is changed in the eyes.

Finally, he scattered the breath, slowly descending the shape, single knee, giving his hand in the red flag, Shen Sheng: "Devil's green wood, see the Devil!"

The red flame finally turned, looked at the green wood, haha ​​smiled, reached out to help him, "I am between my brothers, why do you need this to send?"

"Do we have years of friendship, but the enemy is not the words of the kid?"

The atmosphere of the two is finally alleviated.

However, green wood also knows that the last thing I thought in my heart is finally completely extinguished.

The green wood, the red flame is good, and when you look at Mo Chen, you are full of meritorious, "Kid, I first promised you, just hand over the Devil Ding, leave you a life."

"Now I have become a new Devil, of course, can't speak."

Mo Du slowly opened his eyes, faint smile, "You said Jiuding, it really admires."

When the red flames are in front of Mo Chen, the red eyebrows are gently raised, laughing very happily, "But ... I want to interrupt your hands and feet, then abolish your repair, let you have a broken backbone Lai Pei dog is here! "

"Of course, you can also work hard to go out, after all, climb out, there is hope."

"However, here is the people who can't see any smoke here. I don't know if you can eat you before those fierce beasts."


Mo Dust looked at him, but his eyes were again outside the game.

I realized a self-contained world, far from imagining that it is easy.

The red flame carries the hands, and the green wood: "The King of the green wood, this kid, it is placed by you."

The green wood should be that the blue magic flames are ignited in front of the sky.

At this time, the red flag made another sentence: "Remember, no matter how much hurt, you can't let him die now."

"Otherwise, people want to say, in our magic gates, words and don't believe!"

The green wood should have a "yes", but the face is somewhat.

Caicas this sentence, is it meaningful?

Say yourself and don't believe it?

The right hand is lifted, and the palm is hit.


Mo Chen's body was played back and planted a few feet, and the left shoulders were broken.


Mo Chen smiled sharply.

A green brow wrinkled, "" You have already died, still laughing? "

Mo Chen is on the ground, but it is still laughing, "I am ... laughing you ..."

The green wood is angry, and it is a palm of the front. It is straight to Mo Chen and sprayed a blood.

"If you look like this, it is also a little to laugh at me?"

Mo Chen gently wiped the blood of the mouth, but suddenly lowered the sound. "I laughed you, I recognized a person who took false demon," for the new Devil. "

The green wood is like a shock.

Only in the hands of Mo Chen, there is another magical god.

"You also know, my demon God Ding, really fake a lot, how can you give him so easy?"

"The one just saga, but it is a fake!"

Mo Chen's words, not high is not low, but it happens to let the red flames hear.

Baxian looks at time.

I took out my own magic God, and I saw it. Although the workmanship is extremely high, various details are almost perfect, and there is even a quenching practice.

But ... is indeed an imitation product.

"Odor boy!"

"You dare to lie to me !!!"

Chapter 271

The red flavor is extremely angry.

Just now Mo Chen took out this Devil's God, deliberately picked, so that the red flavor shifted to the green wood, did not carefully review the true and false.

If you can't think of this guy, this guy actually took a pleasant fake goods.

Looking at the front of the green wood, the red flames are deep: "Green, you have agreed, do you really do the saying without people?"

The green wood stares in the demonism in Mo Chen, and the face is cloudy.

Get this, don't need to confront the rediargon, just quickly escape, return to the magic domain, he can become a new emperor.

At that time, as long as it is cultivated to the inside, the redia is no longer a threat.

However, will the red flame will let him slip down under the eyelids?

Do he really can return to the magic domain under the chasing of the red flame?

Or, really want to hand over the demon god, give up the opportunity to be in front of you?

The green heart has a thousand times, but the hand has already stretched into the demon god of Mo Chen.

The momentum of the red flag suddenly changed, and the pressure is like substantially shrouded the green wood.

"Green, you have to be clear!"

Greenmake took the Devil from Mo Chen, and he also remembered his hand in his chest. "You think a magic God, can you let me change my mind?"

"You are too small to see me!"

Mo Chen again, and spurted a blood, soft and fell to the ground.

The green wood is back to the bareflake, once again sing, the demon is high, said: "Yellowmum will swear to follow the Devil."

The red sorghum is smirking, and the land is laughing, "Good!"


"Green wood, I don't miss you!"

In the front, I reached out to the demon god of the hand.

For one, I can feel the same feeling, and I use the magic to know, it's right! This time, it is really true!

Carefulness is relieved, full of comfort, said: "Green wood, you have done very good ..."


Baxia suddenly felt that his finger was cold, a smooth sharp incision suddenly appeared on his finger.

Haven't waited for him to understand what happened, his right thumb, index finger and middle finger were cut off.

The Devil God can no longer hold, and the sloven is rolled down.

The red flaming is angry, and the left hand is ignorant to the chest of the green wood. "You dare to decide me !!!"

The sudden attack makes the green tattoo can't be protected. The chest suddenly suffered from the attack. The green robe broke away. It immediately, it is like a heavy bomb to explode.

The green wood is originally a posture of single knees. It encounters this blow. It is broken, and the body rolls a few turns on the ground.

The newness of the red flag is still hurting, and it is still anger. It is a head that is straight to the green wood.

This remember, the green wood is only afraid to live directly.

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