My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 287

"Hey, why suddenly let us come out to investigate the blood spirit and this Mo Chen?"

Yu Lingze looked at the sky, and the stars above the show.

"Maybe, his old man felt that this world will have a large change."

Ye Heart Port Look at the starry sky, and also look at Mo Chen, who is sleeping with a dead pig, "the world changed?"

"What is the relationship with this guy?"

Yu Lingze Wen said: "Since the Master is so told, there must be his intention of his old man."

Ye Xinzi took him with a glance, sighed a little: "Forget it, ask you to ask, anyway, you will never violate him."

Yu Lingze did not follow Ye Xinzhi, but he opened the topic: "So far, I haven't seen the blood gum beads. Otherwise, the teacher should be able to see something from inside."

Ye Heart I screamed, I didn't have a good air: "The brother laughed, my alchemy's accomplishment, where can I see?"

Chapter 281, Wei Jia, Handsome

Yu Yuanze saw her like this, some hestructed: "I know that the teacher does not like the sword, just like refinery and alchemy."

"But the Master is only a daughter, he always hopes, you can inherit his sword."

The Ye Hexiang blocger is somewhat annoyed, and he said: "Is he born, is it special inheriting a sword?"

"I know that I have no swordsmanship, but I always force me to practice the sword, practice the sword."

"People Murong will understand the swords 16 years old, you will see me, practice it, this is almost seventeen, even the sword is not practiced."

"I see him simply think of the Murong Qing Moon as a daughter, inheriting his clothes!"

Yu Lingze couldn't help but be laughed by her: "Murong Qingyue is also a father who has a mother, which is recognized?"

Ye Xinhua, of course, knowing that Yu Lingze is a truth, not to mention, people Murong Qingyue may not think more about it.

Just think of cultivation, it is inevitable.

There is no day to the swordway, but it is forced to practice every day, like refiners and alchemy, but always not recognized.

Yu Lingze saw her appearance, comforting: "In fact, the Master makes you this time, I am proud, I have already understood this?"

Ye Xinzhan listened to this, suddenly got into the face of Yan Lingzhi, I saw it back and forth, said: "What do you know? When you come out, I am quietly given you?"

Yu Lingzhu is positively brothered: "When the teacher is coming out, it is indeed only to explain the blood gods and Mo Chen, there is no way."

Ye Xingao drums looked at him for a long time, and finally gave up.

Her brother, never lie.

Especially for her.

Three people have returned to the road.

Mo Chen is still very slow, and the two of Yu Lingze and Ye Hexia are still anxious.

However, the atmosphere between the three seems to be better than yesterday.

Mo Chen is not like the two people, although there is not much to chat with them, it is also a question.

After two, I walked two times, I finally got out of this wasteland.

Out of the wasteland, the smoke of people started more.

In a broad field, wrapped in the red shining woman on the face of the head towel, and continued to bend the waist.

The dark man is spacious, and one has a soothestation, and a two and a large baby is picked up.

Wearing a small young man who is a short, I will drive a small car in the air, flying on the road, sprinkle all the way copper ringtones.

On the frame behind him, the girl wearing a red dress is somewhat nervous with a teenager arm.

The caravan with the cargo is a happiness, talking about this side of the advice, looking forward to the income of this.

Mo Chen deeply took a bite with the air with the dirt and the grass, it feels like it is from the distant foreign world.

Mo Chen is laughing, walking towards it.

The copper bell sounded, and the flying small car passed by them and took out a girl's scream.


The little car was stopped in front of Mo Chen.

The girl on the car gently patted his chest and comforted a breath.

The young boy driven back, and the black and white eyes look to Mo Chen.

Mo Chen doesn't know what he is, still holding his own steps.

The injury did not heal, so his posture is inevitable, there is a bit stunned.


Juvenile opening: "Do you want to take a bus?"

Mo Chen saw the car, the car is not big, except for the teenager and the girl, you can take one or two people.

I thought about it, Mo Chen shook his head, "Thank you!"

The boy suddenly laughed, showing a white and neat teeth, "People like you, often see it."

"You can rest assured, I will not charge your money!"

Mo Chen is slightly smart.

People like this?

This figured this for a few days in the wilderness. They were dusty, even a handsome face, and said that Ye Xinzhu was unfair to "Flower Cat".

At the moment, this picture is, in fact, it is not much about the flower.

At this time, the girl who didn't move on the car and gave Mo Chen again.

Mo Chen smiled, it is not polite, I took it directly.

"Thank you!"

The teenager haha ​​smiled and said: "Shun Road, what can be thankful."

Pointing at the red girl: "This is my sister, red dates."

Refers to yourself: "My name is a mountain."

Refers to the small donkey in front, "it is called two sons."

Mo dust is smiling, arches the two people, said: "Mo Chen."

I also made a boring on the little donkey, "I have seen two brothers!"

Looking at him for the donkey, the red girl couldn't help but laugh, and I feel sorbidden, hiding the head behind my brother.

Even Ye Xinzhong couldn't help but he glance.

"We are so good to let him sit in the sword, he still decorates not sitting, people ask him to sit on the car, run fast!"

The mountains raised ripples and said: "Sitting!"

The whip sounds in the air, "Hey!" It is necessary to drive the hair.


Yu Lingze opened his mouth behind: "This little brother also takes us with us."

The mountains looked at him, smiled and said: "Gong Ye, you are your noble, how can I take this car?"

Yu Lingze said in light: "I pay."

It is also to show Mo Chen: "Even him."

The mountains looked at the sister red dates, some hesitated.

Yu Lingze and Ye Xinzhi dressing, although it is not Hua Ya, but the temperament of these two people knows that they are different from Mo Du, not like all the way.

Is it like this, isn't it the carriage of a high-head horse?

When do you want to take this broken car?

The red jujube pulled the mountain, whispered: "Brother, since he wants to give money, let him sit!"

The mountains have thought about it, it's right!

Concept: "That line, you have to sit, then come on, but I just pulled the baby, soiled, don't blame me."

If the voice is not falling, Ye Xinzang has jumped on a car, nor is it, sitting directly.

Mo Chen said: "Ye Miss is even sitting in this car."

Ye Heart Pain glared at him, said: "What car is not a car?"

I have sitting three people on the car, and I have squeezed it, and Yu Lingze didn't care, she hangs up a corner, but she still sits firmly.

The mountains saw these two people actually really got a car, and they were surprised to see them both eyes.

The small car is smashed and started.

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