My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 294

Wu Qian said: "In fact, there is no too much, because the moisture is in depth, finding the observation of the exploration, it is actually on the beast."

"We follow the main task, one is the mark position and travel route, which will not review in one place when it comes to the exploration next time."

"Second ... is the spirit of the beast!"

Mo Chen's eye is turning, said: "Na Jiangyan should go ...

In fact, Mo Chen's turn is extremely hard, and there is no logical.

But he really can't find something more reasonable, and mention that the master.

Wu Qianyi didn't know why Mo Chen suddenly mentioned Lu Chao, but she still replied: "Yes, that is their master."

Mo Chen said: "I see the brothers and gods, the skeleton is clear, it should be a rare practice."

"But why is it true, is it still so normal?"

Wu Qianzhao looks, slightly surprised to look at Mo Chen: "I didn't think that Mo Xiao brothers' eye movement was so ... sharp."

Lu Dynasty naturally countless "rare practice of good material", Wu Qianyi does not know why Mo Chen is so intended to this person.

However, since the topic is pulled by him, Wu Qian said by talking.

"In fact, according to the reason, Lu Chaoheng is also in the case, and it should not only have this realm."

"But his sex is more quirky, not very inciting, and don't like to get along with people, always put yourself in the house, and I don't know what to take inside."

"I will go to the valley in the valley, I will go to the valley."

"We also spent some thought to him, but there is no progress, but in these two years, it is more slower."

Mo Chen said, said: "He will go to the valley in the valley? That will go in to find the ore, will he go?"

Wu Qianzhen shook his head and said: "These things, Lu Chao will not go."

Mo Chen is somewhat surprised: "What is this thing? He won't go to '?"

"What are these things?"

Wu Qian said: "Lu Chaozheng, according to me, the character is too cautious."

"But there are some dangerous things, he will not participate."

"For example, he went to the homes of the mountains to hunting the golden shaft, he would be resolute."

"Others or people are many places, he is not willing to go."

To be, Wu Qian, even sneaked, "When he entered the Zongmen, he sent himself to the Qingfeng Valley, because the trend is remote, and there is very few people."

Mo Chen also couldn't help but laughed: "This reason is the reason, I still hear it."

The heart is dark, can this guy actually become like this?

Is it also called the Tianjie?

Wu Qian said: "No. So I sometimes pondering, I am afraid that he is insufficient, there is a half of his heart constraints."

Mo Chen naturally knows that Lu Chao will not be a weak chicken on the surface.

This kind of hammer, secretly accumulated strength, once the outbreak, will be completely exceeded.

"But ... is ? ?"

"This guy stayed here for many years, why is Qingfeng Valley still so weak?"

According to Mo Chen's conjecture, Lu Chao will have a hidden front and then make a strategy, or pretend to discover a big chance, promote the paradise step by step from an inconspicuous small martial art, grow into the world.

This is what you should do in the heart of Mo Chen's mind.

But from the current point of view, if you don't give Chang Yunmen's resources to Qingfeng Valley, Qingfeng Valley is only weakened.

"Is it that the bad old man gave him a big machine?"

If this is the case, this is some of them.

It's been so many years, the express delivery has not been delivered, this efficiency is too low?

At this time, the disciples in the door rushed over and rushed over, and Wu Qianmao: "Wu Long, the main owner invited you to pass, saying that there is something more."

After listening to this, Wu Qianyu is slightly sinking, and Luo Xiandao: "I am going to the main owner, you will continue to take a look at Mo Xiao Brothers."

Wu Qiao said to Mo Chen, and he left in the dark.

Mo Chen is somewhat strange, asked Luo Xiao: "Wu Chang is still a good mood, how to hear the main reason, there is some feelings, is there a hard thing?"

Luo Xia sighed a good air: "Mo brother, you are not outsiders, I don't have to hit you."

"In fact, because the owner didn't know where to get a news, there were many other martial arts, and they bought a kind of thing that called 'Blood Pearl' from the border of Mo Ni."

"After I heard that I have eaten, I have been cultivated to grow, and my body is as strong as Wu Xiu."

"This is not recently a lot of a lot of a lot, and the master wants to buy a little."

"But Wu Chang Lao is resolutely opposing this matter, two people talk about it, it seems that they did not talk."

Mo Chen oh.

It seems that this business of the blood spirit is really big.

Qingfeng Valley is also a coincidence. In recent days, Qingfeng Valley has just sent a fortune again, this has moved.

If you change it, you can buy it, you can't get anything in your hand.

"That ... what do you think about this?" Mo Chen asked.

Luo Xiandao: "This thing has not seen it, it is not good to say."

"It is a good thing to improve the repair, but I think Wu Chang said."

Mo Chen said: "What do you say Wu Chang?"

Luo Xiandao: "Wu Chang Lao said that the blood of the miles, the road they cultivate with us, how can they refine, how can they improve the practitioners?"

Mo Chen nodded, "it is also this."

Luo Xiao also said: "But there is different opinions inside the zone."

"Some people say that this blood spirit is originally refining to give birth to the blood god, but in the process of refining, a problem, refining."

"The result didn't think that the blood-filled blood gums, the blood of the blood gods could not use, but the practitioners have grown it after eating."

"Some people say that this blood gum bead is actually not mysterious, and it is refining."

"What is all, we are not very understanding."

The two are talking about the sky, and a little disciple ran over again. For Luo Xiandao: "Luo Brother, Zongmen Scrolls, there is, please Mo Chen Mo, go to Qingyutang."

Mo Chen stunned, said: "Let me go?"

The second hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the light

The little disciple said: "I don't know, but it seems that there are still two VIPs of Tianxing Jianzhai."

Mo Dother suddenly suddenly.

I want to be Feng Chonglun and Wu Qianyi's opinion, the shape is not decided, just a dust and others here, let them go together, help some suggestions.

Mo Tu is on, is preparing to follow the little disciple, and suddenly see Lu Chaoheng in the courtyard is not slow.

Mo Chen's heart moved, against Luo Xiandao: "How do you see this?"

Luo Xiao looked at Lu Chaosheng and shook his head: "Master is very small, and not talking to us."

"However, when I got the first two days, I listened to him like private and said a word."

"The original words seems to be: Blood spirit gods are the same as pagan, can not be trip."

"Probably this."

Mo Chen said: "Is this?"

The sky is so hard to send a word, is it simple?

Luo Xiandao: "Master, usually, the money, he can take the initiative to say two sentences, it is already very rare ..."


Mo Chen took a sound, and went to the court, Lu Chaoheng has already left, and I can't see it.

He has arrived in Qingyutang, Feng Chonglun, Wu Qian, and another elder and old Liu Qifeng.

Mo Chen just sat down, Yu Lingze was here.

Ye Headbrus did not come together because it was too input to study the strong gluten pill.

Feng Chonglun saw Mo Chen and Yu Lingzhu, the opening: "Sorry, the two come, there is a thing in the Zongmen, it is too late to win."

"The two are the talents of this practice. In the past few times, they will walk in the northwest. I want to have a lot of reception in the northwest."

"So please bother to come over, help staff staff together."

Although Mo Chen has known what they have to say, but based on the number of gifts, still the way: "In the next young, the knowledge is far from seeing Feng Zong, the old, nor as the heavens of Jianzhai."

"But if it is said that the last thing happened in the northwest, it is seen that some may have a reference."

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